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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Let's hope not" she said.

"Why dont you tell us about it." Oz said

She answered. "Hey jenny, what's up?"

While they made their way back to the ship, the battle continued raging, what seemed like an endless wave of forces from both sides kept appearing.

“Well you are about to die so why not” she chuckled “I facilitate the infinite cycle, and so far it seems this cycle is in need of destruction”

“Think you can swing by the cabin, it appears Livia hasn’t gone to get a check up for the baby yet” she replied
Eddie sat in his base the components for the machine laid out, he had given up on assembling it a while ago and had taken the truck to his base. While his computer ran tests on the substances he had searched the vehicle, finding a supply of firearms and explosives.
"I honory debts. And Trigon is a powerful femon himself."
"intetesting." Sans said

“So how do you plan to repay your debt to me for letting the mortals go back in time and take Eclipse from us?” She asked

“Sadly they burned him for it” she sighed
“So how do you plan to repay your debt to me for letting the mortals go back in time and take Eclipse from us?” She asked

“Sadly they burned him for it” she sighed
"I never wanted that." He said.


"humans fear what they don't understand..."
While they made their way back to the ship, the battle continued raging, what seemed like an endless wave of forces from both sides kept appearing.

“Well you are about to die so why not” she chuckled “I facilitate the infinite cycle, and so far it seems this cycle is in need of destruction”

“Think you can swing by the cabin, it appears Livia hasn’t gone to get a check up for the baby yet” she replied
"Man this is intense.." allyson said.

"So you just want to destroy everything?" Fate said

"Well I'm currently in Italy. I'm on a bit of a vacation but I could let one of my coworkers at the hospital know and you guys can swing by there. " maddy said
Natasha crossed her arms as she listened. "You want to reset the world? Guess that explains the nuke "
Doctor V: "Reseting the world is too hard now days. I merely wish to erase humanity and let the next generation learn from it's past mistakes...only then will humanity will be perfect"

Nikolai: "And if it fails? then what may occur? like i've heard said before Humanity is like a virus, you can stop it but can't eraseit entirely"

"It won't fail. Humans fear what they can't conceive and a world with out humanity is one of them. sure you can see a world with out bipedal creatures ruling over it but no one can truly experience it." -he soon stood up and looked at the glass where the soldier stood before taking his own life- "You see? he was the last man standing and yet he couldn't bear the mere thought of him being the last one alive in his prison...so he took the easy way out rather than fight to the last breathe...."
"I never wanted that." He said.


"humans fear what they don't understand..."

“Never wanted Eclipse? Or never wanted the humans to erase her existence?” She asked as she went behind him and draped her arms over his shoulders

“Unfortunately, they all thought I was a monster when I just wanted to see the human world beyond my book, but when they burned him, I became the monster they feared” she replied
"Man this is intense.." allyson said.

"So you just want to destroy everything?" Fate said

"Well I'm currently in Italy. I'm on a bit of a vacation but I could let one of my coworkers at the hospital know and you guys can swing by there. " maddy said

“Yeah, this doesn’t seem like it was meant to be a small fight” she replied

“Yes I do, I want to end the earth and start over” she replied

“Alright, sounds good” she replied “enjoy you vacation” she added
“Never wanted Eclipse? Or never wanted the humans to erase her existence?” She asked as she went behind him and draped her arms over his shoulders

“Unfortunately, they all thought I was a monster when I just wanted to see the human world beyond my book, but when they burned him, I became the monster they feared” she replied
"I never wanted her erased..." He said. "Allowing myself to go through with that is a choice I will regret for all eternity."


"from the perspective of where i'm from humans were the bad guys. trapped us all underground. but..." He shrugged. "i suppose we weren't much better, in desperation to escape we'd kill and harness the souls of sny humans who managed to fall underground. even kids."
"I never wanted her erased..." He said. "Allowing myself to go through with that is a choice I will regret for all eternity."


"from the perspective of where i'm from humans were the bad guys. trapped us all underground. but..." He shrugged. "i suppose we weren't much better, in desperation to escape we'd kill and harness the souls of sny humans who managed to fall underground. even kids."

“I knew you loved her” she smiled and pulled him closer, hugging him from behind

“Guess we are just a couple of monsters huh?” She chuckled “at least you knew what you were doing, I was so overcome with rage and fury that I just slaughtered the whole town, and remained consumed and fractured by those emotions until Sam and his family came along”
Doctor V: "Reseting the world is too hard now days. I merely wish to erase humanity and let the next generation learn from it's past mistakes...only then will humanity will be perfect"

Nikolai: "And if it fails? then what may occur? like i've heard said before Humanity is like a virus, you can stop it but can't eraseit entirely"

"It won't fail. Humans fear what they can't conceive and a world with out humanity is one of them. sure you can see a world with out bipedal creatures ruling over it but no one can truly experience it." -he soon stood up and looked at the glass where the soldier stood before taking his own life- "You see? he was the last man standing and yet he couldn't bear the mere thought of him being the last one alive in his prison...so he took the easy way out rather than fight to the last breathe...."
"But not every human is the same. You arnt like myself or Nikolai. We all think different things. And if you erase humanity there wont be another generation. We would just be gone" she said
“I knew you loved her” she smiled and pulled him closer, hugging him from behind

“Guess we are just a couple of monsters huh?” She chuckled “at least you knew what you were doing, I was so overcome with rage and fury that I just slaughtered the whole town, and remained consumed and fractured by those emotions until Sam and his family came along”
He put a hand over hers.


"i see... but that begs a question is feral rage worse that knowing atrocity or vice versa?" He asked before chuckling. "suppose it doesn't matter much now, whats done is done. wasting energy thinking about it is tiring."
“Yeah, this doesn’t seem like it was meant to be a small fight” she replied

“Yes I do, I want to end the earth and start over” she replied

“Alright, sounds good” she replied “enjoy you vacation” she added

"You're right it doesnt..." Allyson said thinking.

"We arnt going to let that happen." Oz said.

"I will but if it's a life and death situation dont hesitate to call me. I can be there in less than a minute " she said.
Eddie sat in his base the components for the machine laid out, he had given up on assembling it a while ago and had taken the truck to his base. While his computer ran tests on the substances he had searched the vehicle, finding a supply of firearms and explosives.
Stella decided to take the sword to the person on the card Eddie had gave her.

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