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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

That sounds nice ^^ I have time but my ability to actually draw has been in a real rut which sucks. I drew for the first time in a few weeks yesterday, absolutely hated everything I tried to sketch and ended up giving up. Tried again today and a mostly cleaned sketch that normally would have taken like maybe an hour, took me over 2 and I still am so unhappy with it. It hurts ;-;

Luckily it seems to only be with my drawing and not my writing as well. So at least there is some good
That was me a few days ago. I tried to draw, but nothing came out right! It happens, and it sucks when it does, especially since my time is limited.
I'm debating whether to draw Odessa next or Krook.

A part of me wonders if even making the art is a good idea as I really enjoy SheepKing's interpretations of the characters!
I'm debating whether to draw Odessa next or Krook.

A part of me wonders if even making the art is a good idea as I really enjoy SheepKing's interpretations of the characters!
Draw them or else/j

Cbdodoghd but seriously I especially wanna see how you imagined their designs looking like!!
Like with Lunaris, there are some details from your interpretations that I'll be adding to their designs. I'm very simple when it comes to designs; I really like the little details you add to yours.
Whenever I listen to Celtic Woman's cover of "I See Fire," I imagine Zelda singing it.

Man I was planning on writing my Mythra post this morning then I was up till 6am and only got a couple hours of sleep I am not a functioning human being rn oml. I'll still try to write something since I know my weekend is gonna be a bit busy

But I'll offer part of the reason I was up so lately since I basically finished it then crashed
Here's what the back of Lunaris's doublet looks like, not that it really matters because it's usually covered by his cloak. 😅

Some time I'll get around to doing more detailed drawings of his gauntlets and his scimitar.

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I just finished Wild arms one of the best games of the ps1 era.. I’m crying. 😭😭😭
I wrote a bit of Mythra's post but like I expected my brain was complete mush today. I'll hopefully get it up tomorrow if things go smoothly

Also random little thought I had since my Sora/Byleth post got me thinking of it. Since in FE3H Byleth can feed the strays around the Monastery, I figure he's actually has a real soft spot for them
For personalities, Lunaris would be Smug, Odessa would be Snooty, and Krook would be Cranky.

It'd be odd and kind of funny if Smashville versions of these characters exist with no explanation for it. They would be much friendlier than their original counterparts... unless they're ACGC villagers, in which case they'd be ruthless!

Give Villager Lunaris some Medicine and he becomes your friend!

I think if I were to design my PCs as AC Villagers it'd be:

Toon Link: Lazy Cat
Pit: Jock Eagle
Dark Pit: Cranky Eagle
Layton: Smug Lion
Luke: Lazy Cub
I’ve drawn Joker as an AC villager before awhile back but it was a real struggle cuz while I can draw people decent, I’m not great with animals lmao. Ofc he was a cat given his facial features are designed to be very catlike as is
Not only do they suit him because of his appearance, but considering the symbolism behind goats, they definitely fit Lunaris as his spirit animal.
Heh I used to joke my late cat Monet is Sephiroth's spirit animal. He had the same personality and coloring.
Shfksogf on the topic of fighters as animal crossing villagers…

Inkling: Based on the existing Inkwell she’d most likely be a jock octopus, though I could also see her having a big sister personality
Zelda: I feel like a normal rabbit could work well for her
Pichu: A cranky mouse for obvious reasons lol
Isabelle: Isabelle
I realized I never listed what I think my characters would be as villagers (other than Joker)

Joker: Smug Cat
Ann: Peppy Cat (when I originally drew her as one it was as a tiger to make her different from Joker)
Sora: Peppy Lion (we're breaking the gender norms here)
Roxas: Smug (or Jock) Lion
Pyra: Sisterly Rabbit
Mythra: Snooty Rabbit
Byleth: Normal Deer (Just because the Byleth I'm playing is on Golden deer route LMAO Could probably be a dog or wolf)
I went digging since all this reminded me and I found the lil art I did. It's a bit old at this point but I'll still offer it since it's not that bad LMAO I did half the PTs while my friend had done the other half
Lions and eagles are taller than some of the other villagers, if memory serves. Imagine smol bunny Zelda with tall Lion Roxas and Eagle Pittoo!

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