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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Zadock laughed heartily and said " I k ow everything about bringing back the dead for most races and species in the known multiverse. There are several ways to do it for each species and person and after many years of searching and taking in information I have compiled a comprehensive book."
"Okay...." Peter said. "Make sure I never see it and don't ever let me ask you to revive someone. Even of I beg you please... Don't let me."
"Because I want more than anything for Eris to come back... But life and death is not my choice. It's not my say. And it never should be." He said.
" Well what about her wants? Besides life and death are just States of being. Yes humans are supposed to die but some get the option not to and isnt it fair to give them a chance?"
" Well what about her wants? Besides life and death are just States of being. Yes humans are supposed to die but some get the option not to and isnt it fair to give them a chance?"
"If she wants to come back then it's up to her. And I would love for her to choose to come back. This is about making sure I don't abuse my options. Even if I know that you could say no any time you wanted anyway... I need to make sure that I don't ever let myself forget the responsibility that comes with what I have. And that using it for my own gain is wrong." He said. "Just promise me that no matter what I do, you won't bring anyone back on my account.... Please."
"If she wants to come back then it's up to her. And I would love for her to choose to come back. This is about making sure I don't abuse my options. Even if I know that you could say no any time you wanted anyway... I need to make sure that I don't ever let myself forget the responsibility that comes with what I have. And that using it for my own gain is wrong." He said. "Just promise me that no matter what I do, you won't bring anyone back on my account.... Please."
Zadock shrugged " ok then if that's what you want then I respect that."
"That demon is after you and Diana, you already were stupid to get yourself death marked, i m just making sure you don't do anything else stupid." Kala said to Dana before looking at Jeremy and Diana. "Oh it's going to be a boy,"
Scraps nodded slowly before Zadock walked in holding a cup for Kala it had an infinity symbol on one side and the slogan drink for immortality on the other. "I finished the potion."
Scraps nodded slowly before Zadock walked in holding a cup for Kala it had an infinity symbol on one side and the slogan drink for immortality on the other. "I finished the potion."
She smiled taking the cup from him and drank the potion. " thank you sweetie"
"That demon is after you and Diana, you already were stupid to get yourself death marked, i m just making sure you don't do anything else stupid." Kala said to Dana before looking at Jeremy and Diana. "Oh it's going to be a boy,"
Jeremy smiled. "Thank you." He said.
(Then I have thrown my two cents into the bucket and you can take the lead?

(Basically, Abigail’s powers are used in a mixture of focus and imagination, but don’t work if the user is unwilling or unaccepting of them in any way. Since Abigail is still silently hoping that she’ll be cured and go back to normal, nothing’s gonna work for her until she realizes that life isn’t ever going to get entirely back the way it was.)
(Basically, Abigail’s powers are used in a mixture of focus and imagination, but don’t work if the user is unwilling or unaccepting of them in any way. Since Abigail is still silently hoping that she’ll be cured and go back to normal, nothing’s gonna work for her until she realizes that life isn’t ever going to get entirely back the way it was.)
She heard a voice on the speaker. It was a lecture a TED talk by Charles Xavior. "Many Mutant, or Superhumans, or meta-humans, or whatever your preferred term always have one common issue controlling their abilities. Rejection. A powered individual can show physical attributes or change showing that mutation may have occurred but can't use the power. This leaves them trapped in a vicious loop of self hate. In which they hate having these powers because of physical appearance changes they caused and their inability to use them effectively."

The door opened behind her and Ben walked in.
The danger having been faithfully avoided as he had always avoided danger, hiding. He began to set up shop properly afterward, cleaning off tables and flipping the sign to open after a put a pot of tea on the fire. Most of the facilities had already been prepared since he had been working on this for a little while. He sighed and looked out onto the hardwood covered main room, the metal bottoms legs of chairs and tables and dark wood chairs and table tops gave the place an old-timey European vibe. Exactly what he we looking for. Outside he had hung a large wooden sign reading "The bakery" with a picture of bread and a cup of tea sitting next to it. To complete the look of the store he lightly left the door open as to let a breeze carry off the scent of cooking bread. It had only taken a few hours to set this whole thing up, now only a few hours tell customers showed up, or at least that's what he told himself.
The danger having been faithfully avoided as he had always avoided danger, hiding. He began to set up shop properly afterward, cleaning off tables and flipping the sign to open after a put a pot of tea on the fire. Most of the facilities had already been prepared since he had been working on this for a little while. He sighed and looked out onto the hardwood covered main room, the metal bottoms legs of chairs and tables and dark wood chairs and table tops gave the place an old-timey European vibe. Exactly what he we looking for. Outside he had hung a large wooden sign reading "The bakery" with a picture of bread and a cup of tea sitting next to it. To complete the look of the store he lightly left the door open as to let a breeze carry off the scent of cooking bread. It had only taken a few hours to set this whole thing up, now only a few hours tell customers showed up, or at least that's what he told himself.
A young highschool student probably a senior walked in looking around.

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