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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

InsaneKiller19 said:
Smiles slightly, "Well....they are probably the ones you know"
"We'll never know if you don't show me. Come on, don't be nervous, I won't lau-... well I might laugh a little but in a nice way."
She laughs before changing her form to look like someone different, grinning a bit as she/he looks at him
InsaneKiller19 said:
She laughs before changing her form to look like someone different, grinning a bit as she/he looks at him
Dan lets out an applause "fantastic, I don't think I've ever even seen whatever you are. Scary though, not as much as your brother but still."
He/She laughs, "Yeah well, he is one of a kind" she/he then changes back. She then thought of another form before changing into it, it was much difficult that she hasn't learned to master but she did pretty well
InsaneKiller19 said:
He/She laughs, "Yeah well, he is one of a kind" she/he then changes back. She then thought of another form before changing into it, it was much difficult that she hasn't learned to master but she did pretty well
"That one just spouts out badassery, the kind of thing I don't want to try and prank... too openly at least. Now I'll show one of my transformations." Barry closed his eyes and slowly morphed into a life-sized porcelain doll, just sitting on the bench.
Barry? xD )) As she changes back, she couldn't help but smile looking at it "That....I can never do.." chuckles
InsaneKiller19 said:
Barry? xD )) As she changes back, she couldn't help but smile looking at it "That....I can never do.." chuckles
(Sorry, I knew this would happen, two roleplays at once it just was going to. That's the name of the other guy.) In a squeaky female voice DAN says "you just gotta believe."
Nods, as she tries to...she turns into an actual doll and Malice just bursts into laughter. But as he doesn't know, the doll was of annabelle xD
InsaneKiller19 said:
Nods, as she tries to...she turns into an actual doll and Malice just bursts into laughter. But as he doesn't know, the doll was of annabelle xD
The porcelain doll nods its head "see? That's already a very good step in the right direction. It took me days to get that far."
She started to grin evilly looking at Malice, he gulps and then hides behind Dan sacredly. Malice is afraid of annabelle, she changes back and laughs
InsaneKiller19 said:
She started to grin evilly looking at Malice, he gulps and then hides behind Dan sacredly. Malice is afraid of annabelle, she changes back and laughs
Dan changes into a giant teddy bear, in a deep voice he says "it's okay, the scary doll won't hurt you. Teddy bears protect against anything."
InsaneKiller19 said:
Malice glares at his sister, hugging the teddy bear and nods trying not to hurt him with his claw nails
The teddy bear taps his head "there there, you can let go now, there's no more Annabelle, for now. Heuhue."
InsaneKiller19 said:
Malice nods and pulls away, before tackling his sister and pins her down grinning
Dan returns to his regular form "dawww how cute, brother sister love, it's touching."
InsaneKiller19 said:
Malice and Verinty move away, blushing a lot not looking at each other
Dan just stares at them "you guys know I did not mean it like that at all. And I didn't think it was possible for you to blush," he said pointing at Malice.
InsaneKiller19 said:
Malice scoffs getting offensive as Verinty just laughs
"You know what? I'm glad I met you guys, you're all pretty cool. Let's go find our dorms so that we can get some rest." Dan gets up from the bench and grabs his bag.
They both agree as they get they're stuff and goes towards the dorms hallways. Malice remembered something and then bugs Verinty about it, she nods and then looks at Dan "Hey um...they told us it is going to be 3 to a dorm now so, wanna join us?" she asks as Malice nods
InsaneKiller19 said:
They both agree as they get they're stuff and goes towards the dorms hallways. Malice remembered something and then bugs Verinty about it, she nods and then looks at Dan "Hey um...they told us it is going to be 3 to a dorm now so, wanna join us?" she asks as Malice nods
"Sounds good, I'd rather be with you guys then people that might play their own pranks on me." He looks at them "so what's your guys' story? Why are you here?"
InsaneKiller19 said:
"That's pretty personal, but we will tell you when we are ready.."
"I'd press you guys for it but I don't want to get beat up. I'll tell you guys why I'm here, these classes can teach me things that'll make my pranks that much more awesomer!"
"Well for one thing, we get into um....."trouble" that involves more than pranks" Malice nods grinning as if it was a good thing
InsaneKiller19 said:
"Well for one thing, we get into um....."trouble" that involves more than pranks" Malice nods grinning as if it was a good thing
Dan just stares at them "that's... cool, just means you'll make better bodyguards."

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