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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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  • Centaur

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  • chimera

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  • fairy

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  • chimera

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  • troll

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  • faun

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Nix wandered around in a manner that could be considered pointless, before winding up at her dorm. As soon as she set her stuff down (just a black electric bass and a black Nintendo 3DS with a bunch of assorted games), she stretched her arms out and turned into her true form. As a cloud of superheated flames, one would think that her presence in a room with flammable materials extremely dangerous, but for some strange, unexplainable reason, the flame never seemed to burn anything non-living. Which was good. She couldn't burn down the school if she couldn't burn non-living creatures.

Nix headed outside, changed back into her human form, and decided to wander around. Pulling a pair of black headphones out of her jeans pocket, Nix put them on, and attached them to her shiny black iPod. She put on "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing" by Set It Off, and listened, her face growing into a smirk. She sang along under her breath, still smirking.

"A wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning.. ba ba black sheep have you any soul? No sir by the way what the hell are morals? Jack be nimble Jack be quick.. Jill's a little whore and her alibis are dirty tricks."

"So could you tell me how you're sleeping easy how you're only thinking of yourself.. show me how you justify telling all your lies like second nature listen mark my words one day... You will pay, you will pay, karma's gonna come collect your debt.."
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For homework, I was assigned to find a pet in the next week or so. Well, not a pet but a creature for my classes. I have no idea what creature I should get...in fact, what can I get? I rest my chin on the palm of my hand, as I look at the bright outside of the sunlight. "Well the creature needs to cooperate with my abilities." Meaning that it needs a power that works with mine, but where do I even start looking for a creature like that? I suppose Tang might know, but I don't know if he's around here or somewhere else. All in all, I need to find a good creature, but I need to choose the creature carefully, so that I don't regret what I have in the future....I hope the lessons on how to tame them can work. Spells are a required class to take creature taming, so they go hand in hand with what I need to know.
Ivy watched Graeme talk and make a gesture for her to come forward, and she did, she walked over to him and took his hand. She saw an elderly couple who seemed to be Graeme's parents, her wings that had been invisible had fluttered to life, but only for a split second. She looked up at him and remembered his warning about his mother, how strange could it be? But Graeme would know more about his mother than she did so she kept quiet and let Graeme take the lead. She nodded to the guard and flashed him a smile before focusing on Graeme and his parents again

FluffyMarshmallow said:
Ivy watched Graeme talk and make a gesture for her to come forward, and she did, she walked over to him and took his hand. She saw an elderly couple who seemed to be Graeme's parents, her wings that had been invisible had fluttered to life, but only for a split second. She looked up at him and remembered his warning about his mother, how strange could it be? But Graeme would know more about his mother than she did so she kept quiet and let Graeme take the lead. She nodded to the guard and flashed him a smile before focusing on Graeme and his parents again
Prince Graeme Graeme smiled and turned, facing his parents. "That's my name, at least you haven't forgotten it." Graeme's father glared while his mother stood there amazed. "You look so different, you're not blonde anymore, and what did you do to your arms? Was it work again?" Graeme chuckled, "You caught me... work caused some issues lately, I ran into a few mishaps." Graeme's father hadn't spoken a word and Graeme continued to smile. "Anyway, I brought Ivy here because she wanted to know some more about me. So I'm going to give her a tour, we'll join you for dinner, and please mother, don't over-do it like you did with my childhood friends." They nodded and left while Graeme started taking Ivy a different direction. "First I'll show you exactly what I do for a living.

After a few moments wandering the large halls and up a flight of stairs Graeme punched a brick in the walls and a door appeared. Opening it he walked in with Ivy and looked around. "Oh the good old armory. How I missed this place." Graeme let go of Ivy's hand and pressed a button, the two walls on each side flipped and the room lit up, revealing an entire dojo pretty much. On the walls were mounted all sorts of strange weapons and various tools, including silver. "I am a mercenary for hire. I started when I was sixteen. With everything in here I can kill anything from a malevolent spirit to an angel that's gone rouge. I've killed and almost been killed many times. I can do it without a second thought, but I only take a contract if I think it's a just cause. That's why I don't work often, but when I do, it's usually for weeks at a time." Graeme grabbed a scythe off the wall and pressed another button, making holograms of enemies on the dojo floor. Holding his scythe on one arm he smiled and looked to Ivy. "Wanna see a few tricks?"
Ivy froze like a deer in the headlights, he was a mercenary? Terrible memories flashed through her head of screaming and pain just hearing that word, she felt sick, she had nothing against Graeme but that frightened her, she was an angel, what do you expect? How on earth did she get here, she was on a happy daze for too long to realize what was going on, she went to a world that she knew nothing about with a guy she had known for what, three days? Was she insane? Ivy felt faint and dizzy, the headache that she treated earlier had returned about ten times worse and it felt like someone was screaming in her head, her wings fluttered to life, she was no longer in control, she didn't have the energy to hide them, the weapons on the wall didn't exactly help her calm down. Her wings were red in her eyes and she felt like there was blood dripping of the feather tips and the screaming got louder, and more high pitched. Ivy had only felt this scared once in her life, the war was not a pleasant place, her parents were only supposed to there for a few hours to restock the medics with supplies, but they got involved, Ivy had come along because it was only supposed to take a bit and the land was secure, but they were betrayed and mercenaries were everywhere, killing, she was so confused and she ran and hid where her parents told her, she was just a child. They fought for as long as possible, but it was no use, they disappeared without a trace before she knew it. She had nothing against Graeme but the screaming wouldn't stop and he legs wobbled, there wasn't anything to be afraid of, he wasn't going to hurt her. But she no longer could make eye contact, the news was a bit shocking to hear and when she heard him ask if she wanted to see some of them it took all of her will power and might to not scream the word no as loud as she could until her lungs gave out. She mumbled incoherently until she could say the words in an audible tone "I'm good for now, thanks" she said trying to calm herself down, when she could stand normally and walk confidently she made her way towards the door and opened it, stepping away from the weapons and tools that were strangling her, theoretically of course she stayed as far away from them as she possibly could, Ivy wished for nothing more than to be at home reading and listening to music while eating poky. She played her favorite song Youth in her head, the melancholy lyrics cheering her up and calming her down, her wings disappeared again and she ended her thoughts on the past that invaded her mind, the screaming stopped as soon as the song entered her brain. Within a few minutes she was back to normal for the most part and clam. She must have looked crazy, but she realized that she actually was crazy, following a guy she hardly knew into an unknown world, did she have a death wish? Her head rested in her hands as she thought about the past few days, and she felt like she had gone positively insane. She scolded herself in her mind for being so stupid, screw being spontaneous this was crazy! Ivy leaned against the wall and slid down to the carpet and hugged her knees tightly to her chest and looked down.

NekoQueen49 said:
Kuromaru's sensitive ears pricked at the mention of another werewolf. He approached the three girls, interjecting, "Sorry to bother you, but did you say you were a royal werewolf?" He tilted his head in an inquisitive but friendly manner.
@Emoroses @Kihara017 @Lillian Negus
"Y-yeah I did... Why do you ask?" She questions nicely.
Rori hadn't gotten very far before noticing a girl, 'she's pretty cute, doesnt look like my type though,' she thought as she sighed.As the two passed eachother Rori attepmted to avoid eye contact, but she got so distracted trying to listen to the words the girl was singing that she didn't see the rocks in front of her and she tripped. Her camera fell under her with a loud cracking noise, "ah shit, not again." She sighed as she propped herself on her knees and began picking at the pieces of camera.

Ivy nodded her head to reply to Graeme, her voice wasn't strong enough to tell him what she wanted, her cheeks had a slight and faint blush on them when he said he liked her. She was curious to what he looked like years ago, before the scars and such. When Ivy felt confident enough to speak she looked at him and said, "Lets get some food" She didn't want to talk about the past at the moment, she just got over a panic attack about her own past, hearing about how his life was filled with blood was hard to handle but she did, she made herself handle it. Of course she couldn't touch the knife, the last time she held a knife was brutal and she didn't want flashbacks of that going off in her head. Ivy stood up and held out her hand to help him up off the floor, she actually felt a bit hungry after she thought about it, they can tell depressing stories after they eat but all Ivy wanted was to get some food, ask questions, answer questions, then go home, maybe this date was at a horrendous start but it would end nice, wait was this a date, she honestly didn't know any more. Confusion seemed to fill her head, was this really a date? It wasn't like she hadn't gone out on one before but the boys that asked her made it clear, but Graeme was a name she would remember and one that she wanted to know if the were just friends. Ivy pushed all of thoose thought out of her head since they were doing no good for her head.

@Yum222 Valentina took the clothes that Sera had given to her, feeling embarrassed as she pulled on the clothes "I'm sorry, I panicked" She murmured "You shouldn't have followed me"
"You dummy!" Sera bonked Valentina lightly on the head, then hugged her with one arm, still holding Rim in the other. "Val, do you really think I'd let my cute roommate run off after I said something wrong? I'm sorry if what I said upset you, I didn't mean to. I just you to like me, and I want to be your friend", Sera said to her, struggling to hold back icy tears. "Let's go back to the dorm...Please?"


@Shiro kurogane
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Rim couldn't re-enable her magic perception (meaning she can't see or hear) with her head still a bit off kilter. So naturally, Rim panicked and tried to take human form again. But only managed the outline of a face and a hand. Which quickly returned to her slime body. It didn't help that bad memories chose now to start recalling themselves. Slime Rim in her panic jumped around randomly. "no... no... no..." She kept repeating the word despite not being able to hear even herself.

@Yum222 @Profoundcactus
[QUOTE="Lillian Negus]"Y-yeah I did... Why do you ask?" She questions nicely.

Kuromaru grinned down at her smaller form. "I'm Kuromaru, I'm a werewolf too! Well, not a royal one, of course, but I thought it was cool to see another one of my kind, you know? Anyway, nice to meet'cha," he greeted, offering a hand out for her to shake.
Yukari walked towards the dorms with two bags on her back by her side was her little brother Kazuichi. "Sister I told you I'd carry my bag it's no trouble really." He said reaching for the blue bag Yukari waved his hand away. "And I told you I don't care, if I wanna carry it I will." Yukari handed him his bag near the dorms and he went to his room, he hadn't gotten a roommate yet so he got the room all to himself. Yukari put her stuff in her room she hadn't met her roommate yet but she hoped they weren't a problem. The two went wandering around the school to check out the area.
NekoQueen49 said:
Kuromaru grinned down at her smaller form. "I'm Kuromaru, I'm a werewolf too! Well, not a royal one, of course, but I thought it was cool to see another one of my kind, you know? Anyway, nice to meet'cha," he greeted, offering a hand out for her to shake.
She smiles shyly at Kuromaru and shakes his hand hesitantly. 'I guess it is nice to have another wolf around' she thinks to herself. "I-I'm Kennedy. Nice to meet you too!"
[QUOTE="Lillian Negus]She smiles shyly at Kuromaru and shakes his hand hesitantly. 'I guess it is nice to have another wolf around' she thinks to herself. "I-I'm Kennedy. Nice to meet you too!"

He continued grin. "I hope we can be friends, yeah?"
NekoQueen49 said:
He continued grin. "I hope we can be friends, yeah?"
I don't know what it is about him but he makes me feel safe. And I haven't felt safe for a long time. Kennedy lets out a real smile. "I would like that very much."
Kuromaru patted her head in a big brotherly way. "Glad to hear it." He was glad she was getting over her shyness, as cute as it was. Would she like a cake? I would like to bake her a cake. "Hey, do you like sweets?"

@Lillian Negus
NekoQueen49 said:
Kuromaru patted her head in a big brotherly way. "Glad to hear it." He was glad she was getting over her shyness, as cute as it was. Would she like a cake? I would like to bake her a cake. "Hey, do you like sweets?"
@Lillian Negus
Kennedy looks down at her feet, "I actually never had any sweets..." She says barely above a whisper as her cheeks turn red.
Nix stopped as a crack was heard, even through her headphones. Pulling them down around her neck and looking around, Nix saw a girl on the ground, picking up pieces of something that resembled a camera. Nix turned, and crouched down. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked, tapping the Pause button on her headphones.

His eyes widened in surprised before he smiled kindly. "We can change that." Should I make it chocolate, strawberry or vanilla...? Vanilla seems like the safer option. Or maybe strawberry would be more natural. But then some girl prefer chocolate...

@Lillian Negus
NekoQueen49 said:
His eyes widened in surprised before he smiled kindly. "We can change that." Should I make it chocolate, strawberry or vanilla...? Vanilla seems like the safer option. Or maybe strawberry would be more natural. But then some girl prefer chocolate...
@Lillian Negus
"I would really like that, b-but I don't want you to fuss over m-me." Kennedy stutters.
The pieces of camera in Rori's hand fell to the ground as she jumped at the unexpected voice. "Uh, yeah I think I'm okay," she said frantically picking up the pieces. "Can't say the same for this little guy though," she spoke softly as she looked up at the girl, nervously twirling a cracked lens in her hand.


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