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Fantasy Supernatural Academy RP

Mikey left the class to go change into his gear. He returned to the class in his gear and ready to go.
There came a scoff from the back of the class. A shady figure was sprawled out on a chair, sharp amber eyes glaring at Hunter. "Amateur." He muttered under his breath, twirling a strand of black hair between his fingers.
Jared was sitting on the other side of the classroom, also in the back. He almost fell out of his seat when he heard the unknown student insult the teacher. "What are you doing? That guy can explode an apple with an arrow!" he said, trying his hardest to make sure the Hunter couldn't hear him.
B snorted. "And you can't?" He sat up straight. "An apple is easy to destroy. A human being, though?" He grinned menacingly.
''Aren't you going to test them?" Mikey asked the teacher.
Jared scratched the back of his head. He'd never really tried. "I'm just saying that you should be careful. He might have other skills we don't know about!"
"Look, I don't know. It's just that I don't think they'd make him a teacher if he wasn't powerful." Jared replied. This guy was hardcore!
Lea sat quietly, watching as the other students bickered about the teacher. She agreed, the teacher had some major abilities.

"I really wouldn't talk about the teacher that way," she warned, glancing at the two other males in the room. "What he did to that apple was some scary shit. Wouldn't want that happening to your skull."
"Oh, so I'm the only one who's not gonna suck his ass? Whatever." He slumped back down again and took out his art book.
"You don't have to suck his ass, just don't be one," she replied in an annoyed tone. She shifted her gaze to the window beside her desk, a small sigh escaping from her lips.
"in good time I will test you all one on one but right now I want to see what you got mikey"
Jared sighed and wished he hadn't opened his mouth in the first place. Any way you looked at it, he had lost in this situation.

When the teacher mentioned testing, Jared shuddered. If all of the tests were similar, he was talking about combat. As useful as wings were for some things, they weren't really suited to fighting. This would be harder than he had expected.
Lea tensed at the mention of testing. The only ability she had was telekinesis, and it fatigued her if she used it for more than 5 seconds! There was absolutely no chance of her winning a fight, especially with her small frame. She'd be crushed like a bug.

She glanced over at the boy who was called out, giving him a sympathetic look. She really hoped he had a better, more offensive ability than she did, he was going to need it at this point.
"miss Lea do not worry I do know about your powers and how you still need training so you will not be tested"
A woman dressed in a gold colored maxi dress, white gladiator sandals that reached the bottom of her knees, and light brown twigs with glistening leaves which sprouted from her back walked into the classroom. Her eyes were the color of soil, whilst her hair was a dark chocolate color which reached the end of her back. She was quite tall, standing at a good five feet nine inches. "Who here is the teacher?" inquired the fair woman, her eyes darting from one person to the next. She didn't want to assume anything, since she herself looked quite young. She could easily be mistaken as a student if it were not for her outfit.
Her grey eyes shifted to the young woman who entered the classroom. She looked like the human embodiment of Mother Nature herself with the various plants poking up from her skin. She studied her curiously, biting her lower lip in thought. Could she manipulate plants? Or is she another race? Lea figured it was both, visibly intrigued by the woman.
"Velora Black, the Academy's aide," she said with a small smile, curtsying slightly. "I'm here to help you in any way you'd like me to" she continued. Velora paused for a moment,feeling eyes on her. "Hello there" she said softly, giving Lea a soft smile before turning back to Mister Hunter.
any help you can give would be great thank you miss Black" I give a light smile as I shake her hand
Lea flushed in embarrassment, she didn't realize she was staring. She managed to offer Velora a small smile and a wave before glancing away, occupying herself by doodling in her open notebook.
B seemed to huddle into himself, avoiding Velora's gaze. His pencil snapped from the pressure of his grip, and he closed his eyes.
B jerked. "Bugger off, ya wank!" He snapped, mostly to himself. He glowered at Hunter.

He was going to kill him.

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