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Fantasy Superhero University (Open)

Xavier would simply jump over the river and would climb the wall meeting up with thia,”What are we doing here?” He said in his now normal voice which was the dark robotic tone, Xavier would look at this and blush and he would look down at the floor, this was a pretty girl.
-She looked at him.- "You wanna see what I did before I came to this school?" She asked.

-She lowered herself from the wall and landed on the ground and rolled. Her wings fluttered beside her to help her stand up and she hit her side and winced again.-
-She looked at him.- "You wanna see what I did before I came to this school?" She asked.

-She lowered herself from the wall and landed on the ground and rolled. Her wings fluttered beside her to help her stand up and she hit her side and winced again.-
Xavier would shrug,”Sure why not-....” he would land on his feet un-harmed.
Xavier would shrug,”Sure why not-....” he would land on his feet un-harmed.
-She looked around the city real quick trying to spot a certain building and catching eye of it she smiled sadly. She started running in the direction of the building, flying every few steps like taking leaps. She was quiet most of the way except when her wing or hand hit her side and she would let out a hiss, which was pretty often. She soon stopped as she saw the building not to far in the distance. She turned in a slow circle and came face to face with a pretty tall building and began to scale it free handily. She chose to stay away from the windows and only use them as footing to climb.-
-She looked around the city real quick trying to spot a certain building and catching eye of it she smiled sadly. She started running in the direction of the building, flying every few steps like taking leaps. She was quiet most of the way except when her wing or hand hit her side and she would let out a hiss, which was pretty often. She soon stopped as she saw the building not to far in the distance. She turned in a slow circle and came face to face with a pretty tall building and began to scale it free handily. She chose to stay away from the windows and only use them as footing to climb.-
Xiaver would see the building where his “client” would be at he would look at Thia and then the building. He would glide to the building and crash into the window where Markus step dad would be at he would then start to chase the wicked step dad.
Xiaver would see the building where his “client” would be at he would look at Thia and then the building. He would glide to the building and crash into the window where Markus step dad would be at he would then start to chase the wicked step dad.
-She realized where he was going. She closed her eyes and thought, "Freeze right where you are." And pushed it into his mind. He would freeze there just long enough for her to reach him. She leaped into the sky and spread her wings flapping to where he was. She grappled him to the ground and held him there.- "What the hell are you doing?" She hissed quietly, watching the person who Xavier was chasing, They were just standing there not moving.
Xavier would blush when this was in top of him and then would snap back into reality,”LET ME GO HE NEEDS TO PAY” he tried to wiggle out of thias arms as she held him in the ground.
Xavier would blush when this was in top of him and then would snap back into reality,”LET ME GO HE NEEDS TO PAY” he tried to wiggle out of thias arms as she held him in the ground.
-She forced more weight on him so he would stop moving. She signed a symbol and a bolt of light shot out of her hand and rapped around the dude and he fell to the floor wiggling within the light binds.- "Why does he need to pay?" She asked.
-She forced more weight on him so he would stop moving. She signed a symbol and a bolt of light shot out of her hand and rapped around the dude and he fell to the floor wiggling within the light binds.- "Why does he need to pay?" She asked.
“He’s torturing Markus” Xavier would think of a way for her to let him go he would wrap his arms around her neck and back and would kiss her in the mouth trying to be free from her grasp.
-She looked at Xavier stunned. She didnt let go though, she knew what he was doing. She looked at him with her green eyes, her hair curtaining over her face when she looked down. She motioned with her hand for the binds to tighten more.- "Then we should let Markus and the authorities deal with it." She said calmly not trying to think about him kissing her.

-She already whipped out her phone and was dialing a number. She was speaking quickly with the lady on the other end. She hung up and put her phone away.- "The authorities will come and get him. We can tell Markus when we get back to the school later." She said and stood up off Xavier and walked over to Markus step-dad.- "You will not get away with this." She whispered in his ear before she picked up the binds and the dude and flapped her way to the ground with heavy wing beats.

-She threw the dude down rather harshly, tightening the binds so he couldnt move at all or have a chance at escape and flew back up to Xavier.- "We might want to go now. The place I want to show you is a couple buildings away." She said as she looked over to the building about a block away.
Xavier would laugh a little,”It wasn’t for you to let em go by the way I actually meant that y’know” Xavier would turn his head to Markus step dad and would sucker punch him making him loose his front tooth.
Xavier would laugh a little,”It wasn’t for you to let em go by the way I actually meant that y’know” Xavier would turn his head to Markus step dad and would sucker punch him making him loose his front tooth.
-She was bright red but it was mainly hidden by the night and the lack of lights in this part of town. She turned to look at him and scowled.- "No punching him! I know he deserves it but no!" She whispered quietly.

-She turned and was now running in the direction of the building she wanted to go to. Her heart was beating fast partly because of Xavier but mainly because she couldn't wait to see everyone again... though they would most likely be asleep she knew she would be let in. Everyone knew her in this building.. They have been friends for a long time.-
-She was bright red but it was mainly hidden by the night and the lack of lights in this part of town. She turned to look at him and scowled.- "No punching him! I know he deserves it but no!" She whispered quietly.

-She turned and was now running in the direction of the building she wanted to go to. Her heart was beating fast partly because of Xavier but mainly because she couldn't wait to see everyone again... though they would most likely be asleep she knew she would be let in. Everyone knew her in this building.. They have been friends for a long time.-
Xavier would be blushing but not noticeable through his suit, he would glide with thia and say,”you look pretty tonight’s honestly,” he would say in his robotic tone. He would the need land onto a building that thia landed on.
Xavier would be blushing but not noticeable through his suit, he would glide with thia and say,”you look pretty tonight’s honestly,” he would say in his robotic tone.
-She looked at him quickly and blushed but turned back to the road was still running, gliding every couple of steps.- "Thanks.." She mumbled.

-They reached the building and her heart was going wild. She pulled out the vial and held it in her hand. She smiled as she slowly walked to the door. She knocked gently but she knew someone would know it was her. A older doctor came rushing out the door and smiled wide.- "Amethyst you came!" The doctor would cry out and pull her into a hug.

"Yes Silvia I did. I had to come when I heard about.." Her voice trailed off not wanting to say their name.

-Silvia looked over Thias shoulder.- "Who is this?" She asked.

-Thia looked over her shoulder and smiled.- "He came here to help me with the little ones." She said.

-Silva gave her a suspicious look.- "What is your name young lad?" She asked.

-Thia groaned and turned around to face Xavier.-
-She looked at him quickly and blushed but turned back to the road was still running, gliding every couple of steps.- "Thanks.." She mumbled.

-They reached the building and her heart was going wild. She pulled out the vial and held it in her hand. She smiled as she slowly walked to the door. She knocked gently but she knew someone would know it was her. A older doctor came rushing out the door and smiled wide.- "Amethyst you came!" The doctor would cry out and pull her into a hug.

"Yes Silvia I did. I had to come when I heard about.." Her voice trailed off not wanting to say their name.

-Silvia looked over Thias shoulder.- "Who is this?" She asked.

-Thia looked over her shoulder and smiled.- "He came here to help me with the little ones." She said.

-Silva gave her a suspicious look.- "What is your name young lad?" She asked.

-Thia groaned and turned around to face Xavier.-
“Taskmaster” Xavier would cross his arms and say,”I’m also thias boyfriend” he would chuckle to see everyone’s reactions to that sentence.”I’m also the one who hanged that man too.”
“Taskmaster” Xavier would cross his arms and say,”I’m also thias boyfriend” he would chuckle to see everyone’s reactions to that sentence.”I’m also the one who hanged that man too.”
-She had a look of pure terror on her face but quickly recovered.- "H-He is not my boyfriend." She said quietly and turned to Silva who had a grin on her face. She glared at Silva knowing she was going to tell everyone.-

-She walked into the hospital.- "Are you coming "Taskmaster"?" She put air quotes around his name that he came up with.
-She had a look of pure terror on her face but quickly recovered.- "H-He is not my boyfriend." She said quietly and turned to Silva who had a grin on her face. She glared at Silva knowing she was going to tell everyone.-

-She walked into the hospital.- "Are you coming "Taskmaster"?" She put air quotes around his name that he came up with.
Xavier would blush,”Y-yes” he would follow thia and would try to hold her hand waiting for a response form her mouth or face.
Xavier would blush,”Y-yes” he would follow thia and would try to hold her hand waiting for a response form her mouth or face.
-She tensed slightly as he took her hand. She didn't say anything as they walked around a couple halls and stopped in front of a door. She had a sad look on her face as she opened the door, to the sleeping children. She was still holding the vial in her hand as she scanned the room for the kid who needed it. She spotted the little boy and walked over to him, letting go of Xaviers hand.-

-She had a soft smile on her face as she tapped him slightly to wake him up but not the others.- "Wake up little guy." She whispered and the kid woke up to see Thia standing over him.

"Amethia!" He said quietly and she held out the vial to him. {He cant say her name right so thats what he calls her}

"I heard what happened.. Are you ok?" She asked the kid with full concern on her face.

-He nodded and pointed to his arm where he was shot.- "Just drink this ok? You will feel all better." She whispered and smiled.

"Thanks chu Amethia!" The little kid said as he drank the honey yellow liquid inside. He let out a sigh as if pain has been taken off his little shoulders, and fell asleep.

-She smiled softly to the child as he fell asleep and stood back up, walking over to Xavier.- "Next stop." She whispered.
Xavier felt like he didn’t belong here this wasn’t “his” thing he felt like he should punch something he didn’t know what but just needed to it was like he wasn’t getting attached by holyniess ,”Ok times up missy what did you want from me?” He crossed his arms.

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