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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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When I get to the office I ask for my schedule, but only after I give my name, after that I get what i needed I walk out and go to my dorm; I decided to look at it when I get there, and when I eventually do get there, I look at my schedule and I was pretty surprised.

Science - Room 122

Math - Room 124

English - Room 123


Spells and Hexes - Room 113

Creature Taming - Gymnasium

As Arjean walked down to the library they checked their class schedule. They were meaning to check it earlier since they were still learning their classes and how it worked, but was only able to do a quick look at it to get to their first class. Of course it would be power training, typical of their family to make them do that. They were still annoyed they were put into a class that wasn't one of the general ones since they wanted to look at least a bit normal. The rest of their schedule read:

History of Magic - Room 141

English - Library

Science - Room 112


Lore - Room 58

Spells and Hexes - Room 113

There were way too many magical and powers classes they were put into and they were a bit annoyed. They were sort of disappointed they were put into creature taming though, they thought it'd be cool. They figured their family didn't want them being anywhere near animals considering what they would do to them, and what they still sort of do now. Arjean tried to lighten their mood by convincing themself that their family thought they were so smart they didn't need to be taught math and human history, but considering they were a bit ahead of math and they would occasionally self teach themself, their family probably wasn't wrong. And even then, their grandparent Archard would teach them about humans all the time, eventually passing down their love of humans to their grandchild.
Jen continued to read, his ears finally leaving the side of his head. He opened up his mini-fridge and chowed down on the extra candy bar in there. The candy seemed to calm him down a bit as he closed the fridge and continued his reading. His ears were now back in their normal position, twitching and turning at every little noise they caught.
Arjean entered the library and checked out a few books on powers, mostly books on how to control telekinesis, aerokinesis, and cryokinesis. There was one book for celestial magic that they wanted to practice later, but they would have to go into their Starry Oricenta form for it.

Arjean sat down at a table and began to read the books to get familiar with then. Later one they would go upstairs and practice their powers in their dorm since it was easier for them that way. Maybe they would go outside again and practice there if they felt up to it.
FluffyMarshmallow said:
Ivy smiled and pulled out a few cotton balls,neosporin and antiseptic wipes, she dabbed the cotton balls on his cuts to wipe the blood up and rubbed antiseptic wipes to make sure he didn't receive an infection before she applied neosporin on his cuts that she had cleaned. "Go ahead and tell me, I'll listen" she said and smiled. Ivy used the antiseptic wipes to clean up his gashes and scrapes. "All better" she said and began to put away her med kit
Prince Graeme "Well you know that book you were reading? The Princess Bride." Graeme smirked and looked over his shoulders just enough to see Ivy's face. "A mercenary needs to be able to notice all the details, even in a rough situation." Graeme looked forward and stood up, slipping on the shirt Ivy gave him and continued speaking. "That's a good choice by the way. Good story, I've read it a few times." Graeme chuckled as he looked at his arms, making sure the bandages were still in good condition and making sure none of his runes were showing. "Also, thank you for the first aid. Honestly, it means a lot to me." Graeme pulled out his wallet from his back pocket and opened it up, digging through the contents he grabbed a small piece of paper that had a rune insignia on it. "If you ever need my help, destroy this and I'll come rushing to you. Hope to see you again Ivy. It's always a pleasure to be in your presence." Graeme smiled and bowed, cringing slightly as he did. Turning to the door he walked out and closed the door gently before walking back to his dorm.
Ivy took the slip of paper and put it into her wallet and waved goodbye, she grabbed her back and walked downstairs, heading for the entrance gate to exit and see jake and cleo, she missed them and Jake needed his moral support

Isune said:
Jen continued to read, his ears finally leaving the side of his head. He opened up his mini-fridge and chowed down on the extra candy bar in there. The candy seemed to calm him down a bit as he closed the fridge and continued his reading. His ears were now back in their normal position, twitching and turning at every little noise they caught.
Prince Graeme Graeme opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind him. Slipping off the shirt Ivy had given him he placed it neatly on his desk and laid down, face first on his bed. Looking over toward Jen he noticed the centaur was reading. Graeme glanced over his shoulder at the many patches on his back, the result of Ivy's first aid. He was thankful for it and that was for sure. In a half exhausted tone he spoke to the centaur. "So... whatchu reading there?"
"A classic, Beowulf. I know it's kinda short, but it's one of the classic good vs evil stories out there." said Jen as he closed the book. He looked over to Graeme as he asked,"So, what were you off doing?"

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Foundry said:
"It really is," Jacob said, getting a little closer to the edge and looking down, "Wow. Quite a lot for the first day, huh?" He lowered him self to a seated position, legs hanging carelessly off the side of the gorge. He never had a fear of heights; it always seemed like heights attract him more than repel him. He looked back at Irona's wide, amazed eyes, and patted the ground next to him, "Have a seat."
-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x
Irona watched Jacob carefully, noticing his lack of fear in their moment. He blinked and looked around again- searching for signs of the white cat. He found nothing however. He then sat down next to the man, folding his legs up against his chest and being a little more cautious. He didn't look down at it or anything of the sort either, just kept his nervous gaze staring ahead as he took in a slight shaky breathe. He turned and looked over at the other presence. Once again he had seated himself a little ways away from him- keeping a slight distance between the two boys. It was for a purpose, believe me. He glanced at the gorge again before wrapping his arms around his legs and staring back over at Jacob, giving a shaky smile. "So- uh... do heights scare you as much as they do me?" He asked with a forced chuckle after on, his eyes skimming the area behind Jacob carefully. Something felt off to him.

Max stopped walking to make sure he hadn't went to the girl's dorm by accident, which thankfully not, as he'd gotten to the right place. By sheer luck however, he stopped again to reply to a text on his phone, allowing himself to not be trampled by an incoming centaur. Taking a few minutes to let that odd moment be forgotten, Max finished up his response to the text, and walked towards his dorm room.

Library Girl
Oh my name is Emily, Emily white. I'm a hybrid between a fox and a human, I know crazy right but yeah, nice to meet you max id love to talk to you again soon :)
Nice to meet you too! I'm a type of mage, anyway it'd be nice to see you soon too Em! Hopefully we have classes together tomorrow ;O;


Entering the room, Max didn't pay attention to the existence of whoever his roommate was, instead going straight for his pile of bags and rifled through them before eventually finding a bag of gummy-bears. Eating them, he sat down on the bed thinking about how the day had went, though hadn't thought about removing his gaze from the bag of sweets towards his roommate. It wasn't until Max glanced up for a moment that he noticed his friend Egill was in the room, which caused a shock enough to nearly make him choke on his snack. "W-woah, are you my roommate dude?!?"

Isune said:
"A classic, Beowulf. I know it's kinda short, but it's one of the classic good vs evil stories out there." said Jen as he closed the book. He looked over to Graeme as he asked,"So, what were you off doing?"
Prince Graeme "Good read... as you can see I had a little mishap. I was practicing my new teleportation glyph magic, which I've almost figured out already, and I succeeded... sort of." Graeme adjusted himself so that he was more comfortable. "Anyway, I fell through a tree and ran into the lovely Ivy Beauchamp... then she dragged me to her dorm, patched me up as well as giving me that shirt over there since mine was just a bloody shredded rag and we said our farewells." Graeme chuckled, "I wish I could have stayed longer to be honest, but I've still got work to do and I only just met her, so I'd rather keep her in a good mood."
Gwynovith sat in a seat behind a desk in the library, a thick, ancient-looking book in his hands. His long platinum hair rained down and fell over his back and shoulders like a waterfall as he moved his head around, shifting, to get more comfortable in his seat.

The man only looked up for the smallest moment to see someone enter, and he raised a hand to wave at them, before moving his other hand back to his book. He liked the silence in the room, and the smell of both new and old books. Also, the darkness. Though, there was a small reading light clipped to the table so he could read the words, even though it was unnecessary. He could see every word without the light. Gwyn raised his gaze to look around the large room, as if searching for something, before back down. Okay, so it was kind of boring without anything happening. But that was all right.


Egill had opened his dorm room and ran over to the bed that his bags were closest to, and flopped down on it, where he curled into a ball. That, he thought, was kinda terrifying. Weird-ass equine guy. Hope I don't run into him again. He began to mumble his thoughts, until they were interrupted by the door being opened, followed by a shocked exclamation. He looked up, his face burning again, at Max, and he squeaked in shock. "O-oh! You, uh- Max! Yeah.. Guess I am.. Are you okay with it?"


@The Royal Keen

((tbh keen idk if I should really put thay not but wtv?? kinda mentioned you ehhhhhh ;;v;; whoahahah))
Jen was a bit surprised to hear that Graeme had gotten injured. Now that he looked him over, he noticed the bandages all over him. Jen only shook his head head as he said,"And what is it you do? Maybe I could help out...you never know."

Then, Tori went back into her human form, stating, "No more wolf. Shifting for a third time is very dangerous and I could become a wolf forever." She said, still sitting on the ground and her legs splayed before her and her hands behind her. She was still looking up at the sky, but with a wolfish smile on her face, along with a wolfish yellow tint to her blue eyes, seeing the second shift taking it's toll on her for the day.

@Shiro kurogane
Isune said:
Jen was a bit surprised to hear that Graeme had gotten injured. Now that he looked him over, he noticed the bandages all over him. Jen only shook his head head as he said,"And what is it you do? Maybe I could help out...you never know."
Prince Graeme "Well you can't 'HELP' help... but you might be able to help if you can give me the geography of the far east." Graeme looked at his arms and didn't reveal what he had under the bandages. "I'm a mercenary... have been since I was fourteen. Prince Graeme Grove, the mercenary of the royal shapeshifter family. Though, only I knew that, as far as anyone else knew Prince was just a title I gave myself."
Arjean waved at the librarian and went to reading. They tried their hardest to pay attention to the books, but it was so boring and they'd rather practice what they were reading than just reading it. They messed with their hands as they held the book open with their aerokinesis. They just needed to do anything to move, to do something interesting.

They stood up and walked towards the librarian. "I'd like to return these books. I find them very... uninteresting." they explained.


((I gotta sleep soon, like, 20 minutes. *sobs*))
Tapping her foot while she waited for Graeme her phone vibrated..

¨another text from max! awesome!¨

she instantly typed a reply even though she didn't wanna seem desperate.

¨ya hopefully we do have classes together, thatd be pretty rad :) hey wanna meet me in the library tomorrow, then we can properly meet not over text and without me having to leave in a hurry haha..¨

she sent the message and stuffed her phone in her pocket, then continued to wait for Graeme

Jacob shook his head, "Not at all," he said, looking down once again. He picked up a small pebble from beside him and tossed it lightly into the gorge, watching it fall. He heard Irona's soft shaky breathing, and decided to move a little closer to him, maybe to comfort him. "Heights are no big deal," he said calmly, "They're like... bees. They look scary, but if you don't screw up around them, nothing happens to you. They don't do anything, it's your own self that makes you scared of them."

-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x
"Mercenary?" said Jen with a bit of concern in his tone. "What the hell do you do? Don't tell me you're a blade for hire..." Jen muttered as he took out his phone and pulled up the far east on it. He began to zoom in slightly as he reluctantly showed the satellite images to Graeme.

Foundry said:
Jacob shook his head, "Not at all," he said, looking down once again. He picked up a small pebble from beside him and tossed it lightly into the gorge, watching it fall. He heard Irona's soft shaky breathing, and decided to move a little closer to him, maybe to comfort him. "Heights are no big deal," he said calmly, "They're like... bees. They look scary, but if you don't screw up around them, nothing happens to you. They don't do anything, it's your own self that makes you scared of them."
-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x
Irona's eye was caught by the pebble and he turned to watch it fall before he shivered again and scooted back a little bit. His ears then flattened in confusion as he looked over at Jacob, eyebrow raised. "Bees?" He inquired with a puzzled expression before shaking his head lightly and looking down the gorge again. He gave a harsh swallow before uncurling his legs and pulling them over the edge of the gorge just as the other male was doing. He held his breathe in slightly, looking over to Jacob only to noticed he had moved closer. Irona looked at the smaller space between them, folding his hands in his lap and glancing around again, ears flickering with every movement his head made.
Isune said:
"Mercenary?" said Jen with a bit of concern in his tone. "What the hell do you do? Don't tell me you're a blade for hire..." Jen muttered as he took out his phone and pulled up the far east on it. He began to zoom in slightly as he reluctantly showed the satellite images to Graeme.
Prince Graeme Graeme sat up, just now realizing one of his summons papers was destroyed. His pain had clouded his judgement earlier, but now it was okay. "Well... more or less yea. Though it usually depends on the job, I'm very picky, after all I need a good reason to be killing people." Graeme stood up, wincing for a moment and slipped on the a new shirt, leaving the one Ivy gave him on the desk. Putting on his black jacket and walking toward the door. "Well I'd love to stay and chat but I've been summoned by someone. Thanks for the glance at the map. If you got any questions or concerns, feel free to ask when I get back. Don't snoop through my drawers though please, I'm trusting you'll respect a secret or two." Closing the door Graeme was off.

Walking in the direction of the glyph he created, Graeme began running until he found the source of his glyph magic. "Emily... what a pleasure to see you again." Graeme smiled and stuffed his hands in his coat pockets. "You summoned me?"
Foundry said:
Jacob shrugged, "It sounded good at the time," he said, throwing another pebble, looking at Irona's legs that were now dangling from the edge. "Fears just hold you back," he said, looking up at the sky again, "I like to live life with no fears. That way I can do anything and it works."
-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x
Irona turned to look over, his wide eyes full of admiration. "That sure is one heck of an inspirational statement." He said, his lips drawing up in a smile as he looked down at his legs, swaying them. He then chuckled to himself, thinking. "But, there are some fears that should probably remain the way they are." He mumbled, glancing again at the space between them. He then tilted his head, hair falling into his eyes. "Is there anything you might be scared of?" He quizzed, eyed rolling over Jacob to search for a reaction.

When hearing the question, Jacob's smile fell visibly for a few seconds, before springing back up to it's usual, dreamy, state. "Well... yeah, probably," he said, trying to keep the positive attitude up, "But I don't try to think about them. I'll hit that road when I get there." Of course, there was always one true fear in the back of his mind, nagging at him, constantly reminding him that it, they, were still there. He swiveled his legs back around the edge and stood up, slowly stretching with his arms out wide, "I'm gonna go climb a tree," he said, walking to the tallest tree around them and starting to climb.
Foundry said:
When hearing the question, Jacob's smile fell visibly for a few seconds, before springing back up to it's usual, dreamy, state. "Well... yeah, probably," he said, trying to keep the positive attitude up, "But I don't try to think about them. I'll hit that road when I get there." Of course, there was always one true fear in the back of his mind, nagging at him, constantly reminding him that it, they, were still there. He swiveled his legs back around the edge and stood up, slowly stretching with his arms out wide, "I'm gonna go climb a tree," he said, walking to the tallest tree around them and starting to climb.
Irona had stolen a flashy glance at the black-haired male. When he walked off for a tree, the boy's gaze when forward to stare off. There were many things he couldn't forget. Many things he'd still be scared of. He looked up at the sky for another moment before he laid down, letting out a soft huff of air.


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