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Fandom Superheros and Villains

(An undeveloped telepath. And I feel like two experienced telepaths would be able to protect their own thoughts but that's fine.)

(And shes not undeveloped, she just doesnt have as much experience as Roxie or Sam)
(And shes not undeveloped, she just doesnt have as much experience as Roxie or Sam)

("Hahaha that's funny, your psionic strength is impressive, not as much as Roxie's or Wisp's still developing one" he laughed as he takes a vial out of the fridge." You said this two pages ago. Developings as in not developed)
("Hahaha that's funny, your psionic strength is impressive, not as much as Roxie's or Wisp's still developing one" he laughed as he takes a vial out of the fridge." You said this two pages ago. Developings as in not developed)

(That's called UNDER developed, as in still developing or not fully developed, you said UNdeveloped, meaning hasn't started developing yet, lol)
You know you could use the viA
Sam and Roxie heard Dark say. Dark No. It's not worth it. Come on Roxie aren't you at all curious as to way you best boy has it?
She sighed. "No dark I'm not curious. You know I was enjoying lunch before all this talk. I would like to get back to it."
Anna finished making a couple sandwiches for lunch and walked back over to the couch "time to wake up" she smiled and began to lightly poke his face

Drumonkey Drumonkey
Anna finished making a couple sandwiches for lunch and walked back over to the couch "time to wake up" she smiled and began to lightly poke his face

Drumonkey Drumonkey
Dash would throw open his eyes and lightning would surround him until his eyes focused on Anna when he would calm down and sigh as he let his speed go. "I'm so sorry I guess I was having a nightmare."
Dash would throw open his eyes and lightning would surround him until his eyes focused on Anna when he would calm down and sigh as he let his speed go. "I'm so sorry I guess I was having a nightmare."

"About my father again?" She asked "you were saying something about 'magic' wolves earlier" she added and put her hand on his cheek
"About my father again?" She asked "you were saying something about 'magic' wolves earlier" she added and put her hand on his cheek
Dash sighed and touched her hand gently "yeah but it felt... Different than the other ones... " Dash sighed and shook his head as he tried to shake off a feeling of unease.
Dash sighed and touched her hand gently "yeah but it felt... Different than the other ones... " Dash sighed and shook his head as he tried to shake off a feeling of unease.

"Hey, at least he agreed to leave us alone for a while" she smiled
Dash chuckled awkwardly and said " ye- yeah leave us alone..." He would then try to change the subject "oh I see you brought food I was starving."

(Honestly, I wouldnt mind doing a slice of life kinda rp with those two)

"I figured as much, it was your grumbling tummy that woke me in the first place" she replied and poked his stomach "thats why I made a few sandwiches"she added
(Honestly, I wouldnt mind doing a slice of life kinda rp with those two)

"I figured as much, it was your grumbling tummy that woke me in the first place" she replied and poked his stomach "thats why I made a few sandwiches"she added
Dash smiled and took a sandwich biting into it quickly and letting out a low groan of satisfaction. "exactly what I wanted."
Dash smiled and took a sandwich biting into it quickly and letting out a low groan of satisfaction. "exactly what I wanted."

Anna smiled before getting up and heading to their room to change

"Any plans for today Dashie?" She asked from the room
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