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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Random thought cuz my mind has been in one place and I was half tempted to drawing something related to the following:

Since Lunaris!AU been on the mind, to those who made counterparts of their characters, how do you think they would react to their Lunaris-ified selves?
Here goes another one!
The room is dimly lit by the soft glow of enchanted lanterns, casting a serene ambiance that belies the tension within. Vials of brightly colored potions line the shelves, and the air is heavy with a mix of herbal aromas. Stefan, pale and visibly shaking, is hunched over a small wooden table, his hands clenched tightly around a beaker.

Agahnim enters quietly, carrying a small vial with a new concoction meant to ease Stefan’s symptoms. He pauses at the sight of Stefan’s distress, concern etched deeply in his features.

Agahnim: Stefan, I've brought the latest—

Stefan: (abruptly turning, his voice sharp) Latest what, Professor? Another potion? Another spell? Another promise of relief? 9his voice raspy and filled with a bitter edge)

Stefan’s eyes are bloodshot, dark circles under them marking the toll of sleepless nights. He breathes heavily, each inhale seeming to struggle against his lungs.

Stefan: (voice rising) Do you know what it's like? To wake up every morning feeling like your bones are made of lead? To breathe and feel like there are thorns in your chest?

He picks up a glass vial from the table and hurls it against the wall, where it shatters, the liquid within sizzling as it meets the stone.

Stefan: My heart races but goes nowhere! It flutters and stumbles like a frightened bird trapped in my chest! And the nausea... (He grips his stomach, grimacing) It never ends.... Every meal is a battle to keep down.... I read your notes, you know...I know you've been keeping a vigil on my smyptoms...I read the latest one about my my newest development where my prespiration has an odd thickness. A slimy consistancy that isn't normal to be considered sweat! You already knew what it was, but didn't bother to tell me! So tell me know, what is it that I've been sweating the last several weeks? I want to hear it from your mouth!

Agahnim: (he takes a deep breath and sighs) Mucus...

Stefan: Exactly...Mucus... Literal SNOT is OOZING from my PORES! Can you not fathom how disgusted I am with myself?! Can NO ONE fathom it?! Who would want to? While everyone around me laughs and loves and lives, I am confined to this castle wasting away! And every day I see everyone go about their lives I grow to hate them all more and more for just being happy! Just for breathing without pain! to be able to sleep without seeing demons! To be able to walk without fear of falling from their legs just going numb! To feel the warmth of the Sun without feeling cold! To be able to love themselves while I hate myself more than anyone or anything in this forsaken kingdom! Do you hear me, Professor?! I hate myself! For I am nothing more than a tumor brought to form!

His voice breaks as he sweeps his arm across the table, sending bottles and books crashing to the floor in a cacophony of chaos and noise. His movements are erratic, fueled by a storm of pent-up frustration and despair.

Stefan: AAAAAAAAGGGGHHH! And the headaches! They pierce through my skull like spears! My thoughts scramble, and I can't remember... I can't think straight anymore! I've been dying since I've been born!

His energy spent, Stefan sinks to his knees, his anger dissolving into sobs of fear and exhaustion. His body shakes, not just from the sickness but from the raw, overwhelming tide of his emotions. Stefan shudders, his anger dissolving into sobs as the weight of his fear and exhaustion becomes too much to bear.

Stefan: (voice cracking, tears streaming) Every day, it gets worse. What's the point of all this—your spells, your potions—if nothing changes? If I'm just... just waiting to die? Every day, it’s worse! You say you’re trying, but nothing changes! Am I destined to be a prisoner in my own body until the end?!

Agahnim stands silently, his expression softening. He steps over the debris and sits beside Stefan, placing a firm, gentle hand on his shoulder.

Agahnim: (His voice soft but firm, he approaches Stefan, setting aside the vial and kneeling beside him) Stefan... While I myself may not be suffering from any sort of affliction, but it does not mean I am not suffering at all. Do you not think that I am not pained knowing that feel these things? I have known this since you were a fledgling and even then, I found it unfair that you have to live like this.... I have worked tirelessly and and traveled far and wide to find what could cure you. But I come up short every time...The more I see you in pain...The more I have to catalogue it in my logs...It's a reminder that I'm failing you...Of all the things I've accomplished in my time, why is that I can't spare my own pupil from his misery? Stefan...Please, forgive your mentor for being so useless...But know this, despite my failures, I will not let you down. I won't stop until I've put and end to your pain, but I can't do it alone. What ails you is bigger than the post of us, so it will take two great minds to over come this obstacle. Don't let your pain hold you back, because then it will take longer for you to reach paradise. Stand with me, Stefan.

He helps Stefan to his feet, steadying him.

You're body may be weak, but your mind is brighter than all the stars in the sky. And your soul is just as strong if not stronger. It takes a different kind of strength to endure what you have for so long, Stefan. That strength will be rewarded someday, I swear it! Until then, let us let our pain push us forward! Look to me in my eyes, Stefan, and tell me you don't want to live.

Stefan looks up, his eyes meeting Agahnim's. In Agahnim’s gaze, there’s an unwavering resolve, a promise that goes beyond words.

Stefan: All I ever wanted was to live...

Aganhim: Then I don't care how far I must go or what knowledge I must obtain. Forbidden or otherwise, I won't stop until all options have been exhausted. And with you by my side, we will overcome this together! You will live! By the goddesses, you will live...!

Stefan nods slowly, wiping his eyes. He manages a small, weary smile as he starts picking up the scattered items.
Stefan: I apologize for ruining your texts, professor. I know these had to be one-of-a-kind.
Agahnim: Indeed, they were. Irreplaceable even. Just like you.

the chamber, once filled with the chaos of Stefan’s outburst, now holds a quieter, solemn atmosphere. The sun’s rays soften, bathing the room in a gentle light, mirroring the beginning of acceptance and renewed hope between master and apprentice.

Thank you for another great story! It’s sad to think, despite everything, the Night Dragon’s hatred cannot be denied.

Imagine if there was an instance of history repeating itself! Stefan’s ancestor did what he did out of love for his timeline’s Zelda: she’s the daughter he never had. Meanwhile, if we go by the Tutor Stefan idea, one of the reasons he may have put up with Agahnim’s abuse is because he wanted to protect the girl that had become like a little sister to him.
Random thought cuz my mind has been in one place and I was half tempted to drawing something related to the following:

Since Lunaris!AU been on the mind, to those who made counterparts of their characters, how do you think they would react to their Lunaris-ified selves?
Fhsjdjfjfxhdjx I just woke up but trust me I will (eventually) be responding to this 👀👀👀👀
Random thought cuz my mind has been in one place and I was half tempted to drawing something related to the following:

Since Lunaris!AU been on the mind, to those who made counterparts of their characters, how do you think they would react to their Lunaris-ified selves?
Eeeeek I wasn't around for this either 😔
I'm still gonna try and formulate some thoughts on this though because it seems very interesting.

I know Nana and Popo would be positively horrified if they found out what had happened to them in a different universe. Although they're little kids, they still possess ice bending Powers and other unique abilities, but they had never had even the slightest inclination to use those powers for evil.

Ike would be distraught. He had been blessed by a goddess and been called "The Radiant Hero" for his ability to lead mercenaries into battle and the harsh vengeance he brought upon the Black Knight after Ike's father had been slain. Now, his blade and blue flames were being used for devious purposes. He would feel a horrible guilt. As if he was becoming like the Black Knight, the evil he had sought to destroy.

Ada wouldn't know how to process this. There is another version of her, and under the control of Lunaris? It's not logical and yet it's true. Perhaps Ada might drive herself into obsession trying to figure out what went wrong. Had she been infected by malware? Had someone hacked into her software?

Cia wouldn't be as ashamed as the others, she'd be more angry if anything. After having been used like a puppet by Ganon, the last thing she wants is to be used again. Though would she be horrified? Not really.

Lana would definitely be hit the hardest out of everyone. She is supposed to be the new Guardian of Time. She tried to close herself off from the world after the War Across the Ages just to try and preserve the peace that the Hyrulean Forces fought so hard for. And yet in another world she had succumbed to evil again, corrupted, just like the past Guardian of Time was. She was supposed to be the light, the counterpart of evil's darkness, but in the end, she still ended up as a lord's servant, just like the other half of her spirit she used to know.
I had a silly thought of Cia and Lunaris dancing a tango while breaking into a Disney-style villain song lol
A Mii is projecting a spotlight on the two of them as they dance and sing about world domination 👌
Random thought cuz my mind has been in one place and I was half tempted to drawing something related to the following:

Since Lunaris!AU been on the mind, to those who made counterparts of their characters, how do you think they would react to their Lunaris-ified selves?
Here’s my wall of text for y’all:

Yoshi: His other self isn’t too much different than he is so he relatively unfazed when he meets him. He would find it strange that he’s blue all the sudden instead of green since him being a green Yoshi is what makes him him but he doesn’t really question it otherwise

Pyra/Mythra: They are horrified by what they became and are greatly reminded of their brother, Malos. It’s an unpleasant thought and they don’t like it one bit. Mythra is hit especially hard because of all the pain she carries over her past and to see a version of herself as such a killing machine absolutely breaks her. It’s even worse that this version looks like Pneuma given that is their true form upon fully accepting themselves which means this version has accepted herself as a monster who was only brought to the world to be a destructive weapon or an endbringer. It would bring up a lot of emotional turmoil in them that they really didn’t need and probably would make them come out to the other fighters and say “hey if this happens, please don’t hesitate to kill me” kind of ordeal. They would probably desperately try to take out the doppelgänger themselves if given the chance

Joker: For Joker it’s strange because he can see bits of himself in Jester though those traits have been blown out of proportion and twisted in a way that isn’t him. Jester would probably tell Joker this is his true nature if he just let everything go and was truly free, though Joker could tell that’s absolute bs the moment he is able to rip of Jester’s mask and can see how he actually acts when he’s free of influence. It definitely is an eye opener of how his personality could be twisted into something completely different if he even made one wrong move or ended up in the wrong group of people. Eventually it’d come down to a clash of his cool headed calmness vs Jester’s chaotic trickery but also a show of Joker not caring if he’s seen as a hero vs Jester parading himself as one through the false scenarios he crafted

Sora: He’s confused by it all and in Sora fashion he’d want to save himself even if that isn’t actually possible. To see the light taken from his eyes, for him to seem so dead inside… it’s all heartbreaking for someone like him and he would want to try and prove to his doppelgänger that they are still the same even if he doesn’t think he is. He definitely has a more pleasant approach than some of the others might have and he wouldn’t give up on showing himself the light even if his other self would constantly be fed up with him and tired of him going on and on about all this “light and power of friendship bs”

Byleth: He oddly understands his other self. They have fully accepted their role as the Ashen Demon and let that title define them. He doesn’t judge them for that. There’s a strange understanding between the two of them and Byleth feels oddly somber to know what became of himself when Lunaris decided to take him under his power. To know he fought heavily against possession and ended up losing his connection to Sothis bothers him and in a way he feels empathy towards this version of himself, but despite his hardships he also understands that he would not be allowed to let this version of himself live. He doesn’t let his empathy blind him and does what he has to

Shulk: He is disgusted by how his other self is being used. To be trapped in constant visions and serve as a visionary to turn the tides of everything in their favor sickens him to his very core but he can’t hate this other self for this. It isn’t as if that’s what he wanted and to know he lost all fighting capabilities to keep him in check hits Shulk in a certain way. He would see ending this version as an act of mercy and his other self probably wouldn’t disagree. To take away his foresight would greatly help especially since he is such a genius in his tactics as well. It definitely is eye opening and telling that visions bring only pain and suffering no matter what
I will only say this: Samus is very hard-to-get. If she were to have a romantic partner, it would have to be with someone she connects with deeply. Samus is caring but she's also an independent spirit. Long story short, she don't need no mans!

Lmao ty! I just wanted to do a little doodle of them together bc reasons
XD Samus just comes out of a dressing room dressed in frills and laces, staring at Ada with the most dead-inside look possible. But Samus has a nice voice, so she can probably sing decently!
Though their little friendship begs the question: Would Ada be okay with Samus' origins? Sam was injected with Chozo DNA, which in turn altered her own DNA. Since from what I understand, looking back at the Project POP lore, Plagues are just overly-mutated animals who's DNA is altered to a disastrous degree, right? So If Samus were to tell Ada of her past, would Ada see her differently? Would she perhaps see her as a threat due to her coding?

hdhdhdhhdhdh eyyyy another thing they have in common- terrible at romantic relationships! ^^;
I wonder if Ada would let Samus tinker with her hard/software. Samus is a professional when dealing with tech; maybe Samus could help with some damage repair/troubleshooting.

AWWWWW YEAHHHH!! The Zelda Squad is finally together!!! >:3
To be fair, It’s just a brain rot I had anyway one piece doesn’t focus a whole lot on romance it’s a subplots. The only times romance are j used for just gags the one time the romance was shown was between the late shogun Oden and Toki.. hikidd Marco, Jozu, Vista are simps.. being teens around Oden’s time. It was so cute and funny XD 🤣

I really think at least Zoro and Samus would have a close friendship of mutual respect because of his loyalty to his captain and crew. Bro, is honorable that’s why I feel they’ll get along well.

Thank you for another great story! It’s sad to think, despite everything, the Night Dragon’s hatred cannot be denied.

Imagine if there was an instance of history repeating itself! Stefan’s ancestor did what he did out of love for his timeline’s Zelda: she’s the daughter he never had. Meanwhile, if we go by the Tutor Stefan idea, one of the reasons he may have put up with Agahnim’s abuse is because he wanted to protect the girl that had become like a little sister to him.
Seee, I knew someone would get it 😎

Now that you say this, I'm not thinking of their being an undisclosed timeline where Stefan got to live out his life and continued to be Zelda's mentor/advisor (even becoming a Professor himself), while the hatred never went away, he still proceeding to meditate and keep it at bay because of the good he's done in his life. (basically, bro becomes Paarthurnax lmao)
Seee, I knew someone would get it 😎

Now that you say this, I'm not thinking of their being an undisclosed timeline where Stefan got to live out his life and continued to be Zelda's mentor/advisor (even becoming a Professor himself), while the hatred never went away, he still proceeding to meditate and keep it at bay because of the good he's done in his life. (basically, bro becomes Paarthurnax lmao)

Lol Stefan/Lunaris’s voice claim is Charles Martinet, this is now canon loljk

Lunaris: It’s-a-me…

Brb doing a Stefan play through of Skyrim!
Lol Stefan/Lunaris’s voice claim is Charles Martinet, this is now canon loljk

Lunaris: It’s-a-me…

Brb doing a Stefan play through of Skyrim!
Seriously, just imagine Stefan teaching Zelda in his dragon form the same way Paarthurnax teaches the Dovahkiin. Do you know how much of a flex Zelda would have under her sleeve? 🤣
Seriously, just imagine Stefan teaching Zelda in his dragon form the same way Paarthurnax teaches the Dovahkiin. Do you know how much of a flex Zelda would have under her sleeve? 🤣
Agahnim/Ganon’s abuse of Stefan can also be seen as his attempt to break the Night Dragon and force him into submission! Ganon would know who Stefan was as soon as he saw the poor kid.

“How DARE you look at me like that! I’ve given you everything! All that you are now is because of ME! I OWN YOU!”
One of the best episodes in my opinion lol

"Chocolate...I remember when they first invented chocolate. Sweet, sweet chocolate...."
"I always hated it!"

“ Oh, but this chocolate is not for eating. It’s for..”
“ You it rub on your skin, and it makes you live forever.”
Here's a rough sketch/preview of a drawing of Cia because I got a huge inspiration boost for her recently and you totally can't guess why lmfao
Screenshot 2024-04-19 6.42.27 PM.png
Idk when I'll finish this but have this for now 😚
Random thought cuz my mind has been in one place and I was half tempted to drawing something related to the following:

Since Lunaris!AU been on the mind, to those who made counterparts of their characters, how do you think they would react to their Lunaris-ified selves?

Inkling: Since Inkling’s already gone through the whole mind control thing before, I think one of the biggest reactions she’d have could basically be summed up as “Ugh, not this again!” She’d be immediately reminded of the time she got sanitized, and it’d probably feel a lot like when someone looks at their embarrassing middle school photos, just a whole lotta cringing at herself lmao. But heck, at least when she was sanitized she got to go all out and was at least kinda cool. Lunaris!Inkling doesn’t even have that! She’s just a mopey pile of unfun wrapped up in the most un-fresh clothing in all of squid kind (navy is not her color!)

Pichu: Like Yoshi, Lunaris!Pichu doesn’t stray to far from og Pichu’s general attitude so I don’t think there’d be any immediate negative reactions, however Pichu would likely get a weird uncanny feeling from his counterpart, that with all their similarities to one another there’s still something just “off” about him that’d make Pichu very uncomfortable, a feeling that would be proven to be warranted the moment Lunaris!Pichu takes off his mask and goes rabid animal mode. From there, I think he’d just have the mindset of “This is me, but mindcontrolled”, and probably doesn’t question any potential implications of this as much the other fighters might. Lunaris!Pichu Isn’t acting of his own freewill, so Pichu isn’t going view his as anything but such.

Zelda: Dgsjdjdof oh gosh where do I even begin. You’d think seeing Lunaris!Zelda in all her egotistical cruelty would more than anything disgust Zelda to her core, and that is certainly true to some extent. Seeing a version of herself “willingly” forgo her own goddesses as well as abuse, hurt, and torment all she views as beneath her, would absolutely repulse her. But overall I think the strongest reaction she’d have would be a combination of guilt and pity. She’d feel so so so guilty at the thought of her even having the potential within her to commit such heinous actions, especially when most of the other mindcontrolled fighters hardly share in sheer amount of pleasure Lunaris!Zelda takes in hurting others. And the pity would be in the sense that for all of the vileness of Lunaris!Zelda, at her core she is someone who is so desperate for even a smidgeon of Lunaris’ approval that she can’t even notice just how much he has her wrapped around his finger. Like a puppet who doesn’t even realize they’re being controlled by strings, Zelda can’t help but feel pity towards Lunaris!Zelda’s total ignorance.

Isabelle: dhsjdjdjd this isn’t really the prompt but as I’m thinking about a potential scernrio of Isabelle and Lunaris!Isabelle interacting, I think it’d be funny if, as these two have such polarizingly different opinions on how to be a secretary, they decide the best way to settle the debate is to see who is truly the best worker. I’m just imagining a comedic scene of the two of them basically treating the job as a competitive sport, glaring at each other as they file papers, schedule meetings, and answering calls like they’re dang lives depended on it.
Yet, Lunaris doesn't seem to recall this. He was very young; it may have been so traumatizing for him that he repressed the memory!
This is very random but I’ve been thinking about this for a while so I offer a silly prompt:

For y’all with characters who’s wardrobe usually leans on the more fantasy side, how would you style your characters for a modern setting? Would they have any specific aesthetics or fashion tastes?

So like for example here’s a little mood board I made for Zelda


(I’m not super knowledgeable on fashion so forgive me if I use the wrong terms for anything) My first thoughts going in were to sort of lean towards a late 80’s/early 90’s preppy fashion sort of as a callback to when alttp came out so originally had a lot more pastels and way more sweater vests lmao, but eventually I decided to take a different approach. Instead I ended up really focusing on the general silhouette and maintaining her color palette. So, I mainly went with mid calf to ankle length skirts and dresses that work as a modern twist to the long princess gowns and kept to the color palette of white, Magenta, blue, and gold. Dhskfjdkf admittedly it does feel like I just deyassified her but if I ever was to think more into how I’d dress zel for the modern world, ig this could be a decent start even if it is a little boring 😅
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Random thought cuz my mind has been in one place and I was half tempted to drawing something related to the following:

Since Lunaris!AU been on the mind, to those who made counterparts of their characters, how do you think they would react to their Lunaris-ified selves?
I don't think there's much for me to say: both Pits would be PISSED! Having their souls imprisoned while their bodies are used as weapons for evil is something they are already well-acquainted with, and that it is happening again enrages them. They will not allow this offense to go unpunished! If this means destroying their other selves, then so be it!

I can see Toon Link taken aback by the hyperactive little gremlin that is his other self, and be offended by the ridiculous outfit he is forced to wear! I see a lot of bombs flying! It's a chaotic confrontation!
Inkling: Since Inkling’s already gone through the whole mind control thing before, I think one of the biggest reactions she’d have could basically be summed up as “Ugh, not this again!” She’d be immediately reminded of the time she got sanitized, and it’d probably feel a lot like when someone looks at their embarrassing middle school photos, just a whole lotta cringing at herself lmao. But heck, at least when she was sanitized she got to go all out and was at least kinda cool. Lunaris!Inkling doesn’t even have that! She’s just a mopey pile of unfun wrapped up in the most un-fresh clothing in all of squid kind (navy is not her color!)

Pichu: Like Yoshi, Lunaris!Pichu doesn’t stray to far from og Pichu’s general attitude so I don’t think there’d be any immediate negative reactions, however Pichu would likely get a weird uncanny feeling from his counterpart, that with all their similarities to one another there’s still something just “off” about him that’d make Pichu very uncomfortable, a feeling that would be proven to be warranted the moment Lunaris!Pichu takes off his mask and goes rabid animal mode. From there, I think he’d just have the mindset of “This is me, but mindcontrolled”, and probably doesn’t question any potential implications of this as much the other fighters might. Lunaris!Pichu Isn’t acting of his own freewill, so Pichu isn’t going view his as anything but such.

Zelda: Dgsjdjdof oh gosh where do I even begin. You’d think seeing Lunaris!Zelda in all her egotistical cruelty would more than anything disgust Zelda to her core, and that is certainly true to some extent. Seeing a version of herself “willingly” forgo her own goddesses as well as abuse, hurt, and torment all she views as beneath her, would absolutely repulse her. But overall I think the strongest reaction she’d have would be a combination of guilt and pity. She’d feel so so so guilty at the thought of her even having the potential within her to commit such heinous actions, especially when most of the other mindcontrolled fighters hardly share in sheer amount of pleasure Lunaris!Zelda takes in hurting others. And the pity would be in the sense that for all of the vileness of Lunaris!Zelda, at her core she is someone who is so desperate for even a smidgeon of Lunaris’ approval that she can’t even notice just how much he has her wrapped around his finger. Like a puppet who doesn’t even realize they’re being controlled by strings, Zelda can’t help but feel pity towards Lunaris!Zelda’s total ignorance.

Isabelle: dhsjdjdjd this isn’t really the prompt but as I’m thinking about a potential scernrio of Isabelle and Lunaris!Isabelle interacting, I think it’d be funny if, as these two have such polarizingly different opinions on how to be a secretary, they decide the best way to settle the debate is to see who is truly the best worker. I’m just imagining a comedic scene of the two of them basically treating the job as a competitive sport, glaring at each other as they file papers, schedule meetings, and answering calls like they’re dang lives depended on it.
Reading Isabelle's part, I couldn't help but imagine something similar happening between the two Isabelles and Lunaris:

This is very random but I’ve been thinking about this for a while so I offer a silly prompt:

For y’all with characters who’s wardrobe usually leans on the more fantasy side, how would you style your characters for a modern setting? Would they have any specific aesthetics or fashion tastes?

So like for example here’s a little mood board I made for Zelda

View attachment 1158645

(I’m not super knowledgeable on fashion so forgive me if I use the wrong terms for anything) My first thoughts going in were to sort of lean towards a late 80’s/early 90’s preppy fashion sort of as a callback to when alttp came out so originally had a lot more pastels and way more sweater vests lmao, but eventually I decided to take a different approach. Instead I ended up really focusing on the general silhouette and maintaining her color palette. So, I mainly went with mid calf to ankle length skirts and dresses that work as a modern twist to the long princess gowns and kept to the color palette of white, Magenta, blue, and gold. Dhskfjdkf admittedly it does feel like I just deyassified her but if I ever was to think more into how I’d dress zel for the modern world, ig this could be a decent start even if it is a little boring 😅
Again, I don't think there'd be much to say in regards to the Pits. Having wings limits their wardrobe options, so if they're not wearing an exomis or a chiton, I think they're likely to settle with a simple sleeveless top, shorts, and sandals. They are not sloppy dressers, and they make a good effort to look presentable despite their options being small. I can see the Pits wearing bracelets, chains, maybe a cross necklace to reflect their angelic natures.

If we go by Toon Link's outfit before getting the Hero's Tunic, and his reluctance to wear said tunic, I think he'd prefer loose, casual, comfortable clothing. I can see T'ink wearing a hoodie and jeans or sweatpants. Nothing extravagant. I can see him enjoying Hawaiian shirts as well lol

Pikachu, being based off the Cosplay Pikachu, dresses fancier than my humanoid PCs! XD

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