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Realistic or Modern Superpowers rp

Nix took all this information in and nodded. Although she really hoped that Aria could not read every thought she has. "Yeah. I know enough to get my way through most fights." She remembers all the days spent with her older brother trying to show her how to defend herself. Sam covered in blood after just getting done fighting in the cages himself to entertain people. Nix frowns slightly at the memory
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"Judging by the-" Keethan stops to count on his fingers "1,3, 6, 7 guards i killed hell yeah i can fight"
I can here footsteps retreating from my half awake state but im to tired to react so I slip further into the welcoming peaceful darkness.
Nix looked at Scott and remembered the ground shaking as she tried to escape the room. It almost caused her to fall several times. " So you are the reason everything was shaking in there." She raised an eyebrow at him. Pretty useful but I almost busted my butt because of you."

She continues up ahead to try to see if any part of the city is visible yet. In doing so, she got ahead of herself and tripped over something on the ground.

"Crap" Nix patted her head and realized someone was laying on the ground
Picking herself up off the ground she finally noticed the girl on the ground. "Um guys there's someone over here unconscious." She shook her shoulders a little shading her body somewhat in the process. "Hey are you ok?"
(yea, had 2 go 4 sometime)
" Anyone recognize her, is she also a prisoner" Keethan asked the rest of the group
Nix stands up once realizes the girl is ok. "I don't know her but she's not hurt it seems like." Not really knowing what to do next she walks over to the group again.
"She's a prisoner, like us" Aria confirmed after a glimpse into her mind. Frowning slightly, she would enter her mind and try to awake her with her telepathy.
Nix nods her head at Aira confirming that she understood. " So ah when we get to the city what are we gonna do? We are probably gonna have to steal some clothes I am assuming." Its been a while since she was allowed out in the public eye since even before going to the compound the guy that owned her never let her go anywhere,
Since Riza was in a coma related to her dragon side she just had to adjust to the amount of sunlight there was out here. since she had never experienced sunlight before her experimental changes it was just a sun overdose.and who knew what might happen once she was put back into no sun darkness( like light bulbs and candles), probably Not good.
Riza didn't stir as Aria entered her mind.
“Leave the stealing to me, for now someone carry her” Keethan said, motioning to the unconscious girl
By now they could see the city in the distance, it was just a couple more miles.
As I'm being picked up by whomever my wings shift into a grey leathery look and my extra scales flicker to my skin color. Meanwhile I'm still sound asleep.
Aria frowned after she was unable to wake the girl up. With a soft sigh, she reached out with her telepathy and lifted her off the ground, making her float nearby them as they continued their way to the city.

"We'll need a place to hide" She spoke up "They'll be looking for us"
“Alright then, anyone happen to have any cloaking abilities if some sort” Keethan asked “Cuz of not then I could try to scout a place to hide”
"I have something that I can try but I've never done it before so it could be impossible or make me pass out. " Nox suggested. "If surrounded by enough darkness I can cloak myself making me invisible to others." She moved to stand next to an ancient looking oak tree with a wide shadow weaving across the ground. With a flick of her wrist Nix covered herself in darkness shielding her form from human eyes.

"I havent done it with other people before and I don't know if it'll work but its worth a try." Witb another invisible flick she reappeared.
"Not exactly cloaking powers but I can make people around us... unsuspectful of us" Aria replied "As long as we're not in a highly crowded place, at least" she added, still carrying the sleeping girl with her telekinesis.
“Well, looks like we’re here” Keethan said. Just a few feet in front of them we’re some houses, and now they can easily see the buildings. “Alright then, Aria, do your telekinetic cloaking thing”
The thought of being surrounded by people like this for the first time in years made Nix nervous. "Man I can't believe we are here." She meant it more than just physically. It was that they had made it through all that torture with freedom at their fingertips. To be able to breathe, sing dance, do whatever the hell she wanted it was scary but also empowering. Her shadow wolf trotted up next to her and nuzzled her hand to bring comfort. With a grin, Nix looked down at her shadowy companion.
Aria looked around when they stopped. Freedom, at last. She could see the bustling city, hear the busy minds of its citizens, smells the gas fumes. But they were still on the run, a fact she was made aware of by Keethan's question.

She nodded, and did the deed. She focused for a while, closing her eyes.

"Its not totally fool proof, so dont do anything crazy, please. Also lets avoidbug crowds, they're harder to hide from.
Riza began uncomfortably shifting around in her sleep. At last she yawned big enough to suck in a fly then coughed and spit it out. Still a bit woozy she said "um woah I'm floatin' and um where are we?"

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