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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Now I remembered there was a cult of him dunno if it still exists irl or no
A very stupid thought that came into my head:

Odessa: I brought you a fruit and cheese platter, my Lord. You haven’t eaten in a while.

Lunaris: Ah, thank you, Odessa. I… wait… (*stares at Odessa suspiciously*) …Are there pills wrapped in the cheese?
A very stupid thought that came into my head:

Odessa: I brought you a fruit and cheese platter, my Lord. You haven’t eaten in a while.

Lunaris: Ah, thank you, Odessa. I… wait… (*stares at Odessa suspiciously*) …Are there pills wrapped in the cheese?
You’re supposed to crush the pills lol 😆 I know hard with fruit and cheese
Odessa: … I suppose you won’t be wanting the peanut butter, then?

Now I’m thinking about how hard it must’ve been for Agahnim to give Lil’ Stefan his medication in Kameron’s AU!
Odessa: … I suppose you won’t be wanting the peanut butter, then?

Now I’m thinking about how hard it must’ve been for Agahnim to give Lil’ Stefan his medication in Kameron’s AU!
I wish I could draw these I’ll just sit and simp for Lunaris lol
Now I’m thinking about how hard it must’ve been for Agahnim to give Lil’ Stefan his medication in Kameron’s AU!
The room is filled with the morning light filtering through the heavy curtains. Bookshelves line the walls, crammed with ancient tomes and exotic artifacts. Agahnim stands by a small, bubbling cauldron, stirring a thick, vividly purple concoction. Stefan, a lively boy of about seven, peeks around a corner, his eyes wide with suspicion.

Agahnim: (noticing Stefan, calls out cheerfully) Ah, Stefan! Just in time! I’ve prepared a new medicine for you. It’s got all the healing properties we need for your... condition.

Stefan: (wrinkling his nose, takes a step back) It looks like something a Moblin sneezed up. What’s in it?

Agahnim: Only the finest of ingredients! A dash of fairy dust, a sprinkle of crushed Lynel hoof, and, the pièce de résistance—moldorm bile.

Stefan: (making a face) Moldorm bile? No thank you! I think I suddenly feel much better. (Starts to back away slowly)

Agahnim: (smirking) Oh, come now, it can’t be worse than facing a full-grown Moblin, can it? Just one sip.

Stefan: (shaking his head) I’d rather kiss a Moblin!

Stefan turns and dashes out of the room, Agahnim hot on his heels.

Agahnim: (calling out as he chases) It’s for your own good, Stefan! It might even taste better than it smells!

The chase leads them through the bustling corridors of Hyrule Castle. Servants and knights dodge out of the way as Stefan zooms past, giggling wildly. Agahnim, less agile but determined, follows, waving the cup of medicine like a flag.

Stefan: (yelling back) You’ll have to catch me first, Professor!

They burst through into the castle gardens, where Stefan makes a sharp turn around a fountain. Agahnim, caught off guard, nearly loses his balance but recovers with a grace unexpected from a man of his age.

Agahnim: (panting, managing a laugh) You’d make a fine rogue with those evasion skills!

Stefan, finding a momentary hiding spot behind a large rose bush, whispers to himself.

Stefan: If I can just get to the stables, I can hide in the hayloft.

He darts toward the stables, but Agahnim, guessing his plan, cuts him off at the pass, standing triumphantly with the medicine still in hand.

Agahnim: (waving the cup) End of the line, young mage. Now, will you take your medicine or shall we go another round?

Stefan: (pausing, then with a mischievous glint in his eye) Can we make a deal? If I take the medicine, you have to drink some too!

Agahnim: (laughing) You drive a hard bargain, Stefan. Very well, a sip for a sip.

They both take a hesitant sip of the medicine, grimacing as the bitter taste hits them. Stefan sticks out his tongue, shuddering.

Stefan: (grinning despite the taste) See? I told you it was terrible!

Agahnim: (shaking his head, chuckling) Perhaps I’ll consider a new flavor next time. Lemon, perhaps? Or honey?

As they walk back to the castle together, Stefan leans against Agahnim, still giggling from the thrill of the chase.

Stefan: Next time, you should make it taste like pie!

Agahnim: (smiling) Pie it is, then. But only if you promise no more running away.

Stefan: (nodding) No promises!

The scene closes with them disappearing into the castle, the morning light casting long shadows behind them as laughter echoes through the air.
The room is filled with the morning light filtering through the heavy curtains. Bookshelves line the walls, crammed with ancient tomes and exotic artifacts. Agahnim stands by a small, bubbling cauldron, stirring a thick, vividly purple concoction. Stefan, a lively boy of about seven, peeks around a corner, his eyes wide with suspicion.

Agahnim: (noticing Stefan, calls out cheerfully) Ah, Stefan! Just in time! I’ve prepared a new medicine for you. It’s got all the healing properties we need for your... condition.

Stefan: (wrinkling his nose, takes a step back) It looks like something a Moblin sneezed up. What’s in it?

Agahnim: Only the finest of ingredients! A dash of fairy dust, a sprinkle of crushed Lynel hoof, and, the pièce de résistance—moldorm bile.

Stefan: (making a face) Moldorm bile? No thank you! I think I suddenly feel much better. (Starts to back away slowly)

Agahnim: (smirking) Oh, come now, it can’t be worse than facing a full-grown Moblin, can it? Just one sip.

Stefan: (shaking his head) I’d rather kiss a Moblin!

Stefan turns and dashes out of the room, Agahnim hot on his heels.

Agahnim: (calling out as he chases) It’s for your own good, Stefan! It might even taste better than it smells!

The chase leads them through the bustling corridors of Hyrule Castle. Servants and knights dodge out of the way as Stefan zooms past, giggling wildly. Agahnim, less agile but determined, follows, waving the cup of medicine like a flag.

Stefan: (yelling back) You’ll have to catch me first, Professor!

They burst through into the castle gardens, where Stefan makes a sharp turn around a fountain. Agahnim, caught off guard, nearly loses his balance but recovers with a grace unexpected from a man of his age.

Agahnim: (panting, managing a laugh) You’d make a fine rogue with those evasion skills!

Stefan, finding a momentary hiding spot behind a large rose bush, whispers to himself.

Stefan: If I can just get to the stables, I can hide in the hayloft.

He darts toward the stables, but Agahnim, guessing his plan, cuts him off at the pass, standing triumphantly with the medicine still in hand.

Agahnim: (waving the cup) End of the line, young mage. Now, will you take your medicine or shall we go another round?

Stefan: (pausing, then with a mischievous glint in his eye) Can we make a deal? If I take the medicine, you have to drink some too!

Agahnim: (laughing) You drive a hard bargain, Stefan. Very well, a sip for a sip.

They both take a hesitant sip of the medicine, grimacing as the bitter taste hits them. Stefan sticks out his tongue, shuddering.

Stefan: (grinning despite the taste) See? I told you it was terrible!

Agahnim: (shaking his head, chuckling) Perhaps I’ll consider a new flavor next time. Lemon, perhaps? Or honey?

As they walk back to the castle together, Stefan leans against Agahnim, still giggling from the thrill of the chase.

Stefan: Next time, you should make it taste like pie!

Agahnim: (smiling) Pie it is, then. But only if you promise no more running away.

Stefan: (nodding) No promises!

The scene closes with them disappearing into the castle, the morning light casting long shadows behind them as laughter echoes through the air.
So wholesome I’m just loving their bond too much I really wish this is canon. I can see Agahnim was a good mentor/doctor/father figure it’s obvious the love he had for Stefan. I have a head canon that his alter ego ganon slowly but surrly started taking over his mind over time changing his ideals/core beliefs/his morals and love for Stefan. He eventually got so corrupted it’s sad but it’s the reality Stefan had to live with. 😭
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A little late on this one but I'm sure you'll love it 😁 GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
The bustling town square is alive with excitement as colorful tents and banners are erected, signaling the arrival of the annual circus. Families gather eagerly, their faces filled with anticipation. Among them stands Agahnim, his expression one of quiet resolve, as he holds the hand of a small, wide-eyed Stefan.

Stefan: (tugging at Agahnim's hand) What’s that, Ag'nim? What’s that?

Agahnim: (smiling down at Stefan) That, my boy, is the circus. A magical place where wonders await at every turn.

Stefan’s eyes widen even further, sparkling with curiosity and wonder. Together, they make their way toward the entrance of the circus grounds, the sound of laughter and music growing louder with each step.

Agahnim: (pointing) Look, Stefan! There’s the entrance! Shall we go in?

Stefan: (nodding eagerly) Yes, yes, let’s go!

They enter the bustling circus grounds, the air filled with the scent of popcorn and cotton candy, and the sound of laughter and music swirling around them. Stefan’s eyes dart from one attraction to the next, his excitement palpable.

Stefan: (pointing) Look, Ag'nim! Clowns!

Agahnim: (chuckling) Yes, clowns indeed. Shall we say hello?

They approach a group of clowns, who greet them with exaggerated bows and silly gestures. Stefan giggles uncontrollably as one of the clowns juggles colorful balls, while another balances on a unicycle.

Clown: (with a twinkle in his eye) Would you like to try, little one?

Stefan: (nodding eagerly) Yes, please!

With gentle encouragement from Agahnim, Stefan tries his hand at juggling, his tiny fingers clumsily tossing the balls in the air. The clowns cheer him on, their laughter infectious.

Agahnim: (smiling proudly) Look at you, Stefan! A natural-born entertainer.

Stefan beams with delight, his cheeks flushed with joy. As they continue exploring the circus, they encounter acrobats soaring through the air, tightrope walkers defying gravity, and exotic animals performing tricks.

Stefan: (pointing excitedly) Look, Ag'nim! A lion!

Agahnim: (amazed) Yes, a lion indeed. But don’t worry, he’s very friendly.

Stefan tentatively reaches out to stroke the lion’s mane, his fear melting away as the majestic creature nuzzles his hand affectionately.

Stefan: (giggling) He’s like a big kitty! I like kitties, they're so fluffy!

As Agahnim and Stefan continue their whimsical adventure through the circus, they make their way toward a tent adorned with sparkling lights and vibrant banners. The hum of excitement grows louder as they approach.

Agahnim: (pointing towards the tent) That, Stefan, is the Big Top. Inside, magic truly comes to life.

Stefan: (eyes wide with wonder) Can we see inside, Ag'nim?

Agahnim: Of course! The show is about to start. Let's find our seats.

They enter the large tent, filled with rows of benches crowded with families. The smell of sawdust and the murmur of the crowd create an electric atmosphere. Agahnim finds them seats near the front, where the view is unobstructed. As the lights dim, Stefan’s grip tightens in excitement.

Ringmaster: (booming voice) Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to an evening of enchantment and wonder under the stars!

The show begins with a parade of performers. Acrobats flip through the air, jugglers toss flaming torches, and a magician pulls an endless stream of scarves from his hat. Stefan claps his hands in delight, his laughter mingling with the sounds of applause.

Stefan: (clapping) More, Ag'nim, more!

As the acrobats and clowns give way to the next act, a hush falls over the crowd. A gentle melody fills the tent as a troupe of aerial silk performers take the stage. They climb the silken fabrics with grace, their bodies twirling and soaring through the air. Stefan gazes up in awe, his mouth agape.

Stefan: (whispering) They’re flying, Ag'nim!

Agahnim: (whispering back) Yes, they are. Just like the birds we see in the sky.

Next, the magician returns to the center ring, his cloak billowing dramatically. With a flourish, he invites a child from the audience to assist him. Stefan looks up at Agahnim, his eyes shining with hope.

Agahnim: (nodding) Go ahead, Stefan.

Stefan shyly makes his way to the ring, his small feet unsure on the sawdust. The magician welcomes him with a warm smile and hands him a magic wand.

Magician: (gently) Wave the wand and say the magic words: Abracadabra!

Stefan waves the wand hesitantly and whispers the magic words. Suddenly, a burst of colorful confetti explodes from the magician's hat, showering the audience. The crowd erupts in cheers, and Stefan's face lights up with pure joy.

Magician: (clapping Stefan’s shoulder) Well done, young wizard!

Stefan returns to Agahnim, his step buoyant with pride. They watch the rest of the show, which culminates with a breathtaking firework display that lights up the night sky.

Stefan: (yawning, as fireworks paint the sky) It’s like the stars are dancing... Just for us.... Just for me...

Agahnim: (smiling softly) Yes, just for us. And remember, every time we look up at the stars, we can remember this night.

The circus gradually comes to an end, and the crowd begins to disperse. Agahnim lifts Stefan into his arms, the boy's head resting against his shoulder as they walk out of the tent.

Agahnim: Happy birthday, Stefan.

Stefan: (nodding, sleepy) It was the best day ever, Ag'nim. I wish it.... Never had... To end....

Agahnim: (rubs the top of Stefan’s head) All good things must come to an end, my boy. Though, that doesn't mean it has to be that way (touches Stefan’s heart) forever.

They walk slowly back through the now-quiet circus grounds, the echoes of laughter still lingering in the air. The magic of the day settles around them like a soft blanket, wrapping them in its warmth as they head home under the starlit sky.
A little late on this one but I'm sure you'll love it 😁 GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
The bustling town square is alive with excitement as colorful tents and banners are erected, signaling the arrival of the annual circus. Families gather eagerly, their faces filled with anticipation. Among them stands Agahnim, his expression one of quiet resolve, as he holds the hand of a small, wide-eyed Stefan.

Stefan: (tugging at Agahnim's hand) What’s that, Ag'nim? What’s that?

Agahnim: (smiling down at Stefan) That, my boy, is the circus. A magical place where wonders await at every turn.

Stefan’s eyes widen even further, sparkling with curiosity and wonder. Together, they make their way toward the entrance of the circus grounds, the sound of laughter and music growing louder with each step.

Agahnim: (pointing) Look, Stefan! There’s the entrance! Shall we go in?

Stefan: (nodding eagerly) Yes, yes, let’s go!

They enter the bustling circus grounds, the air filled with the scent of popcorn and cotton candy, and the sound of laughter and music swirling around them. Stefan’s eyes dart from one attraction to the next, his excitement palpable.

Stefan: (pointing) Look, Ag'nim! Clowns!

Agahnim: (chuckling) Yes, clowns indeed. Shall we say hello?

They approach a group of clowns, who greet them with exaggerated bows and silly gestures. Stefan giggles uncontrollably as one of the clowns juggles colorful balls, while another balances on a unicycle.

Clown: (with a twinkle in his eye) Would you like to try, little one?

Stefan: (nodding eagerly) Yes, please!

With gentle encouragement from Agahnim, Stefan tries his hand at juggling, his tiny fingers clumsily tossing the balls in the air. The clowns cheer him on, their laughter infectious.

Agahnim: (smiling proudly) Look at you, Stefan! A natural-born entertainer.

Stefan beams with delight, his cheeks flushed with joy. As they continue exploring the circus, they encounter acrobats soaring through the air, tightrope walkers defying gravity, and exotic animals performing tricks.

Stefan: (pointing excitedly) Look, Ag'nim! A lion!

Agahnim: (amazed) Yes, a lion indeed. But don’t worry, he’s very friendly.

Stefan tentatively reaches out to stroke the lion’s mane, his fear melting away as the majestic creature nuzzles his hand affectionately.

Stefan: (giggling) He’s like a big kitty! I like kitties, they're so fluffy!

As Agahnim and Stefan continue their whimsical adventure through the circus, they make their way toward a tent adorned with sparkling lights and vibrant banners. The hum of excitement grows louder as they approach.

Agahnim: (pointing towards the tent) That, Stefan, is the Big Top. Inside, magic truly comes to life.

Stefan: (eyes wide with wonder) Can we see inside, Ag'nim?

Agahnim: Of course! The show is about to start. Let's find our seats.

They enter the large tent, filled with rows of benches crowded with families. The smell of sawdust and the murmur of the crowd create an electric atmosphere. Agahnim finds them seats near the front, where the view is unobstructed. As the lights dim, Stefan’s grip tightens in excitement.

Ringmaster: (booming voice) Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to an evening of enchantment and wonder under the stars!

The show begins with a parade of performers. Acrobats flip through the air, jugglers toss flaming torches, and a magician pulls an endless stream of scarves from his hat. Stefan claps his hands in delight, his laughter mingling with the sounds of applause.

Stefan: (clapping) More, Ag'nim, more!

As the acrobats and clowns give way to the next act, a hush falls over the crowd. A gentle melody fills the tent as a troupe of aerial silk performers take the stage. They climb the silken fabrics with grace, their bodies twirling and soaring through the air. Stefan gazes up in awe, his mouth agape.

Stefan: (whispering) They’re flying, Ag'nim!

Agahnim: (whispering back) Yes, they are. Just like the birds we see in the sky.

Next, the magician returns to the center ring, his cloak billowing dramatically. With a flourish, he invites a child from the audience to assist him. Stefan looks up at Agahnim, his eyes shining with hope.

Agahnim: (nodding) Go ahead, Stefan.

Stefan shyly makes his way to the ring, his small feet unsure on the sawdust. The magician welcomes him with a warm smile and hands him a magic wand.

Magician: (gently) Wave the wand and say the magic words: Abracadabra!

Stefan waves the wand hesitantly and whispers the magic words. Suddenly, a burst of colorful confetti explodes from the magician's hat, showering the audience. The crowd erupts in cheers, and Stefan's face lights up with pure joy.

Magician: (clapping Stefan’s shoulder) Well done, young wizard!

Stefan returns to Agahnim, his step buoyant with pride. They watch the rest of the show, which culminates with a breathtaking firework display that lights up the night sky.

Stefan: (yawning, as fireworks paint the sky) It’s like the stars are dancing... Just for us.... Just for me...

Agahnim: (smiling softly) Yes, just for us. And remember, every time we look up at the stars, we can remember this night.

The circus gradually comes to an end, and the crowd begins to disperse. Agahnim lifts Stefan into his arms, the boy's head resting against his shoulder as they walk out of the tent.

Agahnim: Happy birthday, Stefan.

Stefan: (nodding, sleepy) It was the best day ever, Ag'nim. I wish it.... Never had... To end....

Agahnim: (rubs the top of Stefan’s head) All good things must come to an end, my boy. Though, that doesn't mean it has to be that way (touches Stefan’s heart) forever.

They walk slowly back through the now-quiet circus grounds, the echoes of laughter still lingering in the air. The magic of the day settles around them like a soft blanket, wrapping them in its warmth as they head home under the starlit sky.
Aghhh too adorable 🥰 I’m just gonna cry at the cuteness too wholesome.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Yo! Seriously Nintendo should let fans write the Zelda games these pieces are so well written and a good read they should be considered canon. Agahnim and the Stefan back stories wormed their way to my heart
Posted for Daisy and Sheik! Sorry it took me a while X(
Shroomie Shroomie I hope you don't mind Daisy flirting with Ike, it's just for comedic purposes ahghghghgh
Rath is a solid pick ngl, he's my second favorite out of Lyn's possible husbands, but I always loved the idea where Lyn and Kent elope together to Sacae and stuff after all is said and done. The noblewoman and her loyal knight. It always reminded me a lot of Zelda and Link from BotW.

And yeah I'm having Lyn be very jaded when it comes to romance lmfao, she's a bit oblivious to her own harem tho 😆
Honestly, yeah, I can see why you'd like Kent. Sain was always my favorite one out of the two, but Kent is still very cute.

The men who love her: *holding up signs that say 'MARRY ME, LYN'*
Lyn: "What weird little dudes."
>:3c Hehehehehe!
Posted for Daisy and Sheik! Sorry it took me a while X(
Shroomie Shroomie I hope you don't mind Daisy flirting with Ike, it's just for comedic purposes ahghghghgh
Don't worry, it's not a problem at all! We all got lives outside of this RP after all
Girl really fears no man! Poor Ike is cursed with being an attention magnet
Honestly, yeah, I can see why you'd like Kent. Sain was always my favorite one out of the two, but Kent is still very cute.

The men who love her: *holding up signs that say 'MARRY ME, LYN'*
Lyn: "What weird little dudes."
sjenfirbghtisnwbfj literally her 😆

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