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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"I take it thats bad." He replied

"In a way. Just a cat who was once human. I sadly don't remember all the details but I hope tl regain my body again. My name is Margaret... I don't recall my last name. I however am an observer. I spend my days watching others. Speaking of..." She turned around to look at Susan and Jacob in suits entering a building "Two youngsters dressed up all fancy... and not up to something good."
"Yeah they probably aren't knowing them." She said
"Speaking of conversations, about that name thing, Makoto. I know you said it's a long story, but I'm in no rush to go anywhere, so I'd like to know why." She said. "Does it have something to do with why you and Maddy haven't spoken for five months?"

"Seems a tad bit interesting, and I dont normally get interested in human affairs" Eclipse replied
"he probably had a good reason to" she said
"I told you she'd make an excuse for it. Love is blind." Allustra said.

"Yeah. The Hellbow. That's his reason. He wanted to use it. In order to tap into its full power, it requires a sacrifice, or sacrifices, strong enough to fuel it. What makes you think he won't sacrifice you to power up that quiver of his...or maybe that book?" Gradius asks.
"I told you she'd make an excuse for it. Love is blind." Allustra said.

"Yeah. The Hellbow. That's his reason. He wanted to use it. In order to tap into its full power, it requires a sacrifice, or sacrifices, strong enough to fuel it. What makes you think he won't sacrifice you to power up that quiver of his...or maybe that book?" Gradius asks.
"I uh..don't know" she said
"I uh..don't know" she said
"Exactly." He said. "He's not above using others to get what he wants. We've heard stories about how he kidnapped a hero so he could strong arm her and a bunch of other heroes into fighting Arkalas. Actually, now that I think about it, he shouldn't have been able to even touch the Tome of Hope back then because of the curses he had. I wonder how he got a hold of it. Could it be....he convinced someone to go with him to retrieve it?"
"Exactly." He said. "He's not above using others to get what he wants. We've heard stories about how he kidnapped a hero so he could strong arm her and a bunch of other heroes into fighting Arkalas. Actually, now that I think about it, he shouldn't have been able to even touch the Tome of Hope back then because of the curses he had. I wonder how he got a hold of it. Could it be....he convinced someone to go with him to retrieve it?"
"Yeah he did..." She said
"no I believe he got the tomb with help from A girl named Diana." She said. (I honestly forgot how he got the tomb.)
"Another person he used to strengthen himself." She said.

"I'd be careful around him if I were you." Gradius said. "Everywhere he goes, death and despair follow. And to think, the Hellbow is just one of those secrets he's hiding." He looks at his watch. "Come on, Allustra. Time for us to go."

Allustra nods.

"Think about my offer." Gradius said as he and Allustra start walking away.
(That's okay.)
"Another person he used to strengthen himself." She said.

"I'd be careful around him if I were you." Gradius said. "Everywhere he goes, death and despair follow. And to think, the Hellbow is just one of those secrets he's hiding." He looks at his watch. "Come on, Allustra. Time for us to go."

Allustra nods.

"Think about my offer." Gradius said as he and Allustra start walking away.
(That's okay.)
Hunter looks at the business card before putting it in her pocket. "I will"
She sighs. "I guess so." She said before following into the building.
A man in a suit stopped her "Excuse me, are you here for the auction?" he asked.
"Speaking of conversations, about that name thing, Makoto. I know you said it's a long story, but I'm in no rush to go anywhere, so I'd like to know why." She said. "Does it have something to do with why you and Maddy haven't spoken for five months?"
"Seems a tad bit interesting, and I dont normally get interested in human affairs" Eclipse replied
"Its a bit... personal. Stuff before I came to Utah." He said

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