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Fantasy Superhero University (Open)

Markus Nexus

This was just another day for Markus, Well He considered it a 'normal' day with him being a Freshman. He didn't usually talk to others but maybe this was his chance to make some friends since he had spent the morning unpacking his Valuables and such.
He missed his Father dearly, But sometimes you just have to move on for a loved one. He walked into a large room, and somewhat reminded him of a stadium. Markus walked in, Seeing that the ceiling was pretty high and there were seats to sit in as well. He opened his Visor and took a fresh breath of air then sat in a seat by himself, As he wanted to freak nobody outwith his 'Mecha' looks. He was still human indeed, Just most of his limbs and organs have been replaced with multiple artificial types. He could Walk, Talk, and even still Eat as a normal person would, He still has feelings as well. He folded his metal/Poly-Composite arms and leaned back into the seat waiting for Orientation to start.
Xavier would see Mark and he would take his chances at meeting someone. Xavier would sign by mark still wearing his costume (profile pic) he would slowly turn his head to mark,” Greetings” he would say with a dark tone. Xavier felt like everyone thought him as a “evil hero” with dark ways and such. Xavier was for sure this was going to be the last time he wasn’t going to not all that on random stranger.
Markus Nexus

Markus turned to Xavier and asked, "Hello, I'm Markus Nexus. You are...?" Markus stuck a hand out to Xavier for a shake. "It is also nice to meet you as well." Markus smiled Cheerily as he shook Xaviers' hand with a firm grip. He looked around the large room observing anyone that came in.
“Xavier....” he would shake his hand and then look around bored,”What’s your powers?” Xavier was wondering and wanted to know pretty badly
Markus Nexus

Markus shook his head and said, "Let's just say I have...Multiple. I can run fast, I'm quite strong, I can hack technology, I'm Immune to Necrotics, You know all that and so on." He rotated his left-hand clock-wise as he held it out in front of Xavier. "Pretty cool right?" Markus asked. ", Well, it is not exactly cool...Getting this costed my Dad's life, May he rest in peace." Markus looked to the floor and exhaled heavily.
Xavier would tilt his head ,” that’s pretty cool I guess” he would notice mark talk about his dad,” I’m sorry for your loss” Xavier would tilt his head.”Would you like to know mine?” He asked curiously.

I wake up feeling refreshed and happy, maybe I did just descover a new power. " Thanks for being my test subject, that was really awesome." I say as I throw some clean clothes on. " We sound be getting to that orientation shouldn't we" I grab a hair brush in attempts to flatten my bed head.
-She shifted and felt herself start to wake up. She waved to Flora and then she jolted awake.- "T-That was weird.. but cool." She whispered and saw Flora awake as well.
-She shifted off the bed and grabbed a white blouse and black leggings, she also grabbed her art smock.- "I-Im going to go change." She said and walked into the bathroom closing the door and changing.

-She threw the clothes in her laundry basket and walked back out. Her art smock was resting over her white blouse which hug loosely around her leggings. She smiled- "Meet you there!" She said and waved, walking out of the dorm door and down a couple halls into the large University hall and held in a gasp.

-It was HUGE . She scanned the area and found a seat not to far from people but enough of a distance away.-
I walk out the door and down the hall after her. I stop and look around for a spot, maybe I should meet some new people. I can always talk with thia later in the dorm. I walk over to a group and sit down behind them.
Markus Nexus

"Yeah, tell me about him. I would like to know about him. Then I could tell you about my father." Markus said as he saw another student come into the large Orientation room. Markus looked down quickly, As he wanted nobody to think he was staring. He quickly turned back to Xavier as another student came in and sat behind the small group.
“My powers are resurrection I can raise the dead I have Bone Thrace....” he would summon a floating sharp like bone from his hand as it floated. “And I can also camouflage” he staid.
I walk out the door and down the hall after her. I stop and look around for a spot, maybe I should meet some new people. I can always talk with thia later in the dorm. I walk over to a group and sit down behind them.
-She shifted in her seat as she watched Flora walk over to the group of freshmen and sighed. She also needed to meet new people as her parents always said. She shifted her blond/ blue hair over her shoulder and stood up, following Flora and sat down next to her, mumbling something along the lines of," I need to make new friends." She looked at the two people in front of her but stayed quiet.-
Markus Nexus

"Hmm...Sounds nice to me. The Government considered giving me some sort of Nanosuit but this one seemed a lot better since I can basically do whatever I want, As long as it's not Illegal. The Nanosuit was made by some guy named Jacob Hargreave. Has Camo, Shield, Speed, and Strength. I mean...It was almost alien in a way..." Markus stopped talking as another girl sat behind them. "Ah Hello!" Markus said as he turned and extended a hand to them. "It's Nice to meet you! I'm Markus, and this is Xavier." Markus said to them.

(Get the Nanosuit Reference?)
Markus Nexus

"Hmm...Sounds nice to me. The Government considered giving me some sort of Nanosuit but this one seemed a lot better since I can basically do whatever I want, As long as it's not Illegal. The Nanosuit was made by some guy named Jacob Hargreave. Has Camo, Shield, Speed, and Strength. I mean...It was almost alien in a way..." Markus stopped talking as another girl sat behind them. "Ah Hello!" Markus said as he turned and extended a hand to them. "It's Nice to meet you! I'm Markus, and this is Xavier." Markus said to them.

(Get the Nanosuit Reference?)
-She shook his hand, noticing the suit but said nothing about it. Who was she to judge?- "My name is Amethyst but I go by Thia. Nice to meet you.. Markus and Xavier." She said, Her dark green eyes studied both people in front of her.
-She shook his hand, noticing the suit but said nothing about it. Who was she to judge?- "My name is Amethyst but I go by Thia. Nice to meet you.. Markus and Xavier." She said, Her dark green eyes studied both people in front of her.
Xavier’s would give his attention to her and groaned and mumbled,”rude”
Xavier’s would give his attention to her and groaned and mumbled,”rude”
-She green eyes instead of studying both of them turned like daggers to Xavier. She really did seem to hate him and she wanted to make that clear.- "What was that?" She asked but she almost knew exactly what he said, or so she thought.
Markus Nexus

"Nice to meet you Thia..." He quickly noticed the rivalry that was escalating quickly between Xavier and Thia. "Guys, So How did you all get here or Do you all want to like...Share your backstory?" He asked quickly trying to make a distraction to calm the two. "Trust me, If you fight right now you'll probably end up like me or my father did, So just chill out."
-She green eyes instead of studying both of them turned like daggers to Xavier. She really did seem to hate him and she wanted to make that clear.- "What was that?" She asked but she almost knew exactly what he said, or so she thought.
Xavier’s would stand up to her,”You think because your a girl you get to whatever you want?” He yelled and he would push her starting a rivalry.
Xavier’s would stand up to her,”You think because your a girl you get to whatever you want?” He yelled and he would push her starting a rivalry.
-She growled slightly as he pushed her.- "I wouldnt do that." She said.

-She stood still for a second, closing her eyes.- "I am not doing whatever I want nor am I scared of you." She thought and pushed it into his angry and dark mind. She lodged the thought there and she knew that one came in roughly as she was angry. She opened her eyes but stared at him as she focused to keep the thought in place. Her hands twitched, she wanted to use her power on him. She knew she could be cruel and use her power for bad but didnt want to be like that.-
Markus Nexus

"Uh Oh..." Markus said after she growled angrily. He stepped between the two separating them. "Guys...Come on. Is this necessary? One of the teachers might walk in any minute." He quickly said to them.
-She growled slightly as he pushed her.- "I wouldnt do that." She said.

-She stood still for a second, closing her eyes.- "I am not doing whatever I want nor am I scared of you." She thought and pushed it into his angry and dark mind. She lodged the thought there and she knew that one came in roughly as she was angry. She opened her eyes but stared at him as she focused to keep the thought in place. Her hands twitched, she wanted to use her power on him. She knew she could be cruel and use her power for bad but didnt want to be like that.-
Xaiver would tilt his head “Why what are you the girl who’s so strong she’s has to hide it?” Xavier would summon a dead corpse out of the ground and it would grab her legs holding her in place the corpse was half way in the ground. Xavier would hold his hand out and a bone would appear out of no wear it would look extremely sharp. Xavier knew that she was in his head he had to her die what happened to him as a kid so she wouldn’t use that against him.
Xaiver would tilt his head “Why what are you the girl who’s so strong she’s has to hide it?” Xavier would summon a dead corpse out of the ground and it would grab her legs holding her in place the corpse was half way in the ground. Xavier would hold his hand out and a bone would appear out of no wear it would look extremely sharp. Xavier knew that she was in his head he had to her die what happened to him as a kid so she wouldn’t use that against him.
-She wiggle slightly against the corpse and signed a full circle and a bright light crashed down from her hand onto the corpse, blinding it so she could back up slightly. She looked at Xavier and then at the bone.- "I am not strong. Im also not in your head.. trust me." She said with a dark current in her voice and let the thought slip his mind.

-She signed a more complex symbol involving the circle and a ray of light in the shape of a shield came out of her hand and she held held onto it. The current pulsed up her arm making sure that where ever that corpse touched her is fully healed if it hurt her. Her head was starting to feel light and she knew she had to keep going so she tried focusing and it works for awhile. She knew she was getting stronger the longer she held it but feared she would black out if she had to go for long.-
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-She wiggle slightly against the corpse and signed a full circle and a bright light crashed down from her hand onto the corpse, blinding it so she could back up slightly. She looked at Xavier and then at the bone.- "Oh im not in your head.. trust me." She said with a dark current in her voice and let the thought slip his mind.

-She signed a more complex symbol involving the circle and a ray of light in she shape of a shield came out of her hand and she held held onto it. The current pulsed up her arm making sure that where ever that corpse touched her is fully healed. Her head was starting to feel light and she knew she had to keep going so she tried focusing and it works for awhile. She knew she was getting stronger the longer she held it but feared she would black out if she had to go for long.-
Xavier would summon a dead viper and it would slither onto her leg and would bite her injecting a painful poison into her it would only spread to the leg it bit on, Xavier would Summon more bones and they would repeativley go into the shield trying to break it they just kept going on and on trying to get her tired. Xavier would put his hand in his pockets waiting for her to get tired and exhausted. Xavier would cause a big commotion and a teacher would be notified.
Markus Nexus

"Guys! Chill before I do something to you both! Don't force me to!" He said as he prepared a 12-Watt Shock in his hands. "Please! Just chill." He said to them both.
"Thias' mana is weakening, Tell her to stop." The AI in his suit said as Markus tried to stop the fighting.
After seeing a snake slither up onto her shield and trying to break it he placed his hand on Xaviers' wrist and discharged a sharp and quick shock into Xavier. "Sorry bud..." Markus said with a slightly sad tone in his voice.
Xavier would summon a dead viper and it would slither onto her leg and would bite her injecting a painful poison into her it would only spread to the leg it bit on, Xavier would Summon more bones and they would repeativley go into the shield trying to break it they just kept going on and on trying to get her tired. Xavier would put his hand in his pockets waiting for her to get tired and exhausted. Xavier would cause a big commotion and a teacher would be notified.
-She gasped as the viper latched into her leg and she tried not to let out a strangled yell. She held the shield to keep the bones from hitting her as she reached down to yank out the viper, her leg felt numb but the shield helped numb the pain. Every so often a bone would scrap her but she heal quickly from the shield's energy pulsing through her. She knew what he was doing and tried not to show signed of tiredness though her eyes grew foggy she kept blocking each blow. This was the first time she had held the shield this long and each bone vibrated against it. She had to keep going. She wouldn't use her power against people but to defend herself from someone's blows were different. -
Markus Nexus

"Guys! Chill before I do something to you both! Don't force me to!" He said as he prepared a 12-Watt Shock in his hands. "Please! Just chill." He said to them both.
"Thias' mana is weakening, Tell her to stop." The AI in his suit said as Markus tried to stop the fighting.
After seeing a snake slither up onto her shield and trying to break it he placed his hand on Xaviers' wrist and discharged a sharp and quick shock into Xavier. "Sorry bud..." Markus said with a slightly sad tone in his voice.
-After she noticed Markus shock Xavier, she let the shield fade and was shaky. She couldn't see all that well. Her head was a spinning disaster and she tripped and was on the ground, she avoided hitting her head so she was ok.- "I-ima just lay here for a while. If he gets back up tell me and ill continue. " She said with a strong voice though everything within her was weakened.

-She closed her eyes as she laid on the ground and signed a crescent symbol which radiated over her to help fully numb the pain in her leg and slowly ease her breathing so it wasnt so jagged.-

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