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Realistic or Modern Summer Beckoning Camp

Dylan face lights up with a smile "ok. don't worry I will not tell everyone else unless you want me to" He says to him as he continues to hold out his hand for him. SugaISAMOOD SugaISAMOOD
Dylan thinks for a little bit "maybe we should get some coats just in case. Do you have a coat at all?" He asks him before leading him backside. Dylan then gets his coat out of his backpack.
Dylan grabs one of his other coats out "you can borrow one of mine until perhaps get you one of something. It might be a little big on you by the way" he signs to Jade as he hands the bluecoat to him
"This is actually my favorite color " he puts it on. He only actually talks to Dylan when it's him. When the others are around he signs
"bule is a very nice colour. I like to switch between sign language and talking, it's good for me to keep in the habit of being able to use it when I need to" Dylan says him as he puts a pink coat on.
A long haired girl remained standing in front of the entrance of the ranch, holding a leather bag with both hands. Having arrived late, she simply waited after her father dropped her off. As a child, Luna has always been a kid of few words; she never spoke unless she assessed that the situation is important. Parents and teachers noticed that Luna never communicates with others. Her father decided to enter her in social works and made her participate in group projects, hoping that his daughter would somehow show a little empathy. Nothing worked out; this ranch was his last resort--and he hopes this time, it would work.

As a countermeasure, he also sent Luna's sister--Selena with her. Luna, despite being emotionless all the time, shows signs of being protective of her twin sister. At a young age, instead of fighting over toys like siblings do; Luna was always the first one to give in. She pushed everyone away aside from her twin.

Holding her sister's hand, she stayed still like a doll. With her features, Luna truly looked like one; emotionless, yet beautiful. Her skin was as pale as porcelain while her long silky black hair perfectly framed her face. Selena, meanwhile, had flushed chubby cheeks and short uneven hair that she herself has cut. She is taller than her sister, but their temperament clearly shows who's older than the other.

"When are we going in?" Luna's sleeves were pulled by her younger sister who looked at her with big bright eyes. Luna stayed silent, staring at the latter for a moment before turning her sight on the ranch. "Just wait," she said.
Dylan walks for a while with Jade before they come to a fence with a public footpath going past it "well this is as far as we can go" he says to Jade.
"sorry buddy but I just can't let you go offside without paperwork and things like that anyway there is not much down that way it's just a very long path and about a 3 hour walk to the small fishing town known as the valley of water birds, by people who live there" Dylan tells Jade SugaISAMOOD SugaISAMOOD

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