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Realistic or Modern Superheroes and Villains Characters

Hero or villain: hero
Name: Daniel Kai
Code name: magma man
Age: 19
Gender/pronouns: he/him
(Apperence: brown hair, dark red eyes, usually wearing light clothing such as t-shirt, shorts etc.
Hero form: magma forming humanoid like shape.)
Power: the power to cover himself in molten magma and being able to control it at will such as changing the temp,shape, etc.
Weakness: water and temperatures above 100 degrees ( it doesn't allow him to control his magma making him melt)
Backstory: he was born with this power but it slowly grew with time so it took awhile for it to fully grow, then after the death of his mother he decided to become a hero as early as possible, and is now a middle rank hero.
(rebranding an okd character who hasn't been used in a while

Hero or villain or neutral: Hero

name: Leonidas Gareth

Code name: None

Age: 25

Gender: Male


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Powers/abilities: He has the ability to copy the powers or abilities of anyone he touches

Weapons(optional): Standerd pistol

Weaknesses: He can only copy one powerset at a time and he inherits their weaknesses

Backstory(optional): When he was 17 a freak accident involving himself, a vat of experimental liquid, and a fight between the fantastic four amd the super skrull left him with superpowers. He had always had strong ideals and although he reapects heroes, believes that they operate outside of the law too much. He wanted to use his powers to help people the way he considered right. So he joined a police academy, got properly trained, and became an officer of the law

Other info(optional):

Probably would be interesting to see him go against cherry bomb, lol
Character sheet:

Superhumans (ones with powers)

Hero or villain or neutral: Hero, but far more brutal than most other Totems, but also not quite an Antihero

name: Angel May Parker

Code name: The Spider

Age: 16-20 (depending on the storyline)

Gender: F

Powers/abilities: All the normal powers associated with Spiderman, with some exceptions. Her webbing is organic and more like a mist than a web unless controlled by an outside device or agent. She has Silk's pheramone attraction to other Spider Totems, but not as severe. She has the ability to ballance on most surfaces near perfectly as well. She is weaker than Spiderman but more agile and faster.

Weapons(optional): none, technically, but can use her webbing and or nanomachine arms to form them if need be.

Weaknesses: Standard Spider Totem weaknesses

Backstory(optional): Angel was raised primarily by her uncle, who was killed in a fit of rage by her universe's Doc Oc; who she ended up revenge killing later on, but regrets and is haunted by the even to this day.

To this day, she is hunted by agents and villians supplied and hired by Oscorp, who consideres her "company property"

The rest is history in the making, anything is possible.
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Superhumans (ones with powers)

Hero or villain or neutral: Villain

Name: Proditum

Code name: The Pure Revenant

Age: Thousands of years old

Gender: Male

Appearance: Wears modern combat gear appropriated from military compounds, with modifications.

Powers/abilities: Ability Theft: The Pure Revenant can steal abilities from a captured superhuman, no matter the origin of said abilities, leaving the victim a husk of their former self, twisted by the process and driven mad.

The powers are extracted into vials of a glowing viscous liquid. The vials contain both the memories and abilities of the victims and if administered to a human will give the person the abilities and minds with some negative side effects. The Wraiths are mutated but are able to be cured by using the sword and the vial full of their abilities and memories.

Weapons(optional): The Wraith Blade and Fate's Hand (Revolver)

Weaknesses: Human touch, any weakness his victims had. Knowing his previous name or taking his sword will give the holder control over The Pure Revenant.

Backstory(optional): The Revenant is a creature born from traumatic death, commonly caused by betrayal. The Revenants serve as Death's heralds. The Revenants hunt any who have: crossed, evaded, or offended death.

The Revenants are undead in nature while also having demonic abilities. The Pure Revenant exists in all of time, his previous life unknown, making it impossible to control him without his sword.

The Pure Revenant is the top rank among deaths herald, allowing him to command some demons. The Pure Revenant received his rank from killing the previous Pure Revenant.

(There should probably be a way to restore these people who je affects)
(I will agree there should be a way to restore powers)
Character sheet:

Superhumans (ones with powers)

Hero or villain or neutral: Hero, but far more brutal than most other Totems, but also not quite an Antihero

name: Angel May Parker

Code name: The Spider

Age: 16-20 (depending on the storyline)

Gender: F

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Powers/abilities: All the normal powers associated with Spiderman, with some exceptions. Her webbing is organic and more like a mist than a web unless controlled by an outside device or agent. She has Silk's pheramone attraction to other Spider Totems, but not as severe. She has the ability to ballance on most surfaces near perfectly as well. She is weaker than Spiderman but more agile and faster.

Weapons(optional): none, technically, but can use her webbing and or nanomachine arms to form them if need be.

Weaknesses: Standard Spider Totem weaknesses

Backstory(optional): Angel was raised primarily by her uncle, who was killed in a fit of rage by her universe's Doc Oc; who she ended up revenge killing later on, but regrets and is haunted by the even to this day.

To this day, she is hunted by agents and villians supplied and hired by Oscorp, who consideres her "company property"

The rest is history in the making, anything is possible.
( gonna need The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth to approve)
Hero or villain: hero
Name: Daniel Kai
Code name: magma man
Age: 19
Gender/pronouns: he/him
(Apperence: brown hair, dark red eyes, usually wearing light clothing such as t-shirt, shorts etc.
Hero form: magma forming humanoid like shape.)
Power: the power to cover himself in molten magma and being able to control it at will such as changing the temp,shape, etc.
Weakness: water and temperatures above 100 degrees ( it doesn't allow him to control his magma making him melt)
Backstory: he was born with this power but it slowly grew with time so it took awhile for it to fully grow, then after the death of his mother he decided to become a hero as early as possible, and is now a middle rank hero.
(Sure your good)
Character sheet:

Superhumans (ones with powers)

Hero or villain or neutral: Hero, but far more brutal than most other Totems, but also not quite an Antihero

name: Angel May Parker

Code name: The Spider

Age: 16-20 (depending on the storyline)

Gender: F

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View attachment 1093592
Powers/abilities: All the normal powers associated with Spiderman, with some exceptions. Her webbing is organic and more like a mist than a web unless controlled by an outside device or agent. She has Silk's pheramone attraction to other Spider Totems, but not as severe. She has the ability to ballance on most surfaces near perfectly as well. She is weaker than Spiderman but more agile and faster.

Weapons(optional): none, technically, but can use her webbing and or nanomachine arms to form them if need be.

Weaknesses: Standard Spider Totem weaknesses

Backstory(optional): Angel was raised primarily by her uncle, who was killed in a fit of rage by her universe's Doc Oc; who she ended up revenge killing later on, but regrets and is haunted by the even to this day.

To this day, she is hunted by agents and villians supplied and hired by Oscorp, who consideres her "company property"

The rest is history in the making, anything is possible.

( gonna need The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth to approve)
Hero or villain or neutral: Hero
Name: AquaMarie Odeletta Wintergreen
Code Name: Marina DelMar (Stage name)
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Appearance: Average height (5'5), not very intimidating look to her, looks younger than she really is. Light tan skin, with almond-shaped ocean blue eyes. Long blue wavy hair, that reaches to her thighs. She has two forms, her human and mermaid form. In her mermaid form she has the same skin ton, eyes and hair. Though she has scales on parts of her face, shoulders, arms and torso. Along with her blue mermaid tail.7216065b8783a2b3cd85b6086aef93ad.jpg
Universe of Origin: Ocean
Powers/skills: As a mermaid, Marina can manipulate water and speak and understands sea creatures. Marina has a very beautiful singing voice, that can place people in a trance-like state, causing people listening to her to become relaxed and/or fall asleep (depending on the song). If she becomes scared or angry, small ice crystals have formed around her hands and anything that she might be touching. Any forms of liquids on her legs will turn into a tail.
Weakness: Being shot, stabbed, crushed, anything that would kill anyone. Hot and dry days weaken and become a toll on her. She has to make sure she is always very well hydrated and moisturized.
Weapon: None
Personality: Marina is friendly, kind-hearted, and optimistic. She isn't shy, just quiet and observant when meeting new people. However, really opens up to those she gets to know. A very bubbly and childlike personality, she is someone that will do her best to please and help out others around her, to the point of giving them anything that she has to help, money is no issue. Her helpful and friendly nature can be seen by others as naive and stupid, however, she does not care as long as she can help she will always lend anyone a hand no matter who or what they are.
Backstory (optional):

Other info(optional):
Loves the ocean, water in general, swimming, rain, and starry nights. She adores stuffed animals, cute things, sweet foods, and shrimp. She is a fantastic baker and not a bad cook As she has grown to love human food very much. Dislikes complete darkness, mean people (when they are mean, for the sake of being mean), hot/dry days, and spicy food. She is very sweet and caring and would give you the shirt of her back I'd she could. She is one to befriend everyone and really just wants to be liked for herself.


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Hero or villain or neutral: Hero
Name: Marina DelMar
Code Name: Unknown
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Appearance: Average height (5'5), not very intimidating look to her, looks younger than she really is. Light tan skin, with almond-shaped ocean blue eyes. Long blue wavy hair, that reaches to her thighs. She has two forms, her human and mermaid form. In her mermaid form she has the same skin ton, eyes and hair. Though she has scales on parts of her face, shoulders, arms and torso. Along with her blue mermaid tail.
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Universe of Origin: Ocean
Powers/skills: As a mermaid, Marina can manipulate water and speak and understands sea creatures. Marina has a very beautiful singing voice, that can place people in a trance-like state, causing people listening to her to become relaxed and/or fall asleep (depending on the song). If she becomes scared or angry, small ice crystals have formed around her hands and anything that she might be touching. Any forms of liquids on her legs will turn into a tail.
Weakness: Being shot, stabbed, crushed, anything that would kill anyone. Hot and dry days weaken and become a toll on her. She has to make sure she is always very well hydrated and moisturized.
Weapon: None
Personality: Marina is friendly, kind-hearted, and optimistic. She isn't shy, just quiet and observant when meeting new people. However, really opens up to those she gets to know. A very bubbly and childlike personality, she is someone that will do her best to please and help out others around her, to the point of giving them anything that she has to help, money is no issue. Her helpful and friendly nature can be seen by others as naive and stupid, however, she does not care as long as she can help she will always lend anyone a hand no matter who or what they are.
Backstory (optional):

Other info(optional):
Loves the ocean, water in general, swimming, rain, and starry nights. She adores stuffed animals, cute things, sweet foods, and shrimp. She is a fantastic baker and not a bad cook As she has grown to love human food very much. Dislikes complete darkness, mean people (when they are mean, for the sake of being mean), hot/dry days, and spicy food. She is very sweet and caring and would give you the shirt of her back I'd she could. She is one to befriend everyone and really just wants to be liked for herself.

Perfect, another Aquarian to hang with Cthulhu
Superhumans (ones with powers)

Hero or villain or neutral:
Neutral (for now)

Faine De-smith

Code name:
(Doesn’t have one as of now)




They can draw runes that can cause various effects once activated with their own blood. This only works with their own blood.

Faine has a fountain pen that their sister helped modify to take blood as ink.

Faine has a set of ‘bombs’ that work more like a mix of smoke bombs and fireworks that are used for show. Faine’s blood is mixed into the chemicals allowing them to activate more air borne based Runes.

Due to their ability. Notable weaknesses include: Possibility of bloodloss, exhaustion, starvation and low blood sugar. They are also limited in what runes they can use. The runes also need to be completed in order to activate.

Backstory(optional): Faine started showing ‘symptoms’ their abilities when they were five and they and their sister Vail (who was three at the time) were making paper dolls with their parents and Faine Accidentally cut themselves with a pair of scissors. They didn’t discover the ability until they were thirteen and the only person who they told was their sister Vail, who assisted of the creation of their pen and ‘bombs’

(Let me know if there is anything I need to change! For now though here is my character sheet.)
Superhumans (ones with powers)

Hero or villain or neutral:
Neutral (for now)

Faine De-smith

Code name:
(Doesn’t have one as of now)



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They can draw runes that can cause various effects once activated with their own blood. This only works with their own blood.

Faine has a fountain pen that their sister helped modify to take blood as ink.

Faine has a set of ‘bombs’ that work more like a mix of smoke bombs and fireworks that are used for show. Faine’s blood is mixed into the chemicals allowing them to activate more air borne based Runes.

Due to their ability. Notable weaknesses include: Possibility of bloodloss, exhaustion, starvation and low blood sugar. They are also limited in what runes they can use. The runes also need to be completed in order to activate.

Backstory(optional): Faine started showing ‘symptoms’ their abilities when they were five and they and their sister Vail (who was three at the time) were making paper dolls with their parents and Faine Accidentally cut themselves with a pair of scissors. They didn’t discover the ability until they were thirteen and the only person who they told was their sister Vail, who assisted of the creation of their pen and ‘bombs’

(Let me know if there is anything I need to change! For now though here is my character sheet.)
(Looks good to me)
(Yay! If you don’t mind me asking. What all is going on in the roleplay currently?)
(Well let's see, nothing real major at the moment. One arc is done while we have some people in camelot. If you post something I'll try to come up with something)
Character Sheet

Superhumans (ones with powers)

Hero or villain or neutral: Neutral

Name: Aimee J. Martenson

Code name: None yet

Age: 18

Gender: Female



She stands at 5'5, has bright green eyes and keeps a lean physique. She has a very casual style of dress, and often wears hoodies, caps, sneakers, and varsity jackets. She either keeps her hair loose, up in a ponytail, or pins it back with a claw clip, and it can look anywhere from strawberry to a light cold ginger color depending on the lighting.

Powers/abilities: She can shoot strawberries out of her hands. The most she can make at once is 50, but if she's stressed or angry, she can make up to 100. And if she's hungry, or hasn't eaten food, she can't produce strawberries. For technical reasons and to avoid OPness: the strawberries she spawns are usually range between 1-4 inches in diameter.

The big unfortunate thing is that she's allergic to strawberries, so her current biggest goal is to find someone who can help her create a suit or some kind of gadget that'll protect her. She also wants to create a strawberry gun or a strawberry launcher so she can make better use of her powers.

Weapons(optional): None yet

Weaknesses: She's actually allergic to her own strawberries. Physically speaking, she's not too strong and her stamina is very low, but she's been exercising and trying to get better at that

Backstory (optional): Aimee is a first year comp-sci student who works as a waitress in one of the restaurants tucked away on a side street in New York. At this point in life, she's not sure whether she wants to open up a cafe with a strawberry-themed menu (as many of her relatives suggest, and which she doesn't seem to take a liking to), or just chase her dreams of working at a computer programming company. She's always dreamt of being a superhero, but with her super power, she feels pretty useless. Still, she's determined to help people, one way or another : )

More backstory to be added as the story progresses!

Other info(optional): TBA
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oh also wondering ! - are more of the characters in the new york location or the edgewood location ? are there different plots/stories going on between them ?

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