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Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

View attachment 1155616Captain Falcon observed the scene before them, taking in the eerie atmosphere of the Sorrowfen with a thoughtful expression. As Hayden returned, slightly out of breath but determined, he nodded in acknowledgment of their effort.

"Good work, Not Olimar," Captain Falcon said, his voice carrying a tone of encouragement. "Your dedication to being prepared is commendable! Like the real Olimar! Man, I miss him. He's a real cool guy, that Olimar!"

He glanced at Shadow and Mog, a faint smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "And Shadow, I have to admit, that ribbon does add a certain... flair to your ensemble. You can't have too much red, am I right?"

Turning his gaze back to the looming darkness of the Sorrowfen, Captain Falcon's expression grew more serious. "But if we all got what we need. Let's move out, Super Smash Brothers! Whatever lies ahead in that swamp, we'll face it together! Follow meeeee!"
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Ploegy Ploegy Darklord95 Darklord95 SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
“Sir yes sir! Also! My name is Hayden sir!” Hayden informs the captain as they get moving.
The Sorrowfen
Interactions: Yoshi ( Ploegy Ploegy ), Captain Falcon ( Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- ), Shadow & Mog ( SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 ), Hayden ( Darklord95 Darklord95 )

Of all the natural places in the Smash Realm, few could match the magnificence that was the Wetlands. Crystal blue waters and lush green landforms stretched as far as the eye can see. The air was filled with the sound of waterfalls; they were everywhere! In the far distance were purple mountains topped with snow. It was a place of life and beauty.

The Sorrowfen marred the picturesque swampland like a black stain. Dark clouds filled the sky, and a steady rain fell without cease. The swampland was colored in various shades of blue and grey. The air was cold, and rainfall seemed to be the only sound in the biome. There was neither birdsong nor the buzzing of insects. Stepping into the Sorrowfen, one could feel a heaviness fall upon their very soul. The plant life were drooping, as though crushed by that very same weight. There was no warmth, no comfort, no hope. The Sorrowfen was aptly named: it was a haunting land trapped in eternal grief.

As the group pushed on, they discovered that the rain and waters of the Sorrowfen chilled to the marrow. Cold white lights peeked through the black tree trunks like will-o-the-wisps. A closer examination revealed them to be lantern lights carried by strange green creatures in dark robes. The Tonberries did not seem interested in the travelers, and any attempt to get close to them resulted in the beings drawing a knife in a very clear warning to keep one's distance.

The Super Smash Brothers and their companions will eventually find their path blocked by a massive, writhing vine. As they approached it, a deep, mournful voice whispered in their minds.

"Why did you come here? What do you hope to achieve by coming here? This is the land of the lost... and you, too, shall become lost forever..."

"Perhaps you should have listened to the warnings. There is nothing to be done here. It is hopeless. You aren't strong enough... You aren't good enough... You aren't smart enough... You'll just fail... It is your fate..."

"The 'Ultimate Lifeform'... Yet you cannot keep a little girl alive... Some superior life form you are... Just a failed experiment... the creation of a warped and twisted mind..."

"You have brought many innocent lives here to die... Such a waste... Then again... it is a Pikmin's purpose to die..."
”how dare you! Pikmin are loyal soldiers!” Hayden says angrily. But then he looks behind him and sees all of his Pikmin being eaten. “No! Stop! Pikmin! Fight! Please!” But the Pikmin didn’t respond, they just stood there waiting to be eaten.

With the Audino summoned and Nurse Joy’s commands, Zelda watched on as a healing aura emerged from the pink creature, bathing all the group in its energy. Not dissimilar from the healing magic of a faerie, Zelda couldn’t help but agree with the purple cat’s statement. While Zelda lacked any injuries even the Hylian princess felt just the slightest bit more revitalized by the Heal Pulse.

Yet for as invigorating as it was, Zelda was well aware that there was no time to waste. A glance towards the skies revealed that their fleeing angel was no longer visible to the naked eye. At that moment she understood Sheik’s urgency. If they didn’t act fast, then they could very well lose Dark Pit’s tracks entirely. It was imperative the group get their draconic friend into the skies.

Turned towards Corrin, Zelda inquired.

“How do you feel?”

Based on appearances alone it seemed the injured wing was now in a much better state than it had moments prior. For as much as she didn’t want to push her friend, if she was truly healed then it was time to put things into action. But, Zelda had one last thing to ask of Corrin.

“This may be selfish of me to ask…but may I join you? I can’t help but feel at fault for this situation as it was I who sent the others to pursue him in the first place. Perhaps if I can speak with him directly I could better explain the reasons behind my decision”

Zelda held onto her wrist as she spoke, eyes fallen onto the floor. She couldn’t imagine how the angel must be thinking of her now. Here she was, commanding her allies and friends to chase after him while she remained at the lake. If she wanted to be fully capable of expressing her reasonings for her actions, at this point she would need it to come from her own words. Whether he’d believe her, Zelda would have no choice but to leave it to fate.

“As well, I want to be able to make a compromise with him. It’s evident that Dark Pit doesn’t wish to be constrained by us and… unfortunately it appears I might have no choice but to respect that. However, above all else I desire nothing more but for everyone here to be informed on the extent of the threats plaguing this realm and what it may take to save it. At the barest minimum, I am going to have this information imparted onto him, no matter what it takes. If I have to physically scream it all at him from across the skies, then so be it”

She spoke with conviction, a hand clenched across her chest and eyes steely, sparing a brief glance towards Sheik. Out of everyone here perhaps her fellow bearer of the triforce of Wisdom could understand her insistence. Wisdom can only blossom from the information one has at their disposal. If one is left blind and unaware of the happenings within the world around them, then how can they form any sort of judgment? Knowledge was a tool in one’s arsenal and wisdom the action of using it. So, by the golden goddesses was she going to add to his arsenal.

Finally, somewhat tacked onto the end, that fierce expression on her face briefly melted into a small, almost pensive smile, as she gently raised the jar of medicine.

“-I also need to give these to him, after all”

Interactions: Forevermore Forevermore (Sheik), A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity (Corrin) GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Nurse Joy)
Location: The Lake (Map TBA)
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Lord Lunaris
Location: The Flying Citadel
Interactions: Shroomie Shroomie

Lunaris remained in his relaxed stance, fingers still drumming a beat on the pommel of the scimitar sheathed on his hip. His head tilted slightly in reaction to Cia's sarcasm. "Nothing to do with me? Ah, but it has everything to do with me. You are on my front lawn after all."

The masked Hylian gave Cia a moment to take in her surroundings. He then took hold of his cloak, the underside glistening with twinkling golden stars and bright silver moons that shifted between lunar phases, and bowed elegantly. "Lunaris, Lord of the Moon and Stars, Master of Creation and Destruction, Ruler of this Realm. This is my 'humble abode,' the Flying Citadel."

With a flourish, Lunaris twirled his cloak around himself and vanished, leaving a few glittering sparks of magic behind. Hushed whispers broke out among the gathered royalty. Like a ghost, Lunaris silently materialized behind Cia, the sorcerer looming over her as he gripped her left shoulder in a hold far stronger than his appearance suggested. The crowed went silent, watching the confrontation between the lord and lady with bated breath. This was clearly a show of power, an attempt at domination over the other. The air was thick with tension! Lunaris lowered himself so he could speak directly into Cia's ear.

"If you are not lost, my dear, then you know exactly where you are and who I am," Lunaris spoke, his voice still smooth and pleasant, but with a threatening undertone. "If you came here as an enemy... Well, that would just be stupid of you, wouldn't it?"

Lunaris straightened and, with a swift movement of his arm, turned Cia so they were once again face to face. Lunaris stared down at her, his mask barely touching the beak of of Cia's. "So tell me, My Lady: who are you, and what is your purpose here?"

Ice Climbers
The Bone-Chilling Duo



"Oh, good. We didn't mean to hurt you guys," Popo nodded towards Lucas, offering a thumbs-up as the other boy dusted himself off.

Nana let out a soft giggle as Min Min laughed and patted her on the head. She looked up at the older girl, nodding quickly in response to her question.

"In case you forgot, my foodie-fighter friend, I'm Nana!" Nana declared, pumping a fist into the air.
"And I'm Popo!" Popo added proudly, throwing up a peace sign.
The pair struck an epic pose in front of Min Min, clearly quite into their little introduction. "And we're the Ice Climbers!"

Soon enough, though, Nana had noticed that their little group was short two individuals. The pink ice climber looked around, a small confused frown on his face. "Hey, where did Mr. Shulk and Lucas go?"

Popo scowled, folding his arms. "We practiced that intro for weeks--!" Nana quickly elbowed him, shushing him, before she caught sight of the two blonde psychics standing a little ways away from them. She motioned for her fellow Ice Climber and the Ramen Bomber to follow along with her as she moseyed on over towards the pair.

"Hey guys, what are you looking at?" Nana chirped.

Popo caught up to his friend, and pointed at the group of tents a couple of yards away. "I think they're looking at that!" He scratched his head, examining the view for a second. "What do you think is going on down there?"

Tags: Ploegy Ploegy (Shulk), A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity (Min Min), Forevermore Forevermore (Lucas)
Location: Mountain Falls

Location: Swamp | Tagged: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Darklord95 Darklord95
Nothing was going right. Nothing Yoshi did helped in the slightest. It was beyond frustrating. He wanted to scream out his frustrations yet he couldn't. No matter how desperately he wanted to, nothing would come out. To make matters worse it felt as if everything was falling on him. It was a role he hadn't want yet had thrown upon him and he couldn't change a thing about it!

His frustrations continued to bubble up as he struggled back to his feet and looked around in a panic, trying to find some kind of solution. Falcon was gone... What could he do now? To think he could go down so easily was something Yoshi had never expected yet here he was. Did he really drown himself so deeply in sorrows despite his confident exterior? He couldn't even fathom it. Such thoughts were well over his own head and housed a complexity of their own. He didn't have the time nor the mental capacity to dig in to it. Instead, he lowered his head and stared down at the murky waters at his feet wondering what was next? Could he do this alone?

Doubt began to creep up on him as his facial features wrinkled. Negativity like this had never easily crept in on him yet it beckoned him now. He too could give up and fall to the calls that echoed out from within the swamp around him. Unlike before he could hear the voices circling him. In the moment they were nothing but ominous, disembodied whispers, but as he pushed himself forward seeking some kind of hope, they grew louder and more familiar. No longer were they the voice of some stranger, but of his friends; the very people he had proudly stood by all these years.

Yoshi... Oh, he's hardly as capable as Mario. Even Luigi is more useful than him...

The princess... her voice sounded so chilling cruel. It made Yoshi shudder as tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. She would never speak such degrading words about him, would she? As much as he wanted to believe it, he was struggling to hold strong on his resolve. Every bit of strength he had was being pushed to its limits, but he pushed forward in search of some kind of answer, hoping the deeper he went into the swamp, the more likely he would be to find the source of these troubles. However, he was only greeted by more unsettling voices.

Yoshi's-a useless. Easily replaceable!

Not Mario's voice too... Yoshi could feel his heart dropping. Every fiber of him was trying to push on, but it was becoming harder and he could feel himself beginning to sink as his own sorrows of abandonment rose up in his chest. Even so, he clung to some sliver of hope that he could do something! He could make a difference even if it was only to save his fellow Smash Brother.

His eyes frantically searched around, but everything looked the same, as if he was running along the endless staircase Mario had claimed had once been in Peach's castle. Was he stuck in some endless cycle? No... he couldn't be... While everything appeared the same the eerie feeling of dread became heavier upon him. Something was close, he could feel it, but what exactly he had yet to find out.

The Dark Sorceress


Cia paused for a moment as the other replied to her snarky little comment about whether her presence concerned him. After a moment, she chuckled, and remarked in a lightly amused tone, "Touché."

She leaned against her staff as the hooded stranger bowed and introduced himself most flamboyantly. Lunaris..? "...Hmm...you remind me of someone I've seen before...somewhere..." the sorceress muttered to herself, her tone now more curious. Cia, of course, had many memories of many different events across time and eras. But the problem with that was that it was difficult to remember every single person from every single era right away...

However, she was brought out of her thoughts when the masked Lord vanished before her in a mist of magical sparks. The crowd around them seemed to stir, and the deity was going to look around to perhaps see where Lunaris had gone so abruptly, when she felt a strong grip on her shoulder. The crowd silenced, and Cia stiffened. She glanced back, and was about to shrug the sorcerer off of her when she was thrown off guard by him leaning downward to speak into her ear. Goosebumps erupted on her skin, and for a moment she seemed short of breath. Even speechless, if you will.
Once she was turned around, Cia found herself looking up at Lunaris' mask. She steadied herself, gripping her staff tightly again. So, it was like that now, was it?

Slowly, a small smirk appeared on the dark sorceress' lips as she laughed quietly, quickly getting over her momentary vulnerability. "Ah, already calling me 'my dear', are we? You're an assertive one~" Cia purred, cocking her head to the side. "Very well then: My name is Cia. Dark Sorceress, General of the Dark Forces."

She then began sashaying around the other mage in a slow, lazy circle, on the premise of getting a better look at him, her hand resting delicately on her hip as she eyed him up and down. "Not one for dressing up, are you? You would think that a Lord would display himself in a manner that showcased his power, mm?"

"And as for my purpose here, I will admit that I did not intend to be here. I am...lost, in a sense, I suppose. Though, I will say that it's quite flattering that my arrival was responded to with such pomp and circumstance from you and your court,"
she added in a sultry tone, her hand lightly trailing on Lunaris' shoulder.

Tags: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Lunaris, Royal Court and Guard)
Location: Flying Citadel
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yra / ythra

Location: Shiny Sand Shores | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Shroomie Shroomie
Seeing the situation calm down as she presented the invitation, Pyra silently sighed in relief to herself. It was a good thing such a simple object could clear up any hostilities that could have come from the ordeal. Still even if violence was temporary avoided, they were left with new questions; ones which Pit was quick to voice. She too was under such an assumption that another tourney shouldn't be taking and merely a get together organized by Princess Peach, but the invite in hand looked real enough. Then again so hard many of the fake ones in the past.

Remaining silent a moment longer, Pyra quietly looked over the letter and hummed softly as if trying to find something faulty with it. While she wasn't overly familiar with the other Smash Bros' handwriting, there were a few noteworthy ones which could be tied to sending a letter out, joke or not.

The first one was the Princess herself. She had been known to send out invitations, albeit not the Smash Bros sort. Pyra recalled Mario mentioning them in the past and she had seen her handwriting. It was very elegant cursive with cutesy touches to it. This writing did not fit that in the slightest. With her off the last, the next possible suspect was none other than the Phantom Thief of Hearts. Joker had been known for sending calling cards, whatever those may be, and they were written by the thief himself or one his teammates. However, their style was much different than that. While maybe she could see him pulling a harmless prank of this degree on one of the assist trophies, she doubted he would go to great lengths to toy with some outsider unless she was misjudging his character entirely.

Pyra's mind would have continued on its tangent if Pit hadn't spoke of Toon Link. Snapping from her idle thoughts, she extended the invite out to Lana, allowing for her to take it back before she took a step back. She may not have voiced her own concerns over the missing Hylian, but she was worried. She knew he could hold his own and all, however there was no telling where he ended up when Siren saved them.

"I too wonder what happened to him, but also..." she paused and pointed toward the invitation one last time. "I do not know the validity of the invite you have there, not to say it's indeed fake, but I do believe it could be tied to the chaos this Realm seems to be experiencing," she went on to explain as a small smile crossed her face as she tried to come off as friendly as she could. "However, fake or not, we can always use the extra hands if you are up to it. We may be a mismatched group, but I'm sure you'll fit in."

  • full

    The Blossom of Sarasaland
    Location: Northwestern Coastline [SUBSPACE]
    Interactions: Cranky Kong, Toon Link, Ike, Mewtwo
    Tags: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Shroomie Shroomie

    As Mewtwo looked over at her when she entered the cabin, she grinned sheepishly at the Pokemon and Hylian. "Heya, guys. Hope I'm not interrupting anything too important." Daisy greeted. But right as she was about to ask what they were doing in Cranky's cabin, when all of a sudden there was a loud crash on the roof. She glanced at Cranky, who was clearly ticked off, before she looked back at the door to see what had caused the powerful thud.

    Cranky Kong had placed the culprit on the patio, and right outside stood a powerfully built man dressed in armor and humble adventuring clothes. His eyes were stern and his expression serious, and he came complete with a large, two-handed sword, which he had swung over his shoulder.

    "Hey Ike, looks like you didn't get any less buff since the last time I saw you," Daisy greeted him coyly, a little wink accompanying it. However, Cranky Kong began grumbling at them once more, and the princess turned to pay attention to his words.

    She, along with the other Smash Brothers, stared at the ape blankly as he told them to get a move on and save the Smash Realm. She didn't even know what was going on, and they were expected to just go and save this world from some force of evil?

    Suddenly, they were all face-to-face with the Crystal Coconut, and the princess let out a little gasp of awe. She had never seen something quite like this before...as she peered inside it, a hazy rendition of a robed man with a silver and gold mask could be seen. As the Kong gave them all a little exposition on what had happened since they left the Smash Realm, Daisy's head began to swim. This was...a lot to process. How could things have gone so wrong during their absence?

    But the princess had very little time to think as a new topic was brought to surface. Toon Link had began babbling away like crazy, and ended up producing a little box. Whatever was inside it seemed to be just as important as the little Hylian thought it was, because Cranky Kong told Ike and herself to start shutting the windows and drawing the curtains. It all seemed top-secret! So Daisy hastened to do as she was told, hurrying over to the windows to begin closing them. What was in that mysterious box that got Toon Link and Cranky so riled up...?


As Isabelle hastily sped walked away with Roxas in tow, she’d be met with resistance, as the young boy slipped out her grasp. Isabelle naturally was worried that he intended to face sephiroth after all, yet that didn’t seem to be the case. From the now empty hand, he then summoned the white Keyblade with a glittering flash of light, holding it out to..her!?

“Roxas, Are you really sure-“

The weapon was forced into her hands before Isabelle could so much as think to protest. Here she was, an ordinary secretary, currently holding a weapon capable of banishing darkness itself. After Sora’s arrival she had listened to Mario's description regarding his brief moments with the keyblade, how despite its seemingly unwieldy appearance, the weapon felt far more akin to holding the hand of a friend than the weight of any ordinary weapon, and now she finally understood what he meant. Isabelle found little trouble in wielding it, barely needing to shift her stance to accommodate for its size. However, it was evident that she lacked the same comfortability in wielding the strange weapon as either Sora or Roxas had. This wasn’t any ordinary tool, the keyblade truly was something personal to its true wielder. Was this truly alright for her to use?

A guiding push forward was enough to snap her out of further contemplation. With Sephiroth nearby and his patience surely waning, time was of the essence. She really didn’t like this plan, but what else did they have?


With a final nod, she threw on the bravest face she could muster and took right off sprinting as fast as her little feet could muster. Again, she found herself mid flight from the wrath of Sephiroth, but now it wasn’t just for self preservation alone. For her and Roxas’ sake, they needed to get to console city!

Isabelle instinctively hefted the Keyblade onto her shoulder like the axes or fishing rods she was used to as the little secretary dashed across the dirt plains. With every other step she took Isabelle couldn’t help but spare a passing glance back towards the blonde boy and one winged angel left behind. But, barely making it a yard away, Isabelle’s felt a lump form in her throat when Sephiroth began his advance towards Roxas, his mocking words echoing across the distance. All prior dedication Isabelle had towards sticking with the plan vanished the moment Sephiroth began to raise his sword.


Like a switch she flipped to face the two men, a paw desperately outstretched as she began to take a step forward-

Only for series of blinding flashes to cause her to stumble, dropping the Keyblade.


Covering her eyes with one paw and desperately feeling the floor with the other, in all the chaos Isabelle desperately searched for the fallen weapon. Instead, she’d accidentally catch up one of the objects that was thrown their way. Still very much blinded, all she could tell was that it was a metallic cylindrical object, around the size of a small dumbell or spray can. Quickly pocketing it, she thankfully located the Keyblade soon after, hurriedly snatching it up from the group as her sight finally returned.

The first sight she’d take in would be none other than the culprit.

Geared men and women in uniform stood above her, and her fear was soon joined with dread.

The military. The same military that had kidnapped her to begin with and had . Yet, if she had to be thankful for something, it was evident that she and Roxas weren’t their current targets. No, it seemed they were actually following with their prior decision of not imprisoning her again, as the army were preoccupied in dealing with Sephiroth, the commotion of their battle very audible. Still, she couldn’t find complete relief in their arrival. After all, Isabelle still very much had those files she may have “technically” stolen from them, and considering their past actions, Isabelle wasn’t exactly eager to go along with them. But, as they escorted her, she spotted some other soldiers going to collect Roxas and ushering him towards safety as well. For that one reason she reluctantly complied, scampering towards this claimed safe location.

That is, until a feminine voice cut through the chaos. A sound that for the first time since she’d returned to the Smash Realm, filled Isabelle with the warmth of genuine familiarity.


Before Isabelle joined the ranks of her fellow fighters, she got her start supporting them on the side lines. A position far too often looked over when compared with the glories of the official roster, Isabelle nevertheless found great joy in her position as an Assist Trophy. As Villager and the other fighters fought in battles of might, Isabelle was ready to support them from the sidelines with a smile and some fruit in hand. Yet, most exciting was getting to know her fellow assist trophies, learning about their relationships with the fighters and the tournament itself. Some set their sights on earning a spot on the roster (a certain mustached tennis player perhaps a little too obsessed with nabbing an invitation), others were satisfied with the position they held.

But, she’d always been especially fascinated with the assist trophies who’d been there throughout the days of brawl, back when ol’ Mr. Resetti was the primary representation for their little town. She fondly remembered way back when asking him about the other assist trophies when it was her turn to don the title, eager to soon meet all of these people. And so, when it was finally time for her to meet her fellow Assist Trophy friends, she finally had a face to connect to names. Amongst the crowds of colorful characters she’d soon get to know and love was a royal looking young woman with long hair the color of emerald ore, a qipao as blue as the sea, and a blade that all fighters feared being on the other side of.


She rushed forward past the military men, past the explosions and gunfire that cut through their path, and towards Lyn. Sephiroth’s one man stand against the military was nothing but a backdrop as she sprinted as if her life depended on it. Even when she’d tripped, nearly toppling right over, she threw herself back up from the ground in one fell swoop and continued straight for Lyn’s direction.

All this time, Isabelle had been left to dread and worry for the whereabouts of all her friends, if they’d even managed to make it to the realm or had been shot down from the sky just as she was. The closest people she had to hold onto were Roxas, an incredibly kind yet equally mysterious boy in some way connected to a fellow fighter, and Sephiroth, who’d done nothing but hurt and threaten both herself and that which she held dear. She’d faced unparalleled bloodshed, watched innocent people die before her very eyes, and crawled her way out of it with only the slightest glimmers of hope that she’d find her friends on the other side. Outside of the military base, past these mushroom platforms, or how far it’d take to reunite with them again. Isabelle wasn’t strong and she certainly wasn’t all too brave either, she wasn’t much more than your ordinary secretary. But, what she held was a belief that they’d all be alright. That after all of this, she would meet her friends again.

After all this time, Isabelle was finally proven her hope hadn’t been in vain.

Isabelle slid to a halt as she spotted where the Military men has set up the extraction point. Gritting her teeth, She’d heft the keyblade to her other hand as she pulled out a fishing rod from her pockets and cast the line right into the cloth of Lyn’s dress. Yet, rather than the young woman being dragged over to Isabelle, the shih tsu used her tool as a makeshift grappling hook as she reeled herself towards Lyn, zipping through the air at an alarming speed. Just moments before crashing into Lyn, she released her hook and stashed the fishing rod, freeing one of her hands so she could envelope Lyn in a tight, desperate hug, potentially knocking Lyn right over.

“It’s so great to see you again!”

A smile tore itself across Isabelle’s cheeks, in stark contrast to the dried blood and dirt that caked her clothes and fur. She looked an utter wreck, but the utter genuineness of her elation upon seeing an old friend certainly made up for her rather sorry sight. Whatever had happened to Isabelle was in the past, as nothing mattered more than the simply joy of seeing an old friend again.

Isabelle squeezed her eyes as hugged Lyn for a few moments longer, but eventually would release herself from the lord. Despite this joyful reunion, Isabelle certainly hadn’t forgotten about Roxas. So, she frantically waved for him and the army men. Despite all the immediate threats to worry about, Isabelle found that at the forefront of her mind, she was most looking forward to introducing Roxas to an old friend of hers.

Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy (Roxas) Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Military) Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat (Sephiroth) Shroomie Shroomie (Lyn)

Location: Mushroom Platforms (Map TBA)
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He can handle the flash bombs blinding him ignoring his disability for now as his hearing and sense of smell seems to heighten exponentially on their own. However, his concerns lie within his Jenova cells acting strangely in response to their attack like his cells are not working properly as they should neither his mana too. Channeling his magic feels like a warm embrace from a loving mother bear soothing their lion cub as the mana energies spread throughout his body it now feels hollow to him he hasn’t figured out why yet. A quick glance at his silver bangle made him realize his green materia looks low in color saturation; they must’ve used magic jamming rounds to disable his mana. Case in point with how little mana energy he has thrumming and circulating through his blood vessels he vaguely feels his magicks it’s concerning to him. He wipes a thin trail of blood from the corner of his lips, pressing his eyebrows in a straight line. The physical effects are starting to kick in fatigue pounding at his frontal lobe like getting gored by a behemoth horn when it’s angry and getting an aggressive formation ready to pounce on the fool that is stupid enough to challenge it. This isn’t a good feeling at all to him, not welcoming at all.

Normally his Jenova cells are quick to regenerate and this sickly feeling overwhelming him wouldn’t drag him down in the trenches like this. It finally clicked to him what they have done to him or what exactly is going on. “ Your weapons are made of Anti Jenova materials, which explains a lot of the side effects I’m feeling.” He didn’t like that he did not like that at all. He grabbed his forehead pushing his hair away, sweat matting his silver strands to his temples, closing his eyes as the pounding headache angered him causing him to clamp his teeth together practically seething from the aching pain and the rage invoking in his heart, he opened his eyes mad at the precarious situation he found himself in,“ You guys did your homework.” A low chuckle passed through his lips. He covered his mouth just as he vomited a lot of blood though that won’t be enough to stop him. He stumbled forward, “ You think you can just wound me, disable not only my mana, my eyesight , and high tail it without paying for your insolence. I think not, you opened the gates of hell upon yourselves. I won’t let you walk away this easily, it will be a cold day in hell before I ever allow you to escape from me alive in one piece that is.” He says, silkily, his words dripping with poisoned honey, he descended upon one of the closest soldiers to him, ignoring Roxas, Isabelle, and Lyn for now; they're just small fries to him. He raised his gloved hand in the soldier’s face, “ Die..” He whispers, decapitating them with a quick flick of his finger. Sephiroth doesn't need his eyesight; he could hear the carnage of his actions unfolding in front of him, the quick death of the fool, and the metallic smell of the other’s blood wafting up to his nostrils. He punched the body away from him, stepping over the corpse rather, he’s flying and kicking another soldier away, singling out his next victim.

Just as the soldier is flying at a good faraway distance into the thick mushroom forest away from his squad nearby, Sephiroth meets the lone soldier mid-flight stabbing them through their abdomen. He smiles coldly, cruelly, taking pleasure in the murder he just committed right now. The other man utters a low guttural sound, and Sephiroth's lips fall into a straight line. He puts them out of their misery by further pushing his masamune into the soldier’s body. With taking two of the soldiers out, there’s still more left, obviously there’s more work to do. He’s working with his eyesight being disabled using his smell and hearing as guidance. Channeling his inner strength, his masamune is by his side in a flash, blood dripping from the blade. It’s a grisly scene indeed, a point Sephiroth wants to make if it means using violence by any means necessary. He returns hastily, turning his attention to the troops once again wearing that similar cold expression from before. “ You all seem desperate to join your friends in hell. I'll gladly make that wish of yours come true if that’s what you want so much.” He’s ready for this after all this is just an exercise to him. Ignoring the awful headache he can’t do anything now, or his lack of mana energy to make use of his green materia primarily the cure spells, relying on his physical prowess is the only thing left to do, the only thing he could do to keep on pressing forward. In theory he could use elixirs or potions for healing really, it’s a useless endeavor to him. His masamune never failed him anyway.

He channeled his inner rage and the venom rolled off his body in dark energy in waves. He would never dream of the day the code to unlocking his Jenova genetics would be cracked by a military organization from the smash realm, no less it’s a cause of deep concern for him like he’s vulnerable and he didn’t like this feeling. He has too many questions over working his mind, the cogs turned and turned, answers will come soon, or he hopes he gets real answers too. Now he wants to make an example out of these men. He stared icily at another soldier close by and quietly made a move raising his masamune this time however cutting off their leg in a swift motion. He brought his masamune close to his hip ready for a real fight. The bloodlust evident in his mako eyes as he waited for them to move.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- SheepKing SheepKing Shroomie Shroomie Ploegy Ploegy
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Mewtwo was relieved that the cranky monkey had stopped singling him out. Though that didn’t stop the self-proclaimed King from chastising them further. Nevertheless his reverie was interrupted by a sudden CRASH on top of the roof top. Mewtwo immediately went alert, ready to attack if nessecary but from the look on everyone else’s faces, this was almost expected as the large crocodile came with a human warrior! Evidently from Daisy’s exclamation called Ike.

He acknowledged Ike with a nod as Cranky Monkey decided from them staring blankly to explain everything that happened. Something that he had already gleaned from his mind probe. Lunaris and his Flying Citadal The Smash Bros being outlaws and criminals (of which he is a part).

Then Link started babbling nonsensically revealing a box and then King immediately telling Daisy and Ike to close the binds. Evidently having a need of secrecy.

Mewtwo floated over to look at Toon Link whenever the cabin was binder and whispered ,
“this object must be of importance for such secrecy.”

He eyed the Cranky Monkey, expecting both a scolding and an expaination.

He wasn’t sure he liked this person but it didn’t matter in the end.

GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Forevermore Forevermore Shroomie Shroomie

The White Sorceress


Lana's smile widened slightly as the angel also apologized for the sudden hostility. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Pit. You as well, Pyra," she said graciously, dipping into a tiny curtsy in front of the pair.

Curiosity flared inside the young mage as attention was brought onto her invitation once more. She summoned her Tome, which appeared in her outstretched hand in a dazzle of light. "I was looking through my Tome and it was nestled between the pages. I'm not exactly sure how it got in there, as very few can even lay hands on the artifact, aside from me and...someone else..." She trailed off, a familiar sinking feeling weighing in her stomach once more as she thought about it.

So the other two were supposed to be here for a simple celebration? Lana thought it was for some sort of tournament. This was odd, to say the very least. Moreso, how had it even reached her in the first place? She could definitely understand the angel and the Aegis' befuddlement.

However she was quickly brought out of her reverie when Pit addressed her once more. At the word 'Link', her expression immediately brightened, and she immediately answered, "Toon Link...you mean the Hero of the Winds? Oh, he's so adorable with his big eyes and his cute little expressions! I positively adore him!! I just wanna squish his little cheeks and give him a big old hug--!!"

The deity must have realized that she was gushing, because her face turned a light shade of pink and she laughed sheepishly. "Uhm...heh, uh, forget I said that..." she mumbled as she scratched the back of her head. "...Unfortunately, I haven't seen him. I came straight to the shoreline from my temple, and while I was chasing that orange waddle thing, I didn't see him whatsoever. Why? Do you two happen to know him? Is he in danger or something?"

Pyra's interjection seemed to answer her question, and the flush ebbed away from her face as Pyra pointed to her letter. Lana looked down at it and studied the wax seal. It was...possibly fake? But then who could have planted it in her Tome? And...there was chaos happening in this world? "What chaos?" The goddess asked quietly, her brow twisting in worry. She looked up, anxiety prevalent in her violet gaze. Pyra was attempting to be friendly about this, and was even asking her for her aid.

A small sigh escaped the sorceress as she pursed her lips, lowering her eyes to the floor. At that moment, she was conflicted. She would love to help her newfound acquaintances, and explore this Realm now that she was here.

Her heart told her to help, but her head said otherwise. She was supposed to be in her temple, honoring her duties as the Guardian of Time. If she simply left her temple, who knows what could possibly go wrong with her gone.

'No,' she reasoned with herself. 'Surely, everything would be okay.'

Ganon had been defeated, Cia had been slain. There was nothing to worry about. Besides, the Hero of Courage and Princess of Wisdom had their allies and an entire army to help them if things somehow went awry. Plus, what if happenings in this Realm affected people and events that happened in others? Lana knew all too well what one little action could do to an entire world, an entire timeline.

With that in mind, the maiden took a bracing breath, her eyes flicking upward at the two again, as she chirped, "I'll lend you my strength. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

Tags: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Pit), Ploegy Ploegy (Pyra)
Location: Shiny Sand Shores
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Mog the Moogle
Interaction: Ploegy Ploegy (Yoshi)
Mention: @Kameron Esters ( Captain Falcon)
"No,Kupo,you are not real! You are not Kefka,Kupo!" The small Moogle cried at the fake Kefka. The Moogle's will seemed stronger. "None of this is real Kupo! I will save my friends!" Then the illusions faded away. Mog was back in the swamp with his new friends still trapped in the illusions. He had to save them. He went to see Yoshi first.
The poor dinosaur seemed distressed. Mog noticed why. Their allies was stil. In a strance And the poor Captain....was sicking to his death. " Kupoooo! The Captain is sicking!!!!" He noticed that Yoshi was sad. " You're not alone in this Kupo! Together,we can save him! You can do this! We can do this Kupo!" He flew ahead and tried to pull Captain Falcon out by pulling the collar of his uniform. The poor Moogle was struggling but didn't give up.
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Cyan realizes his sword hardly made a dent in the iron knuckle’s armor; they lived up to their reputation as being the toughest warriors of the realm. He can’t afford to give up when Peregrine and him just got here; it would make the mission meaningless. It seems cowardly to yield the point of their mission is to be brave in the face of adversity.

“ My dear Cyan, let go of your anguish, you’re needed by your friends back home, your moogle friend awaits the day you are reunited with them in this realm, show them the same love you showed Owain and I,” Elayne threw her hands around Cyan’s sword, her eyes going to the blade. “ Don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine, we’re strong.” She held onto her husband’s arm the fire in her eyes dancing with warmth, they cast a certain glow at Cyan that not even the poison extinguished from her.

He heard Owain’s familiar footfalls, soon his son clasped his forearm beaming up at his father. “ Papa, I’ll take care of mama! I’m big and strong and brave just like you, are you proud of me?” He smiles as his papa pulls them into a tight embrace.

“ Of course I am! You’re a big, strong young man. I couldn’t be any prouder!” Cyan’s sorrow melted away into an all knowing grin, his heart full of pride for his little family. He wipes the tears away, the feeling of power entrapped his core. It somehow felt different before like he awakened a new sense of purpose.

“ Now it’s time, my darling Cyan, awaken your true power!!”
“ Fight for what you believe in, papa! Your friends are waiting for you!”

He blinks back, clutching the pommel of his sword, his breath hitched in his throat. Cyan didn’t know what he’s feeling. He felt a strong sense of new power thrumming throughout his veins, this must be his awakening. “ I refuse to yield, we made it this far, turning back would make our mission pointless. I made a promise to Peregrine to lend my aid in saving the smash realm, turning my back on my word will be a betrayal not only to him, it will betray my friends waiting for me back home. I, Cyan Garamonde, the retainer of Doma kingdom, I was raised with honor, discipline, and a code. I cannot turn my back on my beliefs. I will not stand down nor yield to you, I respect your will, for those reasons I must prevail, I must push forward for a better future for the smash realm!!” He felt the power reaching the depths of his soul; it felt like a warrior of yore encompassing his body. Cyan’s steely eyes glowed a deep purple hue, his sword basking in spiritual aura, a sign of his undying will. He blitzes forward aiming to strike at the iron knuckle’s impregnable armor. However, his Quadra Slice bushido feels different than before. It felt stronger than before.

He made four consecutive strikes, however, the slices are stronger, the rush of energy rolling off his sword in waves. Just as he brought his sword to his hip, he craned his neck to look, seeing the Iron Knuckle’s armor chipping away and cracking. Cyan’s heart leapt to his throat. He feels light unlike before. No longer he carries the anger towards emperor Gestahl, and bitterness of losing his family at the height of the incident. He stood up straight staring at the Iron Knuckle.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 (mentioned: Mog)
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Nurse Joy
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , SheepKing SheepKing , A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity , Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat , SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Upon seeing the holographic map, Nurse Joy clapped her hands together in delight. "Oh, this is wonderful! This will certainly help us!" A cheerful smile was on her face as she addressed the group of teenagers. "I'm sure with all of us working together, we can solve this riddle. We'll just take it a little bit at a time. Perhaps there is more hidden within the words if we look at them carefully." Then good nurse further explained, "As the historian of the World of Trophies, Wandering Quill had the ability to see the present as it happens. It's very possible she knew where some of the Pillars were, but out of safety chose to direct us to the whereabouts of the other fighters instead. Maybe she expects that they will be found as the Super Smash Brothers reunite. Here, see, I think we already have our first clue to the location of a Pillar."

Nurse Joy pointed to the fifth stanza.

"Twin-hearted maiden of Fire and Light,
Waker of Winds clothed in green,
and heavenly warrior with wings of white,
Face their fears on the dark sea

She was beaming. "That's easy! The 'twin-hearted maiden of Fire and Light' must be Pyra and Mythra. The 'Waker of Winds clothed in green,' surely that is the smallest of Links, Toon Link, the Hero of Winds. 'Heavenly warrior with wings of white,' well, there is only one in the Super Smash Brothers that would match that description: Pit!" The smile disappeared from her face as she looked to the last verse of the stanza. "According to this, they are 'facing their fears on the dark sea.' Obviously they are at sea, but facing their fears? Knowing Wandering Quill, every line of this poem is deliberate in its wording; there's a reason she is telling us this. One of the Pillars of Destruction is the Pillar of Fear."

Nurse Joy put a hand to her cheek, concern on her features. "The Pillars of Destruction force those in their proximity to undergo intense emotional trauma. Wandering Quill warns us of such in her riddle. They are fragments of power from Crazy Hand itself. You must be strong when in the presence of a Pillar of Destruction! I hope they're okay."


Lord Lunaris
Interactions: Shroomie Shroomie

Behind the mask, Lunaris's eyes lazily followed Cia's form as she sashayed around him, facing forward once she was behind him. He remained straight and tall, maintaining an air of nobility even as she traced his shoulder and spoke in a tone that would mesmerize most men. This Cia liked to play games, and he had no intention of losing. His subjects were watching, after all.

The Royal Guard gripped their weapons tightly, once again on the alert as Cia put her hand on their Lord. Normally, Odessa the healer was the only one permitted to engage in any kind of physical contact with the sorcerer. The gathered nobility knew this too, and hushed conversation started between them. Despite their better judgement, they couldn't tear their eyes away from the dangerous tango between Lord and Lady. The gossip that would come from this interaction was way too delicious to pass up, and they knew that the flirting can become deadly in an instant. Who would want to miss that?

Lunaris remained cool, not even flinching as Cia touched him. Instead of disintegrating her as he would any other foolish enough to put their hand on him, he reached out and trailed an armored finger from between her shoulder blades down to the curve of her exposed back, emitting tiny sparks of magic as he did. He matched Cia's sultry tone with a soft voice that was like warm spiced honey.

"A great magician never reveals all their tricks at once, My Lady. It keeps the audience hungry for more." He brought his hand up, gently cupping Cia's chin and turning her head so they were eye to eye again. With his free hand, he lightly tapped the beak of her mask. "And here I thought you'd understand the allure of a mystery."

Truth be told, Lunaris was very intrigued by this woman. He sensed a kindred spirit and desired to get to know her better. The masked Hylian was not foolish enough to drop his guard, but he was not about to pass up a potentially powerful new ally. If Cia was indeed lost, and the general of a great force, then perhaps they can help each other?

Just before Lunaris could say such, a Goron in the garb of an engineer pushed his way through the crowd. Ignoring the indignant complaints of the nobles, the Goron shoved a tiny Golden Eye toward the sorcerer. "Brother, the Stadium! It has fallen!"

Lunaris immediately snatched the eye from the Goron and had it replay the footage stored in its system. The miniature eye shot out a blue laser that expanded into a holographic image. With it, Lunaris and those gathered closely witnessed a replay of the Stadium falling to the earth. Silently, Lunaris replayed the footage three more times. On the third playthrough, he paused the video half-way. Touching the holographic picture, he zoomed in on what looked to be a speck, and discovered Arsene escaping with Nurse Joy in its arms prior to the fall of the Stadium. A hush fell upon the crowd as they looked to their Lord.

"Shiri," Lunaris called calmly.

The pink fairy obediently revealed herself. "My Lord?"

"I need you to deliver a message to General Mugorl: send forces to every Pokemon Center in the general area of the Stadium."

Shiri fluttered off to obey. Lunaris let out a long sigh that sounded more like a growl. He saw from the footage that the Chozo historian, Wandering Quill, had sacrificed herself to bring the Stadium down. What a waste of valuable knowledge! But there was a bright side: the Super Smash Brothers lost their meeting spot, and surely the loss of a place so sacred to them would harm their morale. They may remain scattered, which was all the better for him, and with the Nurse Joy of the Stadium freed he had little doubt that whichever Smash Brothers were with her, one confirmed being Joker, would find a Pokemon Center for her to go to. His men will be ready!
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Location: Mushroom Platforms | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Shroomie Shroomie
Everything seemed to be going smoothly which eased Roxas' nerves to some degree, but he knew it was all too good to be true. This wasn't some fair fight or a moment where the cowardice act of fleeing would be accepted; this was a game. He and Isabelle were merely pieces moving on a board waiting for the moment their tactics were figured out and ripped to shreds in one fell swoop. Even a right move could spell death and he was well aware of it. The thought of it alone caused his blood to boil, yet his unadulterated anger had to remain under lock and key. If he let it loose now he would only find himself skewered on Sephiroth's blade. His nose wrinkled at the thought of it, but Roxas kept his head low knowing he couldn't afford his emotions to be easily known even if he was the emotional type. He needed to focus.

Training his eyes on Isabelle's back as he moved further ahead of him, he kept moving as well, allowing his pace to pick up until suddenly the playing field around them took a change. Whether it was for the better or worse, Roxas was unsure. The emergence of the military personnel did little to convince him the odds of success had risen. He hardly trusted them after everything he had experienced and seen at their base. Even so, it seemed they were after Sephiroth which benefited him and Isabelle whether he liked it or not. This was the chance to seize an escape for good if he played his cards right.

Roxas would take his chances... well he would have, but per usual, things couldn't go as he hoped. While the military was focused on disarming and weakening the one-winged angel, the effects of their equipment could be felt by the Nobody as well. He wasn't free of their range and in an instant, he could feel his own magic weakening. It was an odd sensation, one he had never felt before, but he knew these soldiers weren't thinking of the effects their devices would have on anyone other than Sephiroth himself. It angered the teen beyond belief and that angered showed.

His face wrinkled in disgust as his grip tightened around his remaining keyblade and he could feel his hand trembling from the sudden change. His body had never had experienced such things given his magic came naturally within him and his weapons acted as conduits for it. To feel that magical energy being sucked from him did his physical form no favors, but he tried to ignore it as he pushed forward even if it made him feel more sluggish than usual.

He wouldn't get far before he was approached by one of the military personnel. Roxas glared towards the man immediately and scoffed loudly as he threw his head to the side to show his distaste at his words. He didn't care if this stranger "wanted to help" him. He could help himself. If he trusted them, he'd probably end up some experiment of theirs, and he already knew what something like that was like thanks to DiZ and Riku.

"You're here for my safety? Oh please! As if I want to trust you!" Roxas hissed, letting his frustrations seep through as he spoke.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Isabelle zip away from the soldier that had stopped her and he sighed silently in relief. It seemed she too had similar thoughts on the whole ordeal. However, glancing in the direction the secretary had gone off in, he noticed she had joined a green haired woman, one she seemed to know from her reactions. It was yet another realization for him how out of place he was in this place, yet he kept that to himself. He couldn't afford to mope around with a soldier still in his face.

Averting his sharp, blue eyes back towards the man before him, he puffed out his chest in attempt to seem bigger than he was and growled lowly, "I'll be fine without YOUR help."

Not bothering to wait for a reaction, he pushed his way past the soldier and got himself a running start before he extended Oblivion out to his side. Approaching the trunk of one of the mushroom platforms, he hooked the teeth of his key around it and quickly flung himself skyward in Isabelle and Lyn's direction. Despite his magic being weak, his glide still kicked in and guided him far enough to land on a shorter mushroom just above the pair.

Steadying himself on it, Roxas peered downward with a prominent smirk on his lips. He was prepared to jump down and join the two ladies, but as his eyes caught sight of the gruesome scene in the distance behind them, he felt his stomach drop and a wave of nausea come over him. Quickly he leaned back to prevent himself from possibly vomiting down on his two companions and he rocked back in his place, holding a hand over his mouth as he tried to rid himself of the sudden sensation he was feeling. He wanted to call down to the pair, but he remained silent, deciding to let one of them take the lead as he tried to recover his bearings.
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As the battle against Sephiroth raged, Foxtrot team was deeply engaged in their mission to extract Roxas and Isabelle safely away from the immediate danger zone. Captain Hawk, the leader of Foxtrot, closely monitored their progress, his ear constantly tuned to the radio for updates from other teams.

Foxtrot team moved swiftly through the battlefield, guiding Roxas and Isabelle with urgency, but with care to avoid any direct engagement. The team was alert, constantly scanning for threats and maintaining a tight formation around their charges.

As they maneuvered through the terrain, Isabelle spotted Lyn—a familiar face in the chaos—and her spirits visibly lifted. This reunion seemed to fortify her resolve, and the presence of a known ally appeared to calm her nerves significantly.

Observing this interaction, Captain Hawk made a quick decision.
"Foxtrot to Command, we've encountered an ally of the civilians—a woman named 'Lyn'. It appears to be a significant morale boost for them. Requesting permission to adjust mission parameters and rejoin the main assault," Hawk reported, keeping his voice steady despite the surrounding tumult.

Command quickly responded, recognizing the strategic benefit of allowing Isabelle and Roxas to stay with Lyn if it meant Foxtrot could reinforce the ongoing offensive.
"Granted, Foxtrot. Ensure civilians are secure with their ally and move to support Echo and the others in the final push."

Captain Hawk relayed the orders to his team.
"Team, our civilians are going to stay here with Lyn. Let’s ensure they are set up safely before we move out."

Foxtrot soldiers quickly conferred with Lyn, explaining the situation and confirming she was capable of taking over their protection duties. Roxas, who had displayed a keen ability to handle himself, seemed reassured by Lyn's presence as well. Isabelle, comforted by her friend’s company, nodded understandingly as Hawk briefly explained the change in plans.

"Look after each other," Hawk advised them with a firm but gentle tone. "We have to join the rest of our unit now. Stay low and stay safe."

With Isabelle, Roxas, and Lyn confirmed safe and together, Foxtrot team quickly reorganized and prepared to depart. The soldiers checked their gear, exchanged quick nods, and moved out, their forms disappearing back into the chaos of the battlefield.

Captain Hawk led his team with renewed focus, the weight of responsibility for the civilians lifted but replaced by the urgency of aiding their comrades in the critical final assault against Sephiroth. As they moved out, the sounds of combat grew louder, signaling the escalating confrontation with Sephiroth now actively engaging the formidable enemy.
As Foxtrot team swiftly rejoined the fray, the battlefield presented a ghastly tableau. The carnage wrought by Sephiroth was evident: scattered debris, the harsh stench of charred earth, and the cries of the wounded filled the air. Captain Hawk's experienced eyes quickly assessed the devastation, his resolve hardening with each step closer to the heart of the chaos.

The sight of their comrades struggling against such a formidable adversary stirred a palpable urgency in the team. Captain Hawk, leading from the front, keyed his communicator, his voice carrying both the weight of command and a deep-seated concern.
"Command, this is Hawk. We're witnessing heavy engagement and significant casualties. Request permission to initiate full-scale Jenoid transformation for any available units. We need more firepower to contain this threat."

The pause that followed was tense, with each second stretching out as they awaited a response. Finally, the crackle of the radio broke the silence.
"Permission granted, Foxtrot. Proceed with Jenoid transformation. Use all necessary force."

Relief mixed with steely determination washed over Hawk. He turned to his unit, his voice firm and commanding.
"All right, we've got the green light. Those who can transform, prepare now. This is what we trained for."

The soldiers who were part of the specialized Jenoid program stepped forward, their faces set with resolve. One by one, they removed their helmets, revealing expressions that mixed grim determination with a sense of duty. The air around them charged with a palpable tension as they began the transformation process.

The first soldier's physique elongated, feathers sprouting rapidly across her skin, forming a grotesque, bird-like structure with a wide, menacing wingspan. Her face contorted, the bones restructuring to form a sharp, beak-like mouth.

The next soldier's body slimmed drastically, turning almost spectral. Their skin paled to an eerie white as it stretched over an elongated, skeletal frame. Long, sharp claws emerged from their fingertips, gleaming under the dim battlefield light.
Another soldier's transformation was marked by an increase in mass and muscle. Thick, dark fur sprouted all over their body, and their limbs bulked up, turning them into a formidable beast with raw physical power.
One soldier's change was a spectacle of horror. It has a predominantly pink body, which is heavily muscled, suggesting immense physical strength. The skin is textured with various ridges and folds, adding to its unsettling appearance. The creature’s head is elongated and reptilian, with a large, gaping mouth filled with sharp, uneven teeth. It appears to be in the midst of a ferocious roar or attack, with a long, forked tongue protruding from its mouth. One of the most distinctive features of this monster is its lack of front limbs, which are replaced by what appear to be sharp, bone-like protrusions. This creature exudes a sense of raw power and primal aggression, designed to instill fear and dominate its environment.
The last soldier's transformation was the most drastic. His body expanded, muscles bulging and skin thickening. Tusks, large and lethal, curved from his mouth, and his overall size made him look like an ancient behemoth brought to life. The creature stands prominently, featuring a pair of massive, curved tusks protruding forward from its mouth, giving it a formidable appearance. The skin is a mottled blend of grays and subtle hints of blue and red, suggesting either a natural camouflage or perhaps signs of wear or battle.

Most strikingly, the creature has two large, curved horns similar to those of a ram, emerging from the top of its head, adding to its mythical aura. The ears are large, much like a traditional elephant, but they droop slightly and have a rugged texture, enhancing the creature's toughened appearance. The eyes are small and intense, set deeply under a prominently wrinkled forehead, conveying a sense of wisdom or age. The creature’s legs are thick and sturdy, ending in large, round feet that seem capable of supporting its massive structure.

Together, these transformed soldiers—now more fearsome than ever before—stepped forward, ready to engage. Captain Hawk, though unable to transform, led them with tactical acumen, directing their movements and targeting strategies.

"Focus on containment and neutralization," Hawk commanded, pointing towards where Sephiroth was last seen. "Use all you got. We stop him here, now."
Ploegy Ploegy Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat SheepKing SheepKing Shroomie Shroomie
View attachment 1164868Pauline
Location: Console City
A lady, a songstress, and a drop-dead beautiful woman.
To many, people had always thought of Pauline as the epitome of charisma and style, a woman who started her life in the working world as a simple lounge singer captivating the hearts of her audience just so she could get through the following day. It was a simpler time for her, but her naiveté and inexperience with the world came tumbling down as she had found herself in a sudden hostage situation courtesy of a certain giant ape who somehow fell head-over-heels for her stunning appearance. Thankfully, she was rescued - by a specific man who at first she dismissed as nobody special - only for them to become trusted friends as time went on.

Over time, she would decide that she could no longer keep on using her public image just for the sake of being another person who would appear on stage. Even with its issues, New Donk was a wonderful city, and it was time that she tried to make herself a valued part of the community, for more than just her looks and her body. Most importantly, it was clear that she wanted to bring people together.

It wasn't before long that with the assistance of a certain friend, that New Donk didn't just become a bustling city for the average working man or woman, but a centerpiece of the toy industry, with Pauline being the forefront and the face of the businesses she supported. The two friends eventually drifted apart into their own journeys in life, but for Pauline, her work in expanding the city's toy industry, were the stepping stones that she needed for her to realize that she could take things further, as a potential mayor of the City itself.

With hard work, it was a surprise that the lounge singer didn't just become the Mayor - but a surprisingly talented one at that. The biggest reason was that she simply became part of the community like anyone else, rather than just being some person who sat behind her desk dealing with nothing but politics. She charmed the city with her voice and words, and had managed to unite them with a little help as she reunited with an old friend, who had recommended her to show what New Donk had to offer in what was one of the biggest multiversal combat tournaments known to many. Pauline would not dare hesitate, and agreed to represent the Smash Bros. Tournament on behalf on the city she now worked for, allowing its participants to use the rooftops of the city as coverage for a thrilling arena to battle in.

Of course, even with all of the success despite the previous perils that may have befell the tournament, there comes a time that one needed to move on with their life. For Pauline, she hung up her microphone and was finished with New Donk; things had honestly felt quite boring for the Mayor. Her approval ratings were sky high, people were legitimately happy with what she had done, and it felt as if she really did put New Donk City on the map. But there wasn't anything else she felt like she could do for the city, and decided to retire from her position following its next term. Despite shock and sadness coming from her fellow citizens, she knew it was for the best to move on. Besides, it didn't mean that she was out of the game. There had been demand for another area called Console City to receive some political support, and somebody like Pauline knew that it was her chance to get back into the game and unite yet another community under her as the newly appointed mayor.

... Or so she had thought.

- - -

It had been a little while since Pauline had become the new mayor of Console City, but things were becoming clear that this was to be her toughest job yet. People didn't seem to sway to her looks, her voice, or her political input nearly as much as they had back in New Donk City, and for that there was a clear reason why. A simple five letter word known as chaos. With the disappearance of the Hands, the threat of the world around them coming to an end, and a myriad of issues Pauline didn't quite have the experience with - small natural disasters, increased crime rates, and just about anything new with the world that seemed unusual - what she was good at was bringing others together, and she was still getting to grips with the Smash Realm itself.

It was at one day that she found herself stuck in her desk, hitting what felt to be a bit of a personal low point. Approval ratings were slowly dwindling for her, tensions around the Smash Realm grew further and further, and worst of all, it felt like Pauline could barely do anything about it. For the first time in a long while, she felt powerless. As powerless as she did when she was captured all those years ago as a frightened young woman. And it did not feel good.
'... Perhaps it would have been better if I truly did stay at New Donk... but what's the point in doing so? To have someone likely less qualified thrown in to deal with this? No... this City and the wellbeing of its citizens are my responsibility now. But what could I do? Think, Pauline, think...'

The soft tapping of delicately painted red fingernails drummed Pauline's desk as she tried to ponder of a potential solution to her fading faith in her. Hosting another event simply wasn't going to cut it now. Masking the issue with a celebration after all of this felt like a short-lived and dry solution, and what she needed was a more permanent fix to the problem at hand. Something to aid with the security of the City. She couldn't call on old friends either, as it seemed like they were now seen as criminals rather than the heroes people once saw them as... she couldn't turn to them, at least not yet.

It took a few minutes of thoughts, wonders and thinking until Pauline decided to shift her focus on the local newspaper for inspiration. Flicking through the pages delicately to scan its content, it wasn't before long that the answer hit her, a smile appearing on her face for once.

"Breaking News! Lunaris averts a fatal crisis by saving the realm from a giant meteor. Locals rejoice to the Flying Citadel and its Royal Court."
She read out aloud, before she chuckled to herself quietly.
"Now, if only I were able to stop a meteor by myself and save the world... that would be incredible for approval ratings... alas, I cannot, but it does give me an idea."
Packing a suitcase, Pauline quickly sprung into action as she left her office into a brisk walk. It was perhaps not the best idea to leave the City when it was under turmoil, but desperate times had called for desperate measures, and with her return she knew that if things worked out Console City could at least be a little safer and more prosperous under her wing. With what political power she did have, she hoped that she would be able to request an audience with this Lunaris fellow so that he may provide some way to protect the City from any further threats... with a certain price including Pauline's own allegiance and services as the city's mayor, of course.

The Radiant Hero


Ike's jaw dropped slightly as he heard K.Lumsy's next words. Did he say what he THOUGHT he said?! "Hey, who're you calling a hairless monkey?!" Ike demanded, clearly taking it as an insult. The mercenary scowled at the crocodile, and things didn't seem to get any better as he reached over and grabbed him by the cape. He let out a yelp, flailing around in mid-air, swinging his sword in a fit of anger. He glared down at Cranky Kong and as soon as he was on the ground, he quickly grunted a "Thank you" towards the crocodile and glared at the old ape. "What?" he demanded, clearly embarrassed at the fact that he was just emasculated with little to no effort.

Screenshot 2024-05-30 1.45.55 PM.pngBut as the Kong went back inside, a new figure replaced him. It was a young woman dressed in hues of yellow and orange, her big blue eyes focused on Ike in a way he was unfortunately familiar with.

His cheeks reddened ever so slightly as Princess Daisy greeted him in such a coy manner. Of course, the mercenary was no stranger to being flirted with by women of all different shapes and sizes. People sometimes thought that his rugged looks and chiseled features were a blessing. Most of the time, Ike thought it was a curse. "Right," he muttered, folding his arms. Still, a roguish smirk crossed his face as he nodded in greeting towards the princess as he greeted, "Nice to see you, Princess. You didn't change a bit either, I take it."

He looked past Daisy and saw two others who were also out of place here. One of them, a little boy in green who was currently choking something down, and the other, a strange, alien-like creature of purple and white. Toon Link and Mewtwo! Ike raised his hand in greeting to the two, before Cranky Kong began trying to shoo them away from his cabin.

Ike stared at him blankly.

But, it seemed that the blank stares were mutual throughout the other Smashers, because the long-suffering Kong tapped his cane on the floor, and out appeared the Crystal Coconut. Ike's eyes widened in surprise as the bright light from the artifact lit up the room and images began to float to the Coconut's surface. As Cranky Kong began to explain what had happened while the Smash Brothers had disbanded, the merc's eyes narrowed in anger. So, this coward decided to strike upon this world and the creatures who lived in it while all of them were gone? Ike muttered profanities under his breath. This wasn't good...they were outlaws, and they were unorganized as well. If the Smash Brothers couldn't pull themselves together to save this world, well then...
The pensive silence that followed Cranky's words was broken by babbling coming from Toon Link. Ike peeled his eyes away from the Crystal Coconut just in time to see the young hero pull out a little box. Whatever was in there seemed to be important, because the ape seemed very interested in it, peering at it intently.
The radiant hero was about to ask what was inside, when Cranky Kong pointed towards him and Daisy and commanded them to start closing the windows and shutting the blinds. Daisy hopped to it out of shock, it seemed, and Ike hastily followed as well, shutting the blinds as Daisy closed the windows. Whatever was in the little wooden box seemed to be so special that no prying eyes should be allowed to see it, and this got the merc very curious indeed...

Tags: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Cranky Kong + K.Lumsy; Toon Link), PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Mewtwo), Forevermore Forevermore (Daisy)
Location: Northwestern Coastline in Subspace
Paula listens and leans closer to look at the writing as the poem is being broken down line by line. Pit, Mythra, Pyra and Toon Link.” She repeats with a smile, they’re getting somewhere with finding the smash brothers who are scattered through the world. However, she shifts her face to one stanza.
To the east my ears do tell,

the soft ringing of a dog's bell,

and one I fear will cross her path,

A one-winged swordsman of cold wrath

Her lips turned downward, “ A one-winged swordsman of cold wrath? Isn’t.. Isn’t it Sephiroth?” For some odd reason her psychic powers kicked in; she could feel the venom and hatred just from entering Sephiroth’s mind. She felt a shiver run up her spine; the darkness felt like a claw gripping her soul in a vice grip. She began freaking out as Sephiroth caught onto her powers probing his mind. She could feel his lips drop into a thin line, he shifted his eyes in her direction, he took over her mind,“Oh? a psychic? I do not appreciate my mind being invaded like that, you’re lucky I’m in the middle of something, otherwise dealing with you would have been my next priority. Thank your lucky stars I’m in no mood to deal with you at the current moment, my goals lay elsewhere. Be gone, little girl.” She pants, sweat matting her hair to her head, dropping to her knees, a thin line of blood trickling from her nose.

She wraps her hands around her knees sobbing, never once feeling this terrified before. Not even once feeling the same sense of fear getting kidnapped to be used by Pokey and Carpainter as a human sacrifice. Facing Giygas never felt this terrifying. She had her friends by her side, she had a purpose, it’s to save her world. Sephiroth felt like a different type of evil to her, the venom and hatred felt overwhelming like a demon clawing at her. She wants to believe Joker that Lunaris won’t win. After feeling Sephiroth’s power, his anger and hatred, his power doesn’t feel human. She doesn’t feel like she believes Ren’s words anymore, Paula trembling and sobbed harder.

Ploegy Ploegy A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
SheepKing SheepKing
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The Swordfighter from Sacae


A smile appeared on Lyn's face, even amidst the current chaos around her, as Isabelle noticed her and called out her name. She hurried as fast as her legs could take her as the secretary in turn began rushing towards her (while tripping over herself in the process), but the noblewoman stopped in her tracks as soon as Isabelle pulled out a fishing rod. "Huh..?"

A little yelp then followed as the nomad felt a tug on her clothes and realized Isabelle had hooked onto her dress. Looking up from the hook, Lyn's jaw fell open in surprise as she saw the dog zipping through the air towards her at a rapid speed.

After that, everything was a blur, and when she came to her senses again, she found herself sprawled out on the platform, with Isabelle hugging her desperately tight. A chuckle bubbled from the swordfighter as she hugged her right back, ruffling her fur as she did so. "Greetings, Isabelle! My, it seems like I was missed while I was gone, hmm?" she quipped, but her momentary cheer faded slightly as she glanced over the shih tsu. She was normally so neat and prim, what happened to her..?

Setting aside the questions that arose in her mind, as she figured she had time to ask later, she gave Isabelle one last affectionate squeeze before they parted, and the noblewoman looked toward where Isabelle was waving. She saw the blonde boy that had accompanied her gliding through the air, and her eyebrows raised in amazement. "Goodness, you don't see that too often..." she muttered to herself. The boy held a giant key too, and his overall physicality was strongly reminiscent of Sora indeed.

Still, she raised a hand towards him as he landed on a mushroom higher above them. She responded to his little smirk with a grin, and she tilted her head to the side as she greeted, "Salutations. You must be a friend of Isabelle's. A friend of hers is a friend of mine. It's nice to meet you."

She was about to ask him his name when Lyn noticed how nauseous the blonde suddenly appeared and how he leaned back on his platform. Her eyes darting around to see what was the cause of such a rise in the boy, when she caught sight of the same bloody scene behind her. Her green eyes turned stony as she watched Sephiroth unleash his fury on the soldiers. Although she had seen her fair share of gore, it was still hard to witness.

1717282816774.pngShe turned away, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment and taking a deep breath in, before she slowly rose to her feet, looking determined as she drew her Mani Katti, which gleamed with a divine light in her grip. She didn't know exactly what she wanted to do at that moment, but Lyn didn't want to just stand around while what seemed to be allies were being slaughtered in front of her.

But right as she took a step towards the fray, she was stopped by military units, the ones who had been escorting Isabelle and her key-wielding companion. They explained the situation to her in grave tones, which made her tighten her grip on her sword and her brows furrow in worry. They were attempting to neutralize Sephiroth? That seemed like an almost impossible task. She had, of course, fought in Sephiroth's name during the previous tournament, as well as fought against him, as an Assist Trophy. She knew how difficult it was to pin him down. Still, they seemed to know what they were doing, as the soldiers asked Lyn if she could handle taking care of their charges from then on.

The noblewoman nodded, her tone serious. "Of course, I can handle it from here if I must. Good luck."

She watched as the military squad disappeared back into the mayhem a little ways away. A startled gasp arose as the nomad watched the soldiers transform before their very eyes, turning into beasts Lyn never thought possible. She was astounded yet repulsed at the same time, but she made no comment about it. Instead, a rising sense of hope swelled within her soul. Yes, they had to be able to quell the one-winged angel now, especially now that they had morphed into different forms.

A huff of determination escaping her, she swiftly turned back to the other two. Her sword was still resting comfortably in her palm, and she pointed the tip towards the secretary and boy. "Now then, I suppose you two have been entrusted to me. Although I don't agree with sitting out of the fight like useless lumps, there doesn't seem to be much of a choice."

Tags: SheepKing SheepKing (Isabelle), Ploegy Ploegy (Roxas), Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Military), Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat (Sephiroth)
Location: Mushroom Platforms
Noctis and Prompto
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Ploegy Ploegy Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat SheepKing SheepKing
Noctis and Prompto listened to the poem and what the others thoughts on the matter.
"Emotional trauma? Not good at all." Noctis replied. " I don't think I'm strong willed to face one.
"I'm scared as well,but if we want to save this world and ours,we'll have to face them sooner or later,right guys?" Prompto asked their allies.
"Besides Noct,didn't you listen to the last part? Pyra/Mythra,Toon Link and Pit are the ones who face ot.
"Oh,right...sorry about that..." Noctis replied sheeply.
They both noticed something was wrong with Paula. She did read something in the poem. She said that it was Sephiroth.

When he heard the familiar name, Noctis froze. He remembered having met and fought him in that other world.
His thoughts were interupted when he and Prompto noticed that their young friend was struggling as if she senced a malevolent force. It was Sephiroth's no doubt.
Prompto went to check on Paula. " You're alright?!" He asked worried.
"Sephiroth...I faced him before." Noctis replied. " It's my first time in this world but it's not the first time I was sent to other worlds." Noctis explained to his allies.
" In this world, I was summoned by a goddess to fight alongside othet warriors to fight against another god's army. Sephiroth was part of the enemy's army. This guy was...well...you know the kind of evil that sends a chill in your spine. There was another guy from his world who was on the same side as mine. His name was Cloud Strife. He's from the same world as Sephiroth..." He then stopped. " Well,that was in another world...sorry. The focus is on the poem right?" He said before checking the piem as well.
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Location: Mountain Falls | Interactions: A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity Forevermore Forevermore
Shroomie Shroomie
Shulk remained silent and in his own bubble, not even noticing Lucas' quiet approach until the boy finally made a sound and drew the older psychic from his thoughts. Shifting his gaze off the tents, he looked down at the younger teen and offered a faint smile before he crossed his arms over his chest and decided to make conversation. It was the least he could do being not only the older one between the two of them, but being the leader of sorts of their little ragtag group.

"We might be in luck with that camp," he mentioned as his eyes flickered back to the distant scene. While nothing stirred, the camp appeared to either be newly setup or well kept up, indicating that someone or some group was around to do so. "We may get some answers as to what's going on from whoever is there."

It was a long shot, even Shulk knew that, but he was used to such things. His travels around the Bionis and even to some extent, the Mechonis, had taught him that such places could be extremely useful even if his hunch on it was wrong. They could still find whatever was left behind and gather information from it.

Pausing his thoughts once more, the visionary turned his head for a moment and looked towards Nana as she addressed the two of them. Without a word, he pointed off towards the tents in the near distance, though he was sure by now she had already seen it.

"We're looking there. It looks like a recently setup camp though..." he trailed off as his eyes caught a figure finally emerge from one of the tents.

It wasn't a humanoid... no it was a rather short creature. Shulk cocked his head as he stared, trying to make out exactly what it was. Its odd blue coloring was far from normal and its body looked almost translucent though it was hard to tell from this distance. What did stand out though were its "arms", or rather tentacles, which poked out through the arm holes and bottom of the shirt it wore. It certainly was no creature from his own world, though it bore a resemblance to the jellyfish that were sometimes fished up. The only difference was this one had evolved to become more human unlike its aquatic brethren.

"A... jellyfish...?"

Confusion washed over Shulk's features and he rubbed his chin as he continued to eye the odd creature. He was not mistaken; it was a Jellyfish, and it was not alone. Others similar to it began waddling out of the other tents as well. They seemed oblivious to the group for now and rather seemed focused on the river just beyond their camp. Whatever it was, Shulk couldn't tell. There was only one way to find out.

"We should go see if they can help us although I have a feeling they might need our help..."

Call it a hunch, but Shulk was certain in his words. Even without a vision he could tell something was off. Hopefully it wouldn't be anything too strenuous. He was still trying to gather his bearings after his sudden plunge into the mountain falls earlier, and he was sure his companions were in a similar boat.

"Let's go."

He didn't wait for consent before he pushed himself forward. Maybe he was too comfortable taking the lead with his own group to stop and think what the others might think, though for now he pushed it aside. He was too desperate for answers of any kind to let himself overthink like he usually did.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX (1).pngCaptain Falcon trod along the winding path, his steps guided by the faint glimmer of light beckoning him forward. Shadows danced at the edges of his vision, and the world around him seemed to warp and twist in a surreal haze. Yet, he pressed on, drawn inexorably toward the distant light

As he walked, a familiar silhouette emerged from the mist, stopping him in his tracks. Captain Falcon knew who this was and smiled "Come to see me off? I'm flattered, but you didn't need to."

"Where are you going?" the voice echoed, its tone cutting through the air like a beacon of clarity.

Captain Falcon paused, the weight of the swamp still clinging to him, but the presence of the familiar silhouette brought a sense of grounding amidst the chaos.

"You know where I'm going," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he glanced at the figure before him.

"I know. I also know 'why' you're going too. But you can't go. Not yet," the voice urged, its words carrying a sense of urgency.

Captain Falcon's brow furrowed as he considered her words, the haze of the illusion slowly dissipating as he wrestled with the conflicting desires within him.

"If not now, then when?" he questioned, his voice laced with doubt and longing.

"Soon. But not now. Not until you've gotten them where they need to go," the voice responded, its words resonating with a sense of purpose.

Captain Falcon's resolve wavered, uncertainty gnawing at his heart. But then, a flicker of determination ignited within him, driving away the shadows of doubt.

"You know they don't need me. I'm not strong enough for them," he argued, his voice tinged with self-doubt.

"That may be true, but it doesn't change that they're still following you. Even now. And you're letting them down, by letting yourself down," the voice countered, its words striking a chord deep within his soul.

Captain Falcon's gaze hardened, his resolve strengthening as he faced the silhouette before him.

"You're right... They don't deserve to be dragged under with me...!" he declared, his voice firm with newfound determination.

"Then do what you've always done: Lift them up. As high as you can, until they fly from your hands," the voice encouraged, its words ringing with unwavering faith.

Captain Falcon chuckled, "You always knew the right things to say. You really ought to be a poet! Thanks again . . .I can always count on you to get me into shape." With renewed determination, Captain Falcon turned away from the light and faced the darkness above. For the sake of his friends, he would rise above his own despair and lead them to safety.

And with that, everything around him faded away and he found himself barely able to move or breath. Captain Falcon realized how deep in the swamp he had gotten.

Summoning every ounce of strength he possessed, Captain Falcon clawed desperately at the slimy earth beneath him, his fingers digging into the soggy ground as he fought against the relentless pull of the swamp. Mud and muck clung to his suit, weighing him down with every movement, but he refused to yield to the darkness that sought to consume him.

With a primal roar of defiance, Captain Falcon surged upward, his muscles straining against the oppressive weight that threatened to crush him. Inch by agonizing inch, he clawed his way to the surface, his heart pounding with renewed determination as he fought against the suffocating embrace of the swamp.

At long last, with one final burst of strength, Captain Falcon broke free from the grasp of the murky waters, his body drenched in mud and sweat as he collapsed onto solid ground. Gasping for breath, he lay there for a moment, his chest heaving with exhaustion as he basked in the sweet relief of freedom. "REPORT...! Fellas!. . . I'm back! Are you guys still with me. . . ?" Captain Falcon asks looking around for the rest of the group.
Ploegy Ploegy SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
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Location: Shiny Sand Shores
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , Shroomie Shroomie

Pit had not anticipated this response from Lana! He reeled back, surprise on his features as the woman gushed over Toon Link and how cute he was. The Adoring Fan Waddle Dee was right beside her, joining in the gushing with enthusiastic "wanyas!" The Waddle Dee was also a huge fan of the Links! Pit watched a moment, then he folded his arms and began to sulk. Great, he already had to deal with Viridi's creepy fascination with Link.

... And no one ever gets that excited about him!

Lana caught on to her gushing and ceased immediately, sheepishly requesting that Pit and Pyra forget what they just witnessed.

"Riiight." Pit responded simply and flatly. Thankfully for Lana, Pit was quite eager to do so; he instantly stopped sulking and got back to the situation at hand. "T'ink got separated from Pyra and I after we escaped from the sea." He let out an exasperated sigh. "...It's a long story."

One of the Waddle Dee inn staff turned on a radio that was sitting on the sill of an open window.

"Wubbadubbadub- is that true?" a female voice, clearly a news reporter and interviewer, asked.

A second voice, rough and masculine, answered, "Yeah! I saw the whole thing, toots! The meteor fallin' towards the earth, a great flamin' ball bigger than an Angry Sun, and then Lunaris himself showin' up in his Flying Citadel and SMASHIN' IT! And Sephiroth? He ran like a chump! Saw it all! Gus Goomba swears on it!"

"Thank you for your time, Gus Goomba. Excuse me! Blue Yoshi! Do you have anything to say about last night's event?"

"Oooo! Yoshi saw, yah! Big fireball! Hot like pepper! Yoshi no like peppers. Saw Hands too! Hit fireball lots! Went BOOM! But Yoshi thought Hands gone, yah?"

"It is indeed an enigma. Thank you, Yoshi. Uh, you! Yes, the Business Scrub! Any words about the Meteor last night?"

"Oh, you BET I have some words! I sold my entire inventory at a discount so I can get outta here, but now the Meteor is gone! Now what do I do? I'M RUINED!!"

"Uh... I'm sorry to hear that, sir... And there you have it: the story of how Lord Lunaris drove Sephiroth away and saved our World of Trophies from a firey fate! In other news, the annual Music Festival will be taking place in Lumoise City this weekend! Many popular bands such as the Indigo-Gos and the Deedly Dees, as well as singers such as the traveling musical legend himself, K.K. Slider, and Piers of Spikemuth, will be there! There will also be new faces, including the Hyrulean band, Smashing Pots; the be-bopping Badnik band, Metallic Madness; and the Space Pirate band, Prime Directive! To top it off, the most popular band or singer will be presented a gift from K.K. Slider: a guitar pick bestowed to him by Master Hand! In the words of the musician, 'There's nothing like a live crowd jamming together to rocking music and groovy beats to raise spirits. Times are tough, but so long as you let your imagination soar, you'll always be free, man! Dig it?'"

The interview over, the radio announcer spoke, "Speaking of Prime Directive, up next on the playlist is their newest hit song, Huntress of My Heart!"

A rock ballad about a Space Pirate falling in love with a bounty huntress out to kill him began to play on the radio.
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