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Fantasy Supernatural Academy IC -open for applications :)

Miljonz Miljonz R.I.P R.I.P
Gerrant's arm wrapped around Thalix's back and Estrild smiled at the scene before her. That was before one set of wings, the left, laid down on top of the arm, and giving Estrild something to aw at. Though she was silent to everyone else who she didn't know. She did wonder briefly if she could talk to Thalix but thought against.
"That silly brother of mine always has to make things hard for himself."
She said aloud. She looked at the doctor and smiled at him, waving lightly.

Shagranoz Shagranoz
Misaki absently waved back.
"Misaki. Nice to meet you as well Holly."
She said before going back to her potion. She knew she needed ingredients that paralyzed but also numb the body. Spider venom, nontoxic to swallow. Sea snail venom, all but the paralyses was removed. Grated enchanted ice. Powder of Edelweiss flower and finally, spring water.
Hollybell's mixture turned a bright red as it started to simmer, giving off a pleasant smell. She added a few small cubes of octopus tentacles, then let the potion start cooling. "Edelweiss and enchanted ice. Interesting ingredients- what are you working on?"
Thalix awoken by a light breeze of words, due to his light sleeping, slowly sat up his nails drawn in alarm - but still careful not to wake Gerrant. He looked down at him and smiled - soon... He looked up to see the cause of the awaken to see the creepy doctor still sitting there staring at himself and Gerrant as well as Estrild standing watching. He smiled wearily and looked around to see if the spoken words were directed at himself.

RoyalPhoenix32 RoyalPhoenix32
Miljonz Miljonz
Estrild looked at Thalix in surprise. Did the incubus hear her? She wrote down, 'did you hear me?' on the paper before holding it for him to see. Gerrant grumbled as his left pair of wings flexed once more before resting on his back and he fell deeper into sleep. His mind was dreaming of the past, the far past that he possibly lived, but it wasn't without proof. Estrild on the other hand tapped a finger to her chin as she needed proof of the dance and knew Gerrant would be in slight pain when she went too far from him but it was worth getting that flyer. So she floated through the wall to where she saw the flyer. It took 5 minutes to find it and she got it off before floating back to the dorm, knocking on the door to be let in. She knew certain material can be transformed for ghosts to use but the ghost has to be in possession of it for a period of time. She waited for the door to open and once it was open, she floated in and handing Thalix the flyer. She looked at her brother with a tilt of her head.
"I wonder what brother will do."
Shagranoz Shagranoz
"Numbing potion or paralyses potion, whichever comes first."
Misaki said as she poured in the sea snail venom first before the spider venom. While foul smelling, it was the main components for the potion. Next was the spring water before powder of edelweiss came next. The foul smell was reduced to near nothing by the overpowering sweetness of the edelweiss powder. She next put in enchanted ice.
Thalix watched Estrild scribble down "did you hear me?" on a piece of paper and Thalix replied with, "I assume it was you - but I'm not entirely sure what you said" He laughed and rubbed the back of his head. Once the flier had been handed to him he nodded and said, "Mhm, I recall seeing this pinned up - do you suppose I try to wake Gerrant up and see how he's feeling?" He asked, before adding that it was also starting soon so time was ticking by.

RoyalPhoenix32 RoyalPhoenix32
Miljonz Miljonz
Estrild nodded and began shaking her brother, lightly. His wounds were still there but not as pronounced as before. Gerrant grunted as he felt sleep force him awake. He opened his eyes to see Thalix looking at him with Estrild smiling at him. He smiled back at his sister.
"Brother, there's a dance tonight and a famous dancer is coming to dance for everyone."
"Really? Does it say who the dancer is?"
He said and Estrild looked at the flier to get more information. She made a face of concentration before sighing in defeat and handed the flier to Thalix to find the information.
Shizu nodded eagerly at the girls words, "Fwood!" she called out in an excited manner, holding the fabric of the others shirt tightly with a wide and child like smile filled to the brim with innocence, ready to go whenever the other was though somewhat oblivious to the fact of what her hunger was, her tail curling and wagging in an almost puppy dog like manner, her powers still leaking out a little here and there with an almost romantic aura being pushed into the air though evidently oblivious to it, "Ywou-…. Mawgical! C-Cool, Yeawh like biwg bwother!" she stuttered out trying to make at least a bit of call talk in conversation.

Cosmos Cosmos
Minako smiled at the girl but could only mentally give a tick of her eyebrow. Like her big brother? Just like a walking libido, great...but aside from the similarities between him and her, the girl had to have food.
"Now, lets go get food alright or otherwise you might get a stomachache from not eating."
She said, taking the girl's hand and gently leading her to the cafeteria.
"What do you want to eat?"
Shizu continued to happily walk along beside the female on their way to the cafeteria, once arriving looking around curiously, "Want…. taw eawt?" she asked with a curious head tilt and blinking a few times in a blank manner, it'd been forever since she'd actually eaten some human food, it was a rare event but admittedly quite interesting to do, "Uwwh- Foowd!" she replied in a 'helpful' manner and giggling a little, the girl clearly wasn't exactly her brother in any means, her condition made her quite like an easily distracted toddler as well, soon spotting something shining she pulled the other along over to the polished cutlery and grinned widely jumping up and down once in excitement at the sight and pointing to it as though it was some type of the worlds seven natural wonders.

Cosmos Cosmos
Minako could only sigh as she needed to know what the girl liked to eat...Though seeing the girl look at everything like it was Christmas day seemed a bit entertaining. She then began to just get some food. Just food, the girl said food then why not get food? She walked over to the girl and hefted up what she got. It was still breakfast time so...eat breakfast.
"I got some food. Lets go sit at a table and eat."
She said before walking a bit away before looking at the girl to follow. She was being the social one of the twins at the moment but her twin held that title hands down....in the past at least.
Shizu nodded quickly ad the girl called her over and sat down at the table right beside her pretty much as close as possible, staring at the food blankly as though trying to work out what to do with it before hesitantly taking a bite of toast, "Cwunchy!" she replied with a slight smirk and soon finished it off quickly, it wasn't flying considering what her body was really hungering for but it was certainly fun and she wasn't about to turn down a possibility to enjoy herself, that was for sure, soon digging into the rest of the breakfast eagerly.

Cosmos Cosmos
Minako saw the girl dig into her breakfast with gusto after some hesitation. She smiled more openly at the girl as more crimson butterflies appeared and she froze...No, she will not allow that girl control. Not after what she did to her and Misaki...The voice of the girl began to pound through her head. LET ME OUT! THE CEREMONY MUST BE COMPLETED!
'No, I'll not let you out after the hell you put me and Misaki through. I will not have my twin choke me to death!'
She shouted back at the spirit before shoving it back behind the sealed tori gate in her mind.
You'll let me out when you need me most...
The voice faded away, the warning lingering in her head.
'No, I'll not let you out. You've caused too much pain.'
She said to the spirit before coming to reality. The crimson butterflies were still there but were down to the original two. She gave a sigh of relief.
Shizu watched the sudden crimson butterflies with a wide smiled grin of curiosity, once returned to the two she blinked a few times before suddenly hugging the girl suddenly once again, tail wrapping around the other with curiosity, "W-Wou….. Okawy?" she asked with a small head tilt and concerned expression, her food already having been scoofed down and the empty plate sat in front of her just as blank as the females own face and about as pale too, though the fever had lessened it was still apparent by the flush and how hot she was upon contact with the other.

Hiroshi sighed "ah humans... lets not even go there." he said dropping the arguement that not only human women were a disaster to him, he disliked them all. He sighed before he realized what his friend had said about the egg "really now? better not let it anywhere near Naoki if you don't want it to end up as an experiment. what is it anyway? I never cared enough to ask." he said and pushed his glasses up again. Thay had known each other for very long but unlike Naoki's scientific curiosity Hiroshi didn't much care for an egg he had thought would never hatch, now that it did he had to admit his curiosity was piqued.

Cosmos Cosmos
Minako nodded to ensure the girl she was fine. She just needed to fix some seals on the tori gate in her mind but for now, this girl was more concerning.
"I'm fine. Just a bad memory passed through my head. I get those sometimes. Wow, you ate all that food. You must've been hungry."
She said.
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“Seraphina seems to think it’s a NekoGon. Cat dragon put simply. Apparently they can get as big as dogs. In some cases they can get as big as houses. Dabourah seems like she isn’t gonna get that big,” he pushed her over on to her back and played with her. Her tiny white fangs digging into his flesh. “You wouldn’t let him Experiment on a baby come on Aizen,” he jokingly said as he pushed his fingers into her soft purple paw-pads. She made a squeak and hopped up sounding like she was hissing and growling. In reality she sounded more like a feral cat then a domesticated one. “I read about them. They originate from my homeland apparently they are a cross between cats and whatever dragons used to be.” He remembered asking his own maid, Dawn to find him some books on them after his own dragon had nothing to input on them.

“Quite frankly I’m amazed Naoki hasn’t started experimenting on me.” He chuckled lightly but knew this wasn’t a chuckling matter. He didn’t want to be the subject of experimentations but it was a fear he had allowing Naoki and Aizen into his life as friends.

“Wait a second, if you are so worried about him taking her and you never showed interest in her before. Why now?”

Starsy Starsy
"Naoki actually secretly took a sample of your hair last month... It turns out he thinks it's so special that he put it in that small glass case he keeps on his desk in the infirmary, keeps staring at it happily too. Even if it doesn't happen a lot I got his memories when we switched last time and I think you should let him keep it unless you want him to come hunting after you for more samples." he said and shrugged "as for not letting him? You do know we can't influence each other's actions since when one is awake the other is basically unconscious right? So better be careful around Naoki with that thing. He might not experiment on it since its a newborn but he just might try to study it and take samples. I will never understand that obsession of his." he added and pushed his glasses up again. "I am not all that curious really, just a bit maybe, and I do have a reason" he just didn't say out loud that it was because the thing was probably the last of its kind and he wondered if he could find a way to clone it.

Masato pushed a scale just then across the desk and to the man who threatened him. “Take this pure black Diamond scale as payment for keeping your mouth shut about Dabourah,” he said smoothly not at all phased by his becoming specimen. “Plus who cares? I am just a Harbour of a dragon soul. Nothing special about me outside being a vampire. Since Seraphina took over however my cravings and or basic need for human blood has long since been subsedised. I’m useless.” He shrugged. “What is he gonna do to me? He should be more interested in my avian wolf vampire wife then me.”

She was more famous then him and stronger too. With a set of wings and a pair of wolf ears and tail go match it was a marvel as to why Naoki handt messed with her yet. But as luck would have it. Coyoty never slept. Plus she loved Debourah. This was her pet to her and Masato keeping her as a personal companion of his own saddened her when she went off to work every day. Someone had to keep her though. She was special. Producing scales of that kind of power and uniqueness under her seemingly normal fur. She would be hunted and killed.

It did get him curious though. Naoki had his hair. In a tiny glass jar as a specimens eh? Of course Aizen could just be saying that I hopes to get his hands on Dabourah Masato couldn’t have that. So he dismissed that possibility as easily in his head as he had out loud.

“How many students do we have this yet and what was the highest score on the entrench exam?” He asked trying to change the subject while Dabourah jumped around and started to play with the papers scattered amongst the other things on the desk. Her deep green eyes shifting back and forth between cat-like and wide.
"to be honest, after I found out about how obsessed he is with that sample I went to check it out and to me it didn't look all that special. But Naoki is a special guy. who knows what he saw that others would miss. Even I dont know what goes on in his head most of the time. when we were kids he once obsessed about a perfectly ordinary stone for months. It turned out... Ah it's not important. As for the students this year. What to say? I barely went through a few files and most are boring but there are a few that got my interest" he said with a smile that bordered on evil. He knew his friend wanted to change the subject and while he would ignore that most other times, this time he let it go.

He took the scale and hid it in his pocket "and I will keep silent about that little thing there but if he happens to get my memories... It rarely happens but in case it does" he said and stood up to look into a drawer "since you gave me something its just fair I return the favor. If he finds out about it then bribe him with this" he said and handed him a small glass slide with a drop of blood between it "whatever you do don't lose it or he is going to go crazy if he finds out you had and lost it" he said and sat down on a chair absently drumming his fingers on the table.
Okay. Ooookay. Holly raised an eyebrow at the second half of Misaki's statement, to say the least. "I can understand a numbing potion, but a paralyzing potion?! Please tell me you aren't planning anything untoward with that."

RoyalPhoenix32 RoyalPhoenix32
Masato stopped up and took the slide. His eyes narrowed for a moment and then he looked back at Aizen. “Aizen whose blood is this?” He couldn’t identify it by scent since Naoki and Aizen scent was too strongly attacked to it but he could smell faint traces of another non human lingering around on it. Dabourah yipped when the drumming started and pulled back her tiny little ears growling fircely.

While he was on this subject he couldn’t ignore the look of siniater on the man’s face. He had to remind himself one subject was enough with Aizen or he might loose his mind or not tell him the whole truth. Plus if he saw a student in here alone he would flip out then. He filed in his head to remind his students not to be in here by themselves ever. It was the best he could do without putting trackers on them.
Shizu slowly gave a nod in reply to the girls words, suddenly the leaking sense of her powers growing in strength as the fever rose once again, her body pressing slightly closer against the others, "Iw-…. wyou~….." she mumbled in an almost half asleep and confused manner to the other female, her long silky white hair gently draping over the others shoulder.


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