• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Sunbreaker Institute Of Villainy - Roleplayer's Lair

Yeah, and none of the ones I PMed are coming back. And I'm suspicious nobody on hiatus is coming back either, but I could be wrong about that.
Yeah, and none of the ones I PMed are coming back. And I'm suspicious nobody on hiatus is coming back either, but I could be wrong about that.
I will be there next time you make this, just tag me to interest page. If i see some of these leavers i will give them eyesore. (because there isn't voicechat)

Damn i hate silent leavers.
Eh, no need to heckle them. They probably have their reasons. I know I used to never like it when people announced that they were leaving because I thought that would bring the rp to a premature end. Nowadays I'm indifferent.
Remus117 Remus117 Random42 Random42 GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 Zorukia Zorukia Xio Xio Cadenach Cadenach A aonly9470 Veltsu VI Veltsu VI

Are any of you still left? Everyone else stated that they've left and you guys haven't.
I figured with time I'd get a proper answer, whether you guys want to continue the roleplay or not.

Also be aware that rooming will need to be redone slightly, since people have left before roleplaying but after agreeing on a roommare. Please check for your character's name on the unroomed student's list and make arrangements for them.
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I’ll rejoin, but I might have trouble getting posts out quick and sorry for replying so late...I’ve had trouble getting on for a while...

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