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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Ariel shakes his hand, "So, what do you guys do for fun around here.... well other than video games"
"Well. I've honestly been getting a little bored. But I copy people's super powers and then mess around. Get into trouble. Stop a few muggings. Maybe start a few fights." He said honestly.
"well then i think ill like it here" Ariel smiles at Leonidas and plays with her colourful hair
"Not a whole lot of people have hair as unnaturally colored as me. Except naturually unnatural." He said. "By which is was born with pink hair."
"well i like to stand out, and i was also born with pink hair.... i think i just know that my hair has always been this way."
"sure, anything for a little bit of fun" she prepares for a fight
"Okay." He walked over to a regular guy who seemed to be on the phone while his son was trying to get his attention. He snatched the man's phone. "Yoink. You're kids trying to talk to you." He then punched the man in the nose and ran off with the phone.
"I like you too, this was a great idea." She jumps up ontop of the roof of the arcade and continues to throw cards at the cops
eventually she jumps off the roof and starts fighting them the old fashion way with martial arts
He sat on the roof and watched. This girl was fun. This girl was out there. This girl was practically the partner he'd been looking for something he'd been planning for years.

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