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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

This would have been a hilarious time for a Bayonetta to join the RP.

Pit: I am NOT afraid of Bayonetta!

Bayonetta: Hello, little angel!

Pit: *Homer Simpson scream*
This would have been a hilarious time for a Bayonetta to join the RP.

Pit: I am NOT afraid of Bayonetta!

Bayonetta: Hello, little angel!

Pit: *Homer Simpson scream*
backing up homer simpson GIF

Roxas and Dark Pit get into espresso because there are no adults to stop them. Heck, adults telling them not to do it would just encourage them!

Imagine poor Snake having to deal with the aftermath!

On the glass door subject, I'm tickled at the idea of the Chozo having a few mishaps involving glass screens!
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Roxas and Dark Pit get into espresso because there are no adults to stop them. Heck, adults telling them not to do it would just encourage them!

Imagine poor Snake having to deal with the aftermath!
They have “big brother” Joker make them said espresso
i might not be able to get a post out til sunday, it's my bday today and tomorrow is my party, ill try to get one out today but i have plans today so i cant promise ahh
i might not be able to get a post out til sunday, it's my bday today and tomorrow is my party, ill try to get one out today but i have plans today so i cant promise ahh
It’s no problem! There is no rush. Ploegy needs time to post as Pyra/Mythra anyway, if you’re planning a Boo post.

Happy Birthday!
I'll hopefully be able to write for Mythra here in a bit, but if not I'll definitely have something up tomorrow. I just need to make lunch and finish this art I'm working on before I even think of writing
They have “big brother” Joker make them said espresso
Joker has no problem doing this because he ain’t their babysitter! The results won’t be his responsibility!

I’d imagine both Roxas and Pittoo would be angry at the idea that they’d need adult supervision anyway.
I’ll be posting tomorrow or so! So sorry! I have to go to DnD tonight so I can’t work on a post today! >\\\<

I AM slowly chipping away at some art for my posts for this rp! Hopefully ya’ll can see them soon!
Joker has no problem doing this because he ain’t their babysitter! The results won’t be his responsibility!
He'd probably do it either way, not thinking of the consequences lmao

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