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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

If the chance ever arises I’m having one of my characters accidentally call Byleth “dad.”

I’ve done that once as a kid! 😅
Byleth proudly, and fully embracing becoming a single father at the age of 22. He doesn't understand why he's been called dad but he takes so much pride in it nonetheless. He doesn't care if it's just an accident lol
No no, we know you’re BoTW Zelda, but like, you need to pick a GROUP to join: Like we all are playing characters and stuff and have split up into our own lil squads… you need to pick one you CAN join (preferably not up in the air/ a ship) OR a place to drop Zelda in SOLO and wait for others to join YOU, you know? 😅
that sort of makes sense. where can I find the groups?
I don’t think you have submitted a profile for the GM to approve first you can’t just jump into the rp yet without Grumpy’s approval. All the information for the rp is on the first page here in the ooc thread.
he has approved.....
he has approved.....
No. You have not been approved.

You've more than showed that you are unwilling to cooperate or even listen to the criticism and help that's being offered. We've been nice in trying to direct you elsewhere, but now it's time that we be blunt.

Please leave.

Continue acting like this and we'll have to call the moderators to intervene. Do NOT make us do this; final warning.
No. You have not been approved.

You've more than showed that you are unwilling to cooperate or even listen to the criticism and help that's being offered. We've been nice in trying to direct you elsewhere, but now it's time that we be blunt.

Please leave.

Continue acting like this and we'll have to call the moderators to intervene. Do NOT make us do this; final warning.
Oh no a Pit and Captain Falcon Pre-Boss Battle Rallying Cry!

Pit and Captain Falcon do their rallying cry, and Inkling finishes off with "BOOYAH!" in which both Pit and Falcon are like, "Niiiiiiiiice!"

They just need two more members and they can do the Ginyu Force pose! I also hear the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers theme too. All the posing!

Paula and the Salmonids join in..
I’m so sorry, y’all! I’m at work otherwise I would have addressed the issue with Luna Moon. Thank you for being so patient and being the mod when I can’t be here!
Byleth proudly, and fully embracing becoming a single father at the age of 22. He doesn't understand why he's been called dad but he takes so much pride in it nonetheless. He doesn't care if it's just an accident lol
Byleth: Do you understand the instructions?

Dark Pit: Yes, Dad— *claps hand to mouth as he realizes his slip-up!*

Other Little Brothers: 🤣

Dark Pit: *slams head into his desk over and over again in embarrassment*
Byleth: Do you understand the instructions?

Dark Pit: Yes, Dad— *claps hand to mouth as he realizes his slip-up!*

Other Little Brothers: 🤣

Dark Pit: *slams head into his desk over and over again in embarrassment*
Byleth as he turns to go back to his desk is just like:

It's a small smile, but hey he's showing emotion which doesn't always come naturally to him
Oh no a Pit and Captain Falcon Pre-Boss Battle Rallying Cry!

Pit and Captain Falcon do their rallying cry, and Inkling finishes off with "BOOYAH!" in which both Pit and Falcon are like, "Niiiiiiiiice!"

They just need two more members and they can do the Ginyu Force pose! I also hear the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers theme too. All the posing!

And all together they are the (legally distinct and totally not derivative/j) Super Smash Sentai! Since Pit, Falcon, and Inkling are all somewhat animal themed (Pit has bird wings so it counts) that’s gotta be their team gimmick 🦑🕊️ 🦅 dhskfjdif omg I’m def saving this concept into my ‘things to doodle later’ mental file
And all together they are the (legally distinct and totally not derivative/j) Super Smash Sentai! Since Pit, Falcon, and Inkling are all somewhat animal themed (Pit has bird wings so it counts) that’s gotta be their team gimmick 🦑🕊️ 🦅 dhskfjdif omg I’m def saving this concept into my ‘things to doodle later’ mental file
They try to get Samus to join since she kinda-sorta looks like a Power Ranger lol
Funny but awful idea that popped into my head:

The sliding glass door of the Smash House keeps needing to be replaced because Falco, Kazooie, Duck, the Pits, and even Samus keep running into it!
Funny but awful idea that popped into my head:

The sliding glass door of the Smash House keeps needing to be replaced because Falco, Kazooie, Duck, the Pits, and even Samus keep running into it!
Troll material for Pokey?
Funny but awful idea that popped into my head:

The sliding glass door of the Smash House keeps needing to be replaced because Falco, Kazooie, Duck, the Pits, and even Samus keep running into it!
Knowing Sora and how he has been meme'd to run into things on multiple occasions in this chat, he probably is breaking the glass door too
Knowing Sora and how he has been meme'd to run into things on multiple occasions in this chat, he probably is breaking the glass door too
Dhskfhsk through the magic of toon psychics somehow the glass gets broken into a perfect Sora shaped hole 👤
Why does Sora run into the glass door you might ask? Cuz he’s basically a lil puppy and puppies don’t always do smart things. Proof that he is a puppy? Right here

He do the puppy head tilt lol
When Sora goes into his anti form he just always has the zoomies and is a lil gremlin to everyone
Have Jeff do what you think he'd do ICly!

Even though Flavum is real, I'm sure Pit and T'ink's reactions were pretty cold!

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