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Fantasy Superhero University (Open)

(imma kill the mood mwahahaha)

"bleh, but that was kind of nice. The only other person to do that is my grandmother", i shudder remembering her sloppy kisses."So um. Whats your favorite color? and uhrm what are your actual powers"
(imma kill the mood mwahahaha)

"bleh, but that was kind of nice. The only other person to do that is my grandmother", i shudder remembering her sloppy kisses."So um. Whats your favorite color? and uhrm what are your actual powers"
“My favorite color is blue, my powered are ressurrection,camflauge, and I’ll call this-“ he would look at the bone floating...”I’ll call this bone Thrace” he realized he was talking a lot and breaking his code,”Renember talk about this and I’ll murder you I can’t let everyone think I’m a soft guy.” He readjusted his mask.
"i don't think i could convince anyone if i really wanted to so your secret is safe with me." i pick up my books "well you wouldn't want to murder me at least."
- She wrinkled her nose- "Still here guys. No lovey dovey bleh. Keep that to your dorms." She said. She kept parts of her hidden away and dispised any acts of affection from anyone in public. She stood up and brushed off her long skirt and stood straight up and motioned her hands in a crescent moon shape, a wave of light washed over her to make sure she wasnt hurt and then turned to this girl who might be her friend one day and nodded.- " Also I would watch out for him." She whispered in the girls ear as she walked out. -Not paying attention to the boy who tripped her.-
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Also FuzzySheep12 FuzzySheep12 do you want to be room mates?) -She was walking down the hall. She knew she needed sleep but didnt want to go to her room. So she took her book and walked outside. She read under the moon light and after a while headed to her dorm, changed onto pajamas and laid in her bed and slowly drifting to sleep. She has books all around her on her bed but never seemed to mind, they were her best friend.-


" I'll see you around" I say to him, waving as I walk away. Hmm which dorm is mine again? Oh right it's this one I think as I open the door to see another person already sleeping. " Oh it's you, hello again." I have my bag and set it on my side of the room. I begin digging through my bag for the bottle of peroxide. I notice the person waking up. " Don't mind me, or my shrieks I have to clean these bites I have." I stand there before disciding weather or not to go into the bathroom.

Cello. Cello.
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" I'll see you around" I say to him, waving as I walk away. Hmm which dorm is mine again? Oh right it's this one I think as I open the door to see another person already sleeping. " Oh it's you, hello again." I have my bag and set it on my side of the room. I begin digging through my bag for the bottle of peroxide. I notice the person waking up. " Don't mind me, or my shrieks I have to clean these bites I have." I stand there before disciding weather or not to go into the bathroom.

Cello. Cello.
-She looked at the person as she woke up and wiped at her eyes. Her blond hair was falling out of her bun she did neatly earlier.- 'Let m help with that." She yawned, still half asleep, not really thinking and waved she hand in a complex pattern that looked like it based around a crescent.
-A wave of bright light shot out from where she was sitting on her bed and circled around the girl and moving up and down. The rat bites slowly disappeared without pain inflected on the girl. She started to feel a tiny bit light headed but shook it away. She was fully awake now.- "What did that boy do to you?" She growled slightly.
My eyes widen at the sight of a flash of light flying toward me. i close them and slowly feel the bites pain fade away. "did you dust heal me? He didn't really mean to hurt me, i think." i sit back down on the bed. Now that i have no need to use the peroxide i put it back in my bag. "we were just trying to show eachother up and it got a bit out of control. Then we both realized it was pointless and stoped fighting." I explain with a shrug. I keep looking at my arms thinking that more bites will show up. "What's your name anyway? Im Flora."
-She tilted her head and nodded.- "That boy is rude. I think he did mean to aggravate you but I dont think he isnt used to people standing up to him. If he ever hurts you again let me know. My name is Thia." She smiled.

-She flicked her hands in a half circle shape that let out a small thing of light, like a mini star and floated there for a second before fading. She was trying to get better at smaller spells and not feel as light headed.- "I can also create different things within the light."
-She wanted to keep her passing thought power secret in case she needed it. She didnt want people to know really..-
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"Wow thats a really cool power, Thia" I grab the book i started reading a while ago and put it away as well as the rest of the books i had gotten. " i pretty much can make plants grow as long as i have a seed and i have sleep inducement powers."
"Wow thats a really cool power, Thia" I grab the book i started reading a while ago and put it away as well as the rest of the books i had gotten. " i pretty much can make plants grow as long as i have a seed and i have sleep inducement powers."
"Now thats cool! You dont mind if I play right? I need to get some practice in.." She said gesturing to the cello on the floor.
"No i don't mind at all" I smile as i grab out my trombone case from my very large suitcase. "I should practice too, what songs do you have?" I start putting my instrument together." i have 99 red balloons, house of the rising sun, 7 nation army, hooked on a feeling, and so many more" I say as i pull out a giant folder and portable music stand.

(we should play together at some point in real life do u have discord?)
{I happen to not play cello anymore D: I stopped a year ago so I could do other classes.} -She shifted to open her black cello casing and pulled out her cello. It has a beautiful redwood decorated with spirals of black and white paint on the side, and a long elegant neck. Her strings were authentic as they were made of lamb intestines [Fun fact. the good ones are actually made out of them} so they vibrated and played the sound better. She popped out the leg to her cello and propped it up into her lap as she locked it. She pulled out a stand from her duffle bag and a small stack of sheets, she had many pieces memorized.- "I know the house of rising sun. I also know a lot of classical music." She smiled and positioned her bow over the strings and started playing the song.

-Her bow was moving at a slightly slower pace as the song was slower than what she normally played.-
I set my music to the page and join in after the begining slow tone is over. After finishing the song I put my instrument away." Whew that was fun but I'm a bit tired now. You don't mind if I use my powers on myself do you? I mean all I do is turn them inward so I don't have any nightmares. It doesn't effect you unless you want me too, I guess" I lay down on the bed. (Insert a quick shower somewhere in there)

(Aww that's to bad,yeah I knew that fact it's still a bit weird to think about, have you ever heard of the 2cellos it's two guys that play cellos really well)
-She smiled- "You do you! I don't mind if you do it on yourself or me for that matter." She said with a yawn.

-She tucked her instrument away after finishing the song as well and flopped down on her bed. Her hair now fully out of the bun. She didn't want to shower but ended up showering {Idk when lol}, and yea it is a weird fact.} . She was changed and ready for bed.- "Plus practicing on others helps your powers grow and maybe even develop newer ones!" She said and her mind flashed to her Mind Slipping power and how sometimes it casted into the real world..- {And yes I have! I love their music!}
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"well if you really don't mind-" I lay down and close my eyes."-you see I've never tried to do it on more than one person at once before" I take a deep breath."ok all you have to do is just relax and let go, and I'll do the rest."
(I'll wait for you to reply before I continue)
James tried to get some sleep. The next day would orientation day for Freshman. After a good nights sleep, he awoke with only about an hour until orientation would begin in a room inside the universities main building, the University Hall. He rushed to get ready, and quickly walked over to the Univeristy Hall where the orientation would be happening. One he got inside it took him a few minutes to locate the room where he was supposed to be. Once he located the room, he opened two big doors, and stepped into a big room. The room had lots of seats that all faced a stage in the center. He quickly found an empty seat, and sat down, with just about 5 minutes to spare.

(Anyone want to be the person who my character happens to sit next to? Our characters can perhaps meet one another either right before the orientation starts or afterwards. Also this is the freshman orientation, so only a character that is also a freshman like my character, can be the one that will sit next to him)
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Xavier would get to the orientation with minutes to spare when he got to the university hall he saw that the place was pretty big and even he wasn’t impressed for once. He looked at an empty seat and would sit by him self. Xavier was still wearing his costume, he loved it and he liked it because it freaked people out so nobody can bug him. He would sit by his dorm mate.
"well if you really don't mind-" I lay down and close my eyes."-you see I've never tried to do it on more than one person at once before" I take a deep breath."ok all you have to do is just relax and let go, and I'll do the rest."
(I'll wait for you to reply before I continue)
-She nodded slowly and closed her eyes. I t was hard to calm her racing mind but she attempted to as she took deep breaths and was eventually calmed down.-
Xavier would be tapping his foot waiting for the orientation to begins lowly becoming impatient he would look to his dorm mate,”Do you know when’s it’s going to start?”
" it's a bit different for everyone...I think." I close my eyes and awaken my powers. "You'll either feel extremely drowsy or get a warm fuzzy feeling, or something else possibly." I focus on both of us at the same time. I feel like I'm fading away and a fall into a dreamless sleep. Well it was dreamless to begin with. "Thia!? What are you doing in my dream? I...I don't thinks that's supposed to happen? Well atleast it's a new feeling"
Markus Nexus

This was just another day for Markus, Well He considered it a 'normal' day with him being a Freshman. He didn't usually talk to others but maybe this was his chance to make some friends since he had spent the morning unpacking his Valuables and such.
He missed his Father dearly, But sometimes you just have to move on for a loved one. He walked into a large room, and somewhat reminded him of a stadium. Markus walked in, Seeing that the ceiling was pretty high and there were seats to sit in as well. He opened his Visor and took a fresh breath of air then sat in a seat by himself, As he wanted to freak nobody outwith his 'Mecha' looks. He was still human indeed, Just most of his limbs and organs have been replaced with multiple artificial types. He could Walk, Talk, and even still Eat as a normal person would, He still has feelings as well. He folded his metal/Poly-Composite arms and leaned back into the seat waiting for Orientation to start.
" it's a bit different for everyone...I think." I close my eyes and awaken my powers. "You'll either feel extremely drowsy or get a warm fuzzy feeling, or something else possibly." I focus on both of us at the same time. I feel like I'm fading away and a fall into a dreamless sleep. Well it was dreamless to begin with. "Thia!? What are you doing in my dream? I...I don't thinks that's supposed to happen? Well atleast it's a new feeling"
-She had a smile on her face.- "That was cool! And yea maybe its like a dream visitor thing where if you both fall into the sleep from your power one will end up in another's dreams. Maybe its a new power that branches off your power!" She said.
-She was there for a moment, quiet then spoke.- 'Also we might want to wake up. We have orientation.." She said trailing off.

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