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Realistic or Modern Strings and electric Hearts [ic]

Haru looked up "yeah, what's up?" Haru asked raising an eyebrow. Haru set aside her notepad for a moment to give the boy her attention "not every day you need advice haha" she commented jokingly 'sorry bad timing. What do you need Kai?" she asked.
Kai rolled his eyes with a smile and disconnected his headphones from the Keyboard. "I'm not sure if I should add this-" He played a set of notes and stopped "Or this-" He played a different set of notes. He scratched the back of his head. "I'm not sure if its the tempo or the notes I'm using or something else but I can't seem to choose." He explained
Haru listened and contemplated "I think the second set works better with the overall emotion of the song" she explained then bent herself over her lyrics again, perking up and swiftly scrawling away as an idea came to her followed by more and more, softly strummin her guitar along to the lyrics. "Oi, Bronwyn. Could you put together a few short bass riffs to add to the song?" she called over to the pink haired girl who was strumming idly.
Kai nodded and thanked her once more as he popped the headphones back in and began to write the keys again. "By the way, Send the Lyrics to me once you're done with them Ru. I want to learn them myself just in case we need something else." He claimed with a cheeky smile.
Haru gave him a halfhearted nod, not daring to break her idea flow by looking up. After a little while haru got up and made her way to the copy machine and made a copy of the lyrics, handing Kai a copy of the lyrics , pulling out her snacks to take a break, strumming her guitar as she ate gummies and pretzels.
Kai smiled and nodded back to her. He continued with the keys and once he hoped he finished, he went through and sung the lyrics to himself along with the keys. His face was starting to turn really red. He started to break a sweat for a moment and it definitely wasn't his nerves. He stopped suddenly and sighed. He wiped his forehead from the sweat and sighed. "Damn It...I gotta get the song done." He whispered to himself. (Kai gets really feverish if he works too hard. It's a hereditary thing in his mom's side.)
Haru noticed him getting feverish "hey...Why don't you take five Kai." we're not in a big rush" she assured him, worried for her friend "for my sake" she pleaded gently with him."I will lock you out of the band room." she threatened .
He chuckled and shook his head. Being the stubborn little shit he was, He sat up again and prepared his fingers again. "No, I'm fine. I'm used to it." He claimed. He was tomato red and sadly smiled. Haru knew that he never wanted to take a break from his music. Kai never really said why though. Kai took a sip of water and began to play again. "I don't want to disappoint anyone else Haru." he whispered.
Haru narrowed her eyes "alright just try to take it easy okay." she gave up plopping down, practiceing the song, adding the lyrics as she strummed, unsure what else the was to do with the last 30 minutes of practice designated to them by the school.
Kai sighed and wiped his face once more. "Sorry about this. I wish I had a way to stop this." He softly whispered. He grabbed the nearby guitar again and he began strumming the chords again to the sound of Haru's voice.
Haru continued, letting her voice flow through the room and weave into the melody she gave kai a proud nod as the guitar melodies mingled.
Kai quietly hummed to the lyrics for a few moments before he gradually started to join in. They softly harmonized almost magically to the strum of their instruments and the soft tempo of the song. They kept going on and on till they finally hit their stopping point.
The sound of foot steps approaching the room was getting louder as Alston quickened his pace to a run. His appearance was all over the place as he just got out of soccer practice. He slowed down as he heard singing and the sound of a guitar. He stopped right outside the door to catch a breath. He didn't want to enter till they finished playing, it'd be rude to just burst in. Once they stopped playing, he waited a few moments before proceeding in. Once he walked in, he noticed that everybody was already acquainted. He cleared his throat so he could get the attention of them. "Sorry I'm late, soccer practice ran on much longer than I anticipated." After saying that his usual calmness appeared, "I heard that you needed a drummer?" He asked the whole room since he couldn't identify who was the head of the group.
bronwyn was inspired by haru and kaiโ€™s collaboration, hoping she could bond with the band enough to do something similar. when taking a break, she found an unfamiliar boy at the door introducing herself as the drummer. she organized her sheet music and stopped playing to listen to him talk after he cleared his throat. she looked to haru to respond to him, then turned to the boy to give him a warm smile, hopefully welcoming him to the band. she always admired drummers for their endurance, and began to wonder about how well the boy could play the drums. she relaxed in the chair, laying back and sitting straight while holding her guitar, picking off dust from the neck.
Haru and the rest completed their song smoothly and Haru was just settling back into her hidden corner when a new person entered "oh. You're here to try out to be drummer?" she asked, poking her head out then fully emerging, once again taking a seat, this time perched on a desk "I'm Haru, the lead vocalis and lead guitarist. There is a drumset over there, take a shot when your ready." she prompted, gesturing to the drumset in the corner.
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Kai smiled and let his body lay against the wall as he heaved for breath. He pulled out a small bottle from his bag and popped a pill or two into his toothy mouth. He closed his eyes and allowed his body to finally calm down and let his anxiety lower. He opened his eyes once more and looked over to Haru to watch her at her desk. He smiled again and closed his eyes once more.
Haru looked over to kai raising an eyebrow "you okay?" she mouthed to him before giving the newcomer her full undivided attention again. She was quite excited to see what he could do. Considering that at time drums can make or break a song.
Kai jumped a little, being startled by the sound of her voice. "Heh...Yeah! I hope! I just feel like I'm slightly dying." He jokingly claimed, slowly standing up. He wobbled a little, feeling light-headed and approached the small pile of snacks, only to start digging through for a consumable. "Do any of these have peanuts?" He claimed, not looking up.
Kai took a sigh of relief and grabbed a small bag of Fritos and popped it open to start munching on them quietly. "I can't have Peanuts. I'll pass out, Wake up, Barf, and then pass out again all in that order if I do." He explained with a soft shrug.
Haru nod "oh, I see. I personally just dont like peanuts" she admitted "I am allergic to peppermint though. It closes off my airways and makes my skin red and splotchy " she explains, shivering at the description of the aftermath of her allergy.
Kai chuckled. "I shouldn't laugh but, That'll definitely make you look like a peppermint Christmas Cane," he claimed with a smile growing across his cheeks. (This is actually what the first thing was that came to my mind and I am not sorry.)
Haru grinned "yeah It would, huh" she agreed rolling her eyes, adjusting her position on the desk to be more comfortable. (don't be. It was great xD)
Kai let his body slide down the wall as he sat down to rest again. Being his usual fidgety self, he was bored already. He picked up the guitar nearby and he began to play the chords to Guren no Yumiya just for the hell of it. He hummed the music for a moment before he started to sing them to himself, only to entertain himself since his work was done.

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