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Fandom Supernatural(Mepersonally and Chello)

Alice took a deep breath, "Sam..These stories are not about you and Dean, they are just stories. You and your brother just made up scenarios, that you both needed a way to escape so reading the books and playing them out helped. I feel that your father trained you to be soldiers so much that it bordered on abuse," she responded. "It's clear that you need help just us much as your brother does, I am going to talk with my associate. You may go back to your cell," she spoke looking at the cops who pulled Sam to his feet, "I'm sorry that it's taken this long for you two to get the help you two so clearly need." Alice sighed and watched as the cops took Sam back to his cell.

Alice walked into the other room and looked at Marc, "these poor boys. They need so much help," she spoke. "I mean could you imagine what they've gone through as children, that they had to play out these stories so that they could be something."
Marc made an undefinable noise.
"I just think that... maybe... his story is very inconsistent", he said slowly, "Have you considered the possibility of him simulating a mental illness to keep his brother controlled? Maybe it wasn't always the father who broke them. Maybe Sam is in charge now, firing up Dean's hallucinations. He seemed way too calm in there and the story with that angel.... I don't know. Maybe he set up this story for Dean so he would kill whoever Sam told him to kill..."
Marc shrugged and looked at his colleague with doubt in his eyes.
"I don't know. Maybe I have been working with Serial Killers too much. But he seems... too controlled to actually believe in that all. Does that make sense?"
Fixing his hair, which was a sign or insecurity for Marc, he leaned against the wall and shrugged again.
"I'm not sure what to believe... But Dean is definitely the victim."
"Well whatever is going on the two of them are getting help, they will be separated once they are transported to Fairview. If Sam thinks that his little plan to get back to his brother is going to work it's not, we will see how they react once they are there and split apart. I will make sure to give specific instructions to keep them away from each other, unless they are behind a glass wall and around other workers." Alice sighed as she closed up a folder, "transport should be here in a few moments. Do you want to go and talk to Dean?"

Dean was getting more anxious by the minute, just what was going to happen with them? Part of him was starting to wish more and more that he took Castiel's offer and let them bust him out, "well..This is it..Sorry dad...Sorry that I couldn't protect Sam," he sighed looking down at the ground.
At that moment, Marc entered the room.
"You did a good job, Dean. I mean, he's still alive after everything."
He held up the cuffs.
"We're going on tour", he said, looking at his patient. He would tell his aunt to take care of him herself. She was the best psychologist he knew and she had a lot of experience with people like Dean.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine. And Sam will be too."
He tried to calm him down, make him relax a little. After all, Dean believed that the world would end without them saving it. That was a great burden for a man as unstable as him. Who knew, maybe his name wasn't even Dean. Maybe it was something else, maybe they had changed their names just to get closer to the characters.
"Dean... You're not alone, okay? There are a lot of people out there who think just the way you do. And some of them are clever enough to let someone help them. You'll be fine again. Okay?"
Dean turned around so he could be cuffed, "yeah whatever you say doc." He spoke walking out of the cell and looking at him, "it's really been fun getting to know you and playing these little games. I really hope wherever I am going the food is good and the nurses are good looking," he smirked a little before walking with him. "So where am I going anyways?"

Alice came to Sam's cell with an officer, "alright Sam. You are being moved to Fairview now, they are going to take good care of you and your brother. You two are getting the help you need, there are other people in the hospital who are just like you." She told him and watched as an officer placed the cuffs around Sam's wrists.
Sam didn't fight her. He just went along with it. It was senseless trying to change their situation now. He looked to the ground, hoping he would see Dean again, check if he was okay. He didn't want his brother to do anything off, like kill someone out of pure pleasure. It wasn't Dean, it was the mark. But still, it was a part of him now. And he was pretty sure the feds wouldn't care about the mark. They just saw Dean, the psychotic. Dean, the creep, who had killed innocent people. And him, the brother who had tried to stop him. That wasn't really pleasant, but it was true. He was always the one who was rationalized. Dean was more of the emotional kind. At least it seemed like...
"So we're going there together?", Sam asked, hoping to get some information, "What about Dean, is he okay?"
It wasn't easy to just let him go and tell himself that Dean had to manage this alone now. He couldn't. Sam needed to watch him. He still could snap any time...

Meanwhile, Marc put Dean into a transporting car and explained him the situation.
"You're going to a mental hospital. One of the best ones around. They're gonna help you deal with the Demons and everything that makes you feel bad. Trust me, they know what to do. You'll feel better soon."
Marc smiled at him and nodded to the guards, who sat down on the bench next to Dean.
"Sam's gonna be transferred, too. But in a different car. You need to let go of each other in order to deal with your own problems. Each of you. You can see him again, but you have to discuss that with the staff there. When you arrive, I'll be waiting there. Just to make sure everything will be in order."
He closed the back doors of the car, leaving Dean and the guards alone.
"Good trip", he said and waved, then the car drove off and it was quiet.
"You guys are going in separate cars and when you get there you will be separated, it is for the best Sam. You two need to focus on getting better and not having to worry about the other, this hospital has some of the best doctors and medical team. You guys are going to be fine, as for how Dean is doing. Last I heard he was okay, though I don't think this is easy on him either. He is more concerned about you right now, which is sweet. But he needs to shift that focus onto himself," Alice explained. "I am sure they will allow you two to see each other, just not alone. And few a limited amount of time," she added as she led him out to the car and opened the door. "Take care of yourself Sam, I really do hope this place gets you the help that you deserve." She smiled, once he was in she closed the door and waved the driver off.

Dean didn't say anything, he just looked out the window and watched the world go by. He still couldn't believe this was happening, he was going to be a prisoner. What was going to happen, he's heard many stories about mental hospitals and what goes down in them. There was another big concern of his, some people may think it's foolish but to him it's rational. What would happen to the Impala? The one of many things that still keeps him connected to their father, that car has so much sentimental value. They made so many memories in it, and not all of it had to do with hunting.
What would Dean do?
That was the question that ruled Castiel's head for the last few days. He had read about it on the newspapers. The Winchester brothers were transferred to a mental hospital. He had been at one too, but he could hardly remember anything. Those had been dark times, he had been alone and- to be honest- he had actually been crazy. But it had shown him the world the way it was. Beautiful and peaceful. He had never known how much it was worth until that time.
Still, mental hospitals weren't the place for the Winchester brothers. They needed to be out on the field, fighting Lucifer, Metatron and any kind of danger to humanity. He packed up his clothes.

What would Dean do?
Dean would have made sure the feds didn't find any of the evidence that they were hunting monsters. That's why Cas had taken Sam's laptop, the newspapers, the books.... and the Impala into his custody. It hadn't been hard to convince the men at the police station that he was a friend of Dean and that he wanted to take care if the car. Since it wasn't needed as evidenced anymore...

So what would Dean do next?
Castiel drove to the secret library of the Men of Letters and stored the Winchester's belongings there. It was way too quiet and empty there, so took the bus back to his car and looked for another place to stay. Three days passed, until he decided it was about time to visit them, see how they were doing. Though he was a little bit scared of entering a mental hospital again, he still needed to make sure they were doing alright. He made his way to Fairview and sat in his car, looking inside through the fences and big windows. It was a beautiful and big building. It looked old, but since Castiel didn't really have any reference, he just assumed it had been built 50 years ago. It had a big portal in the front, which had been renewed with glass doors. "Fairview" was written over the facade, "Private mental asylum".

While Castiel was trying to get himself to enter the building, Dean was called in for his first therapy session. Two guards lead him to an office door, that was open wide. In a bright office with old furniture and a big black office chair, a petite blonde woman was waiting for him. She was about his age, was wearing a suit jacket, a light blue shirt and dark jeans. She looked up and pushed some papers aside, as the guards entered. She smiled at Dean.
"Hi, I'm Dr Cardea. But just call me Elsa."
She offered him a chair.
"You're Dean Winchester, right?"
Still smiling, she was waiting for his answer. She looked like a breakable beautiful girl, but the look in her eyes told a different story. She was observing him, studying his every move. There was a gun on her belt, which she didn't seem to be afraid of using, if the situation got tense. But still, she smiled and her smile was honest and caring.
"Why don't you tell me something about yourself, Dean?"
The past three days were as close to hell as Dean cold experience, again. There were doctors and workers of all sorts monitoring their every moves, wondering when he would snap. Questioning his and Sam's relationship, they even wondered if it bordered on the line of insectious. But of course it wasn't like that, but thanks to the internet turning Chuck's novels into some sort of fanfiction. Dean pushed all of that into the back of his mind, right now it was all about surviving and convincing them they do not belong here. But even after three days it was starting to look grim, Dean Winchester was never one to give up but after all the years of fighting. After everything they've been through it really was taking it's toll on him, he was growing tired.

Dean and Sam were separated, they could only see each other with supervision so when they talked they had to be careful of what they said. Though it really wasn't much, they just wanted to know how the other was doing. That soon they would be out of there, Dean wasn't going to show that he was almost giving up in front of Sam. He wanted to be positive for Sam's sake, but maybe that was the issue here.

Dean sat in the back of his chair, he had developed a small scruff from lack of shaving. The clothing of choice in Fairview was all the same, simple white pants and a shirt that almost resembled prison clothing. He looked at Elsa for a few moments observing her, "Elsa huh? So what's the deal I don't talk and you turn me into ice?" He asked with a smirk on his face, "yes I can reference Disney."

Meanwhile in Sam's wing there was a patient by the name of Ariel, she wasn't your ordinary patient. She was an angel who lost her grace thanks to Metatron, she was found wondering around a little roughed up. Good samaritans brought her to the hospital for treatment, but she went mental. She tried to convince them that she didn't need it, that she was an angel. Of course they didn't believe her, to make a long story short she was sent to Fairview.

For the past three days she had been watching Sam, she knew all about him. Finally today she was going to talk to him, Ariel was about five feet two inches with long dark hair, and appeared to be in her mid twenties. Well her vessel that is, "Sam right?" She asked standing across from him.
Sam looked up from his book in confusion. He had been using the time in here to catch up on useful knowlege about law, its enforcement, basically looking for a way to get him and Dean out of this situation.
That girl across the room had been watching him for days, but he had told himself that she just liked the way he looked. Sam had tried to talk to other patients, make some friends, but had given up on that pretty fast. He hadn't found anyone who hadn't told him about his hallucinations, pills or sexual fantasies. So he had asked for books and from that moment on he kept sitting in the community room, reading.

When she talked to him, he smiled. Finally someone normal.
"Yes...", he spoke, making some space for her on the bench he was sitting on, "What's your name?"
She seemed to be pretty sane, judging from her behavior and language so far. But that didn't mean anything, not yet. Apart from that... where did she know his name from?

Elsa smiled at Dean and shook her head.
"Okay, Joker. I see you haven't lost your humor. That's good. Makes things easier", she stated, flooding her warm, motherly smile all over him, "I've heard that you have a brother. Sam, right? You two are pretty close."
She bit her lip.
"I have someone like that, too. Someone I wanna protect at all costs. The thing is just... sometimes you need to put yourself first. Become healthy, start a life, get some distance before it destroys you..."

She looked at one of the pictures on her desk. It was a teenager with brown hair and dark eyes. On that photo, he smiled. But his eyes looked tired and lost.
"It doesn't mean you're letting them down. Just that you take some time to get better. You can't protect them if you're not at full strength. But sometimes taking a step back and looking at it all is the best way to figure out what is best."
Her eyes still were stuck on that photograph. She smiled again, but this time the smile wasn't meant for Dean. It was meant for the boy on that photograph.
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Ariel sat down next to him and smiled, "Ariel..I know that you and Dean don't belong here, now before you get upset and wonder how I know your names..Please don't think I'm, well for the lack of a better word..Crazy, I'm an angel..I lost my grace because of Metatron, I know all about you and Dean. About how you two save the world, have saved the world from many monsters including my brother Lucifer." She responded as she looked around making sure the orderlies weren't listening as she could end up in solitary again.

"Obviously you know I have a brother, everyone in this place knows that. It's all in my file, what does it say? I have a unhealthy obsession with keeping him safe, that perhaps our relationship is much more than what it is?" Dean asked sitting back in this chair, "well it's not. Sam is younger than I am, it's the oldest child's responsibility to protect their younger siblings. I have put myself first, there was a time when Sam and I parted ways. We took a little break from each other to try and have normal lives, but of course it didn't work. Nothing works out for us," Dean responded as he leaned against the table.

"The only reason why I'm not at full strength right now is because your food sucks, your beds suck, everything in this place sucks. How is one suppose to get better if the meals taste like garbage and the beds are rock hair?" He questioned looking at the file then looking up at her.
As Sam heard what she said, he just nodded. He had seen that before. Angels weren't really clever if it was about hiding their true identity. He listened to her for a while and waited for her to say something, anything that justified while she was talking to him. But she went on explaining herself, looking around nervously as if someone was watching.
"So what do you want me to do?", Sam asked finally, still not sure why she talked to him, "I can't get you out of here."
He immediately regretted saying that. She probably was just looking for someone to talk to, someone who understood her. Someone who didn't think she was crazy... But could he trust her or was she one of Metatron's allies? What if she tried to kill them if she got the chance? Well, she wouldn't get one, but he needed to deliver some information, and he needed to do so quickly. So he decided it would be the best to just tell her to do it, as she seemed to be the only person in here who understood how important that was.
"Ariel, can you do me a favor?", he asked carefully, "I just really need to tell my brother something. Would you...?"
He still wasn't sure whether this was a good idea. But he NEEDED to.

"I wasn't judging you, Dean", Elsa said, still smiling at him, "I was only trying to tell you something. But since you're not listening..."
She shrugged. In a way, she reminded him of his mother. Tough, but caring. When he got very pessimistic all of sudden, she raised her eyebrows.
"Okay... That's a very sad point of view, don't you think?" She looked at him, not really in an analyzing way, but more in the way a mother would look at her son. "You don't have to talk to me. I just wanted you to know. But if there's anything you wanna talk about... Maybe something you don't wanna talk about around Sam, feel free to do so. I'm the furthest from judging you anyone can get. And I have a thing called confidentiality and I won't talk to anyone about this. Also, I don't think you need special treatment. You just need time."

His complaint about the beds and the food made her grin.
"Okay, objection granted", she said, nodding, "I'll get you a more comfortable room. You were just brought to the old wing becaus ewe weren't sure if you would stay in here for longer. But there will be a free room tomorrow, so... You'll be move there. Kingsize bed, TV and your own big bathroom. It's not as small as the ones the old wing... That one is only for temporary patients, who don't really care. But I have one condition for you to fulfill..."
She handed over a time table which showed group meetings, working groups and workout times at the fitness center.
"Choose eight activities. One of them being a group meeting. Doesn't matter which. I just don't want you to sit in there without having something to do."
She smiled her motherly smile again.
"So if you don't wanna talk to me, we're done for today... I'll see you in two day then?"
She nodded at the guards, who came closer and stood to Dean's left and right.
"They'll show you the way to your room."
Ariel knew that Sam would be skeptical about her, she didn't blame him after what happened with Metatron. "Alright, I can relay a message onto Dean. I am allowed to go anywhere, and I know you can't get me out of here. Nobody can, you see when they found me they used the identity I had on me which is my vessels name. Elizabeth Willows, she has no family or anything it's why I chose her. She was in a wrong way, and I saved her eventually she passed onto heaven and here I am..So with nobody to confirm anything, I am stuck here." She sighed, "anyways..I'll stop talking, what do you need me to tell Dean?"

Dean looked at the guards, "well since you were so nice enough to make those arrangements I will talk with you." He responded looking at the guards who took a look at Elsa wondering what to do, "just as long as they aren't around. So would you two so kindly leave us, I would like to talk to this nice doctor alone." He turned to Elsa, "what do you really want to know about me? Do you want me to talk about my childhood, my father?"
Elsa sent the guards away and closed her office door.
"You don't have to tell me specific things. Just what goes through your mind now and then, what keeps you busy. Maybe you need someone to listen, to not say anything. Maybe you need someone to give you advice, or say what they think about it, or you just need someone who understands you, who isn't involved in all this. Or there are things you wanna talk about but you can't talk to anyone you know..."
She shrugged.
"I don't wanna know everything about you, I just want you to feel better. Get that?"
She looked at him, waiting for an answer. He looked like her kind of patient. Vulnerable, but pulling off a show like he couldn't be hurt, a boy in need for a mother. And she would be exactly that. The mother he had never had.

Sam hesitated for a moment. He would have to code the information, to protect him and Dean from people with too big ears.
"Tell him, that...", he started, still thinking of a code, "He should call his bromance to squirrel us on the road. But he should be careful he doesn't get anything stuck in his shoe on his way down there."
Sam nodded and leaned back. Then he had to go to his room, some guards picked him up.
Dean relaxed a bit more, there was just something about her that seemed different. "Alright, well..Being in here does make me a bit on edge, I've never been locked in a place where I feel I have no escape. Not travelling from place to place, having something to do. Being with my brother, I just don't know how to handle it." He replied with honesty, "but maybe I do need some time to just relax..I know that Sam is safe in here, or at least I would hope he would be..But it's hard not to worry you know? I basically raised him, I am like a father to him."

Ariel nodded listening to Sam, "I will tell him that." She responded before sitting down on a chair picking up a magazine, she really didn't care for what was in it. She just had to appear normal so that she could be released eventually, once she was she would look for her grace and retrieve her powers. She looked back at Sam, "I will see you around Sam. Take it easy," she smiled.
"I think so, too", Elsa nodded, happy about Dean opening up to her, "You two need to calm down a little, take some time off.
And you can be absolutely sure, that Sam is safe in here.
So you feel locked up?", she asked her first real question.
She didn't seem to be as invading as Marc. She just wanted to help.
"Do you think that feeling will get better if you have something to do?", she thought out loud. Now she wanted to know. Maybe she had her first hypothesis here. But only maybe. She had to be extremely careful with him. She knew if she asked too much, it would cause a total lockup on his side. And that really wasn't the aim of this. Since he was her only patient at the moment, she had plenty of time to think about the best ways to handle him. To slowly lead him back to reality, find out if he was hurt and how much. Also, she needed to know about Sam's influence on Dean's disease. But that had time. Plenty of time. She had 24 hours a day to focus on one patient. And she needed that reward again. The reward of seeing her patients get better and better. Like it had been with all her patients, she would also make Dean leave this place a different man. In one or two years he would be able to lead a life on his own, without having any trouble with the law, ever again. It had been like that before and she would manage again. He was her new project.
"Well sort of, I mean..Sure we get to go outside but I haven't played outside with a fence around me since my elementary school days," Dean responded. "Maybe you are right about something to do, perhaps I'll try one of those work out programs you suggested, It wouldn't hurt right?" He asked, sure he could play along with their little games. Perhaps if he played the part of good patient he would be out of here in no time, and knowing Sam he would be doing the same. Sam was always good at planning things, after all he was the brains of their operation. "You know you are different than other people I've met, there's just something about you..But before I go on, I want to know your opinion of me. They say you can tell a lot about a person in the first few moments of meeting them, so what do you think of me so far?"
Elsa smiled.
"Because you can tell if I lie?", she smiled, leaning forward, onto her desk, "My first thought... well, I'll have to admit, was that I hadn't had a patient in a year and that I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms. But that's good for you. You can be sure that, if you work with me and we get along well, you have good chances of getting out again."
She looked at him with a smile again.
"I don't think that people have to be fixed. They can fix themselves. But sometimes all they need is someone who listens without judging. They will find out what to do themselves."
She seemed to talk about someone special, someone who wasn't Dean. But she still wasn't far from acting like a mother for him, made the impression as if she would be there for him, no matter what.
"So that's my first thought about you. When you entered the room, I was like: I like him."
She shrugged.
"That's all."
"I see, well I don't need to be fixed. There is nothing wrong with me, or my brother. Sure we may not be normal, or what is perceived as normal.." Dean responded, "we just are different than others. When people run from danger, we run into it. I don't know how to explain it that won't make me sound crazy, but hey I'm already in here so might as well just spill everything right? Sam and I hunt monsters, we have been for quite sometime. Yes monsters are real, demons are real and so are angels. When someone is in trouble, Sam and I come to their rescue."
Elsa nodded.
"I know they are real", she spoke, calmly, "That's nothing new to me. But you're monster hunters? Most of the people are scared, why aren't you? What makes you go there and do the job?"
She was interested, seriously interested. And she seemed to believe him.
"So you save people from monsters? Did I get that right? That means that... You're man's last chance."
She bit her lip again, then drank a sip of her water, writing something down with the other hand.
"And Sam, he's just like you? Saving people, hunting monsters?"
"I didn't say we weren't scared, at least not all the time. Sure there have been times when we both worried whether or not we would make it out alive but we always do. What makes us go out there and do the job is the desire to save people, help them. It's what we do, what our father trained us to do." Dean explained, "Sam is like me. Though he got out for a while, actually attended school. But I dragged him back into the life, I shouldn't have. Not a day goes by that I don't regret dragging him back, he could have had a normal life..But because of me..Here he is."
"So Sam dropped out of college because he wanted to go on the hunt again? Is that it...?"
Her forehead wrinkled and she looked worried.
"And you dragged him back into that life because... you needed him?"
"Not exactly, see our father went missing and I needed his help to find him. We looked for a few days but were not successful, so I told Sam to go back to his apartment. When he did he found his girlfriend on the ceiling, on fire..She was killed in the same manner as our mother, a demon killed her..So Sam packed everything up and here we are today," Dean responded. "Ever since that day we've just been travelling the country saving people from monsters."
Elsa sighed, not sure whether it was the hormones or herself who wanted to start crying.
"That sounds terrible...", she said, "Have you two ever talked about that? How you feel about all that?"
"No we really haven't, though I suppose I should. I mean I really do blame myself for it," Dean responded. "Sam doesn't need to be in here, he is smart. He can do so much better on his own, hell he has done well on his own for a while."

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