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    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Resource   ❀༉ sugarvine 〯fluticasone

I designed this for a 1x1, as I personally prefer short blurb-type character sheets for them. I understand longer character sheets for group roleplays since it'll cut down a lot of needless back and forth, but when it comes to 1x1's, I'd rather leave most of it a mystery. I don't think I'm alone in this? So this is for all of you out there who are like me and prefer this! This includes basic info, a short blurb, and a section for side-characters/NPC's you plan on integrating into the story. I've labelled the appropriate divs on what you have to copy paste to add more sections or "cards"

I've been listening to haruno's limbo a lot recently, so that's the song recommendation attached to this design.
Eike Zahradník
twenty-eight (28)
par-sec field officer
As a non-magic user, Eike's always had to work harder than his co-workers to prove his capabilities. This has resulted in a hardened investigator whose rough manners are just barely justified by his meticulous work and thorough results. It's not that he has no potential — he just learned about magic too late. To this day, there are moments when he's awestruck by what it's capable of.
art by
Vivien Lovász
twenty-four (24)
she/her they/them
law student
Lovász may not ring any bells for most citizens of the Undercity, but they've almost certainly used one of the druid family's products. As heiress to the main branch of the ancient apothecary, Vivien's future at its helm is almost certainly set in stone. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem all too keen on taking on the burden, content putting off her future using her law studies as an excuse.
art by
michi grosser (deceased)
Vivien's close friend and the first murder victim in Budapest suspected of being related to the crystal killings in the UK.
art by
Daniel Jacinto Nunes
Chief Par-Sec officer of Budapest and Eike's no bullshit superior. Able to control water at their whim.
name here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc rhoncus nunc eget risus molestie, sed aliquet nisl suscipit.
art by
name here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc rhoncus nunc eget risus molestie, sed aliquet nisl suscipit.
The amount of love and appreciation I have for this code.
An over-complicated 1x1 search. The only other circumstance I could see you using it is for roleplay info on locations or NPC's. I have no excuse. I was just kinda vibing with the y2k revival and tried to remember how those old magazines looked like, but with 2010's spacing sensibilities. The rating circles aren't very visible on mobile which I didn't fix. It's not as polished as I usually like. Honestly I'm just tired of this project and couldn't be bothered. I've been listening to umbrella by IDLM, which has been my favorite band recently.
font call font call font call font call
mono . 20+ . casual-lit(?)
plots below.
open to other ideas.
for more info, click the
monster hunter
god eater
original characters

I've been craving a roleplay revolving around four characters in a team who are tasked with hunting monsters. This can be fandom to Monster Hunter or God Eater, or we could make up our own story to follow.

If we're going Monster Hunter canon, I'd really like doing the MH: World story but just more in-depth. We'd generally be following the same story, just giving it more flavor by having actual characters instead of just roles. To be honest, I'm uninterested in anything outside this if we're doing MH canon, as I personally feel like I can't really come up with a better premise than the one that was originally provided.

In terms of God Eater, I'd like to explore other branches of Fenrir, though we'd stick to mainly canon. I've got an old group roleplay that I never managed to start up, so we could build off of that, or make something else up completely.

If we're doing original... it's a free for all in my opinion. I'd personally prefer to pursue a modern city-ish take on the genre. Like if GE went more gritty steampunk in terms of aesthetics, I'd like a more clean urban post post-apocalytic backdrop to our story. But if you've got something better, lmk!

monster hunter
monster hunter
fire emblem
original characters
dice elements
alternate universe

If you're coming to me with something inspired by Three Heroes or anything past FE: Awakening, you're barking up the wrong tree. I'm a Game Cube/DS/Wii girly when it comes to the Fire Emblem series because I'm fucking old, okay?

I want to create an ensemble of characters with a fantasy plot that involves war and all the bullshit that comes with a stereotypical classic FE game. If you're unable to divide your time between several characters in a single story, then please don't bother. The bigger focus would be the overarching plot rather than individual players - characters would be important to the plot, yes, but I'm leaning towards more action than just interaction.

In terms of mechanics, I'd like there to be an element of chance (hence the dice elements tag), and I fuck with the class system from the Tellius series the most, though I'm not opposed to the others. I really want to nation build with my partner!

fire emblem
fire emblem
arranged marriage
original characters
romance optional
arranged marriage

I'm looking for an arranged marriage type of story but make it more about the characters trying to decide whether or not they actually like each other rather than a romantic relationship progressing. Like... do they realize kissing their partner is like kissing their sibling? Is it one-sided/unrequited? Maybe they actually loathe each other and start planning an assassination. Who the fuck knows? Because of that, this one I'm very picky about being approached for this one. I'd prefer if you have a strong concept in mind for your character already.

This is a weird case of throw your OC at me and I'll figure out if and what kind of character I'd like to play against them. Don't take offense if I'm not inspired by your character - it's just my own finicky self at fault here.

For the setting, I'm happy with either Fantasy or Modern - really, anything that floats your boat is generally fine with me! I do think I'd like to stay away from darker main themes, though touching on them is alright, especially in relation to our characters.

arranged marriage
arranged marriage
slice of life
original characters
romance optional
alter egos
unit 03

I'd like to do a slice of life that revolves around neighbors of an apartment complex that have a secret. Whether it's being a doujin author, a vocaloid producer, a vtuber, an otaku - anything goes honestly.

In terms of vibe, think wotakoi, loving yamada at lvl 999, or even my ex-boyfriend loves boys' love. I want something light-hearted, fluffy, and feel good. I don't want it to be serious, and I'd love exploring the cheesiest tropes possible. Please be cringe with me.

In terms of pairings, I think the only pairing I'm not too fond of is any romance where I play F since I don't play fem-presenting characters in romantic situations that often. I can be convinced though, it's just not something I do comfortably.

I've got a few concepts that I'd like to do, so please just pitch to me the ideas you wanna explore. Doujin author x Fan? Diehard Otaku x Normie trying to relate? Just throw the realistic pairings at me!

unit 03
unit 03
slice of life
original characters
romance optional
school setting
final defense

Okay hear me out - grad school, but make it fantasy. Our characters would be paired off to finish their thesis.

I realize this is a ridiculous premise but this is honestly just another fantasy adventure with a different flavor text. I think in terms of setting, I'm leaning towards a traditional fantasy RPG setting, we'd just be looking at it through the lens of a couple of academics.

Please come up with ridiculous degrees or majors with me. I'm honestly up for expanding the main pair to include others, like maybe a mercenary they hired for protection, or an undergrad one of them tutors.

I'm open to explore any dynamics you're interested in for this, so if you contact me for this idea, please include one you'd like. It doesn't have to be romantic, it could be as simple as a straight/funny man duo, or a complicated pairing of childhood friends.

final defense
final defense

mono. mid to late 20's. expect a decent grasp of english, 400 to 1k words, tendency to mirror partner. activity is 1-2x a week posting sched, almost everyday ooc. threads for ic only. ghost-friendly.

my one hard fast rule is for my partner to be 18 and up. ability to multi-char/doubling is preferred, but negotiable. decent grasp of english is preferred - just keep your your/you're/your straight and i probably won't complain.

anime or no faceclaims at all, sorry. no hard feelings if I reject you. don't worry if you've ghosted me before, chances are I don't remember. and if i do, i don't hold it against you.

filled in circles indicate my level of excitement. more blackened circles, the more hyped I would be to do the story.

I am in LOVE with this and plan on using it; however I am running into two issues:

1. When I try to click on the accordion of the last box in the code, it scrolls up instead of opening.
2. Once I scroll past the basic info section, I can't scroll back up to it.

For some reason this is only happens on Firefox because it's clickable on Chrome and mobile.

Any help would be appreciated <3
I am in LOVE with this and plan on using it; however I am running into two issues:

1. When I try to click on the accordion of the last box in the code, it scrolls up instead of opening.
2. Once I scroll past the basic info section, I can't scroll back up to it.

For some reason this is only happens on Firefox because it's clickable on Chrome and mobile.

Any help would be appreciated <3

oh i'm also using firefox so I'm surprised by the issues! ;; is there a way for you to screenshot/screenrecord the exact way it looks?
Not sure if this helps at all but I'm on Chrome and it is working just fine for me! So yeah, maybe it's just a Firefox issue? But then you said fluticasone said they are using Firefox too, so not sure...
Sure! Let me know if this works:

i have a good idea of what’s causing the scroll issue (it’s an easy fix and related to scrolling behavior between mac and windows), but the second one has me flummoxed.

does the sample pastebin code still do the same thing?
i have a good idea of what’s causing the scroll issue (it’s an easy fix and related to scrolling behavior between mac and windows), but the second one has me flummoxed.

does the sample pastebin code still do the same thing?

Unfortunately, the same issues are still there :(

EDIT: IDK if this is helpful information, but I'm on Windows and my resolution is 1920x1080
Unfortunately, the same issues are still there :(

EDIT: IDK if this is helpful information, but I'm on Windows and my resolution is 1920x1080
many thanks Alteras Alteras for helping me troubleshoot on their PC

i think the issues should be fixed? c: i've updated the code and sample to reflect the changes.
Issues with Umbrella code fixed - will update the preview later, but the pastebin is now on version 1.2 that has scroll-snapping entirely removed.
venus flytrap
An interest check originally designed as a character sheet. You can view the original character sheet here. It's inspired by museum leaflets/brochures, even artbooks to a small extent. This is my second crack at tab coding after leaving it alone for a while because I found making tabs mobile compatible too finicky. In this case, the positioning of the tabs in mobile is a bit off. However, I don't think it's that big of a deal breaker as the entire layout is still fully accessible and readable.

The initial code may look complicated, but it's actually quite easy to add new tabs if you're ever in need of them. This is probably most ideal for lore-heavy roleplays as there's a lot of room for imagery as well as text.

fontcall fontcall fontcall
venus flytrap
  • tab01.

Hello! I noticed on the fourth tab that the colored box is on top of the text and I'm just curious if its supposed to look like that?

venus flytrap
An interest check originally designed as a character sheet. You can view the original character sheet here. It's inspired by museum leaflets/brochures, even artbooks to a small extent. This is my second crack at tab coding after leaving it alone for a while because I found making tabs mobile compatible too finicky. In this case, the positioning of the tabs in mobile is a bit off. However, I don't think it's that big of a deal breaker as the entire layout is still fully accessible and readable.

The initial code may look complicated, but it's actually quite easy to add new tabs if you're ever in need of them. This is probably most ideal for lore-heavy roleplays as there's a lot of room for imagery as well as text.

fontcall fontcall fontcall
venus flytrap
  • tab01.

This one is absolutely mindblowing to me, though all of your works are magic as far as I'm concerned. I'm definitely going to see if I'm able to use this for myself, though I might never crack the code. You're an absolute maestro of beautiful BBCode!
This one is absolutely mindblowing to me, though all of your works are magic as far as I'm concerned. I'm definitely going to see if I'm able to use this for myself, though I might never crack the code. You're an absolute maestro of beautiful BBCode!
thank you <3 if you have any questions, just ask~
thank you <3 if you have any questions, just ask~
Thanks so much for the offer! I do have one question to start. Where/how do I find the BBCode of Venus Flytrap to copy and edit? I'm still quite new to the mechanics of this forum and I'm probably missing an obvious button or something, but I honestly couldn't find the answer. ^^;
Thanks so much for the offer! I do have one question to start. Where/how do I find the BBCode of Venus Flytrap to copy and edit? I'm still quite new to the mechanics of this forum and I'm probably missing an obvious button or something, but I honestly couldn't find the answer. ^^;

it's the little hyperlink icon next to the words "interest check"! c:
Last edited:
A very simple character sheet I've been using for my 1x1's. I just wanted something easy and generic that I could change to fit anything I wanted, so I settled on this. Probably took me less than an hour on the base, the rest was just fiddling with things like proportions and spacing. I included two versions just so you could see what you can do with it. The title is from Anonymouz's River, which I had no idea was an opening for something LOL.
You can change the proportions of this code by changing the height of the text area. You'll find it labelled as "height of text area" in the code. I currently have it fixed because I just couldn't be bothered, but you can easily change it to a clamp value so that it's much more dynamic when it comes to various screen sizes.
fluticasone fluticasone
godfried aarte linden
thirty-one (31)
Disgruntled, gruff, almost annoyed - hardly the first impression you want of an innkeep. Yet that's what you get when you're handed the keys after Art unceremoniously drops your luggage on the floor. He's attractive, that's for certain, but it's a little hard to see it with his scowling mouth and glasses that magnify his hazel eyes to unflattering levels. It's hard to tell when's the last time he headed to town for a chop and style on the messy mop of black hair on his head.
Art dresses for comfort above all else. Worndown jeans with holes, shirts he haphazardly patched up himself - as long as it makes him decent, it's fine. Manual labor has kept him in shape, but it lacks the toned discipline of someone dedicated to fitness. He's stands at almost six feet, but often appears shorter due to his poor posture.
It's easy to find Art - follow the jingle of keys and the humming. The noise is intentional; after a lifetime of making himself quiet, he's learned to fill the space with himself. That, and he doesn't want to spook another guest by accidentally sneaking up on them.
It's easy to see why many guests of [namepending] come away with the impression that the proprietor doesn't like them, or that he doesn't care about the property. While neither are true, Art doesn't exactly try his best to dissuade them otherwise either. He's never been a people person.
For all his bark, the locals know he's no bite. He'll grumble, he'll complain, but at the end of the day he'll do as he's asked. They all practically raised him together. They all know he's a sentimental sap. How else would [namepending] remain standing aside from sheer love and loyalty? The place is a money hole, they all know it, yet he stays.
For Art, good enough is good enough. He's not one to look for perfection or for the best. He says it's just being realistic or practical. It's true - to an extent. But when it comes with the cost of a failing business, one can't help but wonder if it's his resistance to change causing the issues.
Art's childhood is not one he speaks of often, if ever. It's when he learned to step lightly. It's where faded small martks pock his arms. When he looks at the dots too close, he can almost smell the cigarette smoke in the air.
If you ask him, his life started here, at [namepending]. Though he was never formally adopted, everyone acknowledged him as family. Art did menial chores as a kid, running amok as he changed the linens or mopped the floors. He knows every inch of the mansion, from each creaky stair step to the citrus-ozone scent of their preferred cleaner.
He still remembers the peaceful way the old man passed, napping under the gondola. He had that downy scent the elders had, mixed with the rubois tea he preferred. Flowers should've scented the air, but their perfume had long left, alongside the gardener that once cared for them. Only the most loyal staff remained.
Though family came to sort his things, and fear gripped Art that he would lose the place he called home. But they simply gave him a half-baked idea to turn the estate into a business, and that's how it's been since then.
lithoelia medissan
princess lia
twenty-four (24)
Lia appears the perfect princess, from her curated style to her studied manners. She gives off an air of aloofness and serene grace, though closer inspection reveals an almost mechanical quality to her actions. It doesn't come naturally - the poise, the manners - but she does it well enough that people believe it is.
The people of Amer are proud of their princess; why wouldn't they be? She's an able card user, an intelligent debater, an approachable royal. What they fail to realize is that none of these things came naturally to their heir apparent. She is beloved, yes, but all that they praise of her are things borne of time and grit.
Lithoelia was never natural at anything except her own stubbornness. She was clumsy; she practiced dance until she could barely walk. She wasn't smart, so she filled her head with books until her wit could cut sharp as a blade. She wasn't good at magic... every skill, every talent, it had a story behind it.
Nothing came easy to Lithoelia, which, as she watched her younger siblings come to their own, has made her bitter. She envies her younger brother's natural empathy, her sister's easy charm, the baby's inherent grace. It's made her lash out several times, envy turning into barbs, isolating her from them. Behind her back, tutors and family servants call her a hypocrite. It's created a wall between her and her siblings she's too afraid to scale.
She's scared - an insecure little girl hidden beneath the veneer of a polished woman.
tba when deck idea is more developed

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