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Fantasy Supernatural Academy CS

Screenshot 2018-07-04 at 3.48.53 PM.png
Name: Zaria Reed

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Arachnid

Occupation: Student

Personality: Zaria is quite the introvert, preferring to stay in the background, in the corner. She's awkard, and not very confrontational but she's by no means a push-over.

Abilities: Inhuman flexibility || Poisonous Bite || Endurance

Name: Fiora Delamour

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Occupation: Student

Personality: Fiora is the kind of person who gets ten crazy ideas a day, but only has the attention span to actually do one of them. She's optimistic and energetic to the point of being too intense for most people to stand her for more than a couple hours. The only thing she seems to show any patience for is drawing, in which case she can hold still for hours.

Abilities: She can smell aura as well as a bloodhound smells... Well, blood. Fiora can pick up on a person's scent to track them or their belongings. A person's aura also changes slightly based on their emotional state, meaning she can literally sense an artist's pride coming off their work or smell a liar.

Her endurance is also crazy high, but it's debatable if that's supernatural or just her personality. She can run around tirelessly all day on only five or six hours of sleep.


Gerrant Artemidoros

"Life is"

βasic ɨnformation:

Character's Name: Gerrant Artemidoros

Nicknames: He rather prefer not being given one but his parents nicknamed him Light, reason is in powers and back story.

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: March 30

Age: 25 (actual age is the hundreds or thousands, he lost count after 200 years)

Race: Hybrid Dragon.

Occupation: Dance Teacher

• HEIGHT • 5'9" and 1.75 meters.

• WEIGHT • 73 kg and 160.9 lbs.

Build: A bit on the lithe side but he has muscles

Eye color: A silver blue with a mix of amethyst and gold

Hair color/style: Gerrant's hair is a burnt gold color but his hair is cut short in the front but the back is long so its braided in the back.

Wings: Gerrant has two pairs of wings on his back but they are feathered, colored a burnt gold like hair thought a few shades lighter. When resting, they are small, unmoving, and covered by thick skin.

"Like a Dance"

Gerrant is a person that's laid back and down-to-earth but he doesn't hesitate to glare at someone or get angry if they tick/piss him off. He also is quite the mother hen if he knows someone quite well; being overly protective and huggy. When the situation calls for being angry, he just gets quiet and remains in the background while silently fuming. When happy, he smiles and is relaxed. Sad, he looks mournfully to the sky. Frustrated, he would refuse to anyone's eyes as to not snap at them and rather be left alone to calm down.

Dragon Form:

"Its up to the dancer"


Gerrant is well known to use light energy and able to bend it into orbs or shields to protect him when confronted with enemies. He could also heal someone with it but it could hurt them if he concentrates too much. Light energy can't be used in dark places unless some form natural light occurs.

Limits: With the orbs, size of the orb means more energy and concentration. Shields are the same, but duration can be from 3-9 minutes at most. Healing can be done but if the person has a major wound or fatal wound, he would end up damaging them more than actually healing them. It also creates a backlash to him. With the major or fatal wound, he could chose to to take it from the person onto himself but damaging himself more than healing the person. He can't use light energy in dark places. Overheats when using too much light energy.

Weaknesses: He cannot stand dark areas, it makes him feel cold and clammy. He also overheats whenever he uses light energy too much.
"When to stop dancing or when to take a break"


Likes: Gerrant isn't one to turn down various forms of fruits, books on almost any subject, and dancing to music.

Dislikes: Gerrant would rather stay away from alcohol, sugar, and a certain plant; he'll not say which one. He despises those who are arrogant, haughty, and or just cruel.

Medical Issue: Gerrant is quite embarrassed when it comes to eating things with sugar or drinking any form of alcohol since it transforms into three things; 1. A devil in disguise that will prank anyone or seductive as all hell. 2. An idiot that jabbers on about any topic that pops into his head. Or 3. An complete idiot that talks about anything that he first sees; fingers, hair, weight, wing color/shape, etc..

Weapons: He does have a few weapons but mostly a sword named Vu Kun; Dawn's light.

Pet(s): He also has a sabercat named Vokun:

^Sabercat is more of traveling companion/guard for Gerrant when he's getting ready to dance.

A fox named Estrild, meaning goddess of dawn and after his human sister after she passed:
^fox can only go up to his hip and is a dance partner to Gerrant.

Hybrid dragon: Gerrant isn't like most hybrid dragons, carrying either small or large patches of what their dragon parent (either mother or father) was and can only do so much with their dragon powers, he can transform into a full fledged dragon like any full dragon can but it has its limits. For one, the sugar and alcohol upsets the delicate balance Gerrant has in his blood. Two, his dragon side can vary its size per transformation but its mostly the size of a large draft horse. Lastly, the only sign Gerrant carries as a sign of his heritage are the two pairs of wings on his back.


History/Bio: Gerrant could only remember the time he was age 2, when he was found by his 'human' parents, a Sylph and a Vetter. Why he only remembered age 2 was because he was the only one of his 'biological' family to have the most dragon blood in them. Meaning, he was hatched from an egg. Sounds crazy? Since he was 'found' by his parents, they decided to adopt him and introduced him to society. Age 4 began with him able to bend light in small ways and his parents wanted him to stick to being a 'normal human' child but also able to embrace his other heritage with pride. In his childlike mind, they were as human as human can get. It was also the time where they learned of his weakness to sugar, as they were wakened up by him and their other 'child' giggling like little girls with matching grins. Their only child, a blond as well, took a shining to him and fiercely protected him when bullies tried to yank on his hair or wings when they discovered them to be ultra sensitive at touch.

He grew up loved and adored by his 'human' family but it wasn't without fault. It was at a party that he learned of his weakness to alcohol and turned into either a blabbering idiot or a idiot that asked inane questions/ commented on anything he saw. He also learned more of his abilities on light manipulation. As a growing child, his powers were very limited to what he could do at the time but he had more flexibility and control than as a child. It also came into fact that he was able to transform into an actual dragon once on his birthday, age 25. That's when he began to notice things about his family, it seemed strange to him as they got older, he looked almost unchanged. Like time had frozen his hourglass, that wasn't the case. After his 'human' parents death, his 'human' sister lengthened her life to try and match his as she loved him enough to try it. Sadly, the only way she would match his life line was to become an immortal or a demigod, which neither was possible for her. She did, however, able to live longer than the average 'human' thanks to Gerrant's gifting of his blood to her and a nickname, Light, as he was a light in her life that would never fade from memory.

During the time he was with his 'human' sister, his 'biological family' had caught wind of him and swiftly went out to find him. They found him at the grave of his 'human' sister, crying. He had lost his family so why was he young while they were corpses in the ground? That answer came from an older sister, who took it upon herself to 'teach' him what was right or wrong with being with humans. Anytime he tried to interact with a 'human' over the years with his biological family, his older sister grabbed him and yelled at him for even trying to talk to the 'things'. Or what his biological sister called 'humans'. His older brother tried to get him interested in hunting or fighting, but he declined every time he was asked. It was suffocating to be around his biological family for centuries as they never kept track of what age they were that year or when their birthday was. He kept track of when he was 'born' but lost track of his age after 200.

Some years later, he left to be a wanderer and carve out his life as he saw fit. Along the way, he found a kitsune and a sabercat. He named the fox after his 'human' sister and the other Vokun, meaning Shadow. It was there he was recruited into being an imperial dancer by a passing female guard, who happened to be part of the dancer corp for the city, and he got his job. He still wonders around from time to time but he's mostly content with his job as a dance. Estrild and Vokun accompany him wherever he goes.

Code by @Starfish
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Alfred has a robotic right arm and leg. Several Small metal plates embedded into his his face is his reason for his mask.
Name: Alfred Dumon

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Occupation: History and Basic Control Teacher. He teaches the history of supernaturals, including notable people, events and known abilities.

Personality: Very Caring. Very much a supporter, he spends more time focusing on others than he does on himself. H

Power Embedment - The Ability to Embed powers into a special alloy his body produces due to heat. Embeding powers into said alloy allows easier use of ability. *Requires Physical Contact with Alloy to use.*
Alloy Secretion - A special Alloy grows from his palms while under intense heat. Said alloy is the only known alloy capable of Power Embedment.
Alloy Reading - The ability to read any ability embedded into his alloy with touch.
Appearance: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTW8E-xqmt0yaTCldyz2G2tiHxfdxxSrs_9_1bK-dJckyFQUotQ

Name: Hiro Trapp

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Occupation: Student

Personality: Hiro is very rude but if you befriend him you'll discover his soft side. He true to be the school's bad boy. He does not like being called"tall".


Fire Ball: Hiro will fire a flaming ball at someone as a simple attack but it takes a little time to create one

Transformation:Hiro will grow a tail wings and horns if he is angered

Portal:Hiro can make a red portal that teleport you to any place on earth but he can only use it once a day

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