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Fandom Supernatural(Mepersonally and Chello)

Elsa sighed and looked at him.
"Dean", she said, putting back her hair, "How much longer do you think we're gonna play this game?"
She looked at him, her glance almost challenging.
Dean sat back, "I really don't understand what you are talking about?" He responded, "I'm not playing any game. Trust me you would know if I was, I have an awesome poker face." He grinned, she was good. Almost too good for him.
She nodded.
"I'd like to try something, Dean", she said, "which shouldn't be that much of a problem if you tell me the truth..."
For the first time she didn't treat him like a mother. She was challenging him.
"The truth, well first of all there is no Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny is not real. There is no tooth fairy," Dean responded with a smirk, boy did he like to push peoples buttons. "Ohh you were talking about something about me, well when I was ten years old I shoplifted a box of cereal for Sam."
"Dean", she said softly, "The truth about your feelings, please. If you don't wanna tell me, fine."
She shrugged.
"But you're not gonna use me to get outta here."
"Fine, I'm sorry. I am feeling okay, a bit tired to be honest. I didn't sleep well last night, I had a nightmare." Dean responded, "it was about the time I spent in hell. Being tortured by demons."
Elsa nodded.
"You wanna tell me about it?"
She was all calm and motherly again, looking at him as if she wanted to save him.
"Again, you don't have to. But you've been honest before and that was great. And it helped you, remember? So if you don't wanna talk about something, I know 8'm repeating myself, but tell me. Instead of lying, a simple no would be okay."
She paused.
"You're a man of your word, aren't you? So let's make a deal. You stop lying and I stop asking if you tell me to stop. Okay?"
Dean sat back in his seat, "it feels so real. Like I'm living it, I'm being tortured. Chains all over me, well more like they are embedded in my skin. I'm surrounded by darkness," he responded as he shivered a little which was actually real because just thinking about being on the rack made him almost sick like. "It's a true nightmare, one that I have to force myself to wake up from. And when I wake I have to keep repeating it was just a dream, that I'm not there anymore. I am in a safe place, free from demons and what not."
Elsa suddenly realized something, but kept her pokerface.
"How often does that happen?", she asked, just as calmly as before,"Do you dream about it frequently?"
Now that was a track of some kind. Maybe it wasn't schizophrenia, but just a PTSD.
"Maybe a few days a week, but it's not always the same dream. I mean I've had ones where Sam is in trouble and I cannot get to him," Dean responded taking a deep breath. "Ones where I've watched him die and there was nothing I could do to stop it."
She nodded, again, biting her lip and looking into the distance.
"Dean, do those dreams also occur during daytime?"
She wrote something down, underlining that word.
"No, just at night. But it doesn't happen every night which I am thankful for, I don't think I could take constant nightmares and lack of sleep." Dean responded, "though I do get this feeling that someone is watching me. Not in a bad way though, like a guardian angel so to speak.." He had to contain a smile when he said that last part.
Elsa still wasn't sure she just... there was a piece of the puzzle she didn't know. And that made it so hard to see the big picture. Was Dean playing a trick on her? What was it that made her feel so uncomfortable about diagnosing that man with schizophrenia. She had enough proof by now and he definitely was delusional. Or wasn't he? She still wasn't so sure about what was going on in his head.

Meanwhile, Castiel had finally managed to walk through the door this time. He was getting better. With a polite smile he asked the nurse at the reception, where he could find Dean Winchester.
"I'm a friend of his...", he added, leaning against the counter.
Dean looked at her for a moment, "anyways..If I start seeing things that are not there, start feeling paranoid for whatever reason I will let you know. Are we all finished here, there is an art class I'd like to check out."

The nurse looked at him, "I will have to check with his doctor if he is allowed visitors. Please take a seat," she told him before picking up the phone and dialing Elsa's number.
Cas nodded and sat down. He waited.

Just as Elaa was about to let Dean go, her phone rang and the nurse told her that there was someone waiting in the hallway... for Dean Winchester. Apparently he did have some friends who cared.
"What did you say? Castiel?", she asked the nurse again. Yes, that was the name. She looked at Dean.
"You... have a visitor", she told him.
Dean perked up when he heard Castiel's name, so he finally came to see them or at least was allowed to seee him. "Cool, can I go?" Dean asked, he was actually very happy to see his friend.

The nurse looked at Castiel, "you may see him."
Cas went in, prepared for the worst. He had a small plastic bag with him, which he carried carefully. With a smile, he approached Dean.
"Hello, Dean. How are you?"
That question was unnecessary. He saw how his friend was suffering. But he still asked, for politeness. They took a seat in the common room, all the people were looking at Cas.
"I have to admit, those... staring people make me feel uncomfortable...", he murmured and handed the plastic bag over to Dean. There was a big box inside, which contained a huge and sweet piece of cake.
"How do you think I feel? I have people staring at me all day long," Dean sighed and opened the bag. "Cas I really love you man,"
he smiled seeing the cake and pulling it out. He then showed the orderly what it was so there were no questions, "Sam seems to be okay..Though I really wish he didn't have to be here, he made a friend though. Her name is Ariel, that name ring a bell to you?"
Castiel's forehead wrinkled when he thought about it.
"I knew one. She was one of my followers, way back... but she just disappeared. We thought she had been killed by Metatron...."
He raised his eyebrows, worried.
"How long has she been in here? I should have looked for her more closely... But we didn't have time..."
He looked like he was feeling pretty guilty.
"Is she alright?", he asked in the end, locking glances with Dean, "Or at least... halfway?"
"I think she said she's been here for at least six months, they obviously don't believe that she is an angel. She doesn't have her grace, she lost it because of Metatron." Dean explained, "she's okay..Been in solitary a few times because she hurt herself."
Castiel looked even more guilty when Dean mentioned that Ariel had hurt herself. He blamed it all on himself. Still, he forced himself to focus on Dean now. He was the most important thing.
"I emptied the motel room", he explained, "Your clothes are in the bunker, so is Sam's laptop and also your porn magazines. I got the car from evidence and brought it straight to the garage, didn't touch anything and drove VERY carefully. There is not a scratch. I left the keys in the bunker."
His voice lowered and he came closer.
"Can I do something? Get you out somehow?", he asked, very seriously.
Dean finished his cake, "thanks Cas. I am really grateful for all that you are doing, especially getting baby out of police custody." He smiled at him, "as for getting me out..I really don't know, I mean they don't believe that what Sam and I do is real. That we are delusional, if we can prove to my doctor that it is real than maybe. But other than that I do not know."
"So you would reveal the monster world to innocent people just so you get out of custody?", Cas asked, "Is that worth it?"
"No it's not, I don't want people to know there are monsters out there." Dean told him, "maybe you should see Ariel. Might give her some comfort, maybe..Anyways I don't know how else to get out of here."
Castiel just nodded and sighed.
"Alright, I will try to comfort her..."
Bracing himself for a lot of drama, he asked one of the nurses where Ariel was.
"My sister...", he explained, "Her real name is Elizabeth."
He shook his head, but he didn't even have to pretend that he was worried.
"I would like to talk to her. "

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