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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

He sees an injured Pichu during battle he holds him close and heals him with a cure spell. Once he feels better they share some cakes.
omg the thought of Steph and Pichu munching on cakes is so adorable! Dhdkckfdhdjfn maybe Pichu could introduce him to the wonders of poke puffs and poffins 🎂
omg the thought of Steph and Pichu munching on cakes is so adorable! Dhdkckfdhdjfn maybe Pichu could introduce him to the wonders of poke puffs and poffins 🎂
kid Seph introduces him to foods in the Final Fantasy 7 universe they’re all named after iconic creatures from the series. Like behemoth burgers for an example and Chocobo coffee beans
Silly rp thought this little talk has given me since Joker/Inkling group still needs new direction soon and won't immediately go story related so other parts of the story can progress first. But here ya go:

I know we've already had the concept of a wedding as a silly idea in the Pit/Pyra group before, but the concept of the group just minding their own business and making their way elsewhere (their actual destination) and they end up coming upon a wedding venue with all these guests waiting for the wedding to start, but the groom or bride or both have run off. The wedding planner refuses to let the guests be disappointed. SOMEONE is getting married! Maybe they recognize Joker and/or Inkling and instantly claim this is something the Smash Bros need to fix! Could open a lot of dumb, silly possibilities for some fun filler content Lunaris wedding crasher arc when he finds out what Joker has "done"
SheepKing SheepKing

Seph is sent to handle a behemoth that’s been rampaging around the area they’re dangerous, but nothing he can’t handle.

Seph: Pichu.. behemoths are hard to kill because of their steel like skin and resistant to all elements. Stand back.

But that doesn’t stop Pichu from trying to help so Seph does his best to help and cover him.
Falcon notices how sad and withdrawn the boy is he tries to cheer him up get him to open up and just breathe. He tries it does put a smile on his face. Though Seph continued to question things why he feels like he’s a third wheel to Genesis and Angeal. Why does not fit in why he feels like he’s different from them. He gets the answers years later of course with Gen’s hacking.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Silly rp thought this little talk has given me since Joker/Inkling group still needs new direction soon and won't immediately go story related so other parts of the story can progress first. But here ya go:

I know we've already had the concept of a wedding as a silly idea in the Pit/Pyra group before, but the concept of the group just minding their own business and making their way elsewhere (their actual destination) and they end up coming upon a wedding venue with all these guests waiting for the wedding to start, but the groom or bride or both have run off. The wedding planner refuses to let the guests be disappointed. SOMEONE is getting married! Maybe they recognize Joker and/or Inkling and instantly claim this is something the Smash Bros need to fix! Could open a lot of dumb, silly possibilities for some fun filler content Lunaris wedding crasher arc when he finds out what Joker has "done"
The wedding is for Pit and Mythra, but they bailed as soon as the wedding scheme was no longer needed. Joker and the others missed them by minutes!
I can’t help in giggling at Rex’s and Malos’s reaction to the wedding scheme
I haven’t played XC2 but I seen a play thru Malos would think Pit is Mythra’s boyfriend or husband
Dumb thought based off recent Lunaris post:
When Joker's group gets close to a Pokemon Center and sees an army waiting for them. He knows Lunaris has found out about the Stadium and is clearly upset! He decides to poke the bear a bit more. What better time to make use of the "Futaba Cannon" than to personally broadcast a message across the entire Realm. Joker dropping the Smash Realm's hottest diss track for all to hear! /j
Real talk, he definitely sending out the most cocky, smartass message because he has 0 fear at all

The wedding is for Pit and Mythra, but they bailed as soon as the wedding scheme was no longer needed. Joker and the others missed them by minutes!
Ah yes the perfect combination. Pit and Mythra ditch and now Joker or Inkling has to get married to each other or one of the others in the group! The wedding planner refuses to let a handsome bachelor like Joker slip away after they just lost their OTP!

My reaction to all this:
Dumb thought based off recent Lunaris post:
When Joker's group gets close to a Pokemon Center and sees an army waiting for them. He knows Lunaris has found out about the Stadium and is clearly upset! He decides to poke the bear a bit more. What better time to make use of the "Futaba Cannon" than to personally broadcast a message across the entire Realm. Joker dropping the Smash Realm's hottest diss track for all to hear! /j
Real talk, he definitely sending out the most cocky, smartass message because he has 0 fear at all

Ah yes the perfect combination. Pit and Mythra ditch and now Joker or Inkling has to get married to each other or one of the others in the group! The wedding planner refuses to let a handsome bachelor like Joker slip away after they just lost their OTP!

My reaction to all this:

That’s just perfect
As requested and now presenting Shiri's debut! GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
The normally serene and meticulously tended royal gardens are currently a scene of magical disarray. Flowers sway without a breeze, bushes shape themselves into odd figures, and a small apple tree stubbornly tries to uproot itself and walk away, plants and flowers float in mid-air, water from the fountain flows upwards, and garden tools dance around. At the heart of this whimsy is Stefan, a toddler with wide, innocent eyes and outstretched hands, inadvertently orchestrating the chaos as he giggles delightedly at the sight. Hovering near him is Shiri, a luminescent fairy, darting about with a mix of concern and amusement.

Shiri: (gently) Young master, remember, gentle thoughts, like a soft breeze. We don't need a storm today!

Stefan: (clapping his hands in joy) Fun, Shiri! Look, tree walking!

Just then, Agahnim approaches, his robe snagging momentarily on a levitating rosebush. Following him are several flustered castle staff, including the head gardener, who is desperately trying to coax the walking apple tree back into its proper place.

Head Gardener: (pleading with the tree) Now, now, dear, let’s not be hasty. Your roots belong in the ground!

Agahnim: (observing the scene, then addressing Stefan) Stefan, can you show me how we calm the garden? Remember how we calm our minds?

Stefan looks at Agahnim, nods seriously, and takes a deep breath, his small chest puffing out. The garden reacts; the apple tree halts its march, and the bushes relax into their usual shapes.

Castle Staff Member #1: (whispering to another) This isn’t normal, all this... magic from a babe. What if he can’t control it? Hyrule has enough troubles without a rogue sorcerer, however young.

Castle Staff Member #2: (nervously watching Stefan) Indeed, his power could be a threat if he grows up without the proper restraint.

Shiri zips in front of them, her glow intensifying as she speaks sharply.

Shiri: (indignantly) The young master has a kinder heart than most! His magic will grow just fine with love and guidance, not fear and doubt! Shame on you!

Agahnim hears the exchange and addresses the staff with a calm authority.

Agahnim: (firmly) Stefan is not a danger to be feared but a child to be taught. We nurture and guide where we can, and we protect him from misunderstanding as much as from his own powers.

Turning back to Stefan, Agahnim kneels to be at eye level with the toddler.

Agahnim: (softly) You see, Stefan, your magic is very strong. Just like you must learn to walk and talk, you must learn to use your magic kindly and carefully.

Stefan: (nodding, still focused) I learn, Ag'nim.

Agahnim smiles warmly, then stands to address the staff, who have been watching the interaction.

Agahnim: We all have a role in ensuring Stefan grows up well. He will need friends as much as teachers. We all share this duty.

The staff nod, some still uncertain, but most are reassured by Agahnim’s words and Stefan’s successful calming of the garden. They begin to tidy up the minor disruptions, casting curious but softer glances at Stefan.

Shiri: (floating close to Stefan) See, young master? They just need to understand, just like you are learning.

Stefan, now watching a butterfly flit by, reaches out, and the butterfly lands gently on his outstretched finger. He watches it with awe and a gentle smile.

Agahnim: (watching this, speaks softly to himself) Yes, he will learn, and perhaps teach us all in turn.

With that, the gardens slowly returning to their usual peace, Stefan sitting on the grass watching the butterfly, and Agahnim standing nearby, overseeing everything with a protective and proud gaze. The magical chaos has subsided, for now, replaced by a tranquil understanding and a renewed commitment to guide and protect the young sorcerer in their midst.
As requested and now presenting Shiri's debut! GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
The normally serene and meticulously tended royal gardens are currently a scene of magical disarray. Flowers sway without a breeze, bushes shape themselves into odd figures, and a small apple tree stubbornly tries to uproot itself and walk away, plants and flowers float in mid-air, water from the fountain flows upwards, and garden tools dance around. At the heart of this whimsy is Stefan, a toddler with wide, innocent eyes and outstretched hands, inadvertently orchestrating the chaos as he giggles delightedly at the sight. Hovering near him is Shiri, a luminescent fairy, darting about with a mix of concern and amusement.

Shiri: (gently) Young master, remember, gentle thoughts, like a soft breeze. We don't need a storm today!

Stefan: (clapping his hands in joy) Fun, Shiri! Look, tree walking!

Just then, Agahnim approaches, his robe snagging momentarily on a levitating rosebush. Following him are several flustered castle staff, including the head gardener, who is desperately trying to coax the walking apple tree back into its proper place.

Head Gardener: (pleading with the tree) Now, now, dear, let’s not be hasty. Your roots belong in the ground!

Agahnim: (observing the scene, then addressing Stefan) Stefan, can you show me how we calm the garden? Remember how we calm our minds?

Stefan looks at Agahnim, nods seriously, and takes a deep breath, his small chest puffing out. The garden reacts; the apple tree halts its march, and the bushes relax into their usual shapes.

Castle Staff Member #1: (whispering to another) This isn’t normal, all this... magic from a babe. What if he can’t control it? Hyrule has enough troubles without a rogue sorcerer, however young.

Castle Staff Member #2: (nervously watching Stefan) Indeed, his power could be a threat if he grows up without the proper restraint.

Shiri zips in front of them, her glow intensifying as she speaks sharply.

Shiri: (indignantly) The young master has a kinder heart than most! His magic will grow just fine with love and guidance, not fear and doubt! Shame on you!

Agahnim hears the exchange and addresses the staff with a calm authority.

Agahnim: (firmly) Stefan is not a danger to be feared but a child to be taught. We nurture and guide where we can, and we protect him from misunderstanding as much as from his own powers.

Turning back to Stefan, Agahnim kneels to be at eye level with the toddler.

Agahnim: (softly) You see, Stefan, your magic is very strong. Just like you must learn to walk and talk, you must learn to use your magic kindly and carefully.

Stefan: (nodding, still focused) I learn, Ag'nim.

Agahnim smiles warmly, then stands to address the staff, who have been watching the interaction.

Agahnim: We all have a role in ensuring Stefan grows up well. He will need friends as much as teachers. We all share this duty.

The staff nod, some still uncertain, but most are reassured by Agahnim’s words and Stefan’s successful calming of the garden. They begin to tidy up the minor disruptions, casting curious but softer glances at Stefan.

Shiri: (floating close to Stefan) See, young master? They just need to understand, just like you are learning.

Stefan, now watching a butterfly flit by, reaches out, and the butterfly lands gently on his outstretched finger. He watches it with awe and a gentle smile.

Agahnim: (watching this, speaks softly to himself) Yes, he will learn, and perhaps teach us all in turn.

With that, the gardens slowly returning to their usual peace, Stefan sitting on the grass watching the butterfly, and Agahnim standing nearby, overseeing everything with a protective and proud gaze. The magical chaos has subsided, for now, replaced by a tranquil understanding and a renewed commitment to guide and protect the young sorcerer in their midst.
Ahhhh great wholesome piece!
Love the bonds Shiri and Agahnim have with Stefan I wish I could draw I’m serious i love the life of Stefan
Dhskfjfkf this is very off topic but the fankid discussion coming back up inspired me so I offer another child into the mix (Not Zelda’s, lord knows she has enough of them lmao)

A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity you know I’m surprised I didn’t do an Inkling & 8 fan kid up until now 🦑 🐙
Dhskfjfkf this is very off topic but the fankid discussion coming back up inspired me so I offer another child into the mix (Not Zelda’s, lord knows she has enough of them lmao)

A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity you know I’m surprised I didn’t do an Inkling & 8 fan kid up until now 🦑 🐙
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Mika gaining too many siblings with the addition of this one lol!
Mika gaining too many siblings with the addition of this one lol!
Nonsense, the more the merrier! Fhdjfhf but it really do be hard keeping track of how many siblings each fan kid has, at this point I might as well make a spreadsheet/j
Off topic cuz I forgot in my last post, I’ll try to have a Roxas post up tomorrow. Ended up being busier than I thought this weekend

Nonsense, the more the merrier! Fhdjfhf but it really do be hard keeping track of how many siblings each fan kid has, at this point I might as well make a spreadsheet/j
I think Mika has like 5 or 6?? Something like that. Joker had 5 kids iirc so it should be 5 but lol
Off topic cuz I forgot in my last post, I’ll try to have a Roxas post up tomorrow. Ended up being busier than I thought this weekend

I think Mika has like 5 or 6?? Something like that. Joker had 5 kids iirc so it should be 5 but lol
Looking forward to reading it.. more Sephiroth shenanigans ahoy 😈

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