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Fandom Superheros and Villains

He walked to his room. "Snuggles?" He asked. The war was getting worse.

Jackson went to the stadium. "This is gonna be a tough one." He said.
Dru stood there his sword was nowhere in sight but he seemed troubled and he touched his vest as if something was there before looking at Jackson "are you ready?"
"Not at all I was hoping to fight you last, you'd be the most fun." He said.
Dru smiled wryly "this won't be an easy match for either of us but be careful death for me would be temporary but it might not be that way for you." Dru would then approach him slowly
"Really? Would you explain in more detail please?"
"Well they are twins, they dont even have to talk to eachother to work together, they know each others weakpoints and protects the other. Plus the more Apollo uses his powers the weaker he gets. Sort of like how I am." She said
Dru smiled wryly "this won't be an easy match for either of us but be careful death for me would be temporary but it might not be that way for you." Dru would then approach him slowly
"That just makes it more fun doesn't it?" Jackson said with a smile. A sword formed in his hand.
"Well they are twins, they dont even have to talk to eachother to work together, they know each others weakpoints and protects the other. Plus the more Apollo uses his powers the weaker he gets. Sort of like how I am." She said
"I'm sure that's how everyone is." He said. "Do you really think Apollo will lose?"
Peter chuckled. "Yeah okay." He said walking toward her.

She reached out and grabbed his hand. Her grip was almost like steel, considering her right arm was completely metal now with artificial flesh covering it. She pulled him over to her and pulled him onto the bed. "I can't believe I forgot." She said, sitting in his lap and hugging him tightly.
"I'm sure that's how everyone is." He said. "Do you really think Apollo will lose?"
"i believe it. " Maddy said. Janus appeared by them. "You really have no faith in them do you." Maddy jumped again. "Can people please stop randomly appearing." Her uncle chuckled. "You really must be nervous."
"That just makes it more fun doesn't it?" Jackson said with a smile. A sword formed in his hand.
Dru summoned his sword and then was in front of Jackson swinging for his waist while sand formed behind him and stabbed for his shoulder blade.
She reached out and grabbed his hand. Her grip was almost like steel, considering her right arm was completely metal now with artificial flesh covering it. She pulled him over to her and pulled him onto the bed. "I can't believe I forgot." She said, sitting in his lap and hugging him tightly.
He seemed to melt into her grip. Fell onto his back and began to fall asleep.
Dru summoned his sword and then was in front of Jackson swinging for his waist while sand formed behind him and stabbed for his shoulder blade.
Jackson blocked the sword towards his waist. With a loud cracking noise his shoulder moved inward towards his neck making the sword fly past him. He slid back as his shoulder went back to normal. He had clearly gotten very good at manipulating his body.
Jackson blocked the sword towards his waist. With a loud cracking noise his shoulder moved inward towards his neck making the sword fly past him. He slid back as his shoulder went back to normal. He had clearly gotten very good at manipulating his body.
The sand began to form a. Whirlpool around him that was 10 feet high and began to attack him from all sides while Dru would occasionally step in with broad slices to try and catch him off guard along with the multiple stabs that came at him.
"every has their limits. You can only absorb so much" he said
She smiles "and your missing a hand now." she said as Apollo's hand instant burst of blood as it begins to slide off "I recommend you go to infirmary before you die of blood lose..." she said as she soon change back into her younger self.
The sand began to form a. Whirlpool around him that was 10 feet high and began to attack him from all sides while Dru would occasionally step in with broad slices to try and catch him off guard along with the multiple stabs that came at him.
Jackson looked around. He spun around fast creating a draft that dispelled the sand.
Jackson looked around. He spun around fast creating a draft that dispelled the sand.
The sand wavered but didn't dispell as it was held in place by Dru. There was a chuckle as the attempts to dispell the sandstorm around him caused sand to blow over him and make it near impossible not to get at least a few breaths of sand into his lungs which would cause him to become sleepy.
The sand wavered but didn't dispell as it was held in place by Dru. There was a chuckle as the attempts to dispell the sandstorm around him caused sand to blow over him and make it near impossible not to get at least a few breaths of sand into his lungs which would cause him to become sleepy.
His eyes began to droop. He teleported out of the whirlwind. He created a dagger and stabbed himself in the thigh. The pain woke him back up. The wound healed and Jackson looked around for Dru.
His eyes began to droop. He teleported out of the whirlwind. He created a dagger and stabbed himself in the thigh. The pain woke him back up. The wound healed and Jackson looked around for Dru.
The sand condensed into Dru and then silent as the night a blade of sand would strike at Jacksons back. While that happened Dru approached silently with a smile on his face.
She smiles "and your missing a hand now." she said as Apollo's hand instant burst of blood as it begins to slide off "I recommend you go to infirmary before you die of blood lose..." she said as she soon change back into her younger self.

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