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Realistic or Modern Summer Beckoning Camp

Dylan follows him back to it and inside if he goes inside. "Well that was a lovely walk" He says out loud before he checks his phone to see what the time is "well looks like you should start thinking about going to bed or at least getting ready" he says to Jade SugaISAMOOD SugaISAMOOD
The doctor arrived and examined Siobhan to see what was going on.

Jacob saw that it was getting late, and lights out would be called shortly. He decided to head back. Mounting on Bruno, his horse, Jacob slowly made his way back.

Nick sat with Tommy, and decided to take him to their bunk house to go to bed. “ come on Tommy, let’s go on to bed and get some sleep. Don’t worry, I will make sure all the monsters know that they have to go through me to get to you.” He said, half jokingly to his brother.
Tommy nods his head and follows his brother outside "dark out here I don't like it" He says to his brother as he stays close to him. "I don't like the monsters either they are scary" he says to his brother as they get into there bunkhouse.
deathrisesagain deathrisesagain
Nicholas smiled and looked at Tommy. “You know monsters are scared of me. They won’t mess with you.” He said walking to their bunk house, which was the same house Dylan was in.

Jacob got to the stables and dismounted, and walked Bruno into the build. He took the saddle off and gave the horse a nice brushing.
Dylan finally finds his pyjamas but can't decide which ones he wants to wear. He is not usually fussy with what he wears but this evening he just is and can't decide what ones to wear for bed. he looks at the ones with yellow stripes on and wonders if he should wear those or not or what about the blue ones he thinks to himself or maybe even the green ones?. Maybe he has too many pyjamas he thinks to himself or he probably packed too many.

Tommy follows his brother staying close to him as he cuddles Jasper in his arm. He holds his brother tightly with his other arm wrapped around his brother's arm. He looks quite scared as they walk because it's now starting to get dark outside and Tommy is absolutely terrified of the dark. He finally feels a little bit relieved when they get into the bunkhouse and not so scared anymore.

Dylan stops what he is doing as he notices the two boys coming into the bunkhouse, he recognises them as Tommy and Nick, also known as Nicholas.
He then walks over to a cabinet on the wall and starts in putting a code on a keypad. He enters the right code and manages to to unlock the cabinet before grabbing a set of keys, he then closes the cabinet back up before walking over to the two boys and greeting them as he looks at a piece of paper with some notes on it that he had also picked up earlier "hello let me introduce myself my name is Dylan and I will be taking care of you both. You two have your own room especially for you. I will lead you to it, if you would like to follow me please" he says before going down a hallway on there right and passed a bathroom as well as a couple of other rooms. He then stops at the door to the room they will be staying in and gets the keys out before finding the right key and unlocking the door before opening it. After he has done that he moves out of the way. So the boys can go in first.

Tommy moves behind his brother when Dylan starts coming over. He continues to stay behind his brother as they walk to the bedroom.

((deathrisesagain you get to describe the bedroom by the way if you want to in your next post))

deathrisesagain deathrisesagain
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(Sorry replies will be slow for me. I’ll be using my phone for right now)

Jacob put Bruno away and headed towards the house.

Nicholas smiles and walked into the room. He looked under the bunk beds, behind the dressers and even in the closet. “Ok all of you monsters hiding in this room. You have exactly two seconds to leave. My brother is under my protection!” He said sounding a bit serious. He promised his brother and that’s what he did. He turned towards Tommy and smiled. “They won’t mess with you now.”
Dylan smiles as he waits patiently for Nicholas to finish. After he has finished, Dylan looks at both of the boys "right there is bathroom just through that door there. if you look around the room you will find some night time lights. If you need anything during the night there is a button nearby if you press that I will know that you need something or you can come and get me. Anyway I have to go now, I will only be down the hallway if you need anything" he says before leaving them and going back to check on Jade.

Tommy hugs his brother after Dylan has left. He then goes into the bedroom and looks around before spotting a chest and opening it up. He looks inside it and sees a bunch of toys in different boxes. He grabs one that is big and has a lot of wooden train tracks in it and trains as well as other things as well. He gets it out and starts opening the box up before looking over at his brother as he wants to play with him

As Dylan enters the room he realises that Jade is not there. He then starts looking around quickly and he knocks on the bathroom door to see if he is there but he doesn't get any answer. So he quickly checks outside the building but not going to far and he doesn't see him so he goes back inside and picks up the handheld radio he then makes sure it's on and press the call button. Which should let everyone know that there is something wrong hopefully. He hopes someone answers as he thinks great how could I have lost a kid all ready?. This is going to look absolutely great on my record, not.

Interactions Nicholas- deathrisesagain deathrisesagain

Characters mentioned
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He pets the horses and starts singing How you like that by Blackpink. He doesn't really care if people are looking for him as noone really cared about him before so why should they.
Jacob walked out of Bruno’s stall and spotted Jade. Just before he walked over the radio beeped. “Go ahead for Jacob.” He answered over the radio. He slowly walked over and pulls a carrot out of his pocket. “Hi Jade, you know he likes carrots.” He said handing the carrot to the small boy.

Nicholas smiles and sat down next to Tommy and helped set up the train.
Dylan waits for the transmission to end over the radio. He then press down and holds the button on the radio to transmit "this is Dylan. Have you happened to see Jade at all?. Um he doesn't seem to be around here" he says over the radio before letting go of the button.

Tommy smiles and puts down Jasper on the floor next to him. He then starts to grab pieces of track and connects them together.
Jacob listened to the radio and pressed the button. “Hes right here with me in the stables.” JAcob replied before walking over and giving the horse a piece of the carrot. “I come here at night when I can’t sleep too. Something about sitting with the horses is a bit relaxing for me.” JAcob said to Jade while rubbing the horses head.

Nicholas played with Tommy on the floor for a bit.
Dylan listens to the response from the radio and then pushes the button again "can you bring him back here please?, since I am supposed to be looking after him" he says over the radio and then let's go of the button again before waiting for a response from Jacob.

Tommy smiles as he continues playing with his brother
“Sure thing.” He responded. Jacob turned towards Jade. “Hey you want to go back and see Dylan?” JAcob asked. There wasn’t much else to do for the night, just get cleaned up and head to bed.

Nick played with Tommy for a little longer. “Ok Tommy, it’s time for bed, go get changed and I’ll tuck you in.”
Tommy nods his head as he starts to yawn A little bit. He looks at his brother and wonders what to change into "un what i wear to bed?" He asks Nick as he is unsure of what to wear or were his suitcase is. He is starting to look sleepy and tired, yawning every so often as he waits for his brother to answer him.
deathrisesagain deathrisesagain

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