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Fantasy Supernatural Academy RP



✧☽ 𝒹 𝓇 𝑒 𝒢 𝓂 𝒾 𝓃 𝑔 ☾✧
Anime lover Anime lover epicstar epicstar Heavenchi Heavenchi Beyond Beyond graphic_biscuit graphic_biscuit

It was a clear day in the morning. Several clouds roamed the sky and two pigeons loomed on the roof of a house. Mikey was in his room snoozing comfortably. It was peaceful, until suddenly someone ruined it.

"Mikey, get up!" a feminine voice spoke up.

Mikey was currently lying down in bed, having a pleasant dream. He was sleeping happily with his mouth open a bit with a bit of drool sipping out of his mouth. A feminine hand was trying to shake him awake. It was Mikey's sister. She goes to middle school. She has brown eyes, brown hair that reaches to her mid-section of her back, and she is using a orange bow she wears on her hair in a ponytail fashion. She also has pale white pinkish skin.

"Get up! You're going to be late!" His sister yelled.

"Let me sleep a little longer…" Mikey mumbled in his sleep.

"For crying out loud… I said to get up!" His sister yelled as she pulled the sheets off him. When the sheets were removed, she gasped with a blush as her eyes widened.

"AHHHHH!" His sister screamed. Mikey was wide awake from the scream in shock.

"What's wrong, Kirie?!" Mikey asked/yelled in a panic as if a burglar broke in the house.

Kirie covered her mouth with a huge blush on her face, looking at Mikey's throbbing lower region. Mikey followed her gaze and stared at it with a hue of blue, covering the top half of his face.

"They say it's a good sign when the flag is flying at full mast, Kirie." Mikey said. Oh boy, he shouldn't have said that to a girl, especially to Kirie. Kirie suddenly swung and hit Mikey across the face with a deadly karate chop, with Mikey resulting in drooling and a nose bleed.

During the aftermath in the living room, Mikey was dazed and slowly swaying left and right, still getting ready for school, with bandages and lumps on his head while Kirie was finishing her milk. She went to him and handed him a glass.

"Here, At least drink some milk." She said.

"Thanks." A still dazed Mikey said.

"Your tie's crooked. No matter how old you are, you still act like a kid." Kirie said in frustration.

"I'm gonna get going." Mikey said as he left his house. He walked to the school, waiting for what happened today.

Mikey entered the classroom and fell asleep before the teacher even entered the class.
I walked into the class looking very pissed off as I see MIkey sleeping so I took a rod of chalk tossed in up in the air and then chucked it at his head. "young man if you want to sleep in my class at least wait till I get your name and why you are so tired"
Anime lover Anime lover

"Ow!" He grabbed his head in pain. "My name is Mikey Otokonoko and I like sleeping. Grrr... Why did you throw that piece of chalk at me?!" He rubbed the place on his head where he got hit at.
Shit shit shit shit.

Lea ran about her bedroom, frantically searching for her phone. She had no idea where she put it last night and spent the last 20 or so minutes looking for it, which was ultimately going to make her late. School started in 5 minutes and she wasn't going to make it on time. What a wonderful predicament she put herself in.

After tearing up a good portion of her room, she finally found her phone. She scooped it up into her hands and made her way downstairs, not bothering to eat any breakfast. She grabbed her bag from the kitchen counter, unzipping it and dropping her phone inside. Her father and mother sat at the kitchen table, watching their frantic child preparing to leave for school.

"If you aren't going to eat anything, at least get some apple juice or something from the fridge." her mother suggested. Lea nodded, doing as she was told and grabbing a small bottle of juice from the refrigerator. She glanced at the clock on the wall and slung her bag over her shoulder.

"Alright, I have to go. See you two later!" she called to her parents, sprinting out the front door and shutting it quickly behind her.

Lea ended up being 4 minutes late, arriving to class out of breath. She apologized to the teacher up front and proceeded to take her seat. Her gaze shifted to the two other students yelling about chalk or something. She shrugged it off and pulled her notebook out of her bag.
"well we have one sleeper and a late person state your name please?" I had a recurve bow out as I was teaching the old hunting ways
Oh god, that wasn't a student.

Internally cursing at herself, Lea slowly set her notebook on the desk in front of her, her grey eyes shifting to the man. "My name is Lea McCormick. I apologize for being late," she replied in an uneven voice. She hated being confronted or called out by teachers. It gave her attention that she did not want at all. "It won't happen again."

She then opened her notebook, reading over the material they had learned yesterday to occupy herself and distract her from the teacher's stare.

Next time, pay more attention to your surroundings. She scolded herself, idly tapping her index finger against her wooden desk.
Mikey placed his head down on his desk and went back to sleep.
"miss Lea kindly do not tap your desk with your fingers it hurts my ears " I then go back to the bow "Now I will say my name I am Mister Hunter but you may call me teacher or hunter this is mine recurve you may ask your questions" then walk up to MIkey "MISTER MIKEY do I bore you?"
Mikey woke up and looked up at the teacher. "No."
"then do you care to tell the class why a bow is a skill based weapon and not a power based one?"
"Uhhhhhh..." Mikey didn't know the answer.
I then roll my eyes "anyone care to give a reason why it is a skill based weapon and not power anyone?"
Lea nodded in response, letting her hand drop to her side.

A small sigh escaped her lips, her grey eyes wandering to one of the male students near her. Apparently, his name was 'Mikey.' She had seen him around campus a few times, but she had never truly talked to him or got to know him. Rumors of him being a bit of a perv circulated between groups of students, but she never paid those any mind. She watched silently as the teacher walked up to him.

Geez, this teacher must have something out for him. She thought, biting her lower lip.

She tensed when the teacher asked a question. She remained silent and still, not daring to raise her hand.
"lea you seem smart can you tell me the answer to my question?" I then hold the bow as I smile looking around for something light to throw or shoot
Lea swallowed, tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear.


She paused for a moment, before parting her lips to speak. "A bow is more of a practical weapon. If used correctly and if the enemy is shot in the correct areas of the body, they can be taken down easily. It is not power based, due to the lack of damage arrows can deal."

She quickly returned her attention to her notebook, hoping her answer was somewhat correct.
"that is right young lady now who here has shot a bow before?" I hold it up as I also hold up an arrow "anyone? do not be shy"
Lea did not raise her hand, her grey eyes shifting about the classroom. Had anyone else shot a bow before? She wondered if Mikey had.
"well it seems I am the only one here who still hunts with a bow and arrows so Lea could you set an apple up outside on the top of the jungle gym for me please?"
The young girl nodded, sliding out of her chair. She spotted an apple sitting atop the teacher's desk and assumed that was the apple he was talking about. She made her way over, grabbed the apple, and walked out of the classroom.

She reached the jungle gym, glancing up at it. It was fairly tall for something that children would usually play on. But, hey. She was a teenager with powers. She looked at the apple in her palm and concentrated on it. It began to move and spin a bit, before finally levitating above her head. She directed it towards the very top of the jungle gym, a small throbbing pain resonating in her head. She lowered the apple lowered onto the roof of the jungle gym, letting out a small sigh. She needed to get more endurance when using her powers. She then ran back into the classroom, taking her seat.

"The apple has been placed, sir," she said, rubbing her temples with her fingers. She felt a headache coming on.
Mikey didn't even bother watching. "You guys have fun with that." He then began to get in a comfortable position to go back to sleep
I then toss her some pain killers "take two please I know that mind powers are a killer on the thinker box" I then get an arrow and open the window "MISTER MIKE PLEASE PAY ATTATTION this will be on the test"
"Thank you," she replied, popping two of the pills into her mouth. She tilted her head back and swallowed, letting out a small sigh.

Hopefully, they kick in soon. She thought, returning her attention to the teacher.
Mikey sighed and got out of his chair. "Fine." He said in an irritated tone. He stood and watched.
I take a deep breath as I close my eyes then draw the bow string back as I lock on my target the apple and I fire as the apple explodes from the force of my shot and I smile "that class is why I am called robin Hood of hunters
"Whoa! You did that?" Mikey's eyes widened as he leaned forward to get a better look.

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