• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Resource   ❀༉ sugarvine 〯fluticasone


mushy canele
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Sugarvine — sugarvine.exe
character sheet
interest check
  • (C:)
    character sheet
    interest check
    Welcome to Sugarvine!
    This wizard will help you navigate this showcase, giving you access to the various designs within fluticasone's portfolio. Feel free to dissect everything here and use it as a base code for your own creations. All designs are free for use and require no attribution.
    Set-up will consume part of your soul, depending on how beginner-friendly fluticasone made the code.
    For general questions about BBCode, click Help to join BBCult, a discord server run by Alteras and fluticasone.
    For more information about the Text Templater and how it could help even non-coders use BBCode, click Print.
    For a quick introduction into more complex BBCoding, especially in the context of using freebie layouts, click Infrared to read Uxie's Crash Course thread.
    If you remember fluticasone as sugarvine, congratulations, you've known them for too long.
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Overdose — sugarvine.exe
May 10, 2024 - added Text Templater Version
Apr 20, 2023 - posted OVERDOSE
This layout discourages usage of the Text Templater due to its personalization options.
This layout has a lot of room for personalization. You can change which boxes are larger, which ones contain images or text, and it should fluidly adjust. The tricky part is keeping track if you're transplanting the boxes into the right space. Thankfully, this should be a little bit easier as they're all at the same depth and the first css property is always flex for each containing box.
Use a code editor like Visual Studio Code to make it easier to read this code. It will show lines for each level of depth, so you can track where each div ends. It now also supports nesting!
For line breaks, you can use the bbcode for line-break or use the below code for each paragraph. I personally always wrap each paragraph because general rule in text design is that you always want breaks between paragraphs to be around half the height of a normal text line.
[div=display: block; margin-bottom: .5em;]your paragraph here[/div]
This design makes liberal use of flex to achieve the mobile-friendly grid layout. I highly recommend playing with the flex values of each box!
flex: 2 275px;
flex: 4 400px;
flex: 100%;
In the simplest of terms, think of flexes like fractions or ratios - the bigger the flex-basis (2 and 4 in the example above), the larger the section it should occupy. For example, let's say each row contains a total of 8 units. That means the one with 2 should occupy 2/8ths or 1/4th of the row, while the one with 4 should occupy 4/8 or half the row. The second value (275px and 400px) is the ideal minimum value it will attempt to reach if it is possible. If it's not possible because the total width of the row is smaller, it will either occupy 100% of the current row, or move down to create a row. If you don't set a flex-basis like in the last example, you've just set a width to that box.
The best way to learn is to play with the values and drag your browser window size around to see what it does. The explanation above is an overly-simplified version specific to this layout. For a quick and dirty guide to flexboxes, this is my favorite reference.
While I listed this as an interest check, this could easily be converted into a 1x1 search or a character sheet. I put the navigation buttons in an absolutely positioned container - if you delete that div, the buttons should also go. If you need more nav (like a discord server for example) it should be easy to find the appropriate div to copy paste. This is the kind of layout that I think is good for someone to break down and edit for themselves, especially if they wanna foray into the world of dynamic design.
TMI's about this layout is it's inspired by natori's overdose and it was originally supposed to be a fake parallax using perspective. Unfortunately, mix-blend-mode and backdrop-filter don't work with transform in a 3d-space - decided to drop the parallax as the backdrop-filter was important to the layout for readability's sake.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vel diam ante. Sed bibendum lacus vitae ante fermentum euismod. Sed dignissim velit pharetra ante gravida posuere. Nullam quis mauris sodales, fringilla est semper, sagittis lorem. Proin vel ultricies quam. Nunc nec arcu vel velit imperdiet sodales id id libero. Donec dapibus, sapien quis egestas eleifend, tellus augue dapibus sem, ut suscipit massa libero eget lectus. Praesent malesuada id tortor ac gravida. Ut hendrerit auctor tellus sit amet facilisis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse eget efficitur lacus. Duis iaculis maximus purus a tristique. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Vestibulum cursus diam eu mollis ultrices. Aliquam mattis sit amet quam in condimentum. Pellentesque maximus erat eleifend, sagittis mauris vitae, viverra mauris. Aenean fermentum ullamcorper mi eu blandit. Ut lobortis eleifend scelerisque. Sed mattis sollicitudin gravida. Nullam rutrum mattis suscipit. Integer dictum lacinia molestie. Nam lacinia orci orci, nec gravida ante suscipit in. Phasellus dui felis, suscipit eget neque in, laoreet sollicitudin dolor. Sed vitae elementum turpis.
Vestibulum cursus diam eu mollis ultrices. Aliquam mattis sit amet quam in condimentum.
Pellentesque maximus erat eleifend, sagittis mauris vitae, viverra mauris. Aenean fermentum ullamcorper mi eu blandit.
Pellentesque maximus erat eleifend, sagittis mauris vitae, viverra mauris. Aenean fermentum ullamcorper mi eu blandit.
Ut lobortis eleifend scelerisque. Sed mattis sollicitudin gravida. Nullam rutrum mattis suscipit. Integer dictum lacinia molestie.
Vestibulum cursus diam eu mollis ultrices. Aliquam mattis sit amet quam in condimentum. Pellentesque maximus erat eleifend, sagittis mauris vitae, viverra mauris. Aenean fermentum ullamcorper mi eu blandit. Ut lobortis eleifend scelerisque. Sed mattis sollicitudin gravida. Nullam rutrum mattis suscipit. Integer dictum lacinia molestie. Nam lacinia orci orci, nec gravida ante suscipit in. Phasellus dui felis, suscipit eget neque in, laoreet sollicitudin dolor. Sed vitae elementum turpis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vel diam ante. Sed bibendum lacus vitae ante fermentum euismod. Sed dignissim velit pharetra ante gravida posuere. Nullam quis mauris sodales, fringilla est semper, sagittis lorem. Proin vel ultricies quam. Nunc nec arcu vel velit imperdiet sodales id id libero. Donec dapibus, sapien quis egestas eleifend, tellus augue dapibus sem, ut suscipit massa libero eget lectus. Praesent malesuada id tortor ac gravida. Ut hendrerit auctor tellus sit amet facilisis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse eget efficitur lacus. Duis iaculis maximus purus a tristique. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Nulla eleifend mi lacus, in auctor magna pulvinar at. Donec mattis sollicitudin elit mattis tincidunt. Nulla elementum tortor a aliquet ullamcorper. Etiam sed ex libero. Morbi sodales pellentesque dui, non mattis dui porttitor iaculis. In dapibus porta ligula eget interdum. Ut consequat lobortis eros, eu porttitor risus congue sit amet.
Curabitur malesuada egestas ipsum in congue. Nullam sed eros eleifend, blandit nunc id, convallis nunc. Praesent nibh urna, bibendum et felis id, lacinia dignissim est. Etiam eget finibus purus. Suspendisse id vestibulum leo. Phasellus sit amet turpis sollicitudin, tempor felis ut, molestie lacus. Vivamus fermentum semper purus quis pulvinar. Nam mattis euismod velit, eu gravida nulla vulputate malesuada. Suspendisse sed ipsum egestas sem gravida interdum in at dolor. Maecenas pellentesque sodales lectus at bibendum.
Nunc sollicitudin risus eu eros hendrerit, in tempus nulla commodo. Nunc a sapien pretium, congue nulla quis, gravida risus. Maecenas maximus nunc id eros fringilla, non elementum ex tempus. Vivamus a ligula id eros pulvinar tincidunt. Ut vitae condimentum lacus. Nullam feugiat mi purus, sit amet maximus erat finibus sed. In et leo tristique, pharetra odio ac, mattis augue. Integer aliquam metus in iaculis volutpat.
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Night Owl — sugarvine.exe
May 11, 2024 - added Text Templater Version
May 02, 2023 - posted NIGHT OWL
Hello! Night Owl is inspired by Anonymouz' song of the same name. This is a thread layout that includes an interest check and character sheet. If there are requests to include anything else (maybe a posting style for GM stuff?), just let me know.
I wanted to play around with scroll-snapping and how to make it read well even on mobile. I think I accomplished it as best as I can without using viewing units to dictate between mobile and desktop layouts. I also wanted to play with isolate but then I learned it didn't work the way I thought it did LOL. I used mix-blend-mode to get the effect of cut outs on this because I was not about to touch clip-path.
Variable --blendColor should be dark color with high saturation for the best effect - you may need to play around to find the exact color to use with your chosen background.
font callfont callfont call
night owl
picaresque . set roles . app-based

a roleplay revolving around youth and how they steal back legacies taken from them.

main image by champi

drowning in highballs i can't even drink
The city of Tokyo moves to its own beat, uncaring if you can follow along. The few who hear its rhythm thrive and rise above the rest, casting deeper shadows in their wake.
In a city that drowns its people in lights, there are those who choose to remain friends of the dark.

Forty years ago, an art circle named 不夜城 (Nightless City) gained critical acclaim through a series of paintings depicting everyday scenes in Tokyo. Each piece could stand alone - but as a set, it told the story of the city's duality: how it was filled with both hope and despair, failures and dreams. Rather than display them in an art gallery, these paintings were put on display in one of the member's public art studio. It remained there for a few years until change slowly permeated through its walls.
One by one, each painting was lost. The first was sold as collateral to a gambling debt. Another passed hands into the next generation and was never seen again. At least two were lost to an internal feud, and the studio finally closed its doors, putting everything away into storage.
The value of these paintings did not go unnoticed. Within a year, the storage house was raided and everything of value was lost, including the remaining paintings of the Nightless City. Even with a feverish search and public outcry, the paintings could not be tracked down.
Eventually, memories of the paintings too, were drowned by the city.

Today, those paintings are barely a blip in the public conscious - a piece of trivia for the inquisitive, an urban legend for the artists. The old studio is now a used bookstore, opening its doors again to the public for the first time in decades. Half-assed coffee is served for cheap, and a few re-upholstered seats gather around the bar. It smells of bad coffee, musty pages, and musk of a cat. For many, it's nostalgia in a building.
It's here, while
was cleaning, that they uncover their grandfather's old journal, hidden behind a hollow bottom of the shelf. Inside were notes, clippings, receipts with information haphazardly jotted down the back. All of it about the paintings people forgot - and his wish for their recognition again.
name here
Some of
earliest memories are of men coming to the door at midnight and the stress written, plain as day, on their parents' faces. They remember their father cursing their grandfather, yet succumbing to the same fate with the cards. How their mother left, weary with defeat, walking away without looking back.
Nowadays, they run a money laundering business that fronts as a laundromat. In the backrooms, their father fences stolen goods, making barely liveable dividends from the sales - most of it went to paying off the family debt.
resents their family, as they're unable to pursue the higher education they desire. Instead, they went to a kosen with the plan of finding work early.

is a frequent visitor to the used bookstore
works at. The two businesses are along the same street.
has met
in passing when they came in to do their laundry.
name here
From a young age,
was expected to excel. Unfortunately for them, they did. Whether it was academics or sports, they accomplished it all with ease. What their family sought now was something that they could be the best at. It would be laughable if
could remember that they're in their current predicament because they said they wanted to be like the olympic gymnasts being broacasted on stage. It was just something a child said, fascinated by the colorful costumes and flashy acrobatics. But their parents took them seriously and booked them the best coach they could find.
is exhausted. After failing to meet expectations for the third time in a row,
took a break from the competitive scene and assess what they want. Their parents protested, of course, but their coach had their back and reached a compromise to continue training even if they wouldn't be competing.

is cousins with
. In fact, envy of
family is the reason why their parents expect so much out of
name here
had always known their grandfather had been an artist, but they'd always assumed they weren't anything special. After all, they wouldn't have closed down their studio if they'd been famous, right? There would've been some mention of their greatness, but they never saw evidence of it - until they found the journal and looked into it themself.
With the help of their closest confidant, they tracked down the rest of the parties they thought should be involved in the recovery of the Nightless City's paintings. Now here's to hoping they agreed with their sentiments.

They're childhood friends with
as they used to be neighbors and kept in contact despite the
name here
Born to a life of privilege, some might say
accomplishments would be the direct result of that. They'd be right. They've never been a hard worker - everything came easily to them. Natural charm and their affluent background opened doors that should've remained closed.
If only they knew the price to pay for a life of luxury. Oh,
hands are clean - but they can't say the same of the things they own. Though their parents made every effort to hide the nature of their work,
still found out. Their heart is heavy with guilt, though they remain too cowardly to step away from wealth's safe cocoon.

is cousins with
, though they aren't fully aware of the context behind their parents' bad blood.
name here
With a prominent online persona as an entertainer, the college dropout
would seem like an average cloutchaser, racking up views with their stupid plays and loud personality. At least, that's what they want you to believe.
In truth, they've been lauded as a wunderkind, their ability with numbers unnerving the people around them. Unfortunately, life was not kind -
locked themselves away from the world. Though their skills as a cracker grew, it was hard to say if anything else did. It's only recently that they've taken the steps to climb out their self-created hole.

closest and oldest friend. They stayed in contact even when
became a hermit.

Character art by
. Played by
name here
The story of the Nightless City paintings caught
attention while researching for class. Missing paintings, estranged friends - it made for a romantic story that caught their attention.
That's all it should've been - a story. The kind they would make up of their own past, having been orphaned early and never adopted. They excelled in theater after all, earning themself a partial scholarship at the university. Their only memory of their past is a key that they keep around their neck, though
has often debated if it's time to let go.

became friends with
because they share a few classes.
They frequent the street where
workplaces are, popping in occasionally.
name here
There's something to be said about youth gutsy enough to head into the big city by themselves despite not knowing anything beyond their sleepy little rural town. But
has always been a go-getter, and when they were provided an opportunity to study art in Tokyo, they grabbed the chance with both hands. Never mind the fact they had no relatives there - it was where their grandmother first honed their craft, and they were determined to follow in their footsteps.
It was their grandmother who first taught them to hold a brush, and though they've passed,
insists on carrying on the tradition. They felt they owed them that much, as their grandmother raised them for much of their early childhood while their parents were working.

became friends with
as they share a few classes at the university.
is a regular at
The Night Owls
No first-come first-serve. All roles are applied for unless you've been previously invited by the GM.
The GM has the final say regarding any decisions made in the roleplay. Discussion is allowed, but if the GM puts their foot down on an issue, it should be respected.
There are low expectations when it comes to activity. However, if more than two months pass between posts, regardless of reason, the player will be removed.
If there are arguments between players, it should be handled privately and civilly. If the tension bleeds into the group OOC, in the event there is a back and forth, regardless of who started it, both players will be booted.
While there are no "literacy" requirements, a decent grasp of English is a must. Just follow the skirt rule and we should be fine! I don't need needlessly verbose descriptions, but one-liners don't give a lot either.
Hey there! I'm mono, your GM. This roleplay is highly inspired by Persona 5, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, and Magic Kaito... just less magical and more like unrealistically skilled youth. Just ride along with the suspension of disbelief and don't think too deeply about how realistic this all is - I know I won't!
That said, we'll be touching on some fairly sensitive subjects such as addiction and depression. I know these are common triggers, so I'd like to dissuade you from joining if they are yours. I expect any applicants to be able to tackle these issues with critical thinking and empathy.
As mentioned previously, this entire roleplay is app-based. There won't be any first-come-first serve business - I'll review all the apps in one go once all roles are applied for. If only one person happens to be an applicant for a role, they can still be rejected.
Our OOC will be on discord. If you don't have one, you could probably manage, it just won't be ideal. Feel free to hop on even before applying! It's the best place to go if you have any questions.
Good luck and I hope this managed to peak your interest. If not, no hard feelings, see you in the next roleplay!
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icon area
Night Owl — sugarvine.exe
May 11, 2024 - added Text Templater Version
May 04, 2023 - fixed two issues May 02, 2023 - posted NIGHT OWL
This is the CS that accompanies the Night Owl thread. Unlike many character sheets, it's a very simple layout with space for only basic information and a combined personality/backstory section. That's my personal preference for roleplays, but you could probably figure out to put dividers in the scrollbox if you choose.
font callfont callfont call
last first

age (00)

Quote or lyric that you think relates to your character
name kanji
Etiam arcu neque, dictum vel consequat ut, laoreet vitae lectus. Aenean aliquam diam id volutpat condimentum. Donec consequat elit quis ante fermentum efficitur. Sed commodo lectus ultricies velit sagittis, pharetra egestas nisi pharetra. Donec arcu est, molestie et nunc non, malesuada egestas nisl. Morbi et semper arcu, eu venenatis justo. Suspendisse at dignissim lectus. Pellentesque eu facilisis lacus. Integer non aliquet orci. Ut ultricies a lorem non sollicitudin. Donec porta mattis blandit. In cursus pharetra ligula, sit amet placerat nisi eleifend ac.
Vivamus a dui ut nibh condimentum lobortis. Aenean porta eros a ligula sodales, nec ullamcorper elit auctor. Donec vel aliquet dui. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis id tincidunt neque, vel semper ante. In placerat dui a leo posuere maximus. Phasellus in enim magna. Cras fringilla odio quam, semper laoreet ligula efficitur nec. Donec vehicula eros ut erat porta egestas.

Use [br][/br] when you want to denote a bigger break between paragraphs. Ut elementum tincidunt enim, ut fringilla orci hendrerit sit amet. Suspendisse tristique vulputate aliquam. Donec vehicula arcu vitae lobortis condimentum. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi posuere risus in ex dictum venenatis. Sed tristique ipsum sit amet turpis suscipit venenatis. Aliquam condimentum nibh risus. Pellentesque nec ultricies enim, a rhoncus enim. Sed auctor elit velit, sed vulputate ipsum tempus non. Nullam ut justo luctus, placerat mauris ac, ultricies neque. Morbi ultricies lectus in nisl fringilla, at egestas mi ultricies. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Mauris porta nec nisi eget pulvinar. Proin diam nisl, viverra ut aliquet a, lacinia non dolor. Integer accumsan lobortis felis eu rutrum. In eget magna nec ex placerat gravida vel efficitur felis. Fusce luctus in felis vitae viverra. Curabitur malesuada lectus vitae nulla semper, id suscipit erat commodo. Integer ac imperdiet magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed urna bibendum, tristique erat eu, pretium odio. Mauris vehicula finibus hendrerit. Vestibulum libero mauris, fringilla non sapien in, porta suscipit augue.
Curabitur eget aliquam sapien, non euismod nulla. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur dictum condimentum sem eget luctus. Maecenas quis nisl nunc. Praesent id pharetra tellus. Nam posuere congue leo quis rutrum. Maecenas vitae placerat elit. Etiam rhoncus eleifend ipsum, in elementum dui. Sed eu fermentum ante. In dapibus, dolor sit amet lacinia tincidunt, neque ipsum luctus ante, condimentum venenatis augue enim a enim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sit amet neque turpis. Mauris congue ipsum at quam fermentum, id finibus massa consequat.
I'm just doing stuff like this so you guys have more basis.

Praesent mi risus, fermentum in fringilla sit amet, suscipit laoreet felis. Nulla mollis luctus luctus. Pellentesque sollicitudin tristique orci ut feugiat. Aenean vehicula vestibulum ullamcorper. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam egestas nec libero at ultrices. Mauris blandit lorem et ex malesuada efficitur. Aenean nec nulla quis nulla faucibus ullamcorper.
night owl
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icon area
Mr. Clever — sugarvine.exe
May 11, 2024 - added Text Templater Version
May 04, 2023 - posted MR. CLEVER
This CS was created specifically for a pokemon rp, so there's an area for your pokemon team. You could probably figure out a way to make that a relationships section if not for a pokemon rp? I wasn't lazy and properly labelled everything with notes on what to copy-paste. Anyway, it's just a really clean design with some fairly neat code. I think the gradients on this give a little extra flair to an otherwise very simple layout. By the way, you can also opt to reverse the bg and text colors so you have
a dark background and light text
. It can be an interesting look.
Rather than being inspired by, I was listening nonstop to I Don't Like Mondays' Mr. Clever.
Cyrille Renard
twenty-eight (28)
non-binary (they/them)
february 20
pink with blue streaks
light blue
fingers are littered with tiny scars
pierced left earlobe
high fashion brand
past in lumiose
Goomy seems like an odd choice for someone who seeks beautiful things, but that's exactly why they wanted Chiffon. Goomy was so unusual that Cyrille was instantly besotted, spotting the pokemon during a hike with their father in Route 14. They'd been friends since.
With Chiffon at their side, it felt like they could face anything thrown at them. It surprised no one when little Cyrille said they wanted to design clothes once they grew up. Their closet was already full to bursting with clothes they'd remade. But reality was harsher than dreams, and within their first year at fashion school, Cyrille was already struggling. By their second year, they were failing, and ultimately dropped out. Maybe they just weren't suited for classes; maybe it was better they jump into hands-on training. That's what Cyrille's parents said, and for a couple of years, Cyrille believed them.
The lie to themself could only last for so long. The bitterness slowly ate them inside out until desperation to escape made them flee. It was during that lonely unplanned flight that a little Scatterbug accidentally hitched a ride in their bag. Muslin made itself known inside the train, when Cyrille's bag started wriggling along the floor. Rather than release the stowaway, Cyrille took Muslin along to remember this new leg of the journey.
They found some success in being a costume-maker for coordinators in Hoenn, though this success was short-lived. Within a year, someone recognized Cyrille. Stories of their work history and school dropout status circulated within the industry and their reputation took a nosedive. Rather than face the rumors head-on, they fled again, boarding a random bus that would take them far, far away from where he was.
They've settled in the peaceful town of Windermere like a duck to water. Sure, it didn't have the glitz of contests or the glam of Lumiose, but it didn't need it. It was warm and welcoming; Cyrille found contentment in simplicity, selling workmen shirts and mending old clothes. They almost cursed the vision that came in their dreams, disturbing their hard-fought peace. This was bigger than them. This was beyond them, the nobody from Lumiose who couldn't even give up their dream gracefully. Was it time to run and flee again, hoping third time's the charm?
Against all odds, Cyrille decided to stay.
pulling on sleeves
hoarding fabric scraps
neutral good
their denim jacket is painted on
wants to capture a luvdisc
novice at gardening
carries a small sketchbook
frequently changes earring
Sumeragi Kohaku
Acid Spray
Water Pulse
Dragon Pulse
Compound Eyes
String Shot
Poison Powder
Sleep Powder
Struggle Bug
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I just want to say that this is the most aesthetically pleasing thing that I've come across in a long time. Night Owl has to be my favorite.
icon area
Moon Night — sugarvine.exe
May 14, 2024 - added Text Templater Version
May 10, 2023 - fixed an issue
May 09, 2023 - posted MOON NIGHT
The version on display and the version in pastebin aren't exactly the same. The roleplay this was for had more requisites than the average CS, so I edited it down to be more useful to the average roleplayer. There's room for personalization - I labelled areas that I think you'll want to add/remove pieces of info. Though the code specifies image sizes, you could honestly stuff any image size and it will work as it uses cover for the background size. I'm just suggesting a general ratio you'll probably want to keep in mind when selecting images for each section. There's a filter you can also opt to turn off if you feel like you'd rather have the images colored.
Those who are in love, at work or smart
You are all the same, just victims of a night like this
sana amamiya - work in progress
three spinning women
hero or villain
chisato yoshiki
There was a girl who was lazy and would not spin. Her mother could not make her do so, whatever she said to her.
With a slight build and short height, Sana often looks as if you could pick her up and cart her off. She'd probably allow it, to be fair. She's often in carelessly stylish clothes, curated by her mother who handles all the inventory of the vintage shop.
sewing stitch tattoo on her upper left bicep
trio of moles on her left shoulder blade
birthmark on right ankle
If you want reliability, Sana is not your gal. Sana cruises by life like it's a lazy river and she's just on a floaty dragged along by the current. She desires bigger, better things - she just doesn't want to have to work for it. That's why she's still stuck working part-time for her mother, even though she could've easily pursued a modelling career with a little more discipline.
She's two-faced, though not maliciously. It's not that she likes someone better or hates someone else - that would involve caring about them, which just isn't her. Sana just goes with whatever is most beneficial to her at that time. Once you understand that about Sana, it's pretty easy to figure her out.
One thing you can't fault her, however, is her resourcefulness. She'll find a different way to get to her goal, whether it's getting someone else to do it for her or pulling on a connection to get a favorable outcome. No one said she had to play fair, right?
That being said, she doesn't go back on what she does promise. If she said she'll get you an opening at her godmother's company, you'll get it - just make sure you made the terms clear or she might just dump you into the wrong department.
charisma that's able to translate to camera ፧ resourcefulness to get what she wants ፧ lying and sweet talking others
living incarnation of sloth ፧ could not care less about others ፧ looking at longterm goals
luxurious fabrics ፧ ice cream ፧ old movies ፧ city pop music ፧ haute couture ፧ winter ፧ dada-ism ፧ art nouveau ፧ arcades at 2am
bitter food ፧ working hard ፧ loud sounds ፧ talkative people ፧ low thread count linens ፧ post-modernism ፧ hot weather
entropic shield ፧ anything within arm's length of sana just stops. any projectiles will drop down and convert all kinetic energy to potential energy.
Adelheid's life was ill-suited for a girl who was happiest doing nothing. Born to a poor flax-spinning family, it was expected that Adelheid would help her mother. But Adelheid refused, hating the task of spinning flax and of work altogether. It aggravated her mother so much that she took to beating - but Adelheid must've been born under a lucky star. The queen was just outside and overheard her cries. She knocked on the door to investigate the cause.
Too ashamed to admit how good-for-nothing her daughter was, she lied and said Adelheid loved spinning, but their family was too poor to afford the flax. The queen said that she had flax and loved the sound of spinning, so she would take the girl with her to the palace where Adelheid could spin thread to her heart's content. The mother was satisfied, and off Adelheid went with the queen.
Three whole rooms filled with the finest flax greeted her as she arrived. If she finished it all, she could be her eldest son's bride. She knew even if she spent the rest of her life spinning without rest, Adelheid would never finish it all. Three days she spent bawling, surprising the queen when she arrived that the work was untouched. With a glib lie about missing her mother, the queen told her she must begin tomorrow. Desperate, she turned to the window and saw three women heading towards her. She told them of her troubles, and they offered their help - for a price. That they be invited to the wedding, not be ashamed of them, call them her aunts, and allow them to be seated at their table. She readily agreed.
Adelheid kept the women hidden from the queen, but as each room emptied of flax and filled with linen thread, she was lavishly praised. When the work finished, the three women took leave and reminded her of her promise. Adelheid showed the queen once the women were gone and the thread finished, and she was immediately bethroted to the prince.
She didn't forget her promise. During the feast, the three women stood out amongst the refinery at the head table. The prince asked how each of her aunts acquired their distinct feature. The one with a broad flat foot said peddling. The one with the fallen lip said licking. The one with a broad thumb said from twisting thread. Alarmed, the prince swore that Adelheid would never again touch a spinning wheel. And so she was free to live the lavish life she'd always wanted, with almost no effort on her part.
They say life is unfair, and some people are just born lucky. That's what you could say about Sana. Born to a single mother who worked in the fashion industry, Sana lived a life of glitz and glam from an early age, spurned on by three godmothers who adored her. She had doll-like features that people fawned over, the connections that allowed her to bypass auditions, and an innate knowledge of how to manipulate the adults around her.
As her mother grew busier with her work, climbing up the ranks of an esteemed fashion magazine, it meant Sana would have to do more if she wanted to succeed. Instead of admitting that, however, she told her mother she wanted to experience a "normal school". Since her mother wasn't interested in permanency, Sana was shipped off to a boarding school. One might expect she'd learn a bit of independence there - she didn't. She got by by doing the exact same thing - getting other people to do it for her. She was smart enough to pass classes on her own, but projects and homework she'd find a way to piggyback off of someone else.
Eventually, her mother grew bored of the corporate life. She opted to retire early and pursue a business idea - running a designer vintage shop using items she'd bought off of her connections. When Sana finished her secondary education, she came back to her mother renting storage space instead of a house, and telling her to help her hawk the items. With no interest in being a salesperson herself, she settled for wearing the merch and being a model for the pieces her mother sold online.
She followed her mother around, content being a freeloader. Eventually though, she tired of that as well. Sana knew her mother wouldn't agree to just buying a house, knowing she herself would barely be there, so she suggested putting up a few brick-and-mortar stores. She liked the idea, and that's how Sana wound up at their fourth branch in Hallowgrove, the local shopkeep for a vintage store way above the average spending capacity of its residents. Didn't matter though, as the shop was meant to be more storage than store, selling items that would never sell in their LA or NY stores.
Business was slow, and that's how Sana liked it.
Too noisy for me.
Too noisy for me.
Too noisy for me.
Too noisy for me.
Too noisy for me.
Too noisy for me.
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Just wanted to let you know that the text color doesnt work for the personality and the two large end sections on dark mode, the font is white and it blends into the background.
Just wanted to let you know that the text color doesnt work for the personality and the two large end sections on dark mode, the font is white and it blends into the background.
thanks for catching that! i forgot to put color tags on them
icon area
Limbo — sugarvine.exe
October 30, 2024 - added Text Templater Version
June 03, 2024 - posted LIMBO
I designed this for a 1x1, as I personally prefer short blurb-type character sheets for them. I understand longer character sheets for group roleplays since it'll cut down a lot of needless back and forth, but when it comes to 1x1's, I'd rather leave most of it a mystery. I don't think I'm alone in this? So this is for all of you out there who are like me and prefer this! This includes basic info, a short blurb, and a section for side-characters/NPC's you plan on integrating into the story. I've labelled the appropriate divs on what you have to copy paste to add more sections or "cards"
I've been listening to haruno's limbo a lot recently, so that's the song recommendation attached to this design.
Eike Zahradník
twenty-eight (28)
par-sec field officer
As a non-magic user, Eike's always had to work harder than his co-workers to prove his capabilities. This has resulted in a hardened investigator whose rough manners are just barely justified by his meticulous work and thorough results. It's not that he has no potential — he just learned about magic too late. To this day, there are moments when he's awestruck by what it's capable of.
art by
Vivien Lovász
twenty-four (24)
she/her they/them
law student
Lovász may not ring any bells for most citizens of the Undercity, but they've almost certainly used one of the druid family's products. As heiress to the main branch of the ancient apothecary, Vivien's future at its helm is almost certainly set in stone. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem all too keen on taking on the burden, content putting off her future using her law studies as an excuse.
art by
michi grosser (deceased)
Vivien's close friend and the first murder victim in Budapest suspected of being related to the crystal killings in the UK.
art by
Daniel Jacinto Nunes
Chief Par-Sec officer of Budapest and Eike's no bullshit superior. Able to control water at their whim.
name here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc rhoncus nunc eget risus molestie, sed aliquet nisl suscipit.
art by
name here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc rhoncus nunc eget risus molestie, sed aliquet nisl suscipit.
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what i'm currently working on! just a peek at how i thumbnail the layouts~ i wound up settling on the second row as the design even though i already planned out the first and it was my original vision. i just thought it looked too busy with multiple blocks so i switched to a single box per row. sometimes you just really need to see it first bluh

no i can't explain why that's my color scheme.
icon area
Why Does a ♡ Break? — sugarvine.exe
October 30, 2024 - added Text Templater Version
June 08, 2024 - posted WHY DOES A ♡ BREAK?
Simple in-character code I made in less than an hour. It comes with one grayscaled image (the code automatically does that for you, don't worry), space for information like location, mood, etc. The tags are located at the very end, where they'll show up as user icons on the bottom righthand corner. I deadass forgot that you could decorate your IC layout because I usually centerblock and call it a day LMFAO. This is probably my default from now on.
Also since it's pride month, let's give it up for our king kira's why does a heart break? self-cover.
font call font call font call
hino sayuri
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id diam massa. Vestibulum elementum, nulla sed commodo scelerisque, augue nisi maximus risus, ac commodo nibh turpis vitae justo. Morbi tempus nisl eu tellus eleifend, sed rhoncus sapien venenatis. Donec pharetra vulputate neque nec vehicula. Nulla hendrerit varius dolor. Phasellus in leo felis. Etiam viverra mauris ipsum, nec hendrerit est tristique vitae. Donec luctus neque tempor purus varius, vel consectetur urna luctus. Phasellus convallis risus sit amet mi imperdiet luctus. Suspendisse consectetur, justo ac maximus gravida, purus sapien rutrum ipsum, nec molestie metus urna quis orci. Praesent bibendum nibh et dui vehicula interdum. Donec massa sem, interdum sed luctus a, ullamcorper non sapien. Sed efficitur nec diam sit amet cursus. Suspendisse scelerisque mattis elit dignissim gravida. Nullam quis velit pharetra, congue nulla vitae, congue enim.
Fusce bibendum nisl a ipsum condimentum tempor.
Proin sollicitudin, neque ac dapibus imperdiet, dui risus hendrerit elit, at tincidunt massa erat eu ex. Aenean non purus vitae nisl lacinia condimentum. Nunc vel orci enim. Aenean dignissim consequat facilisis. Praesent in odio at augue lobortis imperdiet in sit amet quam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam quis viverra augue. Etiam accumsan nulla et orci volutpat, nec convallis ipsum fermentum.
"Vivamus accumsan dolor vehicula ante tempus suscipit."
Nulla quam nisl, pharetra id dui eget, ultrices egestas lacus. Donec ac leo sit amet dui scelerisque rhoncus lacinia id diam. Morbi blandit eu neque vel pulvinar. Pellentesque elementum pharetra sapien, nec mattis orci tempor in. Aenean ac purus sit amet lectus malesuada congue. Fusce pulvinar auctor ex id faucibus. Sed vulputate ante eget enim congue dignissim. Nunc in neque quis augue semper tincidunt sagittis vitae arcu. Phasellus elementum nulla quis mi commodo commodo.
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icon area
Umbrella — sugarvine.exe
October 30, 2024 - added Text Templater Version (c/o Alteras Alteras )
July 11, 2024 - removed scroll-snap entirely
July 07, 2024 - fixed issues with scroll-snap specific to windows firefox at certain resolutions
June 26, 2024 - posted UMBRELLA
An over-complicated 1x1 search. The only other circumstance I could see you using it is for roleplay info on locations or NPC's. I have no excuse. I was just kinda vibing with the y2k revival and tried to remember how those old magazines looked like, but with 2010's spacing sensibilities. The rating circles aren't very visible on mobile which I didn't fix. It's not as polished as I usually like. Honestly I'm just tired of this project and couldn't be bothered. I've been listening to umbrella by IDLM, which has been my favorite band recently.
font call font call font call font call
mono . 20+ . casual-lit(?)
plots below.
open to other ideas.
for more info, click the
monster hunter
god eater
original characters

I've been craving a roleplay revolving around four characters in a team who are tasked with hunting monsters. This can be fandom to Monster Hunter or God Eater, or we could make up our own story to follow.

If we're going Monster Hunter canon, I'd really like doing the MH: World story but just more in-depth. We'd generally be following the same story, just giving it more flavor by having actual characters instead of just roles. To be honest, I'm uninterested in anything outside this if we're doing MH canon, as I personally feel like I can't really come up with a better premise than the one that was originally provided.

In terms of God Eater, I'd like to explore other branches of Fenrir, though we'd stick to mainly canon. I've got an old group roleplay that I never managed to start up, so we could build off of that, or make something else up completely.

If we're doing original... it's a free for all in my opinion. I'd personally prefer to pursue a modern city-ish take on the genre. Like if GE went more gritty steampunk in terms of aesthetics, I'd like a more clean urban post post-apocalytic backdrop to our story. But if you've got something better, lmk!

monster hunter
monster hunter
fire emblem
original characters
dice elements
alternate universe

If you're coming to me with something inspired by Three Heroes or anything past FE: Awakening, you're barking up the wrong tree. I'm a Game Cube/DS/Wii girly when it comes to the Fire Emblem series because I'm fucking old, okay?

I want to create an ensemble of characters with a fantasy plot that involves war and all the bullshit that comes with a stereotypical classic FE game. If you're unable to divide your time between several characters in a single story, then please don't bother. The bigger focus would be the overarching plot rather than individual players - characters would be important to the plot, yes, but I'm leaning towards more action than just interaction.

In terms of mechanics, I'd like there to be an element of chance (hence the dice elements tag), and I fuck with the class system from the Tellius series the most, though I'm not opposed to the others. I really want to nation build with my partner!

fire emblem
fire emblem
arranged marriage
original characters
romance optional
arranged marriage

I'm looking for an arranged marriage type of story but make it more about the characters trying to decide whether or not they actually like each other rather than a romantic relationship progressing. Like... do they realize kissing their partner is like kissing their sibling? Is it one-sided/unrequited? Maybe they actually loathe each other and start planning an assassination. Who the fuck knows? Because of that, this one I'm very picky about being approached for this one. I'd prefer if you have a strong concept in mind for your character already.

This is a weird case of throw your OC at me and I'll figure out if and what kind of character I'd like to play against them. Don't take offense if I'm not inspired by your character - it's just my own finicky self at fault here.

For the setting, I'm happy with either Fantasy or Modern - really, anything that floats your boat is generally fine with me! I do think I'd like to stay away from darker main themes, though touching on them is alright, especially in relation to our characters.

arranged marriage
arranged marriage
slice of life
original characters
romance optional
alter egos
unit 03

I'd like to do a slice of life that revolves around neighbors of an apartment complex that have a secret. Whether it's being a doujin author, a vocaloid producer, a vtuber, an otaku - anything goes honestly.

In terms of vibe, think wotakoi, loving yamada at lvl 999, or even my ex-boyfriend loves boys' love. I want something light-hearted, fluffy, and feel good. I don't want it to be serious, and I'd love exploring the cheesiest tropes possible. Please be cringe with me.

In terms of pairings, I think the only pairing I'm not too fond of is any romance where I play F since I don't play fem-presenting characters in romantic situations that often. I can be convinced though, it's just not something I do comfortably.

I've got a few concepts that I'd like to do, so please just pitch to me the ideas you wanna explore. Doujin author x Fan? Diehard Otaku x Normie trying to relate? Just throw the realistic pairings at me!

unit 03
unit 03
slice of life
original characters
romance optional
school setting
final defense

Okay hear me out - grad school, but make it fantasy. Our characters would be paired off to finish their thesis.

I realize this is a ridiculous premise but this is honestly just another fantasy adventure with a different flavor text. I think in terms of setting, I'm leaning towards a traditional fantasy RPG setting, we'd just be looking at it through the lens of a couple of academics.

Please come up with ridiculous degrees or majors with me. I'm honestly up for expanding the main pair to include others, like maybe a mercenary they hired for protection, or an undergrad one of them tutors.

I'm open to explore any dynamics you're interested in for this, so if you contact me for this idea, please include one you'd like. It doesn't have to be romantic, it could be as simple as a straight/funny man duo, or a complicated pairing of childhood friends.

final defense
final defense

mono. mid to late 20's. expect a decent grasp of english, 400 to 1k words, tendency to mirror partner. activity is 1-2x a week posting sched, almost everyday ooc. threads for ic only. ghost-friendly.

my one hard fast rule is for my partner to be 18 and up. ability to multi-char/doubling is preferred, but negotiable. decent grasp of english is preferred - just keep your your/you're/your straight and i probably won't complain.

anime or no faceclaims at all, sorry. no hard feelings if I reject you. don't worry if you've ghosted me before, chances are I don't remember. and if i do, i don't hold it against you.

filled in circles indicate my level of excitement. more blackened circles, the more hyped I would be to do the story.

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