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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Already done" she replied and placed a dozen on the counter between the kitchen and seating area
"Thank you wisp." Sam said. "And remember what we said. Dark isn't bad he's just rude."

He backs into the furtherest corner corner holding his head. As the pain gets worse he try’s to calm himself down
He slowly walked toward Leo. "Leo. I'm going to block your pain receptors in your brain just for a second so that we can talk." He closed his eyes and he blocked them.
“I lost my memory in a mission explosion. I have this mission report” pulling it out “ it said that I was missing on that mission for almost a year. My family died and I keep getting a head pain”
"Memory loss. That's always tricky." He said. "My experience is three things. Either your memories have been locked by an external force... That's an easy fix. Or you're suppressing them subconsciously. That's a much harder situation. Or they could have been wiped. And if they have then there's nothing left to restore... I'm assuming you want to try and restore them."
"Memory loss. That's always tricky." He said. "My experience is three things. Either your memories have been locked by an external force... That's an easy fix. Or you're suppressing them subconsciously. That's a much harder situation. Or they could have been wiped. And if they have then there's nothing left to restore... I'm assuming you want to try and restore them."
“ Try whatever you can do . “ he tilts his head as to listen to something but shook it off
"What's going on?" She asked
"I have to go to the past." He said. "And I don't want to go alone. That girl Selkie. I was able to save her. But the only way I was able to was because my future self went to the past and told me how in a vision... Wow this sounds weird when I say it out loud."

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