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Fantasy Supernatural Academy RP (college/university). -open for applications :)


Welcome to Callahan Academy.
For those of you that are new to the school, I would like to welcome you.
You have been chosen to attend one of the top schools for supernatural beings there is. It was founded by Ophelia Callahan, a powerful witch that had been only twenty-two years old when she started the school in the year 1606. The school at first was meant to protect the magically gifted, age 17 and up from the dangers that came with not knowing their own strengths and lacking control over their own powers since at the time witch hunts were on the rise.
Young witches from all over the country had been invited and learned there, becoming great witches and warlocks.
In the 1700’s the school opened to more species than just the magically gifted as two other powerful leaders joined in on the ownership of the school. The two had been and still are a complete mystery since only the headmistress knows who they were (or still are). Now the academy is opening their doors once again to let students learn everything they need to become great leaders in the businesses world, warriors or heads of their families.


A few examples of the kinds of beings and creatures you'll encounter at Callahan Academy are:


They are the children of a human and a demon. They are able to use magic like witches but their magic is usually taking more energy so they sometimes take it from their surroundings or objects that contain a lot of energy like gems and pendants.


Immortal beings that need blood to survive. Their senses are extremely heightened so they are a bit more sensitive to some things then other beings, daylight if strong (like in summer) can cause them to have strong migraines and strong sunburn but it isn’t fatal. They are split into two kinds, born vampires or turned but only born ones can lead their clan. Some of the more powerful ones can use blood magic. (using their blood to draw sigils and symbols instead of using spells like witches).


Most are humanoid beings with wings they can summon at will. They are known for their beauty and each has at least one power of an element. Royalty can have up to three powers but its rare. They are immortal and sensitive to iron.


Immortal beings that control, summon and in some cases can turn into their element. Some of the more powerful ones can even travel trough their element from one place to another.

Those are just guidelines. You can change a thing or two but please mention it in the character description so we know :)

Also, other beings are of course allowed, just let me know in advance what you have in mind.


Please introduce your character (students only. For teaches please contact me.):


AGE (between 17 and 20):








OTHER INFO (likes, dislikes, weaknesses, BIO,...):


You can also add anything else that might help others get a better picture of your character (media like videos, songs, pictures etc...optional):


The rules for this RP are simple:

1. Don’t kill off other players characters without their permission.

2. Don't make your character too powerful (no gods or dragons please)

3. If you stop Rping please let others know you are leaving the RP.

4. No one line only posts unless the situation calls for it.

5. you can have two characters if they are related (twins, siblings, step-siblings, adopted siblings, cousins,…), or more if they appear as one (like a trio that always appears together or a duo that always appears together plus a single character and so on).

6. to join this RP ask permission to join first :)


APPROVED so far:


Pumpkin Spice Cyanide






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Lord Thalix
Great, Great Grandson of Eros the God Of Erotic Love

  • AGE : 18 (In Human Years)

    GENDER: Male

    SPECIES: Incubus

    As a Incubus, Thalix has the ability to seduce men. He was well liked by most of the boys in his previous school, giving him a slightly egotistical side. He is very confident in his beauty, which he often uses it trying to win over boys. He is a very cheerful and self confident boy. At a glance, one could get the impression that Thalix is a childish and selfish person, however, he's actually more mature and kind-hearted than he seems, as he truly cares about his friends and would gladly risk his life for their sake. He is quite stubborn and brave and a loyal person. Thalix truly loves his friends despite occasionally competing with his friends for someone's love and his genuine feelings for his friends are extremely powerful and admirable. Whenever Thalix is turned-on or sexually attracted his tail will start to wag.

    Thalix is extremely over protective of his sister and will not let anything get in harms way. He has always had a close relationship with his sister and some may call it admirable. His sister is the most important thing to him henceforth his protectiveness over her.

    Alcohol is one of Thalix's favourite consumable liquids, and whenever it is present - best believe he will be there in a heartbeat. Thalix consumes very large amounts and normally ends up getting extremely sexually attracted - more than usual which shows how extreme it is. He normally get's more sexual immediately rather than flirting.



    An Incubus' true appearance isn't very different from the appearance of a Human. The only factors that set them apart are the growth of long nails, bat-like wings, thin and long black tails. Thalix is normally accompanied by a fitting, posh suit along with extremely tight white trousers highlighting his genitalia - a common appearance amongst Succubi and Incubui.

    Likes: Romantic Novels and Films, High Heels, Umbrellas, Rain, Plushies, Corgis, Books, Abs, Suits

    Dislikes: Heat, Posh Food, Spiders

    Weaknesses: Starvation, Exorcism, Angels, Holy Icons

    Family: Great, great grandson of Eros the god of Erotic Love + Older brother to Shizu ( Cosmos Cosmos )

    Bio: TBR
    "Is there a mirror in your pants, because I can see myself in them" *Wink*
    "Hey Cutie!!" *Wink*

Theme Tune:
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Skyler (Sky) Chrest

AGE (between 17 and 20): 17

GENDER: male

SPECIES: ice elemental

POWERS/SKILLS: ice powers, including traveling through his element (ice portal)



APPEARANCE: silky white hair reaching less than half his back, ice blue eyes, pale skin, tall, petite, sharp facial features.(looks like in the picture above but with white hair)

CLOTHES: shades of light blue shirts, T-shirts, coats,… white skin-tight pants, a silver watch, silver ring and the family pendant hidden under his shirt.

PERSONALITY: thinks before he says anything, daydreams (especially during classes if the lecture isn't interesting enough for him), more likely to plan up revenge then fight directly, you know he is angry when he is even calmer than usual, also instead of yelling at someone he is more likely to use an icy calm tone, patient.

OTHER INFO (likes, dislikes, weaknesses, BIO,...): is the third son of the leading family of the Ice elemental clans. He tries to hide it but those close to him know his identity.

He gets annoyed when his brothers act overprotective of him.

Sometimes he can come across as a bit cold or distant.

Hayden sometimes calls him princess because it annoys him.

He is afraid of small spaces and dislikes fire because of an incident in his past.

He loves sweet things which is how his brothers get back on his good side if he is angry at them.

Secretly likes to sing and is good at it.

Whenever someone tries to wake him up and is too close he tends to punch, hug or kick them while still half alseep.

“who are you calling princes, brother do I have to remind you I know your dirty secrets?”,
“would you stop fussing over me? It is annoying.”,
“friends? Oh, so we are friends… okay”


Hayden (Hay) Chrest


AGE (between 17 and 20): 18

GENDER: male

SPECIES: ice elemental

POWERS/SKILLS: ice powers

SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual (only those he is close to know)

APPEARANCE: dark blue almost black hair a bit asymmetrically reaching his chin in layers, blue eyes, tall, athletic body (but not too muscled), sharp facial features.

CLOTHES: mostly black, blue and sometimes a bit purple.

PERSONALITY: direct, says anything he thinks, can sometimes be impulsive, skips classes he thinks are useless or boring, impatient, protective of people close to him, doesn’t shy away from a fight.

OTHER INFO (likes, dislikes, weaknesses, BIO,...): His parents died fighting with one of the fire clans when he was four. Skyler's parents adopted him and treated him like he was their own so he became one of Skyler's overprotective brothers.

He got away with a lot of things because his adoptive parents wanted him to have the best life he can since he had lost his parents so young.

Most of the trouble he got into was because he said whatever he was thinking no matter what it was. He also tends to use curse words.

He always drinks cola, has a talent for painting, dislikes when people are judgmental, hates when people touch his hair unless it's his brothers. Has a secret fear of heights.

“that's some serious twilight zone shit right there”,
“get that out of my face or I’ll make you eat it”,
“how can someone be born with such a big head but be dumber than a newborn?”

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Name: Angel Silvermoon

Gender: Male (Trap)

Race: Human/Angel

Age: 18 human years

Powers/Abilities: Angel gains the power of void manipulation. He is able to become the true definition of imperceptible. He is able to create of field that negates all other powers beside his, allowing him to break up a fight that he deems is going to far. It also helps him teach his students on how to not always depend on their powers. Angel is capable of taking hits and giving them back twice as hard. Most people who try to use magic on him have little success due to void increasing his defense against any type of magic. Since he is an assistant teacher at the school, Angel doesn't use the full extent of his power so that the school would accept him as a combat teacher. The only his wife and him know how strong he really is whenever he takes off his handicap. A witch who once tried to see inside his mind was deemed unstable once she stopped looking inside his mind after a minute in it.

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual


Angel form:

Human form:

Combat outfit:

Teacher form:

His true form:

Clothes: Angel wears what is seen above though at times he can be seen wearing a royal cloak or even a pure black cloak.

Personality: Angel is a very relaxed person, though he enjoys the thrill of fighting. He enjoys being creative and imaginative. Angel is known to be very charismatic combat teacher that most of his students enjoy him as a teacher. He is very cheerful about most things and will help his students, whenever he teaches, on how to take advantage over their opponents in combat. Angel tends to be very precise about of the most things he do or thinks about. He is very sociable amongst his students even though he is a teacher assistant.

Other info:

Bio- Angel was born into a royal Human royal family. When he was born, he was stricken with an incurable disease that affects new borns. A seeress of the Void Goddess came to family with an answer. Her Goddess said that she would cure him in return he would work for her when he died. Agreeing to the goddess term, Angel was healed and the family thanked the goddess by having her seeress stay with them and treating her like royalty.

Likes: His fiancée, foxes, sparing, drawing, cooking, and music.

Dislikes: Over confidence, being stared, dolls, fear, and people who try to ask him about his powers.

Something he says:
"I shall remember your pain, it will be carved into my heart."
"Lose yourself in battle and rejoice!"
"Oblivion is the fate of all things."
"Everybody can become a legend : a legendary tyrant, who committed genocide. A hero, who saved thousands of life's. The only thing which important : which type of legend will you become?"
"A hero does not come from noble birth, or is granted powers from the divine. A hero can be a warrior with a mighty sword, with a mighty name, who is capable of killing dozens of men, or a frail scholar whose experiences of war are only found in the books he's read. But one thing a hero must have is bravery. For how can you save the weaker among us, if you are not able to put yourself in a position to help them? It does not matter whether your talents prompt you to pick up a weapon. What matters is if you're brave enough to protect them at the extent of your own life."

Theme song:
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16 (Skipped A Year Ahead)


POWERS/SKILLS: Unlike her brother Shizu's powers weren't in fact modified for the academy, simply because unlike her brother she doesn't prioritise using them in the same ways he does, not to mention with her condition- unless something were to really set her off she's a rather blankly innocent person.
  • Charming Aura: If someone is feeling happy / romantic Shizu's aura will make them feel more in love or excited, and occasionally more attracted to her. Once more this will not take effect if the target is feeling any other emotion.
  • Enchanted Kiss: A Succumbus' kiss is known for having unique properties, their kiss can steadily drains away their life-force killing them slowly with repeated use.
  • Enhanced Strength: Incubi have been shown to be able to cut apart trees as if they were butter with their claws, suggesting that they have great strength, Shizu doesn't prefer to use this nearly as much as her brother however, and during her conditions effects will often loose this strength entirely.
  • Charm (or Allure): By looking into a persons eyes, Incubi have the power to take control of that man and then control him as if he were a marionette. An Incubus with the power of illusions can easily Charm an entire crowd of men.
  • Illusions: Though nowhere near perfect Shizu can cast illusions as almost her main ability, specifically emotionally tied ones a trait their mother possessed, bringing either a persons worst fears, or happiest memories to life.
  • !EXCEPTION! Flight: Unusual for most of her kind yet prevalent for her she has not grown in her wings or tail at all, even by this later age it seems.
Incubi are "creatures of love" and, as such, gain power from their loved ones and their "Mate of Destiny". If they are not loved by their Mate of Destiny, the Incubus will eventually die. It is implied that there is a scale of "experience" which rates an Incubus's power. The

Levels / Grades of Lust:



(Shown Above)

Cute and rather blank the girl is a somewhat unusual case consider the thoughts towards their kind, erotic and love lusting creatures able to capture hearts at a bare glance!- and yet she couldn't seem to care less about the thing, somewhat timid at times she's one to hide behind the protection of her older brother when possible and seems amused and entirely curious at the simplest of things, once staring at a stray cat for more than three hours jut crouched there before suddenly grabbing it and forcing her brother into helping let them keep it, not to mention she has what appears to be very little common sense, the girl once stood outside in the rain because she though the door was locked, without having even checked it. She has a good heart though and even with her unusual habits she means well, giving people small gifts or being blankly oblivious to anything bad in the world, it's like in her head everything is perfect just the way it is. Her panic attacks are rare these days but dangerous and she's fairly good at remembering to tell people before she passes out in front of them suddenly, though is still extremely stubborn when in comes to being forced into admitting she doesn't feel well or she can't do something, not to mention her fevers make her act well- okay she acts like a complete childish drunk, adorable and admittedly hilarious.

-Since she was first born Shizu was a week child, she'd had many problems during pregnancy and in the first few years she came in and out of fevers or sudden states of what were either passing out or sudden panic attacks, they tried to help as best they could but to this day it hasn't quite been worked out what caused o is still causing this, there was a similar condition carried by her great grandmother who passed away at an exceptionally young age especially by standards of their kind, great worry is given by their farther towards her who simply wants her to be happy, she has improved over the years to a moderate degree but her future is so far still unsure, she has a slight speech impediment due to this.
-The younger sister of Thalix.

'Onii-chan…. What- is you doing?….'
'Dango, Dango~….'
Name: Aerith Silvermoon

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Race: Mermaid/Xana

Aerith is a meta summoner and organic mimicry with the knowledge of some healing magic. She can summon things from small animals to even, for those who are willing to pay the consequences, to angels and demons and even the undead. To use her summoning abilities she can either draw it or use word magic to summon them.

Sexuality: Demisexual

Her normal appearance-

Her teacher appearance:


Whenever she is on a date with Angel:


Whenever she is alone with Angel:


Her combat form:

Her second teacher form:

Her true form:

(Shown above)

Aerith is known to be vocal about most things. She is caring to her students and will do anything to protect what she loves, even at the cost of her own life. Most people come to her to ask her for some advice. She enjoys being with Angel and is willing to go lengths just to be with him since he is her finance. She is very defensive of him whenever someone tries to flirt with him, sorta like a yandere. She is very friendly and enjoys it whenever she is helping her students out.

Going to be married soon.

Books, the outside, snow, teaching, writing, cooking with Angel, and playing sports.

Not much of anything besides being to far from Angel.

Something she would say:​
"A Festival of Lights, glowing in the dark. To make us remember the beauty of the world, Gathering us together. So we can remember what we forgot. So that we can understand the wonder in a word or even a very thought. So here and now we gather today. So may the music bands be started without a delay. May the choruses start as one. And sing all together. Till the rise of the sun marks a new day And shines over A Festival of Lights"

"We are all ordinary. We are all boring. We are all spectacular. We are all shy. We are all bold. We are all heroes. We are all helpless. It just depends on the day."

"Do you ever wonder why Shards Of Light shine the brightest? If the light is engulfed by shadows, what is left but these shards? When there is nothing left to compare it too, these shards seem to glow as bright as any star in the sky. The same could be said for us, for people. When we see only darkness surrounding us, we either are overcome by it or we become that light that is needed. While every human has flaws, they also have redeeming values. These values are what save us from being swallowed by the darkness. These values are what make you yourself. If you ever find that the world around you is fading to darkness, look inside yourself and see the light you form. Stay true to yourself and do not lose your path, this will allow you to become a shard. When Shards Of Light gather, they resonate a light so powerful, that the darkness vanishes completely. That is why Shards Of Light shine the brightest."

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Misaki and Minako Himegami


►βasic ɨnformation

Age: (human age) 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Humanoid Elemental

Relationship: Single


• HEIGHT • Feet and meters: 5'10", 1.778 m
• WEIGHT • kg and lbs.: 198 lbs, 89.8 kg

Build: Athletic, but lithe
Eye color: Gold
Hair color/style: Misaki's and Minako's hair is liken to burning coals. Red with black highlights at the edges and a stripe on the same side of their heads. They wear a crimson butterfly ornament on their left side as the stripe of black is on their right.

Casual outfit(s):

Other outfits:


(More to come, they wear shorts under the outfits.)
(will put in later)
(Will put in later)

Name and description of Powers:

Misaki: Earth. The earth element comes to Misaki like it does her twin but she has some control of plants, very limited. She is the same as her twin, she doesn't know much with how to do with the element.

Minako: Water. The water element comes easy to Minako as if it were second nature. She can do various things with water but she is limited to what she knows, which isn't very much at the moment.


Misaki and Minako are alike and unalike at the same time. Misaki comes off as a standoffish and stoic while Minako comes off as bubbly and friendly. In reality, its the opposite. Misaki is the one that is friendly and bubbly but she has trouble with speaking with people and being near them. Minako becomes the face for them when Misaki can't talk and easily slips in and out of the mask with her twin. She terribly hates those that would try to take her twin away from her and Misaki is the same.
Misaki and Minako Himegami were born 'human'. Everything around them always seemed to scream human. So they were raised to be human, ignoring their roots of being humanoid elementals, until a trip to their mother's hometown. The twins had discovered a hidden village, abandoned to the ages, and discovered the dark secrets that lurked within that village. They'll never speak of that experience except saying it was a wonderful time they spent with each other.

They have this odd quirk of having crimson butterflies appearing at odd times. Sometimes its while in class or during sleep. They have no control when the butterflies appear but the butterflies only come in 4-5 and have no abilities that they have seen.

Something she/he would say that shows off her/his character most:
"Damn walking libidos. Why do they have to try to seduce everyone they met?" -Minako
"Well, that didn't turn out as excepted."- Misaki when messing with alchemy
(more to come)

Code by @Starfish
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Kireizukin Apachai

Nineteen years of age.



He can transform into a much bigger, much faster and powerful creature that looks like it's made from bandages, giving him claws as weapons (Both on his hands and feet), the ability to create a mist they drains his enemies energy (He can see through this mist, also, while they can barley.) and his senses sharpen dramatically. The only weakness is that he can hardly control the creature, rendering him feral and unstable when in battle. (He came here to learn how to control the creature) (The creature is seen in the picture, along side him.)

Sexual Orientation:

In his human form, he is wearing a white t-shirt, black trousers and white trainers with red laces and red soles.
In creature form, it is wearing bandages, covering up the actual body.

Kirezukin is generally a nice person, doesn't start beef for no reason and is all-round a normal guy. He will have his moments with people though, if they're being annoying or just typically pissing him off. He is the type of person that will treat you how you treat him.

Other Info:
Kirezukin likes fighting, training, getting stronger in general. Anything to do with improving his power/physique. That doesn't mean he's one of those people who love there looks more than anything though.

Kirezukin hates looking weak, losing, anything to do with people that fight and defeat him. He'll always seek victory in anything he does, making him a tough opponent and sometimes a sore loser.

He has very high willpower, rendering control abilities and succubi abilities useless against him.

He doesn't really work well with others when in battle, so he is mostly alone when fighting.

Something that he would say, which defines his character:

Starsy Starsy
NAME: Aurora

AGE: Perceivable age, 20

GENDER: Female

SPECIES: Samaelian Endling

Angel/Demon mimicry


Technically isn't wearing clothes, her external appearance consists entire of her being and generally takes the semblance of an A-Line gown.

PERSONALITY: Aurora can't seem to come to grips with the fact she's the last of her kind or get over her loss. This makes her very prone to sport a dejected visage and seem lost in thought. Her persona also takes on a similarly depressing tone having her always seem down and preoccupied when interacting with anyone else. She's grown very cynical and nihilistic over time, coming off as disinterested in anything and totally unmotivated.

LIKES: Reminiscing, sitting alone or quietly, like-minded people, Archangel Samael, his hymns.

DISLIKES: Optimism is approached as naive, rowdiness is avoided, idle chat is ignored, affection is rejected, aggression is met with indifference, any other Seraphim.

WEAKNESSES: Holy and Demonic magics

BIO: Last of the sons and daughters of Archangel Samael, known as Samaelians. Born of his feathers landing on earth and rooting into the ground. Once protected under God, their existence grew to be was seen as an affront, a corruption of heavenly grace with inherent earthly sin and they were destroyed by the Seraphim. All but Aurora.

"'Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun. However many years anyone may live, let them enjoy them all. But let them remember the days of darkness, for there will be many. Everything to come is meaningless.'.....Strange to think that after all this time, a human long dead reached a level of wisdom that is just now dawning on me. David must be glowing with pride."


"I don't really hate you. It's just--
if you were burning, I'd roast marshmellows."


Xeveria Yacintha
Name | Xeveria Yacintha
Pronunciation | (Severia Yaseenta) (Sev)
Age | Seventeen
Gender | Female
Species | Banshee
Sexual Orientation | Bisexual
Personality | Xev is not very approachable. She is never seen exhibiting emotion, giving a cold first-impression to others. Her manner of speaking is blunt, honest and straight-to-the-point; the comments she rarely gives are often insulting, though she tries her best to sound as kind and sincere as she can. She usually answers with simple gestures like nods and pointing out objects. She does not like eye contact. When she was young, she was a bright young girl. However due to a certain incident,
she chooses to be isolated from the others.
Power | Xev is a banshee. With inhumanly powerful lungs and vocal cords. Some have rumoured that this is why Xev does not like talking or conversing with others; some have also said that Xev may be deaf, and knows lip-reading. Xev has the power to make glasses shatter, or even make other people deaf, just by screaming. Not too trained and practiced, it is dangerous for Willow to speak. This is why she often responds with gestures and whispers.
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Name: Hollybell

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Pixie

Powers: Plant Mastery- Hollybell can talk to plants and make them grow

Size changing- Hollybell is normally five inches tall, but can grow to five feet.

Sexual orientation- Pansexual

Appearance and Clothes: See picture. For formal occasions, she wears a dress made of violet petals

Personality: Quiet and shy, rather intelligent, loves to read.

Likes: Books, potion-brewing, flowers

Dislikes: The dark, thunderstorms

Bio: Not much to talk about here, honestly. Hollybell grew up in a community of pixies in a beautiful country meadow. Her parents were among the many pixies who made the flowers grow. Hollybell had a connection to magic that was deeper than most pixies, so she was accepted to the academy.


Gerrant Artemidoros

"Life is"

βasic ɨnformation:

Character's Name: Gerrant Artemidoros

Nicknames: He rather prefer not being given one but his parents nicknamed him Light, reason is in powers and back story.

Gender: Male

Age: 20 (actual age is the hundreds or thousands, he lost count after 200 years)

Race: Hybrid Dragon.

Sexuality: Bisexual

• HEIGHT • 5'9" and 1.75 meters.

• WEIGHT • 73 kg and 160.9 lbs.

Build: A bit on the lithe side but he has muscles

Eye color: A silver blue with a mix of amethyst and gold

Hair color/style: Gerrant's hair is a burnt gold color but his hair is cut short in the front but the back is long so its braided in the back.

Wings: Gerrant has two pairs of wings on his back but they are feathered, colored a burnt gold like hair thought a few shades lighter. When resting, they are small, unmoving, and covered by thick skin.

"Like a Dance"

Gerrant is a person that's laid back and down-to-earth but he doesn't hesitate to glare at someone or get angry if they tick/piss him off. He also is quite the mother hen if he knows someone quite well; being overly protective and huggy. When the situation calls for being angry, he just gets quiet and remains in the background while silently fuming. When happy, he smiles and is relaxed. Sad, he looks mournfully to the sky. Frustrated, he would refuse to anyone's eyes as to not snap at them and rather be left alone to calm down.

Dragon Form:

"Its up to the dancer"


Gerrant is well known to use light energy and able to bend it into orbs or shields to protect him when confronted with enemies. He could also heal someone with it but it could hurt them if he concentrates too much. Light energy can't be used in dark places unless some form natural light occurs.

Limits: With the orbs, size of the orb means more energy and concentration. Shields are the same, but duration can be from 3-9 minutes at most. Healing can be done but if the person has a major wound or fatal wound, he would end up damaging them more than actually healing them. It also creates a backlash to him. With the major or fatal wound, he could chose to to take it from the person onto himself but damaging himself more than healing the person. He can't use light energy in dark places. Overheats when using too much light energy.

Weaknesses: He cannot stand dark areas, it makes him feel cold and clammy. He also overheats whenever he uses light energy too much.

Clothes: (Will find some)
"When to stop dancing or when to take a break"


Likes: Gerrant isn't one to turn down various forms of fruits, books on almost any subject, and dancing to music.

Dislikes: Gerrant would rather stay away from alcohol, sugar, and a certain plant; he'll not say which one. He despises those who are arrogant, haughty, and or just cruel.

Medical Issue: Gerrant is quite embarrassed when it comes to eating things with sugar or drinking any form of alcohol since it transforms into three things; 1. A devil in disguise that will prank anyone or seductive as all hell. 2. An idiot that jabbers on about any topic that pops into his head. Or 3. An complete idiot that talks about anything that he first sees; fingers, hair, weight, wing color/shape, etc..

Weapons: He does have a few weapons but mostly a sword named Vu Kun; Dawn's light.

Pet(s): He also has a sabercat named Vokun:

^Sabercat is more of traveling companion/guard for Gerrant when he's getting ready to dance.

A fox named Estrild, meaning goddess of dawn and after his human sister after she passed:
^fox can only go up to his hip and is a dance partner to Gerrant.

Martial Status: Single

Family: He rather not talk about his family as they care little for those who are 'human' or human, meaning those that look human or actual humans.

Other family: Deceased

Hybrid dragon: Gerrant isn't like most hybrid dragons, carrying either small or large patches of what their dragon parent (either mother or father) was and can only do so much with their dragon powers, he can transform into a full fledged dragon like any full dragon can but it has its limits. For one, the sugar and alcohol upsets the delicate balance Gerrant has in his blood. Two, his dragon side can vary its size per transformation but its mostly the size of a large draft horse. Lastly, the only sign Gerrant carries as a sign of his heritage are the two pairs of wings on his back.


History/Bio: Gerrant could only remember the time he was age 2, when he was found by his 'human' parents, a Sylph and a Vetter. Why he only remembered age 2 was because he was the only one of his 'biological' family to have the most dragon blood in them. Meaning, he was hatched from an egg. Sounds crazy? Since he was 'found' by his parents, they decided to adopt him and introduced him to society. Age 4 began with him able to bend light in small ways and his parents wanted him to stick to being a 'normal human' child but also able to embrace his other heritage with pride. In his childlike mind, they were as human as human can get. It was also the time where they learned of his weakness to sugar, as they were wakened up by him and their other 'child' giggling like little girls with matching grins. Their only child, a blond as well, took a shining to him and fiercely protected him when bullies tried to yank on his hair or wings when they discovered them to be ultra sensitive at touch.

He grew up loved and adored by his 'human' family but it wasn't without fault. It was at a party that he learned of his weakness to alcohol and turned into either a blabbering idiot or a idiot that asked inane questions/ commented on anything he saw. He also learned more of his abilities on light manipulation. As a growing child, his powers were very limited to what he could do at the time but he had more flexibility and control than as a child. It also came into fact that he was able to transform into an actual dragon once on his birthday, age 25. That's when he began to notice things about his family, it seemed strange to him as they got older, he looked almost unchanged. Like time had frozen his hourglass, that wasn't the case. After his 'human' parents death, his 'human' sister lengthened her life to try and match his as she loved him enough to try it. Sadly, the only way she would match his life line was to become an immortal or a demigod, which neither was possible for her. She did, however, able to live longer than the average 'human' thanks to Gerrant's gifting of his blood to her and a nickname, Light, as he was a light in her life that would never fade from memory.

During the time he was with his 'human' sister, his 'biological family' had caught wind of him and swiftly went out to find him. They found him at the grave of his 'human' sister, crying. He had lost his family so why was he young while they were corpses in the ground? That answer came from an older sister, who took it upon herself to 'teach' him what was right or wrong with being with humans. Anytime he tried to interact with a 'human' over the years with his biological family, his older sister grabbed him and yelled at him for even trying to talk to the 'things'. Or what his biological sister called 'humans'. His older brother tried to get him interested in hunting or fighting, but he declined every time he was asked. It was suffocating to be around his biological family for centuries as they never kept track of what age they were that year or when their birthday was. He kept track of when he was 'born' but lost track of his age after 200.

Some years later, he left to be a wanderer and carve out his life as he saw fit. Along the way, he found a kitsune and a sabercat. He named the fox after his 'human' sister and the other Vokun, meaning Shadow. It was there he was recruited into being an imperial dancer by a passing female guard, who happened to be part of the dancer corp for the city, and he got his job. He still wonders around from time to time but he's mostly content with his job as a dance. Estrild and Vokun accompany him wherever he goes. But he was soon dragged to a school by his human sister's ghost, saying that he needs to learn more about being around other species instead of dragons or other hybrids. That and he had been dunked into an alchemical solution that de-aged him and messed with his control of his powers...great.

Code by @Starfish
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Thorn Vallentine

In human years, he is around three hundred, even though he looks around twenty.


Demonic Shayman
A Demonic Shayman is a high classed healer of the underworld, someone with incredible healing abilities and is usually found in prestigious families working for a high price. Thorn is currently the school doctor though but is still respected by most demons who were born in the underworld.

Healing Aura
Thorn has the power to heal someone, just by being in there presence. Just being near him heals most wounds rather quickly.

Barrier Making
He can make powerful barriers, allowing him to protect others while they're healing.

Sexual Orientation:

He is usually wearing the common doctor's outfit. A stethoscope around his neck, with a white lab coat.

Doctor Vallentine is confident in his skills, is not shy about his opinions and will be generally straight with people. When someone presents him with an injury though, he'll smile almost uncontrollably and his eyes will flash red, activating his aura. People have called him weird because of this, making the people wish they ate their apples.



Other Info:
Healing people, watching fights, studying injuries, operating. (>; D)

When patients squirm, losing a patient, paperwork.

Being a demon means he needs a high willpower in order to survive the succubi or incubi in the underworld, so he has the willpower to block them.

He might get attached to someone, deeming them his 'personal patient'.

Something that he would say, which defines his character:
"Are you ready for your.. operation? Hehehe."​


NAME: Hiroshi Aizen

AGE: unknown but looks 24

GENDER: male

SPECIES: descendant of the Gemini

POWERS: healing, he can detect what is wrong with someone just by looking at them.


APPEARANCE: black silky hair cut in layers almost reaching his chin, pale purple eyes, wears glasses, tall.

CLOTHES: always wears his doctor's clothes.


PERSONALITY: he doesn’t care for the female gender at all usually even going so far as to refuse to treat females which is when his other persona takes over, He is arrogant, dominating and secretly seduces some of his patients despite it being frowned upon. He always makes his male patients undress their shirt no matter why they came to him for because he has an obsession with the male upper body. Has his lightly sadistic moments.

OTHER INFO: He is one of the rare descendants of the Gemini which is why he has two ‘selfs’, his personality as well as his appearance shift whenever a woman touches him in any way sometimes it switches when he refuses to treat female patients as well.


“hmmm, so you have a fever? Well then pull your shirt off and I will check your temperature”, “don’t touch me, vile women”, “I refuse to treat wenches”, “oh my you are the example of a perfect male specimen”



NAME: Naoki Aizen

AGE: unknown but looks 20

GENDER: male

SPECIES: descendant of the Gemini

POWERS: touch of sleep (if he wants to he can put anyone to sleep with a touch), healing.

SEXUALITY: gender-blind

APPEARANCE: white chin long hair in layers, red eyes, pale skin, normal height.

CLOTHES: usually just wears his doctor's clothes with a syringe in his pocket.

PERSONALITY: physically gentle towards his patients, gets angry when people don’t take good care of themselves, thinks about experiments a lot.

OTHER INFO: his trigger is whenever he gets hurt in any way he switches back to his other self. Whenever he appears he is confused for a moment before he jumps right into action doing his job. He often ends up shocked at what his other self does. He is obsessed with experiments of any kind and often secretly takes samples of things and people he encounters just for the hack of it. He especially does experiments when he is bored.

SOMETHING THEY WOULD SAY: “no! You will not stand back up until you are well rested and that is final”, “oh yes! A new sample! And it's so beautiful too!”​
Callahan Academy Student Application

NAME: Rachel Black

AGE : 18

GENDER: Female

SPECIES: Demi-Warlock (Mother's a Demi god Father's a Warlock)



  • Word magic: writes words and brings them to reality, for example: writes apple, touches it, the words shift into an apple; writes teleport herself, touches it, the word disappear into her skin and she teleports. The more specific she is the better, but her intent with the magic usually works.Born with a quill tattoo (see enchanted item for details) She knows regular magic but like to use her own more. Typically she writes the same words and “activates” them on herself, such as flight. But there are other words “inactivated” or “unused” on her for emergencies. The magic ends when she mentally let's go of it.

  • Enchanted Tattoo: Tattoo of a quill on her left wrist as a summoning tool, using the ink from it to summon objects, powers and anything the user deems summonable. The tattoo can form into a quill with endless ink as well as a sword

  • Swordsmanship

  • Talented artist


Rachel is about 5'0 tall and 155lb. she is a bigger girl and has slight hour glass figure. She has freckles on her face and down her arms and her hair is super long due to a curse. Originally she had cute her hair short before the curse was put on her.

She usually wear her tunic and cape along with some boots and arm bracers. This is because she had to wear this at her old school and old habits die hard. When out of school she's usually wear jeans and a nice shirt. though she really loves cute dresses and skirts, and just a more cutesy look in general, she feels that it wouldn't really look good on her despite it being a style she's really in love with.

A quiet girl with her nose in a book or a sketchbook. She id very empathetic and feels her own emotions very, very deeply. Despite her anxiety and insecurity Rachel has a lot of ambition and is a driven hard working person who is both intelligent and artistic. Her love of learning keeps her going through the school year
Though often she is lost in her thoughts.

BIO: Rachel and her twin brother Mark were raised mostly alone with their warlock father Luke. Their mother was called upon by her own godly parent to embark on a quest soon after the twins were born and after that she was never seen again. Their father poured himself into raising his two beautiful children and tried his best to teach them how to control their powers and to help them become good people. They Lived in a secluded town surrounded by woods.
During her early teenage years Rachel ran with a bad crowd as her dad was called upon to work far from home for a long while. During this time her brother also fell into some bad habits. Its wasn't until a certain incident involving a mage gang and maybe a demon or two that things changed. Their father returned home immediately and settled the situation down along with moving the kids to a new town and sending both to separate schools for many years.

Rachel Herself went to a more knight-centric place where she learned sword fighting and disciplined herself to shed her old personality. Despite her changes the past event did traumatize the girl seeing she was more or less at the center of the terrible incident. It made her more quiet, more so than the schooling did. This wouldn't be too concerning but a side effect from what happened has caused terrible night terrors to plague her but Rachel keeps trying to improve her self as a person and learn more about her abilities despite the past and present hauntings.

She hasn't seen her brother in a year. The last time they were together was for a holiday break from their schools. Their Father decided that for their last year in schools they would try a new place where they could be together and it was a place that would allow hem to be more of a family since it was closer to their home.

Night time
Observing people and places
Loves Cute things

Loud places
Social confrontation
People touching her hair
Hates bright yellow fabrics
The cursed circlet

The black circlet on her head has a minor curse on it. It just makes the wearer's hair reflect their self or some other metaphorical bullshit, probably a gag curse but she found the thing and put it on and hasn't been able to lift the curse. It just made her hair really long and floaty. She can only be a mile away from it, any further and she gets unbelievably bad migraines

"Sometimes the only answer is the one in your heart, and sometimes the answer is really just yes or no. Its all about perspective and I intend not to make my own the only one I consider"

Masato Mungia



SPECIES: vampire Dragon harbour (he holds the soul of a dragon alongside his own)

POWERS/SKILLS: Masato has the ability to stay alive for a long time. His dragon soul makes him immune to illinesses and ageing. He was a vampire before now so he is just extra strong and super fast.

SEXUAL ORIENTATION: he prefers to marvel in the eyes of his wife.

APPEARANCE: (posted above) his eyes turn blue when Serphina (his dragon soul) is trying to surface

CLOTHES: mostly black suits style. Will wear any suit and a long jacket when needed

PERSONALITY: Masato is an honorable man with a lot to be desired. He is very honor drivin and speaks softly. He is never harsh or brute. He is an understanding man who with occasionally make jokes. A gamer at heart will spend copious amounts of hours on a gaming console. He is strong willed and does not give people grades they do not deserve.

OTHER INFO: Masato was born in a time when dragons ruled the earth. Every day he would get up and work his farm with his parents until the age the dragons were hunted and killed for their scales. It was then he met Serphina, a beautiful white and blue serpent yet English style dragon. She was dying and for a promise to give him eternal life she asked him to take her soul and keep her safe. He didn’t want much, a boy of only 17 living and working hard he wanted nothing more then to not disappoint his parents. Though he was a vampire (and later learned his parents had adopted him) he wanted to make them happy so he took her soul and kept it close. Sadly though he didn’t age. He watched his parents die and leaned he had to move around to keep people from discovering he was ageless. For a long time people hunted him. And for a long time he evaded them. It wasn’t until Seraphina told him about the dragon-cat crossbreed that he returned to his land. He found one egg remaining in a nest that had long since been abandoned. A single purple and black egg. He took it to his new home expecting it never to hatch until one day.... loves animals of all kinds. Birds mostly intrigue him.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: “I have to be getting back to my destiny game now, do you mind too terribly?”

OTHER: his creature of choice is a small just hatched creature called a NekoGon. It is half-dragon half cat but is just a baby (is this okay? NekoGons are a closed species owned by me but it said no dragons,...)

AGE: 17

GENDER: Female

SPECIES: Shape shifter

POWERS/SKILLS: she has one power and that is to control the manipulation of cells. (Making things feeeze)

SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Prefers males but will play if asked.

APPEARANCE: above is one of her many forms. Gist is, she can take any form of any living animal and it has to be purple.

CLOTHES: skin-tight Blue dress, fuzz (fur) on the top. Brown vest with a two part attachable and detachable second skirt. Blue socks with matching fuzz on the top. Boots brown with a Juan cat face on the toes.

PERSONALITY: Astraya is quiet. Mostly. It takes a long time to get to know her but once you do she is loyal to you. She has a laughter that is not matched by anyone and can typically make a room smile. She is bubbly and loves to take many forms sometimes one after another. Enjoys the occasional joke too.

OTHER INFO: (i prefer to keep her backstory a mystery since she doesn’t like to talk about her past, is this okay?) cannot be around people who do things with fire! Is sensitive to heat. Like VERY sensitive.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: “everyone is unique and special in their own way like a snowflake and such like one their curves and lines should be evaluated with expert care and tenderness.”

OTHER: Likes cats, has one, Bagheera, Baggie or Boog for short. Has a tattoo of a snowflake, somewhere on her body. Carries a staf sometimes that has a moon and a snowflake dangling from the moon.

Riku Okimada

AGE (between 17 and 20): 17 but it’s a mystery

GENDER: a sugar cube on fire

SPECIES: okimada

POWERS/SKILLS: shape shifts into a wolf and also becomes a different gender which is why he identifies as a sugar cube on fire.

SEXUAL ORIENTATION: depends on the day but is mostly homosexual

CLOTHES: likes to wear clothes that do not reveal gender

PERSONALITY: Riku is misty a keep to self kind of person. Riku enjoys becoming a wolf on command and flounces around when doing so. Riku’s attention span is long and the ability to remain focused have good grades and even the ability to stay loyal to the one love, is something Riku excels in. Riku loves school and enjoys making a small group of friends. Riku is smart and loving

OTHER INFO: Riku was born in England. spending most of life raising two twin girls. Parents died when the girls were only a few weeks old. They were hunted and killed in front of riku. This tore Riku a part but it did not stop the Okai from being the best brother he could. It wasn’t until the fall of the kingdom that Riku worried about the girls. Then Riku sent the girls to live with family in Germany and set off to finish school.


You can also add anything else that might help others get a better picture of your character (media like videos, songs, pictures etc...optional):
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Lord Aeron

AGE: 20


SPECIES: Incubus

FAMILY: Thalix, Shizu, Eros the God of Erotic Love

  • Flight: With his wings, Thalix can take to the skies and fly. He can even carry other people, though carrying more than one person will greatly tire him out.
  • Enchanted Kiss: An Incubus' kiss is known for having unique properties, their kiss can steadily drain away their life-force killing them slowly with repeated use.
  • Enhanced Strength: Incubi have been shown to be able to cut apart trees as if they were butter with their claws, suggesting that they have great strength.
  • Charm (or Allure): By looking into a man's eyes, Incubi have the power to take control of that man and then control him as if he were a marionette. An Incubus with the power of illusions can easily Charm an entire crowd of men.
  • Illusions: Powerful Incubi can gain the ability to cast powerful illusions, which seem to possess some physical effect.
  • Mind Entering: Succubi have the ability to enter another person's dream with their tails. To do this, the end of their tail opens like a flower which they then put on the intended target's head before entering the person's mind.
  • Claws: Although not an ability, Thalix has extreme talons that can grow or be reduced.
Aeron has managed to master all the skills and arts and is extremely powerful in his field, and is not someone to insult or try to fight. Aeron feeds on sexual energy. The effects can be very strong or weak depending on the victim. A human partner would be more at risk to be drained of energy and over time maybe even be at risk of death, but any other race have a durability to not be affected what so ever. He can also feed off the sexual energy of others just in a place but it's not as strong, and affects himself - gaining extra power but just makes the target feel attracted to Aeron, but this doesn't apply to anyone who doesn't have feelings for him, unless they are a human. However he can take a more passive role and cause a sort of aphrodisiac like effect in a place and not partake in any of it himself. This is another thing that gets more powerful over time.

LIMITS: Aeron is only able to summon Illusions once everyday due to it's overall power and extremities, if tried to be cast again he will take severe injury and extra power drainage. Although he has enhanced strength, Aeron isn't just able to beat anyone up because he's strong. If someone masters in 1v1 combat it is very likely he will lose without using abilities. Aeron is strong and capable of much damage using his strength - but he isn't as strong as his other abilities.

KNOW FOR: Aeron was awarded the #1 body and has been rated #3 at having the largest "Junk in the Trunk". He is very proud of it and similarly to his brother, shows it off as much as possible, except his is larger than Thalix's.


Aeron has flawless, smooth skin that seems to radiate and bright, piercing eyes. Aeron has a pair of wings he uses to travel, and uses them due to his dislike of modern forms of transportation, all of which are quite large, his wingspan being twice the size of his height, giving them an intimidating appearance, but normally he folds them up behind himself making them unrecognisable. They have more of a leathery texture, usually in dark colors, with sharp talons on the thumbs of their wings, much like a bat. Aeron is able to essentially absorb his wings into his body if he needs to although the process is quite painful to endure. During this time, he is left with two horizontal ridges where the bone and tissue is kept until needed at a later time.

Aeron has hair which is a bright shade of white. His physical attributes such as the shape of his nose, lips, eyes, as well as his skin colour, are gained from his mother. Aeron is tall and thin, and is approximately 6'8". Aeron has a particularly muscular build, a combination of vanity and recreational physical training, putting his weight range (excluding his wings), at about 180lbs. His wings, being made of bone and thin tissue, end up adding about a fourth of his own weight which is 45lbs.

Aeron has moderately-sized teeth that are all slightly pointed. In addition to this, Aeron have horns. The shape and style vary as much as other physical attributes although they grow larger and longer, as the Aeron does. They are a sign of status and rank. The larger his horns, the longer he has lived and therefore demands more respect from others of his kind. Aeron has a long beautiful tail that often swerves.


Aeron when he was a teenager:



Aeron when he was a child:



Thalix + Aeron:

Aeron and Shizu:


Aeron is fast, strong, very clever and quite hard to kill. He is more prone to show up in times when he is aroused or in a sexual situation. He can easily get at that part of people and is a master of seduction. He uses it for self gain, research or just getting someone into bed.

Aeron is proud and also rather vain. Because his need to survive depends so heavily upon using the life force of others, mostly humans, he uses his appearance to his advantage and is very seductive and forward towards others. It is quite common for him to be competitive with other men or women who are interested in the same man. Jealousy and greed can also be problems among Aeron, as it mostly stems from his pride and competitiveness.

Aeron sees others as inferior but only to a certain extent as he still interact with others politely. Aeron is known to a select few lovers, still never being completely faithful, or just find one. But he has grown and matured, so is more settled looking for the one - but will still sustain a life of high sexual intercourse.

Aeron has an intense charisma and seductive power to match his good looks. He is clever and can tantalise men with his words as much as his body. He can be domineering and vengeful if he is slighted, but he ultimately take pride in this ability to please (and manipulate) men.
Aeron, like his brother, can also be extremely sarcastic and rude and makes personal comments quite often.


WEAKNESSES: Starvation, Exorcism, Angels, Holy Icons
LIKES: Boys, exercise, nails, water, tight clothing, his siblings, rolling his eyes

DISLIKES: Unhealthy eating habits, trumpets, dating girls

"Did you know, I'm able to say harder in every language" *wink*

Starsy Starsy


Lixue Thorn


βasic ɨnformation:

Character's Name: Lixue Thorn

Nicknames: Thorns, Snow, and her fav; witch doctor

Gender: Female

Age: 29 (Is actually 900 years old, will not tell youth secret. Bad)

Race: Witch Doctor/Shapeshifter

Sexuality: Bisexual

• HEIGHT • 5'9" and 1.75 meters.

• WEIGHT • 73 kg and 160.9 lbs.

Build: Very lean and lanky, but has enormous strength

Eye color: Heterochromatic; one eye is blood red and the other is sky blue

Hair color/style: Lixue's hair is done in many fashions and will repeatedly change her hair for the hell of it.


Lixue has many a mask to use around people. She is kind and considerate of her patients and dislikes those who do not treat them with equal worth. She is harsh and cruel when one fights with her, verbally and physically, and will make the other submit. She is gentle and soft when around people handicapped. She is neutral around those of authority.
"And deeper"


Lixue has many powers. Many of which are elemental in nature but she does not flaunt them so hastily. She only uses what she can and only calls upon her other powers when it is dire. She also has a couple zombie dogs...They are harmless except when their owner is harmed.

Clothes: Wears doctor's coat and footwraps on her feet. She does not understand the concept of underwear...It messes with her transformations.
"Before it consumes you"


Likes: Lixue does not have many likes except talking about exterminating demons or healing...and weapons.

Dislikes: Lixue dislikes demons but does not attack the ones on campus, defending the demons on campus from harm.

Weapons: Lixue has many weapons but does not show her collection of weapons to anyone, except those who enthuse about weapons.

Shapeshifting forms: Sabercat:

Man (multiple):





^Small version only
Lixue does have other forms but these three or the only ones she uses when on campus.

History/Bio: Lixue knows not where to begin her tale. She was born in a jungle and listened to the spirits, they say go to where a fallen star is. She goes to where the star is...She had traveled to a desert, frozen tundras, hellish abysses, and finally the heavens themselves. She had seen the angels themselves kill people to get souls but she releases them before becoming like death itself....She misses her friends in that realm but the angels would be angry if she stayed longer than needed. So she goes, finds a place where children are and many creatures that fascinate her mind. Doctor they call her, she becomes one. She upholds an oath to save those who would be on death's door, to make sure they do not pass over to inform the angels of her whereabouts.

Code by @Starfish
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NAME: Melrose Freeler

AGE (between 17 and 20): 19

GENDER: Female


POWERS/SKILLS: Psychic/Sensitive/Telekinetic. Melrose can see the past of any object she touches or focuses on, even if she hasn't been a apart of the past in question. How far into the past is still up for exploration. For this specific skill, she needs a lure or something specific to look for in the past of the object (it's like a Google search, the more she knows the narrower the scope). Melrose can also see and hear wandering spirits and ghosts but can't communicate with them. Lastly, Melrose can move objects with her mind. The smaller the object the easier it moves. This happens commonly when she's highly stressed and she subconsciously does it. Anything bigger than a garbage truck takes too much energy out of her and causes a magic brown out on her. This magic brown out just means all her magic shuts down until her energy regenerates.


PERSONALITY: Independent, introvert, guarded, hipster, artist

OTHER INFO (likes, dislikes, weaknesses, BIO,...): Melrose Freeler has been struggling with her magical identity since birth. She's been able to hear voices from beyond the living world, see through to a past she never lived, move objects when her anxiety reaches high levels (which is unfortunately often for her). Her father tried to understand her whilst her mother drowned herself in work and psychiatrists. Melrose lost her father a year ago on his birthday and her mother only distanced further from her. Her mother now runs the biggest finance corporation in the United States, National Freeler Finance Association, and never comes home. Melrose is an only child and finds herself in an empty home most days trying to stay sane with the constant voices.

SOMETHING SHE/HE WOULD SAY THAT SHOWS OFF HER/HIS CHARACTER MOST (optional): "By the grace of God, there go I. My friend used to say that, but God is a bunch of bullshit isn't it?..."

APPEARANCE: Melrose is short, 5'' girl with big golden curls and a small face. Her hair makes her seem smaller than she really is with a just as small frame. She can usually be seen wearing denim jackets and converse. She rarely wears make-up but likes to some days when she actually plans on meeting up with people. People usually regard her as very pretty but she doesn't regard herself as such.


NAME: NcKlaus (last name ?)

AGE (between 17 and 20): ?



POWERS/SKILLS: Super strength/Able to use simple magic/Motivates "darker" emotions by his presence alone.
NcKlaus is a darkness fae who feeds off of "darker" emotions such as sexual desires, greediness, and envy. He thrives and is at his strongest at teen parties as it is always oozing with sexual tension and jealous girlfriends. Among his many skills, he can use simple magic such as glamours but also has heightened senses, as his kind of fae are more often predators than prey.


APPEARANCE: He is rather tall, towering over his master Melrose at 6' 2" with white hair that shines silver. He has a muscular build and sharp canines but the reasoning for demonic aesthetic is not known to Melrose. He tends to have an intimidating aura and abyssal dancers, dark showy figures that float around his shoulders.

PERSONALITY: NcKlaus is one for sarcasm and trickery. As is the case with fae, he loves making deals and playing games. He's also a predatory type of fae who loves hunting down his prey, whether he plans to kill them or not. He does this in conversations as well and doesn't allow things to simply "be dropped" often. Due to be chained to his new master, he has become irritated and grumpy, coming off as rude and distant.

OTHER INFO (likes, dislikes, weaknesses, BIO,...): NcKlaus is a fae who was serving out a contract with a warlock when he fell ill and died. As such, the contract was passed down to the only child on the family, Melrose Freeler. He is burdened with the task of following her around as he is spiritually chained to her until the contract is fulfilled; a contract she has no intention of finishing. He is at her will until she releases him.

SOMETHING SHE/HE WOULD SAY THAT SHOWS OFF HER/HIS CHARACTER MOST (optional): "Humans are so fragile. And each and every one of them are like blood lures in a shark infested ocean."


Without the armour and stuff

; Avery Heart

AGE; 18


SPECIES: Tiger kemonomimi

POWERS/SKILLS: Whenever he lost control of his anger or feeling extremely stress,Avery goes a little feral, the more he does, the more he changes into his beast frommAlso haves enhance hearing, smelling, sight, and a little strength


APPEARANCE: Avery is 5,6 in height. His hair is black, eyes are emerald green, tail and ears is the same color as a white tiger. His skin is med and doesn't have human like ears. Avery also has many scars on his back

CLOTHES: Normally wears oversized coat, nice causal shirt or graphic, jeans, caused shoes or sneakers,a rose good watch

PERSONALITY: Avery likes to but on a tough guy act, but actually he's rather timid and abit shy. He's good at hiding his real feelings, so it's sometimes hard to tell what kind of mood he's in. Avery hates it when people underestimate him or talk bad about him. Although he's not really not much of a fighter, his feral instinct kicks in and cause him to make bad decision. Despite his bad history, he's a pretty relax guy, but that doesn't mean he don't have his days. Overall Avery is a smart and good guy, a little timid and with a slight attitude, but nice once you really get to know him

OTHER INFO: To make a long story short,Avery once a normal boy who was taken from his family at the age of five and brought to a hidden lab where he was experimented on. He befriended a girl and boy, who plotted to escape the lab. On the night of his thirteenth birthday the attempted to escape, his friends gave their life for he could get away. Avery wondered the streets for a while, on a verge of dieing, but was helped by a man who quit his job at the lab. He brought Avery back home, but his parents weren't there anymore. The man decided to keep Avery as his son
SOMETHING SHE/HE WOULD SAY THAT SHOWS OFF HER/HIS CHARACTER MOST: "I had every thing taken away, so why am i still standing? "

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