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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

What’s the worst that could happen?” 👀👀👀👀 A recreation of the movie Independence Day if Jenova isn’t handled
Saw this and it made me think it was a dumb back and forth Lunaris and Joker would have ignore the P3 characters on it. I was too lazy to find the original
I imagine Lunaris if the first message and Joker is the second one

I have a random brain rot of Rufus Shinra knowing how he rolls he’ll likely side with Lunaris he knows how to play his cards right unlike his old man.
They're both amazing! I've tried my hand at 3D modeling using Blender and couldn't understand the program, so I'm over the moon with that Teen Stefan model! All three must've taken work! Thank you very much! 💕
I’ve also tried using blender for modeling and omg it really is hard learning to use! lol now instead I model out my characters in an app called Nomad Sculpt and then import the files into Blender afterwards for any rigging and animation. Since it’s only a sculpting app the UI is a lot simpler to get a handle on + being able to use a stylus and tablet instead of a mouse is an absolute godsend 😩🙏

Ahh my simp heart can’t take it. They look amazing especially teen Stefan, they’re so adorable those kids are too cute 😭🥺
Aww you’re too kind! ❤️
I’ve also tried using blender for modeling and omg it really is hard learning to use! lol now instead I model out my characters in an app called Nomad Sculpt and then import the files into Blender afterwards for any rigging and animation. Since it’s only a sculpting app the UI is a lot simpler to get a handle on + being able to use a stylus and tablet instead of a mouse is an absolute godsend 😩🙏

Aww you’re too kind! ❤️
They needs protecting too precious
Saw this and it made me think it was a dumb back and forth Lunaris and Joker would have ignore the P3 characters on it. I was too lazy to find the original
I imagine Lunaris if the first message and Joker is the second one

Those two would’ve been good friends had things been different!

Posted for Lana, Ike is up next! 😚
D’aww, Lana’s gushing over T’ink is cute! Too bad the little guy wasn’t there to be loved on! From what I’ve seen in WW and PH, T’ink is a sweetheart who takes things in stride.
Those two would’ve been good friends had things been different!

D’aww, Lana’s gushing over T’ink is cute! Too bad the little guy wasn’t there to be loved on! From what I’ve seen in WW and PH, T’ink is a sweetheart who takes things in stride.
I'm sure once Lana and T'ink cross paths, she'll shower him in hugs and kisses 😚
Like his karate skills are scary his reactions are on point he’s a menace cat. He’s the boy in my profile pic he destroyed so many cords hence why I gave him the name Kaiju
I'm sure once Lana and T'ink cross paths, she'll shower him in hugs and kisses 😚
Toon Link is a blushing, bashful mess. Pit is acting like he doesn't care, but one could sense the jealousy radiating off of him. Pyra catches on to this and, wanting to be nice and help Pit feel better, gives him a kiss on the cheek! Pit is so overcome that he becomes a pink angel rocket!

Lunaris can be besties with Jester instead. Surely it's the same. He's totally not a chaotic lil shithead
If they were both teenagers, they'd definitely be chaotic gremlins together!

Slightly random, but I was reading back in the OOC thread and found myself thinking about Dad Shulk, and once again wondering what might have happened had Pit been in a similar scenario with the twins. I had a scene in my head of Pit meeting Milton, who fought for three sleepless days and nights trying to keep a couple of badly wounded young soldiers alive after a terrible battle. Despite his efforts, he couldn't save them, and Milton broke down once he was able to find a private place to do so. Even though he knows Milton will not recognize him, Pit puts a hand on his back and tries to comfort him.
Slightly random, but I was reading back in the OOC thread and found myself thinking about Dad Shulk, and once again wondering what might have happened had Pit been in a similar scenario with the twins. I had a scene in my head of Pit meeting Milton, who fought for three sleepless days and nights trying to keep a couple of badly wounded young soldiers alive after a terrible battle. Despite his efforts, he couldn't save them, and Milton broke down once he was able to find a private place to do so. Even though he knows Milton will not recognize him, Pit puts a hand on his back and tries to comfort him.
Awww that's so sweet! Honestly, it don't matter if they remember or not, that dad mode be kicking in when it needs to. Even if the twins don't remember I know Pit would still be the kind of dad to protect them and maybe even make sacrifices for them

Now that you put it on my mind, I offer a few more Dad Shulk instances
This one is pretty short given it was mid cutscene but still hits the feels

This one is a huge spoiler and a bit out of context since it is the end so y'all might be confused but soft dad moment
Awww that's so sweet! Honestly, it don't matter if they remember or not, that dad mode be kicking in when it needs to. Even if the twins don't remember I know Pit would still be the kind of dad to protect them and maybe even make sacrifices for them

Now that you put it on my mind, I offer a few more Dad Shulk instances
This one is pretty short given it was mid cutscene but still hits the feels

This one is a huge spoiler and a bit out of context since it is the end so y'all might be confused but soft dad moment

If Pit is willing to sacrifice his wings (and his life) with no hesitation to save his dark twin, he'd definitely do whatever it takes to protect his kids! I can't help but wonder how difficult it must be to be a healer in that world during the events of XC3. Poor Milton.

"You dropped your Bebe, Milton."
"Hey, how d'you know about Bebe??"

I'm a huge sucker for sweet Dad moments! Pit might not be able to make the same sacrifice as Shulk and Rex as he is not part of that world, but I can see him giving encouragement to Melina and Milton before he disappears back to Angel Land.

"And if you see Mythra... tell her I said hi!"

Did I have Mog snap out of the trance too soon or is it okay?
You're fine. It's up to the individual players how their PCs react to the Pillars' effects.
If Pit is willing to sacrifice his wings (and his life) with no hesitation to save his dark twin, he'd definitely do whatever it takes to protect his kids! I can't help but wonder how difficult it must be to be a healer in that world during the events of XC3. Poor Milton.

"You dropped your Bebe, Milton."
"Hey, how d'you know about Bebe??"

I'm a huge sucker for sweet Dad moments! Pit might not be able to make the same sacrifice as Shulk and Rex as he is not part of that world, but I can see him giving encouragement to Melina and Milton before he disappears back to Angel Land.

"And if you see Mythra... tell her I said hi!"
Makes me think of how interesting it would be if Pit and Shulk were to meet each other during the events of XC3. Too bad Shulk sacrifices himself very early into the world’s cycle to set things in motion. But the dynamic between them and how they could cope is a thought to be had. It’s one of my favorite things about XC3’s dlc. How Shulk and Rex are approached as characters is so good!

Am I up for a post for Paula?
I’m of the opinion the order is pretty loose in this group so if you want to post go for it, unless someone else was already working on something
Makes me think of how interesting it would be if Pit and Shulk were to meet each other during the events of XC3. Too bad Shulk sacrifices himself very early into the world’s cycle to set things in motion. But the dynamic between them and how they could cope is a thought to be had. It’s one of my favorite things about XC3’s dlc. How Shulk and Rex are approached as characters is so good!

I’m of the opinion the order is pretty loose in this group so if you want to post go for it, unless someone else was already working on something
Yea I lost track of the group 🤦‍♀️
Yea I lost track of the group 🤦‍♀️
Generally it’s been Joker/Ann -> Nurse Joy -> Paula or Agent 8 (these two flip flop who's first and second) -> Inkling of recent with Prompto and Noctis happening whenever in there, but I don’t feel the order has to be that if you aren’t waiting for someone else to react to something you had posted like if Inking said something to Eight so Sheep waited before posting
Am I up for a post for Paula?
There isn't a strict posting order with that group, so post if you want. I plan to put Nurse Joy's post together with Lunaris's when I get around to writing for them.

Makes me think of how interesting it would be if Pit and Shulk were to meet each other during the events of XC3. Too bad Shulk sacrifices himself very early into the world’s cycle to set things in motion. But the dynamic between them and how they could cope is a thought to be had. It’s one of my favorite things about XC3’s dlc. How Shulk and Rex are approached as characters is so good!

I’m of the opinion the order is pretty loose in this group so if you want to post go for it, unless someone else was already working on something
I'm imagining Shulk watching Pit and Rex be total bros and telling dad jokes in regards to their missing eyes. XD

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