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Fandom Stranded on Ryloth (Star Wars RP) [TAKING 1-2 MORE PLAYERS]

Communication between Master Yoda and Jedi Shadow Ghoul:

Ghoul: Master Yoda... to what do I owe this great honor of personal communication with you?

Master Yoda: Dispense with pleasantries we must, I fear. In great danger, Ryloth is.

Ghoul: Hmm.. and? So isn't every other planet in the Outer Rim, which you'd know if you read my reports.

Master Yoda: A vision, I have seen. The Twi'leks, enslaved by the Separatists they will become.

Ghoul: Alllright... but how does that involve me? You know I am in a deep cover operation right now, don't you? This very communication endangers me.

Master Yoda: To lose the home world of a Republic species, we cannot afford. Greatly damage the morale of the Republic, it will. Show the galaxy that we can protect our allies, we must.

Ghoul: So contact Master Kenobi or Master Windu, they're more than capable of defending Ryloth...

Master Yoda: Spread thin we are, have no indication of when the attack will come do we. Need you on the ground to be my eyes and ears, do I.

Ghoul:...... How can one Jedi defeat an entire Separatist Army?

Master Yoda: Defeat them, you will not. Delay their victory, you will.

Ghoul: You can't be serious... you want me to fight a guerrilla war on a desert planet by myself?

Master Yoda: Be alone, you will not. Other Shadows there will be. Together, you will be the only light in the dark.

Ghoul: I appreciate the irony, but this is not a good idea. A patchwork team of Shadows with no prior experience of working together and with me at the helm? You know I work alone.

Master Yoda: Have faith in me, I ask. Have faith in the force, you must...

The year is 22 BBY, the Galactic Republic is at war with the Confederacy of Independent systems. Ryloth is a planet that was recently invaded by the Confederacy. The Republic garrison under the command of Ima-Gun Di and clone Captain Kelli fought admirably with the assistance of the Twi'lek resistance. Unfortunately the Separatist blockade in Ryloth's orbit prevented much needed ammunition and reinforcements from arriving to support the Republic garrison. After days of brutally outnumbered fighting and a failed evacuation plan, the Republic garrison, Ima-Gun Di, and Captain Kelli were all killed by the invading Separatists. Cham Syndulla and his Twi'lek resistance fled into the mountains of Ryloth to begin a guerilla war against the separatist occupation. The entire planet came under Separatist control 48 hours ago.

One week before the fall of Ryloth, a squad of Jedi Shadows was sent to the planet under the direct orders of the Jedi Council in response to a vision witnessed by Jedi Master Yoda. As with all Shadow missions, this was done strictly off the records. The squad consisted of a combination of available Shadows from nearby planets and those in between missions waiting at Jedi Temples across the galaxy. Their objective was simple: Do not let Ryloth fall into the hands of the enemy. This is the story of those Shadows, who were stranded on Ryloth after the failed evacuation and remain entirely cut off from the rest of the galaxy. They were caught in the final battle between Republic and Separatist forces at the city of Lessu. The leader of the Shadow unit called for a retreat in the middle of the battle, abandoning their brother Ima-Gun Di and the remaining clone forces to die at the hands of the Separatist invasion force.

RP Information
Hello everyone! This is my roleplay, set in the Clone Wars era. If you haven't noticed, this will be an additional untold story about the battle of Ryloth. I expect this to be a relatively detailed rp. Because detail is subjective, this means I want minimum two paragraphs per post. The only time it is acceptable to break this rule is during combat and certain interactions.

I must approve all characters before they can play, and I will be selective of who I allow into the rp, which may include but is not limited to: giving you a sample prompt to write about, asking you to describe something specific in a certain amount of words, or whatever I deem appropriate.

Everyone in this roleplay will be a Jedi Shadow. Shadows are hardcore special agents with a variety of tactical specialties, but I will not allow ridiculously powerful characters. I will be in control of all antagonists and their forces, I will be in control of whether or not you succeed in your endeavors, if you have a problem with that you can bring it up with me in a PM, but it is ultimately my decision. Also, every character here will be over 24 at least, I am tired of 18 year old characters with the capabilities of Jedi Masters. The younger your character is, the worse they will be at things. This does not mean that they cannot have incredibly high potential and force power, but their technique and expertise will be lacking. Alternatively, an extremely old character will also have down sides you may not foresee.

The roleplay has already begun, but we have room for 1-2 more players. If you have the interest and I accept you, we will find a way to work you in and get you acquainted with the progress of the plot!

Please ask any questions you have directed towards me via PM. If you ask a question to me that does not relate to other players in this thread, I will know you did not read this far. Thanks for the interest!

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