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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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  • Centaur

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  • chimera

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  • faun

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  • fairy

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  • chimera

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  • troll

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  • faun

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Isune said:
Jen was snapped out of his world of reading as he saw a girl sit down in front of him. When she asked him for help, he lowered his book and replied,"Sure, what exactly is it that you need? I'd love to help."
((Sorry I wasn't able to reply till right now, I was out watching a movie))
"I'm trying to find some school books, but this place is too... Big and I can't keep a straight mind." She replied, looking up at the big ceiling now with awe. Her wolf mind be fascinated by the little things now, making her mind jump from one thing to the next.
Jen looked at the girl for a moment before saying, "Well, I could take you to the library. I'm sure they have all the books you'll need over there." He then stood up nice and tall, but in a sort of relaxed manner as he motioned for the girl to follow him.

Tori thought about it for a minute then nodded, following him. "The name is Tori by the way, I'm a werewolf." She told him, trying to make small talk with him. She felt her phone buzz in he pocket but ignored it for now, knowing it was rude to be on the phone while talking to someone.

"Name's Jen, in case you're blind I'm a centaur." The centaur said as he walked with his arms behind his head. He only stared slightly as he heard Tori's phone ringing. His ears twitched and turned as he said, "You might want to answer that."

Tori sighed and nodded and looked at her phone.

Hey girl! There is a party tonight back in your hometown if you wanna meet up with the girls again. It's gonna be lit!(;
I'll try to sneak out of here tonight. Time?
10:30 see you there!

She sighs and puts her phone away. I know I'll get in trouble sneaking out.. Or them finding out what I Am... Oh well. Fuck it. she thought, walking beside Jen. "Yeah, I figured what you were, I can tell by the horse body." She said, chuckling.

"Yeah, it's kinda a dead giveaway." Jen said as he began to pick up the pace a bit with a small grin on his face. He then chuckled as he said, "Better hurry up or I might just leave you in my dust."

Foundry said:
Jacob saw slight disappointment in Irona's eyes, but inside he knew he was a bit disappointed as well. However, school awaited, and it had been a while. He found the original path he took, the footprints unmistakable. Instead of leisurely walking back, he started to jog, and the jog broke out into a run. Soon he was weaving between trees, a big smile plastered on his face. He wasn't trying to go fast, but he was running pretty fast for a normal human. He didn't want to give himself away just yet to Irona, he hated saying that he was something else other than just Jacob.
Irona followed after Jacob, mimicking his movements as he began to jog- and then run. The deer-boy had managed to keep up for a bit, but he began to fall behind as his breathes came in sharp. He didn't have great stamina, and had to be a little careful running due to his weaker body-type and heart. After a bit he stopped and leaned against a tree, his cheeks pink and lungs grasping for air. "Damn," He mumbled under his breathe, closing his eyes. He had complete faith in finding his way back on his own, and he didn't need to follow Jacob. However he felt like if he didn't he'd probably end up staying in the forest. Quickly he stood up straight, still breathing heavily as he began to walk back at a slower pace, eyes on the ground below his feet.

Rim was officially lost. She'd somehow ended up in what looked to be the library. "wow..." She breathed having never seen so many books in one place. Rim moved her mask so that instead of it being on her face, it now rested on the upper right side of her head. Pulling one of the books off the shelf, Rim flipped through it since she couldn't read. But that didn't stop her from fruitlessly trying anyway.

@Anyone (in or near the library)

Tang awoke some time later. Judging by the time, he'd not been asleep long. "might as well go for a walk." He muttered to himself before heading out of his dorm and towards the woods.
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It took Jacob a while to notice the Irona was lagging behind, so he turned around and ran back to him. Once he reached him, he started walking at the pace Irona was at, which was pretty slow. Jacob didn't comment. He did notice that Irona looked vaguely fatigued and said, "Tired? I can understand, I was going pretty fast. I'm pretty much a bundle of energy right now. But that doesn't mean that you have to." He smiled at Irona, and then looked back onto the trail, "Besides, if I kept running I probably would've gotten lost, knowing me."

-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x
@Anyone[/URL] (in or near the library)

Tang awoke some time later. Judging by the time, he'd not been asleep long. "might as well go for a walk." He muttered to himself before heading out of his dorm and towards the woods.
Amaryllis Emmeline Gates Wandering around Emmy had nothing to do really. She was out of ideas, which was a rare occasion for her, and she didn't know what to do. Suddenly she watched a girl walk into the library and followed her. Watching her she noticed that the girl was flipping through pages and walked up to her. Glancing over her shoulder Emmy spoke. "Hey there! Whatchu reading there?"
((Speaking to Rim... obviously... haha))
Kihara017 said:
Amaryllis Emmeline Gates Wandering around Emmy had nothing to do really. She was out of ideas, which was a rare occasion for her, and she didn't know what to do. Suddenly she watched a girl walk into the library and followed her. Watching her she noticed that the girl was flipping through pages and walked up to her. Glancing over her shoulder Emmy spoke. "Hey there! Whatchu reading there?"
((Speaking to Rim... obviously... haha))
Startled, Rim jumped a bit causing her mask to fall back over her face. "d-don't scare me!" She yelled peeking a golden honey eye out from the side of her mask. "um... sorry, i didn't mean to yell." Rim apologized and replaced the mask back on the upper right side of her head and off her face.
Foundry said:
It took Jacob a while to notice the Irona was lagging behind, so he turned around and ran back to him. Once he reached him, he started walking at the pace Irona was at, which was pretty slow. Jacob didn't comment. He did notice that Irona looked vaguely fatigued and said, "Tired? I can understand, I was going pretty fast. I'm pretty much a bundle of energy right now. But that doesn't mean that you have to." He smiled at Irona, and then looked back onto the trail, "Besides, if I kept running I probably would've gotten lost, knowing me."
-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x
Irona had simply given Jacob a glance when he came up next to him, happy to have his presence. "Yeah, sorry- I'm not very good at running for a long time." The brunette said with a soft, forced chuckle. He then loked around, sniffing the air in the process. "We'll be there eventually." He commented, casting a weird look to his side before shrugging and quickening his pace a little more, feeling bad for making Jacob follow his slow walking pattern. "You honestly don't have to stay by me, if you wanted- I don't mind walking alone." Irona then said, his eyes widening a little as he turned his head to look at his companion's black hair.

Jacob shook his head in response, "And I don't mind walking slower," he said, running a hand through his hair. He deeply breathed in the clean forest air and then breathed out with a sigh. "We must be getting close," he said, hearing the commotion of the academy ahead. Even though they might be farther away than he thought they were, there were still people outside that were really loud.

-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Startled, Rim jumped a bit causing her mask to fall back over her face. "d-don't scare me!" She yelled peeking a golden honey eye out from the side of her mask. "um... sorry, i didn't mean to yell." Rim apologized and replaced the mask back on the upper right side of her head and off her face.

Amaryllis Emmeline Gates Emmy chuckled and smiled. "No worries, it's okay that you yelled. I did surprise you after all. I'm Amaryllis Emmeline Gates, better known as Emmy Gates! It's nice to meet you. Also... whatchu reading?" Emmy's head was flooding with ideas again, all sorts of things like what to say, how to keep this new girl as a friend, what she should do, and much much more. At last her head was clear once more, back to her usual upbeat self.
Kihara017 said:
Amaryllis Emmeline Gates Emmy chuckled and smiled. "No worries, it's okay that you yelled. I did surprise you after all. I'm Amaryllis Emmeline Gates, better known as Emmy Gates! It's nice to meet you. Also... whatchu reading?" Emmy's head was flooding with ideas again, all sorts of things like what to say, how to keep this new girl as a friend, what she should do, and much much more. At last her head was clear once more, back to her usual upbeat self.
"im Rimuru Tempest. but you can call me Rim for short." Rim shot a quick glance to the book in her hands trying to decide if she should lie or, just tell Emmy that she couldn't read. "nice to meet you too. um... i don't know what im reading. i can't read." She'd decided to just be honest. Rim was trying to figure out how to explain her background if Emmy asked, because even to herself it was confusing to understand.
Foundry said:
Jacob shook his head in response, "And I don't mind walking slower," he said, running a hand through his hair. He deeply breathed in the clean forest air and then breathed out with a sigh. "We must be getting close," he said, hearing the commotion of the academy ahead. Even though they might be farther away than he thought they were, there were still people outside that were really loud.
The response he received made Irona's cheeks flush a light red. His grey-brown eyes cast to the side. His ears twitched as Jacob spoke again, his head flickering up to hear the sounds better. His eyes lightened up a little however showed a few signs of anxiety as his pace quickened to a speedy walk until he found he could see the school. When he saw it he stopped automatically- as if something pulled him back and cast a weary glance over at Jacob.

Nix smiled a bit. "Guess I could use some help," she admitted, running a hand through her hair. Nice, friendly, but not overly goody-goody. That's good. Pure goody-goodys make me nauseas....

@The Royal Keen
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]"im Rimuru Tempest. but you can call me Rim for short." Rim shot a quick glance to the book in her hands trying to decide if she should lie or, just tell Emmy that she couldn't read. "nice to meet you too. um... i don't know what im reading. i can't read." She'd decided to just be honest. Rim was trying to figure out how to explain her background if Emmy asked, because even to herself it was confusing to understand.

Amaryllis Emmeline Gates "You can't read Rim? That's too bad... reading is really great!" Emmy giggled and looked at the book. "Well even if you could read... I can't read that book in particular either. It's written in a different language." Emmy grabbed a book off the shelves and read the title of it. "Gears and Bolts: Everything You Need to Know About Tinkering. This book... is my favorite." Emmy looked at Rim and smiled, "So what brings you here?"
Kihara017 said:
Amaryllis Emmeline Gates "You can't read Rim? That's too bad... reading is really great!" Emmy giggled and looked at the book. "Well even if you could read... I can't read that book in particular either. It's written in a different language." Emmy grabbed a book off the shelves and read the title of it. "Gears and Bolts: Everything You Need to Know About Tinkering. This book... is my favorite." Emmy looked at Rim and smiled, "So what brings you here?"
Rim blushed out of embarrassment of Emmy having repeated her not being able to read aloud. "... i would read... if i could see like normal people do." She muttered somewhat to herself but also partly to Emmy. "what brings me here?... i don't know, really. this place just seemed the least likely to judge me because of what i am."
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Rim blushed out of embarrassment of Emmy having repeated her not being able to read aloud. "... i would read... if i could see like normal people do." She muttered somewhat to herself but also partly to Emmy. "what brings me here?... i don't know, really. this place just seemed the least likely to judge me because of what i am."

Amaryllis Emmeline Gates "Well everyone here has their own kind of strangeness. You'll make some friends real fast." Emmy giggled again and put her book back on the shelves. "Well if you ever want me to read you a book I could, you just have to let me know and I'll be glad to read something for you. I love reading." Holding out her hand to Rim she smiled. "So, how about it Rim? Wanna go check out some more stuff?"
Kihara017 said:
Amaryllis Emmeline Gates "Well everyone here has their own kind of strangeness. You'll make some friends real fast." Emmy giggled again and put her book back on the shelves. "Well if you ever want me to read you a book I could, you just have to let me know and I'll be glad to read something for you. I love reading." Holding out her hand to Rim she smiled. "So, how about it Rim? Wanna go check out some more stuff?"
"..." For a moment, Rim was quiet. Emmy seemed to be a good person. But would that change if she knew rim was a slime? Rim reached her hand out tentatively and placed it in Emmy's. She thought the out stretched hand was for a handshake. "ahhh... sure...?" Her answer came out a bit indecisive sounding. Rim wanted to try getting along with Emmy, but if 'checking out other stuff' included more people. The she didn't know if she'd be able to handle.
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Grey sat on his dorm bed. He pulled his hood over his red and yellow eye, blocking his face from the sun. He slipped his pale hand under his bed and pulled out a small, slightly beaten up book. He carefully traced his finger down the spine of it and opened it. Carefully reading it, it was written in a language that only he and his family could understand. Brushing some hair away from his hooded eyes, he continued reading his book from where he left off.
I wake up from my peaceful sleep, but I soon realize that I don't have enough time for my own. "Damn. I was hoping to do my own thing today but it is what it is." I get up and put on my mask. I walk out of my room, and then i get out of the building while looking at the beautiful decor of this place; I get to my classes and do the work I am told to do.

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