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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

She laughs, "Yeah well, if we kill we instantly go back to where we were found...at an asylum then after 3 years go to a new school"
InsaneKiller19 said:
She laughs, "Yeah well, if we kill we instantly go back to where we were found...at an asylum then after 3 years go to a new school"
"Then just rough them up a bit! Or kill them and hide the body, I can put the blame on someone else, I'm good at staying under the radar."

(Gotta go to bed, goodnight.)
Afrobrony said:
"Then just rough them up a bit! Or kill them and hide the body, I can put the blame on someone else, I'm good at staying under the radar."
(Gotta go to bed, goodnight.)
She shrugs and then she opens the dorm room door, her eyes widen a bit at how big it was "This dorm can fit 5 people!" she exclaims before entering and goes to her bed setting her things down while Malice sets his things inside her bed's shadow and then sat on her bed looking around the place. It looks like any dorm except how big it was and the walls where white. He tilted his head seeing a large 5 by 10 box with paints and paintbrushes. Verinty chuckles a bit, "It looks like we get to choose a wall to decorate...well, I call the wall next to this bed." Malice points at the wall on the other side of her's as if claiming it
InsaneKiller19 said:
She shrugs and then she opens the door room, her eyes widen a bit at how big it was "This dorm can fit 5 people!" she exclaims before entering and goes to her bed setting her things down while Malice sets his things inside her bed's shadow and then sat on her bed looking around the place. It looks like any dorm except how big it was and the walls where white. He tilted his head seeing a large 5 by 10 box with paints and paintbrushes. Verinty chuckles a bit, "It looks like we get to choose a wall to decorate...well, I call the wall next to this bed." Malice points at the wall on the other side of her's as if claiming it
Dan sets his things on the bed opposite of Verinity. He starts going through the box, throwing out the paint brushed wherever he could find them, simply picking up an entire can of paint "who needs paintbrushes? Not this guy." He got ready to splatter the paint on a wall when he thought for a second "are we going to stay in here for now or are we going to look around a bit? I'd rather not deal with the smell of paint. It's worse than dirty socks."
Malice agrees with Dan by nodding and then disappears to go wreck some havoc, ending up hearing explosions, screaming, and the smell of blood. Verinty jumps before growling, "Damn it Malice!" runs towards the smell of blood, knowing he was there as she picked up the scent like a wolf since she shifted into one and tackles Malice down before he was about to eat a student growling in his face as the guy runs away screaming. Zero's guards recognized them and started to go after the two, but she changes into a mutant and scares them off before helping her brother up and then changes back. Malice puts his hood up and then huffs, as his hands were bloody. He licks the blood off his hands, as his hands disappear in the darkness of his hood. While Verinty gags looking away
InsaneKiller19 said:
Malice agrees with Dan by nodding and then disappears to go wreck some havoc, ending up hearing explosions, screaming, and the smell of blood. Verinty jumps before growling, "Damn it Malice!" runs towards the smell of blood, knowing he was there as she picked up the scent like a wolf since she shifted into one and tackles Malice down before he was about to eat a student growling in his face as the guy runs away screaming. Zero's guards recognized them and started to go after the two, but she changes into a mutant and scares them off before helping her brother up and then changes back. Malice puts his hood up and then huffs, as his hands were bloody. He licks the blood off his hands, as his hands disappear in the darkness of his hood. While Verinty gags looking away
Dan stares at them in shock when they come back, this would be one of the situations that he'd have to take seriously. "Shit, what the hell happened out there! I said 'look around' not 'attack the first person you see'! Jesus, do you need a shock collar or something Malice? Because I think that could really have prevented... whatever it was that happened."
Malice moves his hands away and shrugs, grinning as Verinty turns a bit pale looking away, he then tilts his head before letting out a insane laugh hiding in Verinty's bed and stays in there grinning like an idiot
InsaneKiller19 said:
Malice moves his hands away and shrugs, grinning as Verinty turns a bit pale looking away, he then tilts his head before letting out a insane laugh hiding in Verinty's bed and stays in there grinning like an idiot
Dan pulled out one of those shock traps that looks like a piece of gum and offered it to Malice. " Take one, it'll calm you down."
InsaneKiller19 said:
Malice pokes his head out from the shadow and takes it before disappearing into the shadow again and chews it
"Well... that didn't work like it was supposed to... I guess he can't be shocked, what a surprise."
InsaneKiller19 said:
"Well, I am part demon but mostly shape shifter.." looks at him
Dan puts the paint can down and lays on his bed "I'm just a plan old shapeshifter, nothing else to it other than my charming personality."
InsaneKiller19 said:
Verinty nods, "Yeah, your our friend and we are your friends..." she smiles before looking up at the ceiling
"That's good, friends are important in high school. We need to have each other's backs. I really am glad I ran into you two."
InsaneKiller19 said:
"By the way, what was the point of using an air horn back when we all were in front of the school?"
Dan shoots up from his bed "the point!? Who needs a point!? Not Dan, Dan is an independent and will not conform to your ways!"

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