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Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

SheepKing SheepKing (Pichu) GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Layton and Luke) Ploegy Ploegy (Byleth and Sora)

The guards immediately level their weapons toward the group of 5. “We found someone!” One of them calls. Making Chrom and Robin step up to get a look. And the exalt and wife found something they hadn’t expected, familiar faces! Pichu and Pit, as well as Byleth. “Hold! Lower your weapons!” Chrom tells his men, and they do so.

Robin smiles at the group. “Aren’t you 3 sights for sore eyes?”

“You’re a lot better then the mercebaries I was expecting to find that’s for sure.” Chrom adds.
Toon Link & Pit
Where: Under the Sea (Futopia)
With: Pyra/Mythra ( Ploegy Ploegy ), Fawful ( Darklord95 Darklord95 )

Zola fireballs and tridents bounced harmlessly off the submarine as it submerged. The hostile fishmen pursued it, futilely shooting more fireballs and throwing weaponry at it in hopes of taking it down and capturing the fugitives. Pit and Toon Link watched their descent from the "eye windows" of the submarine. They quickly gave into their childish natures, and taunted and made faces at the Zola, enraging them into doubling and tripling their efforts. They only got tired faster. The Zola stubbornly kept on the escapees' tail until the submarine reached the bottom of the sea and dug further into the sea floor. The tunnel sealed shut as soon as the vessel was inside, and the Zola were prevented from following any further.

The Zola witch shot destructive arcane energies at the seal and growled as it did nothing. She used up most of her magical power to conjure that storm, and it will be some time before she would be able to use her more potent spells again. She pointed to a few of her soldiers with her staff. "You two! And you! Keep an eye on this gate! Report to me as soon as anything happens!"

Her orders given, the Zola witch swam off. She needed to plot!

Hylian and angel let out sighs of relief as the tunnel sealed itself above them, cutting off the Zola. Well, that's one problem solved! The vessel soon came to a stop and the door opened, revealing a green corridor and a little robot with a face similar to that of the submarine. Once again, Pit tried to recall where he had seen those swirly eyes and toothy grin before, but as the adrenaline ebbed, exhaustion began to cloud his mind, and he found himself struggling to organize his thoughts. Pirates, ghost ships, Zola, Phos, pillars, swirly eyes and toothy smiles, the missing Hands... Oh, how he wished he still had contact with Lady Palutena! She would surely be able to help him keep his mind on track!

Like Mythra, Pit shook his head, but unlike Mythra, it was to snap himself back into alertness. The captain was aware that a person lending aid wasn't necessarily a friend. He learned that lesson during the war with the Aurum and the betrayal of Pyrrhon. He didn't want to be rude or ungrateful, but he was of the same mindset as Mythra: he'd rather not hang around longer than he needed to!

Mythra spoke her mind, and the robot, Fendy, dismissed her, insisting that the Super Smash Brothers meet their gracious host. Pit muttered to his companions, "We're either walking into a trap, or this host wants a favor from us." He then groaned in exasperation. "I know this sounds weird after being in a storm and trapped at sea, but I'd give anything for a hot spring right now!" Pit took a deep breath, straightened, and followed Fendy down the corridor, humming a marching cadence to himself to keep his weary body going. As a commander, he was used to hiding his own fatigue and pressing on for the sake of his soldiers, and he didn't want to show this host any weakness.

Toon Link let out a soft sigh in agreement. His Zola costume was wet, ragged, and smelly. He felt gross wearing it, but good manners kept him from simply dumping the outfit right then and there. He glanced briefly at Mythra before also going down the hall. Toon Link had always been the type to go with the flow and deal with trouble as it comes; this would be no different for him.


Dark Pit & Pikachu
Where: Forest close to the Lake Shore
With: Juri Han ( Darklord95 Darklord95 )

Juri's eye glowed purple, and she was suddenly right in Dark Pit's face! The reflection found himself seeing stars as her kick met his chin, sending him into the air. Pikachu was also surprised by the bounty hunter's incredible speed, and she let out a pained squeak as she was kicked away, her body bouncing off the ground once before rolling to a stop.


She pushed herself onto shaking paws and looked up to see Juri stomping upon Dark Pit as he fell, her final attack sending him back to the earth, a cloud of dust rising from the impact.

Laying on his back, Dark Pit grunted and growled as he tried to shake off the pain and regain his bearings. Red eyes blazed murderously as they beheld Juri coming down at him with another axe kick. Acting quickly, he grabbed a handful of earth and threw it straight at Juri's face; he was not against fighting dirty! That purple eye must be what was allowing his enemy to move so quickly, and it had to be disabled!


Like a yellow electric missile, Pikachu shot herself toward Juri in a Skull Bash attack! Dark Pit took advantage of the distraction to slip off into the shadows of the trees, using his own dark colors to blend in.

Did Dark Pit just abandon Pikachu, or was the raven-winged angel plotting something?
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (toon link & Pit) Ploegy Ploegy (Pyra/Mythra)

Fendy brings them to the main hub. It was a large round room with multiple floors circling a giant, rather vain statue of Fawful, where a bunch of similar robots were repairing damages or doing things on computers. Fendy calls down some kind of platform and says “please step on the platform and you’ll be taken to lord Fawfuls’ personal quarters.”

GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Dark Pit & Pikachu)

Juri shuts her eyes as Dark Pit kicks up dirt. “Little rat!” She growls out an insult, then she quickly bashes a feng shui powered kick back at Pikachu as she hears her coming. The 2 attacks ramming into each other like a pair of trains, causing some kind of sonic boom that sends them both flying. Juri grunts and spins in the air to land on her feet “Literal rat!” She insults again. “Heh. You think I’m stupid kid? I know you’re still around here somewhere.” She says as Dark Pit seemingly retreats. “It ain’t just my moves that are enhanced. I can hear you rustling around. Smell the sweat dripping from your head.” She was standing casually, her hands on her hips as she jovially walked around Pikachu. Keeping the pokemon in her sights.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX (1).png"Oh darn. I'm sorry for your loss, little critter...Link is going to be torn up about that for sure. He mentioned the Great Deku Tree a bunch and seemed pretty fond of it. But you say there's some poser who has it out for us and is willing to pay top dollar to remove us from the picture? Hmmmmmm...So long as this Lunaris guy isn't some extra-dimensional entity, I think we got this in the bag! I'm personally going through God Fatigue with how often we've had to fight some godlike entity from going crazy. Facing an overly ambitious mook is a nice change of pace if I'm being honestly. And we there's bounty hunters coming after us too? Well excuse me if this sounds inapproopriate, but that smells like a challenge to me! Especially for a bounty hunter myself! Like playing the world's most dangerous game of tag! Say, what if I took one of you guys in to collect the bounty? Just to see if it works! There's no rule saying I can't!" Captain Falcon snickers hysterically at the idea "I kid guys, I kid! I love you guys too much to do that to ya'! No amount of money is going to get between us cause: 1. You our friendship is priceless and 2. I'm rich as mess anyways so it's not like I need any more money at this point. I certainly got more than enough to get my knee fixed."
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Ploegy Ploegy SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Darklord95 Darklord95
Shadow the hedgehog and Mog the Moogle
wigi wigi Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
"Kupo?! Your knee is in bad shape?!" Mog cried as he flew around Captain Falcon.
"Allow me to heal it with my dances,Kupo!" The small Moogle proceeds in performing one of his magical healing dances around the F Zero racer.
Shadow watched quietly.The creature reminded him of the Chao from his world.They also has wings and a round appendage over their heads.
Noctis and Prompto
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat Ploegy Ploegy SheepKing SheepKing
"Wait,did you say camping?!" Prompto asked. "You heard that Noct?! We'll be camping again!"
"I missed that...I just hope I can summon the equipment." Noctis replied." "Since Ignis isn't there,we'll need someone else that can cook food. No veggies please!" he added.
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yra / ythra

Location: Futopia | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Darklord95 Darklord95
Mythra sighed. While Pit seemed to be on the same page as her- at least in terms of wanting to leave- it seemed their desire to leave wouldn't be met. Instead, it sounded as if they didn't have much choice. If this bot's master was really not wanting his time wasted then why would he want to give them time when they clearly wanted to leave? That question bother the aegis, but she was in no position to press her agenda on. There wasn't much she could do, unless she tried calling upon Siren and summoned it down for herself to pilot. Could it even reach the depths of the sea though? Another question she had no answer to.

Pushing it aside, Mythra strode along quietly, though her face showed clear irritation on it. She did not want to be in this place, nor did she really want to deal with whoever was in charge. Knowing how things had already been going, she couldn't help but have a negative outlook on it. Something bad always seemed to happen even when everything seemed to be going smoothly. The same would probably apply here, whether she liked it or not. That thought alone annoyed her.

For a few moments longer, she continued to walk in silence until the reached the main hub. Immediately, Mythra's eyes moved to the statue of Fawful. Her brows furrowed and she gave aa shake of her head. Was that really what this robot's master looked like? If the statue was anything to go off of, he looked crazy. It reminded her of Muimui, or at least the weird spirally glasses did. Associating him with a Nopon like Muimui was more than enough to add to the distrust she already had been forming in her own mind.

"That's it, huh..." she mumbled, giving her head a shake. As much as she still didn't want to obey such orders, there was no other choice. Meeting with this Fawful individual was all they could do. If things went poorly, then she was ready to try and call upon drastic measure such as Siren, though she still had doubts aside from the previous ones. Her own strength had greatly been drained after all, and even Pyra was completely out of the question. The other aegis had gone quiet, probably falling asleep, though Mythra didn't mind. She had overworked herself after all. It was best she rest.

Saying nothing else, the aegis stepped forward onto the platform and waited for her companions to join her. Looking at them, she was sure how they might be feeling, though she figured they might still be feeling the same way as herself.
Toon Link & Pit
Where: Futopia (Beneath the sea)
With: Pyra/Mythra ( Ploegy Ploegy ), Fawful ( Darklord95 Darklord95 )

As the three followed their robotic guide, Toon Link let out a yawn and reached out to take Mythra's hand. He was in better shape than his two companions, but he was still a young child and the events of the past couple of days weighed just as heavily upon him. Unlike Mythra and Pit, he really struggled to stay awake, and his head kept bobbing up and down. At least this way, he will be forced to keep up with the Blade. It wouldn't do to fall behind.

Pit glanced at Mythra. She seemed just as exhausted as he was. He felt partially responsible for that. Just a few hours ago he did try to kill her. The angel captain considered offering the Aegis his arm. Mythra is a lady, after all, and that is what a man does for a tired lady, right? Would it be alright? Pit saw Mythra's irritated expression.

... It probably wouldn't be alright.

Pit faced forward, expression serious, as he forced himself to keep walking. After trying to kill her and that whole dumb thing with the pirates, Pit figured Mythra wanted little to do with him. It was a thought that stung. He will have to find a way to make it up to her and Pyra one day! Being as tired as he was, it didn't take long for his thoughts to drift. Imagine if that whole wedding scheme actually happened! What would it have been like... being married to Mythra?

Sure, Mythra had an attitude, but Pit found her to be a lot of fun to be around! They could have become battle buddies and gone on missions together. Mythra is a very powerful fighter (She's even a BLADE, which Pit found to be incredibly awesome!) and having her by his side would make his job to keep the peace on earth and heaven a lot easier. It'd be less lonely too... Er, not that he was lonely with Lady Palutena always guiding him, of course, but it was different to have someone be on the battlefield alongside him! Mythra was immortal as well, from what he understood, so they'd be together for a long, long time. And Mythra is pretty, VERY pretty! Pit supposed it would not have been so bad after all. He could show her Angel Land and take her to the hot springs, and they could play video games together, and cook together and...


Pit was so deep into his fatigue-induced thoughts that he nearly walked off the side! Toon Link snapped awake and grabbed his angelic friend by the belt, and pulled him back from the edge. They were in a large circular room with many floors and an enormous statue of whom Pit and Toon Link assumed to be their host erected in the center. The captain sighed and slapped his cheeks to wake himself up and stay focused. "Thanks, T'ink."

Both boys looked up at the statue and the robots that all had the same face. Fendy summoned a platform that worked as an elevator and instructed the three to step on it to be taken to Lord Fawful's quarters. Toon Link and Pit looked at each other and groaned softly. A huge statue of oneself, their visage painted on every minion, and a name that sounded awfully close to, well, awful! This definitely had Evil Villain vibes!

But what choice did they have?

The two fighters nodded firmly to each other and stepped onto the platform with Mythra. They've come this far! Whatever this Lord Fawful had planned for them, they were certain they can overcome this next challenge too! They were the Super Smash Brothers after all!

... Couldn't they have at least gotten a snack and a nap first, though?
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With just about every member of the team commenting on Joker’s reckless actions, Inkling was glad to see him take it to heart, apologizing for worrying them all, and with a thumbs up of approval from Inkling, it was clear she was satisfied with that. Still, that persona scare really did put into perspective just how little the agent knew about the extent of Joker’s capabilities.

Sure, Agent Three was well aware the thief had more personas aside from Arsene, Raoul’s appearance proof of such. Yet, from the way Panther put such an emphasis on this “Him” Joker intended to summon, Inkling couldn’t help but have a feeling her assumptions of him, as high as they already happened to be, were somehow still far outweighed by whatever else he had up his sleeve. And, based on Panther’s remarks, Inkling could only hope that they stayed up there.

Gathering the group’s attention, Joker reminded them all of their goal to reach the stadium, a fact which may have been briefly put aside during the battle in favor of trying not to die. But now things had cooled, Inkling supposed there really was nothing left to do but trudge onward. Although, it seemed a certain kitty cat wouldn’t be joining them. Mona was going to head back to Joker’s world on standby. Inkling would surely miss the luxuries of the Mona mobile, she still definitely understood the need to gather back up should the situation necessitate.

As he was handed Panther’s phone and prepared for departure Inkling hurriedly threw him her goodbyes, cheering out a “Yebby!” as she waved to him just in time. Not a moment later Mona was bathed in a flash of red before suddenly vanishing in the blink of an eye, leaving the remainder of the group standing in the empty field. Everyone left was about ready to finally continue their way to the stadium. On Joker’s word, they were off!


Much to their luck, it seemed the small fry and polygonal foes made up the bulk of the plain’s enemies, as while they made their way towards the stadium, the team wouldn’t go on to encounter anything of note. Sure, in the far off distances one might spot the occasional enemy mulling about, but on Joker’s orders they were going to fight anything unless it was genuinely necessary. Rather, as they trudged onward a different yet just as dangerous of a threat quickly revealed itself to them. Exhaustion.

Every step forward felt like she’d been walking through thick molasses with lead taped to her sneakers. Although she may have normally prided herself on natural teenage vigor, even that was beginning to run dry. From the moment she left Cuttlefish at Octo Valley and super jumped into the Jungle it’d been battle after battle after battle after battle. Not just any little skirmishes either. No, she’d faced the likes of Bowser's army, the Koopa King himself, and even her own copy all in the same day! So yeah, it was no wonder the moment things finally cooled was when it finally all hit her like a train. Every bump and bruise, even the ones partially healed thanks to Paula’s and Mona’s magic still ached, longing for rest. Heck, what wouldn’t Inkling do to just plop right down into a comfy bed and pass out till next week. Even just thinking about that kind of stuff was enough to make her yawn out. In every sense of the word, Agent Three was pooped.

Despite that, she wasn’t about to be the first to mention it. Everyone else was probably equally if not even more tired than her and yet they continued on without even so much of a single complaint. So there wasn’t any way she was going to be the one to say it, not a chance! She could only hope someone else would soon or else she might not even be able to go on for all that much longer.

Thank the great Zapfish above because Noctis and Prompto, being the absolute angels they were, finally posed the possibility of stopping. Or well, the blonde said something about another group member having mentioned settling down for camp but honestly the inkling was far too tired to really care. All that mattered was that someone had finally said something and that was good enough for her!

Inkling readily pounced on the opportunity to voice her agreement with an eager “Yee-hoo!” and aggressive nodding. Though, with Noctis posing the problem of food, Inkling stopped, raising a finger to her chin in thought. They couldn't go to bed with an empty stomach, but how or where would they even get something that’d make for a proper meal. It wasn’t like the plains were all that plentiful with anything that could even make for food. Except…

Inkling’s eyes lit up as she searched her pockets, eventually pulling out two large orange orbs with a huff. She’d paid mine to pick up a few power eggs some of the Salmonids dropped during the battle. Power eggs were quite the delicacy in inkling culture so there weren’t any doubts about their edibility, and while it definitely wasn’t a balanced meal by any means, it surely could at least tide them all over for the night. And so, she made her way over to the duo, plopping an egg into each of their arms with a toothy smile and a thumbs up. There, problem solved!

Interactions: Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat (Paula) Ploegy Ploegy (Joker & Ann) SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 (Noctis & Prompto)
Location: Plains near stadium
Noctis and Prompto
SheepKing SheepKing Ploegy Ploegy Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Noctis got to work and focused on the power of the kings. Both him and Prompto were able to summon their weapons in this world,so summoning their camp equipment woudn't be a problem.

It worked. It was all here. The tent,the camp chairs,and even the burner/oven for cooking.He just hoped that Ignis and Gladio who were still back in Eos were not curently using them.
The two friends got to work. The tent was up in the matter of minutes and so were the chairs and the burner/oven.

All was left was to find food. Inkling had some power eggs in her,sparing them the trouble of searching for food.
"You're a lifesaver,you know that!" Noctis said to Inkling."And I'm grateful that it wasn't vegetables." Noctis took the eggs and placed them on a nearby table.
" I did cook when Ignis coudn't! Maybe I can try to cook the eggs!" Prompto proposed.
"Just try not to burn them." Noctis replied. " What about you three,can you cook?" Prompto asked Joker,Ann and Paula.
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Ploegy Ploegy (Pit, Took Link, and Pyra/Mythra)

The platform rises up and up and up until it reaches Fawfuls’ quarters. He was sat in a rather large seat facing away from them, all they could see were black pointed fingers at each arm rest. He seemed to be looking through a large set of windows, which were somehow looking out at the lake. After a few moments of silence, he speaks. His voice high pitched and raspy, the same voice that had spoken in the sub-pod. “Take…..a seat. Make yourselves…..comfortable.” There were many chairs scattered about the room. Some made of wood, others of metal, others of regular cloth. Even some beanbags and inflatable chairs for children. Way too many chairs then was needed for only one him. Especially since he was currently sat in the most extravagant looking chair in the room.

Location: Colony 9 -> Mountain Falls | Interactions: Open
Another early morning... it was nothing new for someone like Shulk, but it never got any easier either. Signs of his lack of sleep could easily be seen from the dark bags that surrounded his eyes, yet he seemed to care little about it. Work had to be done whether he wanted to or not, though he was sure if Fiora saw him in the state he was in, she'd scold him and tell him to go right back to bed as he always did when she noticed he had stayed up most of the night working on whatever machine he was tinkering on. Even if she didn't catch him, he was sure Reyn would, and even though he was the more lenient of the two, he still would likely suggest he sleep more. Sleep wasn't a luxury he had right now though... Junks was almost complete after all.

That was right, the ship he had been working long on completing was nearly finished. It was hard to sleep when his end goal was so near. Soon enough he'd be able to investigate the rumors regarding Alcamoth, and hopefully help Melia return to the city which she was meant to rule over. It was a farfetched idea, but whatever he could do to help his friend, he was willing to try. It was the least he could do to repay her for her help in defeating Zanza nearly a year ago.

Clambering up from his place at his desk, Shulk's eyes tiredly moved to the notes hanging on the wall in front of his desk. Most were random ideas he posted there so he wouldn't forget, but one note stood out- one he had long forgotten about. Plucking the piece of paper from its place he held it between his fingers as he skimmed it over.

"A reminder..." he mused softly while rising to his feet and shuffling across the room. Before he could finish his examination though, a voice echoed in from the doorway.

"Shulk..? Are you in there..?" He'd know that voice anywhere... it was Fiora.

Lowering the note from his line of sight, Shulk turned to eye the entrance before he responded back: "Yeah.. I'm down here."

Despite the backlash he was sure he would receive, he knew it would only be worse if he didn't respond, especially since he was already awake. After a few seconds of silence, Shulk heard the sound of heels clicking against the hall leading in and in those few seconds he had, he mentally prepared himself for the sure scolding she would throw his way, even going as far as to close his eyes to brace himself. It never came though. His eyes opened after a couple of seconds and he was greeted by the sight of Fiora standing in the doorway with two mugs in hand.

"I figured you fell asleep here again," she sighed, giving him a disapproving shake of her head before holding a mug out to him. "Thought you might need this."

The faint aroma of coffee drifted from the cup to meet Shulk's nose and caused a small smile to form on his lips. "Thanks.."

Taking the mug from her in his free hand, his gaze followed her as she moved across the room to examine the motor he had been working on the night before. Her attention didn't linger long on it before she turned to look back at Shulk and noticed the note in his hand. "What's that..?"

Her words quickly reminded him of the note in hand and he lifted it up once again as he took a slow sip of his coffee. His eyes skimmed over the writing before he finally quirked a brow and lowered his cup again. "A reminder involving the Smash Brothers," he softly mused. So much had happened since he had last set foot in the Smash Realm: he freed himself from Zanza which caused him to die, albeit temporarily, and he killed a god to rework the entire fabrication of the very world he lived in. The weights of both those had greatly pushed off remembering the promise he had made to the other fighters, yet he had planned for that much by leaving himself a reminder. Even he was all too mindful of his own forgetfulness. His eyes came to the dates written on it before his brows creased and shifted towards the calendar hanging on the wall between all the notes. "Wait..."

Realization overcame Shulk and he set both note and mug down on his desk. "I'm supposed to be going back there... today!"

It was clear he was unprepared for such a visit as he began to hurry about the lab and gather his things as Fiora watched. "Shulk... I'm sure you don't need to rush. They'll understand."

Despite her attempt to calm him down, Shulk's frenzied panic persisted until he rushed past her and gave a small wave on his way out. "I'll be back in a day or two..."

The validity of that statement was something Fiora didn't count on, especially given his last visit to the Smash Realm, but she nodded and returned his wave.

Rushing from his lab, Shulk's trek towards the outskirts of Colony 9 weren't stopped by anyone. A few tried to greet him as he hurried by, but he didn't dare waste his breath on returning such sentiment. Instead, his mind was focused entirely on reaching the hidden portal that tied his home to the Smash Realm.

It had only taken a few minutes for him to reach his destination and enter through it. Shulk however hadn't been prepared for the sudden change of events that would occur. Normally the portal would have led him straight to the Stadium, given that was where the group always seemed to meet, but this time around was different. As he was thrown onto the other side, he didn't even find himself on solid ground. No... he was instantly met with a freefall and there was nothing he could do except brace himself.

As he reached for the sword strapped to his back, he was stopped as his vision flashed. It was a feeling he hadn't had in quite some time, but it was on he knew all too well.. a vision of the future. The scene of him falling played out before his eyes, but as he neared the ground, he was shown the water that awaited him. He would simply disappear beneath its surface. No real action was needed.

Deciding to trust it, the scene played out exactly as Shulk's vision predicted. One loud SPLASH! and the visionary disappeared into the surprisingly deep pool of water that awaited him. He wasted no time to swim his way upward to the surface and gasp out as he gave a small shake of his head. Droplets flew from his hair and hit the water before causing ripples to form, but beyond that it was calm.

"Where am I..?" Shulk breathed out as he slowly began to tread water. His eyes flickered around, trying to find some kind of familiarity, but it didn't come.. not quickly at least. As his mind began to process his situation and his gaze continued to wander, familiarity finally began to settle in. While this place did try to mimic some of the familiar sights of Gaur Plains, that wasn't why it felt so recognizable to him. No... there was another reason. This was where he had been saved during his previous adventure in the Smash Realm.

Memories of it all quickly flooded his mind, and a small frown formed on his lips as a sigh managed to slip through them. As fond as some aspects of this world were, the events with Galeem and Dharkon weren't some of them. This place instantly reminded him of that. Even if things had worked out, guilt still clung to him. What if he had changed things? What if he had acted upon his vision? Such questions weren't worth having and he knew that, but they filled his mind nonetheless. Such negativity flowed through him, until he felt himself drift into a nearby rock.

Snapping from his thoughts, Shulk gave his head another shake before he pushed himself towards the water's edge. Once there, he heaved himself out and sat on the bank for a moment. Instead of reverting back to his negative thoughts of this place, his mind began to question why he had been brought there instead. Had the portal been toyed with since his last visit? Maybe. He wouldn't put it past either of the Hands to do such a cruel thing, although tossing him in the very place where he was saved felt even too cruel for them. No matter how much he questioned it though, he doubted he would get any answers. The world around him was still, and the only sounds were that of the nearby falls and the wildlife that was hidden away among the greenery.

"So much for being gone for a day or two..." he mumbled softly under his breath. Despite knowing time flowed differently here, Shulk still made such a comment. In a way it put him at ease, though he still had to figure out how he was going to find his way to the Stadium. The trek there would likely take time. At least he would have enough of that to form a proper explanation for his lateness, though he was sure the others would understand. People always came and went from this world after all. Keeping track of it wasn't always easy. They'd probably believe he was caught up in such things, maybe even believing he wasn't returning at all. That was normal too, though he could only think of the concern that might cause. Nonetheless, he couldn't concern himself over such things. All would be cleared up once he arrived- if he even could manage that.

Shulk climbed to his feet after a moment longer and began squeezing the water out from his clothing before looking around once again. First's thing first, he needed to make his way down to the base of the mountain. Maybe there he would find someone who could point him in the right direction, though admittedly he figured his chances of such where low. Still, he had to keep his head up.

With a faint semblance of a plan in mind, Shulk walked towards the dirt path that led down the mountain and began his descent, hoping that he might find some kind of help along the way.
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Min Min
The Brawlin' Ramen Bomber


*" 妈妈,我已经告诉过你了,我会没事的。" Min Min muttered as her mother yet again fretted over her upcoming absence. She had told them weeks prior that she had been asked to join this association known as the Super Smash Brothers. From what she could gather from the invitation, it was a sort of fighting club, similar to the ARMS league. When she had signed up for the ARMS competition, her parents were all for her entering so the family restaurant, the Mintendo Noodle House, could gather fame for having a champion under its roof, but now that she was off to join another fighting group, her parents were suddenly oh-so-worried about her?

In retrospect, the Ramen Bomber realized it made sense: She was apparently going to leave her home world. Nobody from her universe would be able to contact her. Her friends in the ARMS league agreed with her when she had told them the day before: it was definitely strange.
She sighed as she allowed her mother to chide her one last time before she left. Min Min bid her family farewell (after about an hour of trying), and began her journey to find the portal to wherever the Smash Brothers united.

Apparently the portal had been placed in the farside of the town that Min Min resided in. After a while of searching, she found the glowing portal hidden behind an abandoned building. The young girl hesitated for a second, looking around. It was a little too quiet, she couldn't help but look around. It was still morning, so at least it was less ominous than it would be if it were night. Resigned, Min Min held her breath and stepped into the portal.

Thankfully, the Ramen Bomber's feet touched ground when she reached the other side. She exhaled with relief as she looked around at her surroundings. The sound of rushing water permeated the area, and Min Min found it calming. Her swirly green eyes looked around the Mountain Falls swiftly as she tried to find someone, or perhaps a sign, that would direct her. However, all she heard was a splash that broke the peaceful silence of the falls. It came from a little while away.

"Okay, Min Min...just take some deep breaths." she muttered to herself as she began trekking up the mountain. Perhaps the gathering was at the peak...

"Mom, I told you already, I'll be fine."

Tags: N/A
Location: Mountain Falls


Before Zelda could even begin to explain what had happened a firm yet gentle hand fell upon her shoulder, a silent reassurance from Samus as the bounty hunter began to speak in the princess’ stead. Yet Samus didn’t mention anything regarding the salesman nor the legend that he’d echoed. No, Samus rather expertly shifted topics to the group’s sleeping arrangements, much to the princess’ surprise. Zelda's confused eyes met with Samus’ own steady gaze, realizing that this too was another act of kindness, sparing the Hylian from having to further dwell on their prior encounter.

Appreciated it was, Zelda still felt a twang of guilt pool into her stomach as she smiled and nodded along, eyes carefully avoiding Peach’s own. For the sake of the toadstool princess, Zelda promised that by the light of morning she’ll ensure that Peach was informed about everything, but for now Zelda needed time to mull it all over by herself, and more importantly to rest.

Nurse Joy and Audino’s reappearance solved the latter, as with bundles of pillows and blankets in hand she signaled it was time to finally end the day and get some sleep. With a kind smile and nod towards the nurse’s way, Zelda was handed a set and followed to where the other began setting up their arrangements. As she passed by Samus, the princess gently whispered a small “Thank you” her way before moving to lie her own blankets and pillows out on the floor.

Then with a small yawn, she removed her bulky jewelry, belt, and tabard, leaving the princess in her long white gown as she sat atop her blankets. By the slight glazed look in her eyes and the way she mindlessly combed her fingers through golden hair, it was evident that her mind was still mulling over….well, just about everything.

Dawn to dusk the day had been undeniably taxing both physically and mentally on Zelda. From fighting two kidnappers atop a carriage, crashing said vehicle in the woods, learning she and all her friends were declared fugitives, and the fate of the universe placed on their ability to collect the Ten Pillars of Creation and Destruction in order to defeat Lord Lunaris, this was far from the joyous reunion she’d expected to be greeted with.

These were what she wished were only what ailed her thought, but…

The Legend of the Night Dragon still continued to haunt her mind, a reality that Zelda felt ashamed to even internally admit. The Princess of Hyrule was no stranger to the long history of her country just as all who bore the crown before her, and was even more familiar with the fates that came tied to her given name. So why then did a single tale, a single grain within the sands of time, unnerve her so?

Zelda sighed, pulling her arm down to directly face the back of her hand. And although the triforce of wisdom remained dormant, she could still feel the quiet humming of its power, a reminder that so long as Zelda bore it, she’d hold the means to guide her path.

The princess lowered her hand as one by one, the others eventually tucked under their covers to rest. Right, she needed her sleep just like anyone else. She quietly lied down, eyes staring up above as she felt her mind melting into the depths of slumber. One final prayer uttered from silent lips, she closed her eyes and slumbered.


If Zelda dreamed that night they’d surely be forgotten the moment Joy’s shriek violently tore her from unconsciousness. Without a beat Zelda threw herself off the floor and hurriedly grabbed her jewelry and tabard, sliding the items onto her body as she rushed over.

“We’re awake, what happened!?”

A finger pointing towards the spot that once housed Dark Pit, Nurse Joy informed them he was nowhere in sight. Even worse, a passing glance over also showed Pikachu was nowhere to be found. Zelda’s blood went cold. Had they been kidnapped!? No, it couldn’t be. Some like d Pit would have surely put up a fight loud enough to at least alert someone. What then-

Nurse Joy rose the neatly folded blankets and pillows, revealing a box of medicine and berries buried underneath, enough to completely stock any physician’s inventory. That, and no evidence of struggle could only mean one thing.

Like a caged bird yearning for freedom, Dark Pit fled the lab under the cover of night and with how close Pikachu had been to the angel, she’d likely been alerted and sought to chase after him. Zelda grimaced sure whether to feel frustrated or relieved. Yes, she was certainly thankful for the lack of any immediate threats to him and his kind gesture towards the nurse and scientist, that still didn’t take away from the fact that as far as any of them knew Dark Pit had thrown himself right back into the dangers of the Smash Realm, unaware of Lunaris, the Pillars, or even the fighters collective status as criminals. He could run all he wanted, but by the goddesses was Zelda going to make sure he won’t be running blindly into the unknown.

A hand rose to pinch her brow as she suddenly muttering to herself, anxiously pacing back and forth

“He and Pit have a time limit of five minutes for their flight, right? Assuming he escaped by flight for the entire duration...and that he traveled throughout the entire night by walking thereafter, that would be…”

A light bulb went off in her head as she suddenly shot up from the seat and eagerly shouted,

“Yes, if I’m correct he might still be in range after all!”

In a swift motion she reached out for a nearby chair, quickly pulling it to the wall before sitting down atop it.

“I’ll try and contact him telepathically and see what I can do. I’ll see whether I’m able to convince him to return but if not I can still enlighten him of the realm’s current situation and that of the Pillars”

Zelda’s eyes squeezed shut as she raised her hands together in prayer.

“Telepathy takes deep concentration so please bear with me for the time being”

With that final warning and a deep breath of air, Zelda fell deathly silent. It’d be ages since she’d last used this ability, but now she’d needed it more than ever.


Miles away from the lake shore an angel, a pokémon, and a martial artist were fiercely locked in the crosshairs of battle. Amidst the chaos, a gentle voice barely above the cadence of a murmured whisper, spoke out. This strange voice however went unheard to both the martial artist and the rodent, for only one’s mind was privy to its call.


The voice echoed through the angel’s mind, muffled and barely able to be heard above the noise of one’s own thoughts.


The voice called out once more, growing clearer with every passing second.


The voice sounded soft and melodic yet grasped in an air of urgency. Calling to him one last time, all fogginess prior fully melted away, leaving her voice crystal clear as it rang in the boy’s mind.

[Dark Pit, can you hear me?]

Interactions: Forevermore Forevermore (Samus) SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 (Cream & Cheese) GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Dark Pit)
Location: Lake Shore
The Kokiri Scouts
Where: The Jungle
Interactions: Captain Falcon ( Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- ), Yoshi ( Ploegy Ploegy ), Kirby ( Gears Gears ), Mog & Shadow the Hedgehog ( SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 ), Hayden ( Darklord95 Darklord95 )

For the next hour, the journey to the outpost was relatively uneventful. Twice they had to hide themselves only to quickly learn the source of the rustling plants or shriek from the sky was some manner of wildlife. As they ventured deeper into the jungle, closer to the Swamp, the air became cool and a light drizzle fell upon them. The raindrops were ice cold, unusual for rainfall in such a warm and humid place as the Jungle. As the first few raindrops fell on Kona, the Kokiri scout froze.

"Oh no..."

Pulling the hood of his cloak over his head to further protect himself from the rain, the scout abandoned all caution and ran ahead with the speed of urgency. As the group came upon Glitterwing Post, the drizzle became rainfall. The outpost was similar to the Kokiri village, though on a much smaller scale... and a lot gloomier. The foliage was grey and droopy. The Kokiri residents all seemed to be in some kind of funk, either sitting around sulking or laying about in the rain as though lacking the will to move. Among them, hooting and hollering, and making a mess out of the Kokiris' belongings were large, unkept orangutans so filthy that the rain couldn't even drive away the cloud of flies that swarmed them. The Manky Kongs, exiles of the Kong ape clan, helped themselves to the Kokiris' food and homes and trashed the post with their refuse. Despite the chaos in the post, the depressed Kokiri made no move to stop the thieves and vandalists, or defend themselves from the apes' torment. One Kong grabbed a Kokiri by the leg and lifted him up, laughing cruelly into the forestfolk's face. The Kokiri just let out a long suffering sigh. Another dirty ape was violently shaking a large jar that contained fairies, the partners of the Kokiri people.

Kona's widened eyes went to the fountain of the Great Fairy, a marble fountain surrounded by once colorful flowers, only to see a crumbling ruin, and the fountain's water murky and full of garbage.

"NO!" Kona shouted in dismay. "The Gloom has spread to the outpost!"

Drawing a dagger, the scout rushed toward a nearby Manky Kong that was reclining by a crate, eating a banana from a bunch. "You! Leave this place at once!"

The exiled Kong was surprised by Kona at first, but quickly recovered with a cackle and tossed the banana peel at his feet. Kona cried out as he stepped on the peel and slipped, landing hard on his back. The Kong laughed louder and stood up. Grabbing a nearby barrel, he moved toward the fallen Kokiri and raised the barrel overhead with intent to smash the scout!
yra / ythra

Location: Futopia | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Darklord95 Darklord95
Mythra didn't seem to mind that Toon Link had taken her hand as they walked. In all honesty she had hardly noticed given her sheer irritation. All that was in the past now that they were on the elevator.

As it begins to bring them upward, the aegis waits impatiently. All the vibes about this place aren't good, and she wants out as soon as possible. Maybe she was being ungrateful towards this Fawful, but who could blame her? She was suspicious and didn't have much, if any, patience left in her. All she wanted to do was be done with the craziness and have at least an hour of rest. Was that really so much to ask for? Even during her adventure around Alrest there had been time for rest despite being chased everywhere she went.

Shaking her head at the thought, Mythra crossed her arms over her chest and waited for the elevator to arrive at its destination. When it did, she stepped off and looked around the room in silence. Chairs of all kinds lined it. It was strange. Maybe this Fawful had an obsession with chairs though. It didn't matter to her. As he spoke though, she looked in the direction of his voice, allowing her gaze to settle upon the most extravagant chair in the room. She couldn't see him, but she knew that was where he was.

Deciding to listen for now, she moved forward to one of the ordinary wooden chairs and sat down, still keeping her arms crossed. Her face said it all- she was still irritated as all hell. Anything he said was doubtful to make her feel differently unless he told them they could leave. That seemed like a pipe dream though given what the robot from before had said. How annoying. Tapping her fingers on the armrests of her seat, Mythra waited a moment longer before she finally decided to speak up, her voice coming off as blunt as possible: "Okay, so what's the deal here? You better start talking otherwise I'll start.. and I don't think you'll like it if I get going."

There was a minor threat in those words and she was likely to act if Fawful didn't get to talking. Grateful or not, she wasn't going to sit around and wait. She was sure her companions felt similarly, even if they weren't as brash as she was. They all wanted rest... no... they all NEEDED it. There was only so much they could take, even given their statuses. None of them haad infinite energy after all.

  • Tetra/Toon Zelda
    The Princess of the Great Sea


    “This is the worst. Is this what Link has to go through every time he comes back to Smash Bros?”

    Tetra had fallen from a portal into a thick, brambly bush. She had gotten a notice from the Smash Brothers, but she had thought that she would find herself in some sort of stadium or something surrounded by fighters as soon as she stepped out of the weird portal she had found after an interlude of looking around sunken Hyrule. Never would have the pirate guessed that she would have ended up in a forest, in the middle of nowhere, scratched up and bleeding from the brambles, to boot.

    With her cutlass, Tetra whacked herself free and found a path in the forest to follow. She looked around warily, picking leaves out of her updo. There didn’t seem to be anyone around. So much for the stadium…
    A sudden thought entered her mind- where was Link in all this? Was he okay? He probably is, she reasoned. After all, Link had been present for these Smash things for a while.

    Walking down the path with her sword still in hand, the pirate was at a loss to where she was or what her next step should be. A few times she heard sounds of what she assumed was a scuffle. However, Smash Brothers was a fighting society. Tetra presumed that it was natural. Nevertheless, she thought she should investigate, so she began to follow the noises to try and find the source.

    Tags: N/A
    Location: The Forest By the Shore


Location: Plains near Stadium | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity
It was as if Ren was lost in his own little world as he seemed to push on. His mind didn't even stop to think over resting despite how tired his own body was. While he was well aware of his current state, he was more than willing to push himself, even past his own limits. He dared to draw closer and closer to exhaustion. Such things weren't far to his companions though. They hadn't signed up to be put through the rigorous strain he was trying to push upon them. Subconsciously he was aware, but his own stubbornness kept him pushing forward. It was a stubbornness Ann was quite familiar with, and didn't dare challenge. Once his mind was set, it was hard to sway him, especially when it came to things like this. Plus, while he was quite mindful of her and the other thieves conditions while they infiltrated palaces, he still knew that much like him, they would push on for as long as they could.

Realization that this was different than what Ren was used to slowly washed over him as the idea of camping was mentioned. The thief stopped in his tracks and silently turned his head, tilting it ever so slightly as he looked back at the others. The prospect of camping hadn't dared to cross his mind, yet here the others were so happily mentioning the idea and quickly agreeing to it. Their acceptance of such an idea only proved to him that they needed the rest and pushing them any further than he already had was a bad idea. Perhaps that wasn't all bad, though the thief wouldn't easily admit to it. Instead, he turned his head forward again and let a soft sigh slip between his lips.

In his brief moment of thought, Joker didn't notice Ann step over to his side until she poked her head out in front of him to assure she had gotten his attention. "You're not thinking of actually continuing on, are you..?" she asked softly.

Ren slowly shook his head as he scratched at his cheek. "No... they've all made up their minds. I should respect that."

"You say that as if you couldn't use it too." Her eyes became soft as she looked up at him and reached out to grab hold of one of his hands. Clasping it between both of hers, she could feel it still shaking, though Ren still tried to act as if it wasn't all that big of a deal. If anything he was the one that needed it the most, whether he wanted to admit it or not. "It's okay if you admit you need to rest too, Ren... I know how strenuous a persona awakening is on the body. The fact you're able to even keep moving is impressive in itself, but... you know how dangerous it is for us to continue on without you at your full strength... I think the others are worried about that more than you are."

Those words caused the thief's gaze to drop. She was right, and he knew it. Even if they did press on, what would happen if trouble struck again? While they were all capable fighters in their own rights, Joker had became their leader, and they were relying on his strength to help guide them through battles. The powers of his persona was one of their greatest advantages in combat, and without it they were in more danger, especially given the state he was in. Even his own physical strength couldn't be relied on, not that he had ever been built for sheer power. In his state, his cunning tactics and swiftness would be effected whether he wanted to accept it or not.

Another sigh slipped from through his lips as Ren let his shoulders sink in admission that Ann was right. "You're right. I've been so focused on regrouping with the others that I wasn't putting much thought into anything else, but..." He paused for a moment before casting dark eyes in her direction. "Something isn't right here... and it worries me."

His voice was hushed as he spoke those words. It was probably obvious something wasn't right to someone like Inkling who had also experienced how the Smash Realm was on her previous visit, but it didn't mean the others knew. That was why he kept quiet. "I don't know what it is, but I just have a gut feeling that something is amiss. I don't remember the enemies being this bad... Not after we defeated Galeem and Dharkon."

Ann nodded at his words and gave his hand a squeeze. "Even if that's the case, that's more reason for you to rest. Now how about you face them with a smile?"

Letting go of his hand, Ann stepped away from his side and quietly turned to look back at the others with a smile upon her own lips. Ren soon followed suit, allowing a smile of his own to curl at the ends of his own lips.

"Camping, huh?" he spoke up as he rested his hands on his hips and gave a hearty chuckle. "I guess that would be a good idea. I'm sorry for not realizing how tired you all must be."

Dipping his head slightly, Joker quietly began to make a list in his head of things they would need for doing such a things, though most seemed implausible. It wasn't as if they'd find camping supplies laying around, or even food for that matter. Did that mean they've have to hunt or gather? The thief wasn't all too familiar with either. Gathering sounded easy in concept, but being able to tell deadly plants or berries from safe ones was not in his skillset. He traversed otherworldly places formed from cognition, not plains or forests. Surviving was vastly different, and things like this weren't necessary in his short trips to the Metaverse.

His mind continued to race through possibilities regarding the topic, but all them were immediately halted when Inkling hurried to each person and held a Power Egg out to them. Ren had noticed many of them had been dropped when they defeated the strange fish-like creatures, but their edibility hadn't been something he questioned. Staring at the odd egg, his brows creased and he looked toward the squid girl with a questioning look. "These are.. edible?"

Before he could even get an answer of some kind, Noctis and and Prompto already seemed to be proclaiming Inkling as a savior for providing them with a food source. Blinking at their willingness, Joker rubbed the back of his head as he briefly cast his gaze towards Ann. She giggled softly before giving his shoulder a gentle pat. "You becoming a picky eater now, Ren..?" Her playful tone caused him to huff silently before he shook his head. Still eating it raw seemed... unhealthy.

Luckily for him, those worries wouldn't need to last for long. Seeing Noctis summoning a whole camping set up was certainly a surprise for the thief, though a welcome one. As he and Prompto busied themselves with setting it all up, Ren glanced at Ann and gave a small shrug of his shoulders. He didn't know what was going on, but he wasn't going to question it for now. His eyes drifted back to the pair and quietly watched, not noticing that in that moment, Ann slipped away from the group.

Once everything was set up, Joker's eyes moved to the cooking setup the two had provided and he quirked a brow. It wasn't much, but it was at least something they could use to make some sort of meal. It was then that his girlfriend popped up at his side again, with the pockets of Joker's coat lined with various berries commonly found in the Pokemon World, as well as a few plants that looked like they could be used as herbs of some kind.

"I found these! I figured they might be something we could use in making a meal with those eggs!" she exclaimed proudly as she pulled a few berries out from the pockets. As she heard Prompto ask if anyone between her, Joker or Paula could cook. A grin crossed her face. "It just so happ-"

She began, but Joker quickly cut in before she could embarrass him: "Ann can cook."

"Sure, I can cook, but..!" She playfully nudged Ren in the side with her hip causing him to stumble forward a step or two. "You're looking at the best chef in the Phantom Thieves, right there!"

Joker's cheeks flushed as she spoke those words and he lifted a hand up to cover the lower half of his face in attempt to hide the pink that had come to his cheeks.

"Aw come on, Ren! Don't be shy about it! You know it's true! Curries, soups, all those traditional Japanese style meals! You are quite the cook and you know it!"

"She's not wrong..." he reluctantly mumbled through his fingers, as he still averted his gaze from the group. "I can probably cook us something with all this."

As he admitted she was right, Ann grabbed his hand away from his face and guided him over to the portable oven that had been set up. Once there she quickly pulled the berries and herbs from the coat pockets and set them out alongside the egg she had been previously given. Grinning up at him, a thought crossed her mind and she reached up to pull his mask from his face. "No cooking with that on. Might obscure your vision."

That was... a horrible excuse to pull it off. Ren was sure she just wanted everyone to see how embarrassed he was beneath it. Even so, he didn't protest or even comment. He simply began to prepare himself quietly, doing anything to avoid looking at the others to see their reactions.

Looking at his gloves, he lifted a hand to his mouth and tugged at the fabric with his teeth to make it easier to pull off and repeated the same process for the other one. Cooking with them on would probably be rather gross given it was hard to tell what exactly he might have touched with them.

The next problem was how he was going to dice up the food. Pulling his dagger from its place, he looked it over. It was no different from his gloves however, maybe even worse given it had sliced through enemies. He couldn't imagine the disgusting tastes that had been left on it from that, but it was still his only utensil to use. Reaching over to Ann, who luckily hadn't moved yet, he pulled the white cloth from the chest pocket of his coat and quickly used it to clean at his knife. It wasn't perfect, but it was something at least. Without looking, he quickly tucked the cloth back into the pocket and went on with his preparations.

Just as Joker was prepared to bring his dagger down to cut into the berries, an unfamiliar voice stopped him and for the first time in several minutes his gray eyes lifted and looked out to find the sound's source. It wasn't long before they settled upon the Octoling. Instantly, he spotted the weapon in hand and he instinctively dropped his dagger and reached for his pistol instead given it would do him better at this range.

"Joker wait!" Ann exclaimed as she noticed his sudden movements. Stepping in his line of sight, she looked towards Eight, noticing how he instantly took interest in the Inkling among them. "He seems to know her.."

Deciding to move forward now that she had momentarily put Ren at ease, Ann pulled her own mask back to make herself appear more friendly and set both hers and Joker's down on one of the chairs before continuing to move slowly towards the Octoling.

"Do you know each other..?" Ann glanced between the pair of humanoid sea creatures, hoping they would understand her, even if she likely wouldn't understand what they spoke back to her.
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The seemingly unconscious former hero of dreamland watched with glee as the exiled apes wrecked havoc on the village, enjoying the chaos and cruelty; before a thought crossed the villains mind, if it was created to establish order for his masters, why did gen enjoy this? The digital mind within Kirby soon fell into a paradox, destroying the illusion of a food filled paradise for the soul and mind of Kirby, allowing him to see what was happening in the real world. First gen noticed the fresh bananas, a good snack after all of the cakes and sweets he had consumed but then saw the Kong bullying Kona, jumping from Captain Falcons arms and at the Kong as he prepared his attack, trying not to get distracted by the bananas.

Location: Mountain Falls | Interactions: A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity
Silence hung in the air as Shulk moved along the mountain's rugged pathway. His eyes etched over the scenery around him, recalling it bit by bit as he continued on. It was the same as he remembered it... the same as it was a year ago when he had been saved. Was that a good thing or..? That thought still clung in the back of his mind, though he did his best to shake it off. If something was amiss, he would solve it, just as he always had, though he hoped it wouldn't be along the same lines as last time. Being controlled and cloned... it hadn't been pleasant... The former was something he had experienced twice now- both in the Smash Realm and in his own world.

Wrinkling his nose at the thought of it, Shulk gave a shake of his head. He wouldn't allow anyone or anything else control him again. He'd do whatever he could to prevent it from happening. Though with that thought in mind, he wondered why his visions had returned to him. Was he already being controlled? The thought of that bothered him, yet he had no way of figuring it out. Maybe the Hands simply had bestowed such a power upon him as a gift- wanting to recreate the ability he once possessed, even though he had given it up when he rejected godhood in favor for a world without such beings.

His thoughts on the subject would have likely continued, but his attention was pulled back to reality as he felt himself stumble from a small pothole in the path. Catching himself before he could faceplant into the ground, Shulk let out a relieved sigh. He needed to be more careful. Letting himself become too engrossed in his own thoughts while traversing rather rigid terrain would likely end in disaster or perhaps even injuries. Without the aid of someone like Sharla, or any other medic, it would put him in a poor situation. Besides, he was supposed to be keeping an eye out for help. If his mind continued to be distracted then he could miss the very thing he was searching for, even if he doubted help would exist in a place like this.

Oh how wrong he was!

It was only a moment later- one bend around a rocky cliff- before Shulk's eyes settled upon a figure. It was coming his way too! Surprise washed over his face as he stopped himself and quietly began to study the one approaching. It was hard to make out details given the distance still between them, but he was certain it was a humanoid in the very least- one that wore soft oranges and greens. The color scheme felt oddly familiar, though his mind was too full to comprehend why. That odd sense of familiarity was enough to get him to move forward again, though, and close the distance between him and Min Min even more.

As her features became easier to decipher, the visionary stopped again, allowing his brain to fully process who he was looking at. Strange, blonde hair covered with a beanie... weird facial mask... a more traditional style outfit... There was no mistaking who it was, though he couldn't say he had been overly familiar with her during the previous tournament. She had arrived rather late after all, making her time with them rather limited in comparison to some of the more veteran fighters. Still, it was a welcome sight nonetheless. Would she even remember him though? He'd have to hope so.

Raising a hand, Shulk offered a small wave in the other fighter's direction, hoping to not take her by surprise. "Over here!" he called out, deciding to let her approach instead of continuing his own descent. She seemed to be ascending after all, though he couldn't imagine what she might be seeking to achieve by doing such a thing.

  • She looked at the power egg. It may have the effect similar to a brain food lunch from her world the way it seemed; it does look pretty delicious though. Prompto and Noctis set up camp for the day while Joker began cooking. “ I can help clean up after dinner if that would make things easier for everyone.” She helped her parents run the polestar preschool doing things like fixing snacks, cleaning up or watching the kids. Trying to live as normally as possible before she left on her grand mission alongside Ness, Jeff, and Poo to save the world from Giygas' cosmical destruction. She blinked at the sudden appearance of agent 8 luckily Ann stepped in before things got worse. He seemed to know Inkling well. Telepathy talk seems to be the way she can speak to and understand Inkling,” He’s your friend, isn’t he?” It was hopefully to clear things up for them.

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Ploegy Ploegy SheepKing SheepKing A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity


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Pichu chirped as Byleth ruffled his head, leaning into the warmth of his gloved hands as textured leather brushed against his fine fur. Despite his reaction to the gesture, Pichu puffed out his cheeks in a pout when it came to Byleth’s little comment about the keyblade wielder protecting him.

1.“Pi chuchu…Pi chu pipi!” He mumbled with a huff.

Although, considering how Pichu continued to purr as Byleth pet him, it seemed there weren’t any hard feelings to be had. After all, the more people underestimated Pichu meant the more he’d be able to blow their expectations out the water!

Byleth’s attention shifted towards the hatted boy and man of the group. Or, as they introduced themselves to be, Professor Hershel Layton of Gressenheller University and apprentice Luke Triton. Although Pichu didn’t understand more than half of those words, his ears did perk up at one thing.


He glanced back and forth between the two professors. Did he mean a learning sort of professor, the kind that Byleth was…or more like a Pokémon professor? Maybe there was another kind of meaning the word professor had. A little paw rose to scratch Pichu’s chin in contemplation as he leaned in to examine the taller man.


Pichu shook his head with a sigh and shrug. Whatever Professor he happened to be, the little Pokémon supposed it didn’t matter.

When it came to Luke, the boy quickly declined Byleth’s offer to heal the wound. Thankfully, with how small the marks were, Pichu doubted they’d get infected. It wasn’t like Luke was bitten by a rattata or anything like that. It’d surely heal up on its own if given time to do so.

A set of white teeth beamed back at Pichu as Luke smiled, and after a moment of thoughtful consideration, Pichu returned the favor with a smile and nod.


The group briefly touched upon the events that led to Pichu and Sora falling from the castle, yet the discussion quickly was put on hold with Luke’s call to attention. A pointed hand revealed big trouble for the group as an army marched their way towards the ruins, and more importantly right in their direction. With Sora’s suggestion that these may be the castle’s foot soldiers, everyone braced themselves. Byleth swiftly removed Pichu from his arm and placed him onto Sora’s spiky head, the little rodent lowering down on all fours, ready to pounce. On Sora’s word, he and the keyblade wielder would be the ones to defend Layton and Luke, so there wasn’t a chance Pichu was going to let them down.

Byleth continued forward until he and the army before them were face to face. The ruins went dead silent as the professor stood his ground as he ordered the soldiers to state their intentions. The next few moments of silence left Pichu deep in anticipation, his mind fully prepared to throw himself into attack mode at a moment’s notice.

The soldiers stood still, not so much as making the slightest movement forward. But suddenly, all their weapons were swiftly lowered downward, the aura of caution completely vanished much to everyone’s confusion. Left grappling with what exactly happened, One of the members quickly called out towards the back of the group, and as two bodies moved themselves towards the front, the group of five received their answer.

Blue hair and birthmark, black robes and spellbook in hand, it was clear this army was no foe to them. After all, how could it be when it was headed by the rulers of Ylisse themselves, Exalt Chrom and Tactician Robin.

Pichu rose back onto his hind legs and with two little hands, waved to the duo.

Interactions: Darklord95 Darklord95 (Robin & Chrom) Ploegy Ploegy (Byleth & Sora) GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Layton & Luke)
Location: Battlefield Fortress

PokéSpeak Translations:
  1. Pi doesn’t need to be taken care of…Pi should be the one taking care of Sora!
  2. A Professor?
  3. Pi wonders what kind…
  4. No hard feelings!
Pikachu & Dark Pit
Where: The Forest, close to the Lake Shore
Interactions: Juri Han ( Darklord95 Darklord95 ), Princess Zelda ( SheepKing SheepKing ), Tetra ( A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity )

Just as Dark Pit had suspected, his enemy had enhanced senses. Huh, so what? So did a lot of members of the Super Smash Brothers! The stupid girl should've kept her mouth shut. Enhanced senses had a weakness: overstimulation! How he was going to go about that, he wasn't sure yet.

Like a wraith, Dark Pit moved through the shadows of the forest trees, randomly picking a spot to draw his Dark Pit Staff and fire a purple shot of dark energy at Juri Han before moving again.

Come on, think!

As if on cue, he felt the presence of another within his mind. Thankfully, telepathic communication was common for angels, and so the intrusion wasn't that startling for the reflection. It was only a gentle whisper in his mind, but the voice was familiar to him. It was much too soft and pleasant to be Viridi. Lady Palutena? No, it couldn't be, she was still in Skyworld. The tiny voice kept calling to him, struggling to be heard, and as it grew louder and clearer, Dark Pit detected urgency in its tone. Then, with one final push, the voice forced its way into his consciousness, and Dark Pit finally recognized the voice: Princess Zelda!

With a telepathic link established, Dark Pit could answer the princess, but he'd have to speak in order to do so. With Juri Han's enhanced hearing, if it is as powerful as his foe boasted, then that can be a problem. He considered simply ignoring Zelda's call and have her think her attempts to reach him had failed, but he found himself unable to do that. He couldn't do that, not to Zelda.

It was strange how the two became connected. When the Smash Ultimate tournament came to be and the fighters were arriving at the Stadium, Pit passed the time waiting by playing with a heart-tipped arrow, holding it between his index fingers. It was an arrow he used in his first game, when he was a tiny putto. He claimed he kept it on his person for nostalgia. Dark Pit, needing to scratch his "Pick on Pit" itch, punched his twin in the arm and caused the angel of light to pierce his hand on the arrow. The arrival of a new fighter distracted Dark Pit, and Pit used that moment to get some quick revenge by sending the arrow's tip into the other angel's bum, getting a satisfying yelp of pain in response. Pit only had time to yell a single, "HA!" before Dark Pit pounced on him, and the two angels rolled in the grass as they pummeled each other. A soft giggle stopped their fight. Looking in the direction the giggle came from, the angel twins beheld Zelda greeting Toon Link. This wasn't the Zelda they were familiar with, however: this one was younger, and had a vibrant, cheerful personality in contrast to her predecessor's more melancholy demeaner. Both Pits were awestruck!

It seemed the old arrow still had some magic in it!

When Zelda approached the two Pits to greet them, they instantly went back to fist fighting each other.

"Back off, Pittoo! She said hi to me!"

"Yeah, like she'd want to waste her breath on you, Pit-Stain!"

Later that day, after the opening announcements were made by Master Hand and Crazy Hand, and old friends were reunited and new friends (and foes) were made, the Super Smash Brothers were free to explore the grounds. Dark Pit, already annoyed by the chaos that came when many people and beings from other worlds interacted, sought the peace and quiet of the dormatory's study room. He was surprised to see Zelda there, but only briefly. The Zelda of the previous two tournaments often frequented the study room as well. Lady Palutena had reassured Dark Pit that the arrow's magic was only temporary, and that certainly seemed to be the case with him, though Pit was still acting like a love-struck fool. That could be because of Dark Pit's, well, dark nature, but he also wouldn't put it past Pit to fall for a girl he could never have. It wouldn't be the first time. Idiot.

As the days went on, the two often found each other in the study room. They mostly kept to themselves, but Dark Pit eventually began to look forward to seeing Zelda there. Even when no words were said, he enjoyed her company. It was kind of nice to be around someone who wasn't annoying!

Of course, rumors began to float around, and once he learned that caving a few faces in did nothing to stop them (on the contrary, it only reinforced their beliefs), he ignored them. Dark Pit never understood why others were so obsessed with the love lives of others, or "shipping" as he heard it called. He found it all pretty stupid. All he cared about was cracking skulls, winning the tournament, and maybe even beating the piss out of the Hands to force them to give him flight!

Speaking of cracking skulls, there was still a crazy chick trying to kill him and Pikachu! Dark Pit shook his head and cursed himself for getting lost in thought at such a bad time! Through the foliage, he could see Pikachu still locked in battle with Juri. The Electric Mouse used Quick Attack to zip around the battlefield, then let loose a Thunderbolt or two before moving again. Pikachu would not allow herself to stand in one place for more than a couple of seconds, a wise move. Pikachu only had so much stamina, however. Dark Pit had to end this fight before the tables really turned against them!

Something in the tree branches above him caught his attention, and a smirk grew on the reflection's face. Yeah, that might work!

"I think I've figured out what it was you wanted to tell me, Zelda," Dark Pit answered the princess aloud, not even trying to prevent Juri from hearing him. "Look, do NOT come after me!"
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Toon Link & Pit
Where: Futopia, a base under the sea
Interactions: Pyra/Mythra ( Ploegy Ploegy ), Fawful ( Darklord95 Darklord95 )

As the platform rose, Pit saw something reflected in the shaft and jumped with a startled yelp. He then leaned in to get a closer look and realized it was his own reflection. The angel was dismayed by his ragged appearance. For the first time, he saw the ineligible smudges on his face that were once Jigglypuff's marker art, and one eye was bruised.

"Aw, man! This shiner's ruining my handsome face!" Pit poked his eye a few times, winced, then decided to leave it alone. He rubbed his face in an attempt to wipe off the marker stains.

Toon Link let out a quiet, tired giggle. Maybe Pit's appearance will repulse this Fawful so much that he lets them go just so he wouldn't have to look at him anymore?

The vain angel hardly found the comment amusing. Arms folded, he huffed. "Oh, ha-ha, T'ink! You know, looking into those big cat-eyes of yours is like gazing into the abyss! Challenge Fawful to a staring contest and he'll let us go out of fear for his soul!"

Toon Link, who was rather hard to offend, only laughed in response.

The platform finally stopped and the doors of the shaft opened to reveal a... room full of chairs! So many chairs! Chairs of many different sizes, shapes, and colors! In the center of the room was a large, extravagant chair positioned before large screens that depicted the vast sea of the Smash Realm. The back of the throne faced the three Super Smash Brothers and blocked their view of their most gracious host.

"So this is the seat of power," Pit muttered, more to himself than to his companions, "And that must be the chairman himself."

The being on the throne bade the Super Smash Brothers to take a seat. Toon Link, eager to be off his feet, picked out a bean bag and plopped himself right onto it. He leaned back and got comfortable, and let out a relieved sigh afterward. Most seats in the Smash Realm were difficult for the stubby-legged little Hylian to sit on without having to clamber onto it first. It was quite nice to not have to do that! Toon Link suddenly sank into the bean bag chair as though it was trying to devour him. That snapped the sleepy boy awake, and his legs began to kick as he let out muffled sounds of distress. After a moment, he managed to pull himself up and out with a gasp, and reshaped the bean bag chair so that wouldn't happen again.

Pit decided to take a seat in a nearby froggy chair. The chair let out a croak that sounded much closer to a rather rude sound, and the angel captain sat up straight with a face redder than a tomato.

"Th-that was the chair!" he protested.

His embarrassment was short-lived as Mythra had decided to speak out, wanting to get straight to business. Being in a rather irritable mood himself, Pit also spoke out with little regard for courtesy. "Get to the point, Fawful: what is it you want from us?"
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Location: Jungle | Tagged: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
Gears Gears GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Feeling the rain hit his skin, Yoshi turned his head skyward for a moment. It all came so suddenly and from seemingly nowhere, but the scouts seemed to worry about it more than the dino did. Sudden shifts in weather weren't so surprising to him with all the crazy things that seemed to happen, but upon seeing Kona freeze, he stopped and let the Kokiri's concern wash over him.

As the realization that something was off settled upon Yoshi, his eyes began to flicker around and observe the scene quietly. It wasn't hard to see this place was rather gloomy, though he had assumed it was merely because of the rain that had rolled in. That didn't seem to be the case. His gaze continued on until he spotted some odd apes roaming the Post as if they owned it. They looked oddly familiar, though only because they bore minor similarities to the Kongs Yoshi himself was familiar with. These ones seemed a lot less friendly though.

Huffing softly, he looked towards Kona to see what he would say on the matter, but instead of offering any clear instructions, he jumped into action immediately and lunged at the closest Manky Kong. Things quickly turned for the worse though as his attack failed and he slipped on the peel from one of the bananas the Kong had been enjoying. The enraged Kong was quick to retaliate too and grabbed a nearby barrel.

In that moment Yoshi was prepared to jump into action, but Kirby's sudden action caused him to stop. Seeing the pink puffball come to life out of nowhere and attack the Kong was both a surprise and a welcome sight. It was good to see him up and moving after what had previously happened and despite how much he wanted to exclaim his excitement for such, it would have to wait. There was still danger at hand and he needed to help with it.

While Kirby directly attacked the ape, Yoshi shot his tongue out and allowed it to wrap around the barrel that had been thrown. Getting a good grip on it, he quickly swung it in the direction of another one of the exiled apes, instantly knocking him from his place in the trees overhead and making him fall to the ground below in a heap.

"Haha! Yoshi good shot!" the dino laughed out happily as his tongue retracted into his mouth.

Despite his momentarily glee, Yoshi's head immediately turned towards the scouts and Falcon. While he wasn't the most tactful individual around, he knew when a plan was needed and now seemed like one of those times. "Yoshi thinks plan needed. We fight monkeys and help people..?" His head tilted as he asked, unsure of what course of action they specifically wanted to take. He could only could infer based off what was going on.

  • 𝙎𝙖𝙢𝙪𝙨
    The Defender of the Galaxy
    Location: The Lake Shore
    Interactions: Zelda, Cream & Cheese
    Tags: SheepKing SheepKing GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

    The pleasant start to the morning was abruptly ended by a piercing shriek that belonged to none other than Nurse Joy. Samus was immediately alert, and, suiting up in a flash, went to go see what the trouble was. As the bounty hunter located the source of the racket, her eyes immediately darted to the pink nurse and found almost instantly what the trouble was, which was the empty bed at her feet. In fact, she had a hunch before she even entered the room that it had something to do with Dark Pit.

    "The kid's gone? This is bad..." muttered Samus. She, of course, initially had wanted to take Dark Pit under her wing as to make sure he wouldn't wander off and perhaps join the wrong crowd of people, as he was a bit of a wild card in her eyes, and she wanted to make sure he wasn't running into trouble. And now the angel was gone?

    Sam turned to the disheveled Zelda. She was going to attempt to find him? Oh, of course, telepathy! Zelda was some sort of goddess-princess, after all. The soldier nodded at Zelda's idea. It was their only solution at this point.

    "Good luck, Zelda." she said quietly as the princess prepared to work her magic. Samus fell silent as well, standing by as she watched Zelda bring her hands together in prayer and close her eyes.

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