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Fandom Superheros and Villains

(Just waiting for Music and Dru)

Not much later a young woman with pasty, almost white skin, amber/gold eyes, dressed in regular everyday clothes, had reddish brown hair, and had a sword strapped to her back walked in and looked around (for a seat, or for the waiter to take her to a seat, depending on the resturaunts)

( The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth )
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Not much later a young woman with pasty, almost white skin, amber/gold eyes, dressed in regular everyday clothes, had reddish brown hair, and had a sword strapped to her back walked in and looked around (for a seat, or for the waiter to take her to a seat, depending on the resturaunts)

( The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth )
A waitress seated her. Nearby was a man in a gray trench coat.

Daniel sipped his drink quietly.
He looked at Eclipse. He pointed to the sword again and then gestured around them. "Out place." He said stating rather strangely that it seemed out of place.

"I never go anywhere without it" she replied "even if its out of place, considering out of place in This world" she added

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