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Realistic or Modern Surreal Estate || OOC

more people = more houses at once = more HAUNTINGS at once = really getting the most trauma possible for each weekly meeting for the agency
Enoch gonna have to start a new scrapbook on him nearly dying
*enoch rollerblading into his dad’s house after five weeks of not calling*
you’re not gonna believe this
yes. we are judging it. side-eyeing it and (boo)ing it = D
i spend so much time on houses and you hate my road names. nuking this group off rpn.
coming back to haunt you.
haunting me will only cause you more misery. when ghosts haunt me the effects are reversed. i make THEM have a horrible time
are we still sticking with this ooc thread, or has there been talk about a discord?
There was mention of a discord by me, but was waiting until people were accepted to decide. If everyone likes discord, we'll move over there- the organizational system I'm able to do over there (having the ability to have private channels with players, separate places for scene planning and general chatting, etc) is something i enjoy, but I know some are averse to going on discord for OOC, so if people aren't okay with it we'll stick over here
I prefer discord because im not funny on rpn I need my silly emotes or im just a stinky mime

And organization 🫶
Yeah I prefer discord as well. Lol. I get to send emojis and screech and photos and screech some more. xD But this works if need be! So we shall see xD
deff, I'm up for discord simply so i dont miss out on some ooc stuff 😭 the notifs for RpN SUCK
seriously. thats why i barely talk here LOL.
right!! i didnt speak in the ooc for this until i finished laurence, i thought it was just quiet (it wasnt, my rpn just gave up)
Totally understandable lol yea rpn notifs....are kind of bad ;o; so we'll see. If everyone is cool with it: discord! actually maybe i'll go ahead and ask that now so if everyone IS cool with it, we can just. go there now.
discord definitely!! so much easier for conversation too
Waiting on confirmation from like 3 more people, but it's looking good for discord! I have one at the ready and once we all confirm its good, I'll post the link!
Actually I did 👁️ at the profiles of the people we're waiting on and see discord icons in their 'searching for' rp sections so! Using that info, we will indeed move to discord. Here we go:


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