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Fandom Stranded On Ryloth OOC

Phantom was trying to make the illusion upwards (ahead of him) on the plateau which is not visible on the image I provided.
Ok so the reason for the confusion is that when you said plateau I thought that you were talking about the flat field with the road on it. Phantom was trying to create his illusion on the flat piece of land down the slope from his current position.
Ok so the reason for the confusion is that when you said plateau I thought that you were talking about the flat field with the road on it. Phantom was trying to create his illusion on the flat piece of land down the slope from his current position.

In that case I'll tweak the post. Not much is going to change though.
Proletariat Proletariat over hilly rocky terrain. So instead of the normal hour or so, most likely a bit longer then? Without the use of the Force to move faster that is.
Well if an average person ran in a straight line to that point over that sort of terrain it would probably take them 30 minutes to an hour I'm guessing. If you're not going in a straight line and you're trying to use the hills for cover, you're looking at 2-3 hours. This is all without the help of the Force. Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna
Proletariat Proletariat So if I'm using the terrain to my advantage and using the Force to move faster, would it be fair to say it would take about 1.5 hours to get to the STAPs?

But really any way you slice he's not getting there to really be of any help.
Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna I'd say more like an hour but regardless he will not be of use to the current situation. Also, based on Argent's current strategy, she is going to be running into the opposite direction that Reaver is coming from (if everything proceeds like she plans). Scavenger Scavenger I changed the post but the outcome is the same.
*nods* Proletariat Proletariat kinda figured as much, but still the chance to get some battle droid parts or weapons plays into his cover. So he'll still keep going the direction he's headed.
Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna I'd say more like an hour but regardless he will not be of use to the current situation. Also, based on Argent's current strategy, she is going to be running into the opposite direction that Reaver is coming from (if everything proceeds like she plans). Scavenger Scavenger I changed the post but the outcome is the same.
Technically she's kind of heading where he is anyway , even if they're going opposite directions. She's heading eastwards and north (relative to mountain = north) , and he's on the same mountain heading what I believe is westwards and south. So if Argent does succeed in what she's trying , they should probably end up running into each other somehow (maybe not as in they'll be in each other's paths , but they'll see and detect each other , and I'd imagine they'd both be aware that more Jedi means better chances of getting wherever they need to go alive and uncaptured).
Does anyone know what's going on with folclor? She hasn't responded to my PM and with Destructus out, we have space for one more person. Folclor definitely has a permanent spot in the rp, but if she isn't going to post for awhile I can take on someone else.
Hmm.. I'll try emailing her here soon. I've been wondering the same thing myself. I'm glad to hear that you have her set at a permanent spot though! That's very good.

So I suppose the search begins for a fifth person to replace Destructus , eh? The first person that comes to my kind is Shadow , but he's been up to his eyeballs in.. life , and probably wouldn't be available for this right now (even if it works at a slower pace). There's no harm in asking anyway though , I'd imagine.
I want you all to know that when I was drawing that map for HK and Grim in paint I was at the library of my college and one of my professors saw me and came to talk to me. She was like "What are you doing??" I was just like... "uh...painting in microsoft paint"
Sorry for not replying I've been really busy recently. Does the unnatural wall lead up to the plateau or is it like an actual wall with the plateau on the other side?
We're still putting along here, my character meanwhile is gathering dust. Though I suspect Scaver is mere posts away from finding him... if he Scaver doesn't make any bad decisions anyway... *evil chuckle*
Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna read the post I made in response to HK. Reaver is due south of the entrance and still moving when the explosion happens, he is roughly where Argent used to be and he cannot see the tunnel, but the star fighters go right over his head and the speeders launch right over the hill literally feet above him in an unorganized group of a couple hundred.
I love that there are vehicles in Star Wars called STAP or STAHP (the second one is in SWTOR and I use it a lot). Just riding your STAHP screaming STAAAHP but your speeder won't listen .-.
Egads , it took too long for her to decide whether she was going to actually leap into the fray or try to avoid the rest of them. Admittedly , leaping into battle with a shining light saber blade is probably the most 'Argent' thing she could do (asides from lecturing someone half to death , which hopefully shouldn't happen).

Also , I'm sorry for the wall of text there. Neither I nor Argent are particularly skilled in brevity , heh.

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