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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Yeah. I was looking for someone so I wasn't paying attention to how much webfluid I had left." He said as he switched cartridges.
"Oh...I see..." she softly said she never knew he used web cartridges. She looked over to what he was doing curiously "well glad you'll alright" she replied with a smile. "Guess I'll see you around....oh do hope you find your friend" she said with a wave before she started to walk across the roof
"Oh...I see..." she softly said she never knew he used web cartridges. She looked over to what he was doing curiously "well glad you'll alright" she replied with a smile. "Guess I'll see you around....oh do hope you find your friend" she said with a wave before she started to walk across the roof
Peter looked at her. "You could help me." He said. "She's been turned into a monster. I'm trying to save other people as much as I'm also trying to save her. Could use some help." Peter said.
Josh took them around the small Island of Dewford. "Yoi didn't seem surprised by my transformation." Ben said. "Dude. I've caught pretty much every polemon out there including the legendary ones. Nothing surprises me anymore." Josh said. As they walked they learned that Josh had recieved his first pokemon when he was six ot was a Torchic which so happened to be the Blaziken that's been walking around with them. "Blaziken hates his Pokéball so he walks outside." He then went on to explain that he was the three time reigning world champions.

The Doctor shook his head. "I'm doing something right now." He said. Suddenly yellow energy exploded from his hands and face outward in a stream. After a few seconds je redirected the energy to his hand. The energy stopped and the Doctor looked just fine.

"Ugh Jameson." Peter said.
Fate nods listening.

"Wow" Allyson said
Peter looked at her. "You could help me." He said. "She's been turned into a monster. I'm trying to save other people as much as I'm also trying to save her. Could use some help." Peter said.
She was unsure of what else to say so she desided it will be best to go and not sound awkward. But she stoped when he suggested she could help him look for his friend. "I'm sorry about your friend..." she said turning back to him "I'll be glad to help you out...so who should I veen looking out for?" She asked walking back to him
Fate nods listening.

"Wow" Allyson said
"So what brings you to Dueford?" Josh asked.

The Doctor shook his head. "Well that hand's not usable now." He said.

She was unsure of what else to say so she desided it will be best to go and not sound awkward. But she stoped when he suggested she could help him look for his friend. "I'm sorry about your friend..." she said turning back to him "I'll be glad to help you out...so who should I veen looking out for?" She asked walking back to him
"It's kinds hard to explain."
She was unsure of what else to say so she desided it will be best to go and not sound awkward. But she stoped when he suggested she could help him look for his friend. "I'm sorry about your friend..." she said turning back to him "I'll be glad to help you out...so who should I veen looking out for?" She asked walking back to him
"So what brings you to Dueford?" Josh asked.

The Doctor shook his head. "Well that hand's not usable now." He said.

"It's kinds hard to explain."
The sound of people fighting each other can be heard as Eris is nearby laughing and driving more people insane.
"So what brings you to Dueford?" Josh asked.

The Doctor shook his head. "Well that hand's not usable now." He said.

"It's kinds hard to explain."
The sound of people fighting each other can be heard as Eris is nearby laughing and driving more people insane.
Mari was about to reply when she heard the commotion. Quickly following Peter she used her tenticles to quickly get down and ran over to the scene.
"He of course did not knkw that those people were to die. The contract stated that he made sure they battle in New York." Rejin said. "He of course had no way of knowing that the results of that battle would have been so horrifying. Otherwise he might have never madr the deal at all."
"I see... and... what exactly do you gain from those people dying?" He asked
" we're looking for something important, its a small stone" she said

" I see" Allyson nods
"A small stone. Question say a nice innocent Arcanine touched said stone."

Eris stops laughing when she sees Peter.

"You again!? Can't you take a hint?"
"No not particularly." Peter said.

As the doctor started to regenerate something told him to go touch Dru.
Before he sent the residual energy to the hand he grabbed Dru.

Mari was about to reply when she heard the commotion. Quickly following Peter she used her tenticles to quickly get down and ran over to the scene.

"I see... and... what exactly do you gain from those people dying?" He asked
"Entertainment, furthuring my plans, paving the way for my ideal future." Rejin said. "Now then.... Do you accept my terms?"
"A small stone. Question say a nice innocent Arcanine touched said stone."

"No not particularly." Peter said.

Before he sent the residual energy to the hand he grabbed Dru.

"Entertainment, furthuring my plans, paving the way for my ideal future." Rejin said. "Now then.... Do you accept my terms?"
" good question... I only know what it does for humans mostly.," she said. Indigo meowed. Fate nods. "Yes i t would be bad, tell me something I don't know"
" good question... I only know what it does for humans mostly.," she said. Indigo meowed. Fate nods. "Yes i t would be bad, tell me something I don't know"
"Oh well that's nice." Josh said. "Okay. You want your stone and I want my Pokémon. I think we can help each other."
Mari was about to reply when she heard the commotion. Quickly following Peter she used her tenticles to quickly get down and ran over to the scene.
"A small stone. Question say a nice innocent Arcanine touched said stone."

"No not particularly." Peter said.

Before he sent the residual energy to the hand he grabbed Dru.

"Entertainment, furthuring my plans, paving the way for my ideal future." Rejin said. "Now then.... Do you accept my terms?"
"Then perish!" Eris shouts as she sends the frenzied civilians after Peter.
"Then perish!" Eris shouts as she sends the frenzied civilians after Peter.
He webbed them to the ground. He jumped over to her this time ready to fight. He screwdriver flip in the air before gracefully landing in front of her in a crouching position. He sweeped his legs at her Ankles.
Fate watches.
Alakazam nodded. "Alakaz." He said. His eyes glowed blue and they were teleported to Viridian forest. It was burning. Ben slammed down the Omnitrix. "WATER HAZARD!" He yelled. Josh pulled out his Pokedex for a few seconds after returning Alakazam. "You go after your stone. Please don't hurt my Pokemon." He said. He pulled five Pokéballs from his belt. "Blastoise! Gyrados! Swampert! Vaporion! Feralligator!" He yelled. Each of the name water types appeared. "The forest is burning you know what to do. Ben and Josh began to fight the fire.
Alakazam nodded. "Alakaz." He said. His eyes glowed blue and they were teleported to Viridian forest. It was burning. Ben slammed down the Omnitrix. "WATER HAZARD!" He yelled. Josh pulled out his Pokedex for a few seconds after returning Alakazam. "You go after your stone. Please don't hurt my Pokemon." He said. He pulled five Pokéballs from his belt. "Blastoise! Gyrados! Swampert! Vaporion! Feralligator!" He yelled. Each of the name water types appeared. "The forest is burning you know what to do. Ben and Josh began to fight the fire.
" I'll try not to." She said running to find Arcanine. When she did she saw the stone had covered parts of the pokemon in red crystal. "That's not suppose to happen.."
" I'll try not to." She said running to find Arcanine. When she did she saw the stone had covered parts of the pokemon in red crystal. "That's not suppose to happen.."
His eyes were red. He roared and charged at her. As he did fire enveloped his body. Flame Charge.

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