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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Another sigh behind her. Breeze was standing just behind her bored out of his mind. "Ugh, I wonder if I should just thin out the herd a bit..." He wondered aloud.
Aqua stiffened up as she stood up more stright. Had she head the man behind her correctly? What the hell had he meant by thinning out the heard. She had not liked the sound of that at all as she crossed her arms still looking down the line infront of her but was not more alert.

"Come on. Not like I can't handle whatever's in there." He said stepping forward. "I'm serious kid." The cop said. "I'll book you for interfering with police business."

Kaleb had absorbed the metal of the cyberhead.
"Earl...they have proper authorities and they seem to be handling it just fine....besides he seems not at all keen to you butting in...you might get locked up.." Emily added looking up at the police man as she continued to hold on to Earl's arm.

"What are we even expecting to find down here?...." Eliana asked towards the doctor as she watched Kaleb absorbed the metal of the cybermen's head
"Malcom ha she been trying to combine the two for years, alchemy was what he started with; then the smart rines used for that portal." Eddiebpaused and stared at a circle of runes shaped in a pentagram "Shit."
"Recognize that?" Stella asked seeing him stare at the runes.
Aqua stiffened up as she stood up more stright. Had she head the man behind her correctly? What the hell had he meant by thinning out the heard. She had not liked the sound of that at all as she crossed her arms still looking down the line infront of her but was not more alert.

"Earl...they have proper authorities and they seem to be handling it just fine....besides he seems not at all keen to you butting in...you might get locked up.." Emily added looking up at the police man as she continued to hold on to Earl's arm.

"What are we even expecting to find down here?...." Eliana asked towards the doctor as she watched Kaleb absorbed the metal of the cybermen's head
He snapped his finger. "Just make more peopoe bored with standing in line." He said. People began to complain about the lines length and leave.
He snapped his finger. "Just make more peopoe bored with standing in line." He said. People began to complain about the lines length and leave.
Aqua kept her head slightly down but still looked out to those infront of her and the long line of people that almost circled the block. After the words said by the voice behind her she started to notice people started to trinkle and angrily leave the line. She now looked out in curiosity that in no time the line started to move much faster. 'Did the person behind her cause this?' She wondered
Aqua kept her head slightly down but still looked out to those infront of her and the long line of people that almost circled the block. After the words said by the voice behind her she started to notice people started to trinkle and angrily leave the line. She now looked out in curiosity that in no time the line started to move much faster. 'Did the person behind her cause this?' She wondered
"Ah nice." He said walking past her
(Pausing on the others?)

"Excuse me?..." She said reaching out and tapped on his arm as he passed. "its not polite to cut you know..." Aqua spoke as she crossed her arms "I have been waiting just as long as you had.." she spoke
(Sorry pressed reply too soon)
"Nah its fine." He said. She felt her anger lessen and her amiability and good nature was increased.

Earl pushed past the cop.

They got to a large ship in the sewer. "Thos looks like its it." Kaleb said
(Sorry pressed reply too soon)
"Nah its fine." He said. She felt her anger lessen and her amiability and good nature was increased.

Earl pushed past the cop.

They got to a large ship in the sewer. "Thos looks like its it." Kaleb said
(Is okay it happe s to me A LOT)

"Right...yes your right..." she said her arms uncrossing as she steped back. "You must be in a hurry go ahead" she said
"Earl!...what the bloody hell?! You are nothing but insane arnt you" Emily yelled at him, pushing pass the cop herself and going after Earl.
"I think it is..." Amber said looking up at the ship

"....how the heck did that even get down here?" Eliana said looking at the ship they ran into in the middle of the sewer.
(Is okay it happe s to me A LOT)

"Right...yes your right..." she said her arms uncrossing as she steped back. "You must be in a hurry go ahead" she said
"Earl!...what the bloody hell?! You are nothing but insane arnt you" Emily yelled at him, pushing pass the cop herself and going after Earl.
"I think it is..." Amber said looking up at the ship

"....how the heck did that even get down here?" Eliana said looking at the ship they ran into in the middle of the sewer.
He flashed a smile and only when he was about ten feet ahead of her did her original feelings return.
"Stop!" He yelled as earl rushed in pulling out his wand. Leonidas' TO pulled out their radio. "This is officer Smith. The situation has escalated we're going in."
"Teleportation probably." Kaleb said. "Or really bad flying."
"Fate I'm using the Omnitrix ro send you a live feed." A purple holo screen appeared abover her Omnitrix showing her the skulls. Musicnotes Musicnotes

Ben started hearing voices “soon you’ll be able to stand against any for my lord, we just need a few more sacrifices” Merlin replied

“Yes, that boy and his friend would do great to supplement my strength” Uther replied
Ben started hearing voices “soon you’ll be able to stand against any for my lord, we just need a few more sacrifices” Merlin replied

“Yes, that boy and his friend would do great to supplement my strength” Uther replied
"Oh good." Ghostfreak whispered to himself. "Sacrifices and thst stuff. Cuz that's always a good sign."
Ben started hearing voices “soon you’ll be able to stand against any for my lord, we just need a few more sacrifices” Merlin replied

“Yes, that boy and his friend would do great to supplement my strength” Uther replied
Fate frowned and silently watched the feed.
"Like a demon?" She suggested seeing what he was grabbing
“Who knows, could be demonic or undead.” Eddie said as he searched the tunes for clues about the inter dimensional creature that had likely taken his friends. “It’s likely intelligent, seeing as it can use runes; either a demon or powerful undead.”
He flashed a smile and only when he was about ten feet ahead of her did her original feelings return.
"Stop!" He yelled as earl rushed in pulling out his wand. Leonidas' TO pulled out their radio. "This is officer Smith. The situation has escalated we're going in."
"Teleportation probably." Kaleb said. "Or really bad flying."
Aqua stood there going from feeling calmed to returning to feeling annoyed and upset. She also felt a bit confused, was she not confronting that man at the counter? She sighed getting back in line.
Emily had ran after Earl herself, ignoring the yelling cop. She pulled out her wand from her hair that was up on a ponytail as she entered the building.
"Must be teleportation...it would have cause crazy damages" Eliana said

"The people up there would have definitely noticed this if it wasnt placed here discretely" Amber added.
“Who knows, could be demonic or undead.” Eddie said as he searched the tunes for clues about the inter dimensional creature that had likely taken his friends. “It’s likely intelligent, seeing as it can use runes; either a demon or powerful undead.”

(Interesting enough, I actually have a demon character or two)
Aqua stood there going from feeling calmed to returning to feeling annoyed and upset. She also felt a bit confused, was she not confronting that man at the counter? She sighed getting back in line.
Emily had ran after Earl herself, ignoring the yelling cop. She pulled out her wand from her hair that was up on a ponytail as she entered the building.
"Must be teleportation...it would have cause crazy damages" Eliana said

"The people up there would have definitely noticed this if it wasnt placed here discretely" Amber added.
The line was much shorter.
Leonida ran in after them. "Stupid kids!" He yelled. The man robbing the place turned pointing his gun at Earl.
"Yeah probably." Kaleb said

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