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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Gabriel walked through the city streets and around back ally's, curious eyes watching the people pass her by, clueless to who she was and what she has done. "A new city, an endless well of possibilities" is what the boss had said to her as he left her on the highway, told her it was time to grow up and live on her own, get a job on her own, how was she meant to find business in a hero infested city?
Gabriel walked through the city streets and around back ally's, curious eyes watching the people pass her by, clueless to who she was and what she has done. "A new city, an endless well of possibilities" is what the boss had said to her as he left her on the highway, told her it was time to grow up and live on her own, get a job on her own, how was she meant to find business in a hero infested city?
The city was currently under attack by a great evil, creatures were roaming all over and a dragon was flying through the air.
The city was currently under attack by a great evil, creatures were roaming all over and a dragon was flying through the air.
Gabe looks up at the dragon "oh! Thats why people are running away, a dragon! Fun!" The sarcasm in her voice was thick, she had never dealt with anything quite like this. Gabe ducked away into an ally "this is great, fantastic even! Boss has great timing." She grumbled to herself as she climbed a fire escape to get away from the other monsters roaming, there she found a monster waiting, she shot it.

(what do the creatures look like?)
Name: Gregory Esper
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Code Name: Ash
Power: Summon Fire and using his fire to float
Appearance: Brownish Black hair with red highlights, a round and smaller younger looking face with hazel eyes and and a small mouth.
Medium adult build and slightly muscular but kinda thin. 5'10 ft and shorter legs and longer arms.
Weakness: Water and of course Wounds.
Background: Just Your Normal Criminal who discovers his powers during an arson accident where he incredibly he survives the fire after a while he learned to control it using his looks to drag off young woman and robbing them and if they dont give then... They turn to ash like it never happened.
Name: Gregory Esper
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Code Name: Ash
Power: Summon Fire and using his fire to float
Appearance: Brownish Black hair with red highlights, a round and smaller younger looking face with hazel eyes and and a small mouth.
Medium adult build and slightly muscular but kinda thin. 5'10 ft and shorter legs and longer arms.
Weakness: Water and of course Wounds.
Background: Just Your Normal Criminal who discovers his powers during an arson accident where he incredibly he survives the fire after a while he learned to control it using his looks to drag off young woman and robbing them and if they dont give then... They turn to ash like it never happened.
Please post in character thread link on first page)
Gabe looks up at the dragon "oh! Thats why people are running away, a dragon! Fun!" The sarcasm in her voice was thick, she had never dealt with anything quite like this. Gabe ducked away into an ally "this is great, fantastic even! Boss has great timing." She grumbled to herself as she climbed a fire escape to get away from the other monsters roaming, there she found a monster waiting, she shot it.

(what do the creatures look like?)
(Have you heard of the Grimm from Rwby?)
Greg Was Robbing A Young Lady With Glittering Jewelry, Demanding Money Before Hearing The All The Noise "What The.." He Muttered Before A Dragon Swooped Over Him Giving The Young Lady Enough Time To Escape The Alleyway.
"She's right..they won't let me die" good Diana said. Evil Diana rolled her eyes. "I noticed. " she turned to the girl. "Can we just leave this pest here? She shouldn't even be here. She was made to be evil, apart of an army, a solider." Good Diana stood back up. "Stop that! Stop calling me a pest. I am Diana Xander. Dana and her friends wanted to save me. Yeah it took awhile but I made friends, a family and I found someone I love. And you tried hurting them. ". Evil Diana laughed. " so you do have a backbone. Too bad you don't have the strength to do much.". She punched her and the good Diana got sent into the water.

Kala figured out a spell.she muttered some thing before saying "Mental fog." If it worked it would hopefully cloud Jenny's mind and release her Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
The girl smiled serenely "if you want to live you must win and there's only one thing that can help fight and beat evil." The girl smiled happily.

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