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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

Alexia looked at the girl as she went to eat" don't kiss me you know how i feel you fucking left me" she say pissed as she touch him draining his energy and life as she let go" i'm sorry i can't touch anyone cause of this power" shee say @Leo Radomir
Zeldafangirl said:
Alexia looked at the girl as she went to eat" don't kiss me you know how i feel you fucking left me" she say pissed as she touch him draining his energy and life as she let go" i'm sorry i can't touch anyone cause of this power" shee say @Leo Radomir
Vix twitches with rage and then took a little energy off the guy and says very coldly" You're clearly misunderstanding a lot of things and sorry don't cut it, don't understand you say, yes that partly true but then again you're often getting angry with me over the dumbest of things before i have a chance to explain, I thought being my childhood friend you at least give that much of a chance,this is why i sometimes wonder why do i bother trying to reach out to you i'm not sweet to you because i'm a letch i do it because i want to try rebuild what we had". Vix dropped the money alexia feet and then continues to walk out of the building not even giving her another thought. Vix quickly caught up with saw chan and gently rubs her head lets all his anger go and sighs gently. ' That day is still one of my biggest regrets i have to live knowing i could of cured them to live but the bloody village wouldn't let me just because i belong to the same race as the one that poisoned them, i didn't mean to get that mad but she's being very unfair'.
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Alexia just felt light headed" i'm sorry i... overreacted i'm not a good friend i never was" she say dropping on the ground hurting her knees putting her hands on her face as she just cried' what have i done why couldn't i forgiven him' she thought crying she looked at the girl" i'm sorry i'm sorry i can't forgive myself i should have saved him" she say to saw crying @Tokki

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As Vix rubbed Sawako she held her teddy tight. She wanted to help them but she didn't know how. Watching them fight made her sad and she didn't like watching people fight. She walked over to Alexia and said,"Stop crying. You aren't the victim here. Maybe if you listened to him for once, things wouldn't turn out this way. I might not know what's going on but you need to stop." she said firmly. She walked away without saying another word to her. She looked up at Vix and asked,"What happened between you two anyway?"

@Leo Radomir @Zeldafangirl
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Alexia went outside as she saw her" i'm sorry your right i can't forgiven myself for not saving him at my village i don't know how to forgiven myself" she say whipping her tears from crying" i get out of your way vix if you don't want me" she say about to leave feeling light headec dropping on the ground @Tokki
Vix saw this and picked alexia up and grumbles and says" I can't tell you the full story right now it's to draining in my current state but i can tell you this she's not completely wrong about me, it wasn't a good way to handle it but at the time it wouldn't of gone well even if i did stick around". " Thinking back on it when i did my summoning i never expected for her to accept even now i regret that day and the chain of events that follow with it". Vix paused then says" I don't want her to suffer anymore but as you said even if do tell the truth what's the point if she won't hear me out properly". " Let's head back the moods been killed and sorry you had to see and trying and help". Vix took the them all to the pad and it wasn't long before they got to vix's home and a little time had passed and he put alexia to bed in the spear room with the fan on, but not long after that vix felt a sharp pain drags him self towards his room and only makes it half way before his eyes start to close and he starts to fall to the floor from the back lash.

alexia was in bed as she hugged it she just smiled" vix" she sleep talk dreaming about him she didn't realize she sleep talks
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Vix saw this and picked alexia up and grumbles and says" I can't tell you the full story right now it's to draining in my current state but i can tell you this she's not completely wrong about me, it wasn't a good way to handle it but at the time it wouldn't of gone well even if i did stick around". " Thinking back on it when i did my summoning i never expected for her to accept even now i regret that day and the chain of events that follow with it". Vix paused then says" I don't want her to suffer anymore but as you said even if do tell the truth what's the point if she won't hear me out properly". " Let's head back the moods been killed and sorry you had to see and trying and help". Vix took the them all to the pad and it wasn't long before they got to vix's home and a little time had passed and he put alexia to bed in the spear room with the fan on, but not long after that vix felt a sharp pain drags him self towards his room and only makes it half way before his eyes start to close and he starts to fall to the floor from the back lash.


Kio sighs and drags Vix to his room. "Jeez..." she said as she held her dog in her arms as she carried Vix.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Kio sighs and drags Vix to his room. "Jeez..." she said as she held her dog in her arms as she carried Vix.

After vix got dragged to his room he suddenly woke up and got on top of his bed and then says in a low voice" I'm sorry i've been so awkward and such, maybe because even though i look young i forget my real age and sometimes i can't help but let my darker personally come and i'm sure you've noticed i'm not always good at showing my feelings in the right, if i was to tell you why i'm the way i'm and why i keep you at arms length would that mean anything to you".
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Kio sighed. "It is okay man... It is okay"

Vix gently grabs kio's hand gives a look to say stay with me for a little please, "It seems your getting on with michi better can i ask what your lady's talked about or would you rather not talk about it".
After beating the crap out of Jack for a bit longer Katy unfreezes his leg and walks away. Jack sighs. "Well...that was humiliating." He mutters, shaking his head. "What was her problem?"
Alexia just woke up as she was confused as she didn't know where she was' vix's house' she thought' how do i end up here' she thought to herslef as she got up she looked around looking for vix as she was going to listen to his story as she sighed about to knock on his door but heard a voice in the room she heard kio voice she just stepped back ' i can't do it i can't face my fears' she thought" everything i do brings me pain but i be okay cause i have vix i like him but i think he likes someone else i'm worthless to him" she say to herself quitely so no one can't hear her @Leo Radomir
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Vix gently grabs kio's hand gives a look to say stay with me for a little please, "It seems your getting on with michi better can i ask what your lady's talked about or would you rather not talk about it".

"Only to be known by Michi and myself." she said with a smirk as she stood up. "not going to say a word"
Jack sighs. "Well...to try and talk to Michi...or to go find Katy and get revenge on her for beating me up...hmm...yep, going with revenge." He mutters, heading after Katy and formulating a plan for a brilliant prank in his head.
Michi turns the corner and bumps into Jack. She drops a bag she was carrying and a shirt falls out. "I am so sorry Jack..." she said as she quickly picked the shirt up like she was trying to hide it.

The Unamed Character]Michi turns the corner and bumps into Jack. She drops a bag she was carrying and a shirt falls out. "I am so sorry Jack..." she said as she quickly picked the shirt up like she was trying to hide it. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21464-jackofhearts/ said:
Jack backs up two steps. "It's fine Michi. You don't need to apologize just for bumping into me!" He says with a smile.
@The Unamed Character[/URL] @Zeldafangirl
JackOfHearts said:
Jack backs up two steps. "It's fine Michi. You don't need to apologize just for bumping into me!" He says with a smile.
"So You mean you go back to normal" Kio said as she walked away and opened the door. She walked down the hall and left the door open.

Michi laughed nervously. "N-no.... It w-was my fault.... heh... anyway.... I am... going to my room see ya" she said the last part quickly as she went past him towards her room.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Michi laughed nervously. "N-no.... It w-was my fault.... heh... anyway.... I am... going to my room see ya" she said the last part quickly as she went past him towards her room.

Jack frowns. "Well...she seems to be acting awful suspicious...But, I'm not one to invade people's privacy, so it'd probably be better if I leave her be." He says to himself, heading off to search for Katy.
Alexia just look back and forth confused' did i do something wrong' she thought as she looked better than when she was with vix before" VIXIE" she say his nickname when they were kids she just giggled" i feel better i'm sorry i hurt you" she say hugging him as she giggled" who was that girl" she asked still holding to him not wanting to let go wanting to talk about the past @Leo Radomir
Zeldafangirl said:
Alexia just look back and forth confused' did i do something wrong' she thought as she looked better than when she was with vix before" VIXIE" she say his nickname when they were kids she just giggled" i feel better i'm sorry i hurt you" she say hugging him as she giggled" who was that girl" she asked still holding to him not wanting to let go wanting to talk about the past @Leo Radomir
Vix smiled softly and gently and says playfully/teasingly " That's kio chan after i teased her about possibly making the moves on you she said i was mean and then ran out, i wonder if there's a deeper meaning, and yes what you said did hurt a lot your a bad childhood friend but enough of the jokes and teasing put a seal from my lift hand draw on the door once you close it i don't want to tell kio about it just yet".

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