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Fandom Superheros and Villains

There was a red blinking light on Joey's collar. He hadn't noticed it "So what do you think? Surgery or meds?"
"You could pick either but there is no guarantee either would work." She said and noticed the light. "Why is the light on your collar blinking red."
"You could pick either but there is no guarantee either would work." She said and noticed the light. "Why is the light on your collar blinking red."
"I put the A.I. on silent... must be important." He flicked the switch "Warning, multiple tumors detected, high radiation exposure detected, cancer detected in lungs, stomach, and cranium. Recommend seeing a doctor. Stage 2 lung cancer, stage 1 brain tumor, stage 1 stomach cancer. Immediate medical assistance required." The device said. "Well... shit."
"I put the A.I. on silent... must be important." He flicked the switch "Warning, multiple tumors detected, high radiation exposure detected, cancer detected in lungs, stomach, and cranium. Recommend seeing a doctor. Stage 2 lung cancer, stage 1 brain tumor, stage 1 stomach cancer. Immediate medical assistance required." The device said. "Well... shit."
"Um... this is really bad..how did this even happen so fast." She said
"Um... this is really bad..how did this even happen so fast." She said
"... well... there is radiation exposure when you come back to life." He said "I think it just took a while for the tumors to develop... but... first." He hit a few buttons on his cuffs and placed them near his chest. "Time to see what the Geiger counter says" he moved his hands around to scan his chest, legs and the rest of his body. By the sound of it, his internal organs were covered in radiation. He began coughing some more "Fucking great. I'm a walking fallout."
"... well... there is radiation exposure when you come back to life." He said "I think it just took a while for the tumors to develop... but... first." He hit a few buttons on his cuffs and placed them near his chest. "Time to see what the Geiger counter says" he moved his hands around to scan his chest, legs and the rest of his body. By the sound of it, his internal organs were covered in radiation. He began coughing some more "Fucking great. I'm a walking fallout."
"I don't think either of the options will work.. I don't even know if my powers will work." Maddy frowned.
"I don't think either of the options will work.. I don't even know if my powers will work." Maddy frowned.
"Well.. we gotta get rid of the radiation first... then we move on to the traditional methods." Joey said as he opened up a hologram of his body that showed the radiation and tumors. "Upgrade available, radiation filtration system. Would you like to begin the upgrade?" A notification said on the hologram. Joey spoke "Yes." "Upgrade available, the following parts are needed for the upgrade." The hologram then showed a list of various parts he would need to acquire the upgrade. He began scrolling through them "This should filtrate out the radiation from my body... but the tumors will still be a problem then." He coughed some blood up. "Fucking hell."
"Well.. we gotta get rid of the radiation first... then we move on to the traditional methods." Joey said as he opened up a hologram of his body that showed the radiation and tumors. "Upgrade available, radiation filtration system. Would you like to begin the upgrade?" A notification said on the hologram. Joey spoke "Yes." "Upgrade available, the following parts are needed for the upgrade." The hologram then showed a list of various parts he would need to acquire the upgrade. He began scrolling through them "This should filtrate out the radiation from my body... but the tumors will still be a problem then." He coughed some blood up. "Fucking hell."
"Maybe Allyson could help us with the parts you need." Maddy frowned. "We're going to have to figure this out."

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