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Fandom Stranded on Ryloth CS THREAD

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OOC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/stranded-on-ryloth-ooc.351299/#post-8149490
Main: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/stranded-on-ryloth.353189/
True Name:

Call Sign:

Species: (provide picture of species or character)




Additional Appearance Details (And picture if you want):

Years as Shadow:

Jedi History (Only noteworthy recent public jedi activity or how they became Shadow):

Shadow Operation History (Should include what they were doing when they got the call to Ryloth):

Specialization (Saber Dueling, sabotage, etc.):


Primary Force Abilities (Their top 5 abilities, should tie into specialization):
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True Name: Redacted

Code Name: Ghoul

Species: Pau'uan (Not character)

Age: 334

Height: 6'8"

Weight: 220 lbs

Additional Appearance Details: Like his fellow Pau'uans, Ghoul is very tall and gaunt by human standards. His legs, arms, and torso all appear abnormally long and his structure lanky. Truthfully, he is only slightly more lanky than the average Pau'uan. One noticeable difference is that Ghoul is much more muscular than the majority of his kin, who are primarily administrators and government workers. His skin is slightly darker blue than the pale shades of the Pau'uan people, and the lines on his skin are considerably less pronounced than other Pau'uans, which causes him to be mistaken for a freakish human if we wears a hood. His eye sockets are a dark purple color , which gives him an even more intimidating look in addition to his pointed, fang-like teeth. Ghoul also has massive hands and elongated fingers, it would be easy for him to palm a normal human skull.

Years as Shadow:Redacted

Jedi History (Only noteworthy recent public jedi activity or how they became Shadow): Redacted

Shadow Operation History (Should include what they were doing when they got the call to Ryloth):Redacted The name Ghoul means very little to anyone outside the Jedi Council, but Shadows that have been around for awhile occasionally bring up the ghost stories of the rogue Shadow operative named Ghoul who turned traitor after years of deep undercover work in the Sith ranks. These stories are usually shared to scare noobies.

Specialization (Saber Dueling, sabotage, etc.): Spying, Saber Dueling [I get two I'm GM lel]

Weapons: Lightsaber Pike, preferred form Ataru (Silver Coloration)

Primary Force Abilities: Doppelganger, Shatterpoint, Crucitorn, Force Stealth, Battlemind
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True Name : Alashar Beschatten

Code Name : Argent

Species : Miraluka (character)

Age : 33

Height : 5'5"

Weight : 135 lbs

Additional appearance details : For a Miraluka , Alashar is considered on the shorter side at a mere five-foot five-inches. She has broader shoulders , and thicker , more muscular arms and legs , creating an overall more powerfully built - if rather stocky - frame. Numerous scars decorate her skin , made all the easier to identify by her exceptionally pale complexion. Her silver hair , kept short for practicality's sake , only adds to her paleness. Underneath her tattered and faded blindfold she - like all Miraluka - lacks eyes whatsoever , something most other humanoids find quite disconcerting. Over her left 'eye' is yet another scar of war , the only one visible in her usual conservative attire. She most often wears the customary brown and tan robes of her beloved Order , though she keeps alternate outfits for the rare scenarios where announcing her status as a Jedi would be ill-advised. Since the Miraluka are very similar to humans , she could quite easily disguise herself as a human simply by replacing her blindfold for some form of visor.

Years as a Shadow : 5

Jedi History (Only noteworthy recent public Jedi Activity or how they became Shadow) : Alashar , along with most of the rest of the Order , was involved in the rescue mission and subsequent Battle on Geonosis that marked the beginning of the Clone Wars. Two months after that first battle she was dispatched to Kamino to repel the Seperatist Invasion Force , first encountering the ARC Troopers she'd come to enjoy working with. On Esseles she and a handful of Republic ARC Troopers - the same as she met on Kamino a month and a half before - successfully aided the resistance forces in their struggle against the oppressive CIS regime. It was in this battle that she was hailed as a hero for the first - and only - time , though with the amount of casualties the battle created she failed to see herself as one. Subsequently she was sent to the still-raging Battle of Atraken to lead small strike forces in destroying Seperatist Footholds , a mission dubbed 'Operation Katabatic'. As with the battle itself the mission was quite protracted , taking nearly five months to complete.

Shadow Operation History (Should include what they were doing when they got the call to Ryloth) : 'Argent' was involved in both the First and Second battles of Excarga , scarcely a handful of weeks following Geonosis. Later she participated in the Battle of Muunilinst , arriving planetside well ahead of the bulk of the invasion force. As she was destroying the last of the Seperatist resistance on Atraken , following the successful completion of Operation Katabatic , she was ordered by the Council to take part in a mission to extract the trapped Jedi General Ima Gun-Di and his Clone Regiment.

Specialization (Saber Dueling , sabatoge , etc.) : Saber Dueling

Weapons : Dual-Phase Lightsaber equipped with a Firkrann power crystal , preferred Form Shien (Silver Coloration)

Primary Force abilities : Shatterpoint , Ionize , Force Body , Force Push/Pull , Alter Damage
True Name: Cenhelm Ismat

Call Sign: Reaver

Species: Human

Age: 28

Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 185 lbs

Additional Appearance Details: As humans go Cenhelm is a fairly average example, which means it makes it very easy for him to blend into the crowd. He often is unshaved, but rarely had a full beard, partially by choice but mostly by genetics. His family is not strong in the beard department. He is lean for his height, but with a surprising strength. One barely visible scar on his face, running from the corner of his right eye to the middle of his right cheek, a reminder to never underestimate anyone. He often will have a carababba cigarra either in the corner of his mouth or rolling through his fingers. It is a habit he picked up to help blend in to the shadier cantinas and other underworld locales.


Years as Shadow: 7

Jedi History: After attaining knighthood Reaver showed potential for tasks not normally in keeping with the Jedi code and a talent for explosives. He was selected to train with a Special Forces group for penetration into the Separatists controlled space, where they were to conduct hit and run, disruption and generally harass the enemy.

Shadow Operation History: His unit had set-up as a smuggling group for several years allowing for pockets of resistance fighters to survive and combat the CIS. They were getting items ready for a run from Smugglers Run to Wrea when he got the call to divert himself to Ryloth.

Specialization: Sabotage

Weapons: A SH-9 slugthrower with tech enhanced silencer and holographic optical sight. A slightly curved hilt lightsaber (yellow coloration), preferred form a hybrid of Sokan Trákata Jar Kai. Allowing for the use of the pistol and lightsaber together.

Primary Force Abilities: Ionize, Force Cloak, Shadow Vision, Combustion, Force Push/Pull.
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True Name:
Marx Haithandre

Call Sign:

Species: (provide picture of species or character)
Half Yuuzhan Vong, Half Human

(Although his lifespan is roughly 2-3 times that of a human.)



Additional Appearance Details (And picture if you want):

Years as Shadow:
27 years

Jedi History (Only noteworthy recent public jedi activity or how they became Shadow):

Shadow Operation History (Should include what they were doing when they got the call to Ryloth):

Specialization (Saber Dueling, sabotage, etc.):
Incredibly potent force abilities.

4 standard Jedi lightsabers controlled all at once via Telekinesis.

Primary Force Abilities (Their top 5 abilities, should tie into specialization):
-Mind Control
-Force Deflect
-Battle Precognition
-Shadow Vision
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True Name: Cal Halos

Call Sign: Phantom

Species: Gurlanin

Age: 346

Height (Length): 5' (Not including tail)

Weight: 123lb

Additional Appearance Details (And picture if you want): Underneath his fur his skin in covered in many scars, even leading to a bald scratch on his stomach, he's still bitter about it.

Height: 5'11''

Weight: 158lb

Additional Appearance Details (And picture if you want): If cal stayed in his form constantly there would be a multitude of scarring however unless he needs it for an infiltration Cal will maintain his human form in exactly the same condition as it was the first time he decided that this would be his primary human form. Quietly he enjoys the fact that he looks like a 22 year old newbie just for the fun he can have when people try to "put him in his place". Occasionally he will wear a visor with a heads up display often with a re breather in more hazardous environments. Additionally he often wears a Jedi Robe over the top of his armour, especially if he is in or around a temple or enclave. His armour is a light Beskar armour that he obtained from an infiltration mission on Mandalore and has since modified including a computer interface on the left forearm.
mando_group_by_rayn44-d6j4s25 (2).jpg

Years as Shadow: 276

Jedi History:
Cal served 66 years as a jedi sentinel studying computers and security systems. Although he was first deployed in diplomatic roles, due to not being the most skilled with a lightsaber, he then was moved onto escort missions where his knowledge of different security systems could be used to help protect the primary.

Shadow Operation History:
After joining the shadows Cal was responsible for the retrieval of both light and darkside artefacts. As his skill in infiltration became obvious he was sent after several of the more powerful darkside artefacts that were kept by other organisations. As the number of artefacts reduced Cal often found himself assigned to Information gathering and personal extraction missions.

Before the call Cal had been dispatched to destroy the command ship of the CIS fleet that patrolled the Hydian way and therefore create enough confusion for several Grand Army cruisers to make it to outer rim territories. Normally this type of mission would be given to a saboutage specialist but the shadows were streched thin thanks to the war.

Specialization (Saber Dueling, sabotage, etc.): Infiltraition, Information Gathering

Weapons: Uses two Shoto lightsabers in a slightly bastardised form of niman if he has to fight openly
_echo____tritium_glow_keychain_lightsaber_by_electrofilms-d9l5p2r.jpg A shoto lightsaber powered by a Ghostfire crystal that he aquired when on a mission to Dathomir.
lightsaber_4_0_by_broodofevil.jpg A blue shoto powered by a CEC crystal from Ilum
With removable barrel and variable zoom scope

Primary Force Abilities (Their top 5 abilities, should tie into specialization):
  • Force persuasion (Mind Trick)
  • Force Illusion (Mind twist)
  • Force stealth
  • Ionize (Force flash)
  • Phase
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True Name: Vhyvy Nedwyn

Call Sign: Spook

Species: Miraluka

Age: 29

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 130

Additional Appearance Details (And picture if you want): Vhyvy dislikes wearing an eye cover, mostly due to personal discomfort, and has, thus, adapted a hood to work instead. Without the hood one can see her blond hair, kept in a long braid. She takes quite good care of herself, something that gave her master pause, but it is more for ease of integration than any personal gratification. When on mission (and not required to talk with a mark) she applies face paint to her cheeks and chin.

Years as Shadow: 3

Jedi History: Vhyvy was a somewhat difficult padawan to pin down as she did not excel in strategy, forms, battle, or healing. She didn't have the demeanor for counseling, but seemed too jumpy for simple grunt work or use as a soldier. Eventually, her master found her talent was in infiltration and stealth and she partook in several missions with a mind to recover battle plans or troop movement information from the Separatists.

Shadow Operation History: Vhyvy, as most Jedi, participated in the Battle of Geonosis where she first realized how much her blade work needed improvement. Shortly after, she was sent to retrieve Dark Side artifacts and aid in their destruction. This Dark Reaper crisis tested her resolve to stay on the light side and she was briefly tempted to use an artifact instead of destroy it, only to decide, in the end, not to follow the dark path.

She participated in the Battle of Axion where she attempted to assist the Clone Troopers, but was ordered to escape before they were slaughtered. Against her better judgement, she left the remaining troopers and Commander Brolis. That day she learned to see the troopers as humans, not as disposable toys. During the Battle of Brentaal IV she was sent in to gather information on Separatist troop movements to feed back to the troopers and Master Shon Kon Ray, one of her only engagements that ended in a victory. Her master sent her along into the Battle of Haruun Kal where she only just managed to survive and aid the remaining troopers in recovering Jedi General Depa Billaba.

Directly before her assignment to Ryloth, Vhyvy was deployed in the Battle of Ando. She was one of only a few survivors and she did not come out unscathed, barely surviving this encounter as well. After her recovery, she was assigned to Ryloth in hopes she could, somehow, aid better there.

Specialization: Infiltration/Stealth

Weapons: Two lightsabers, blue in color.

Primary Force Abilities (Their top 5 abilities, should tie into specialization):
-Force Sight
While all Miraluka are gifted with this ability, Vhyvy has worked to extend her vision. When focused, she can see much further than most of her kind, though without concentration she only sees 60 feet around her.​
-Force Stealth
Vhyvy can conceal her Force potential, though cannot entirely hide her sensitivity. This allows her to disappear into crowds of people rather easily.​
-Force Speed
Only available to her in short bursts, she often uses this to escape from conflicts when outmatched or make it through a closing door. She is unable to use this for a sustained period of time.​
Due to her solitary missions, she is sometimes without supplies, meaning she has to survive without food or water sometimes for weeks. Vhyvy has learned to suppress her needs, though she is aware that reliance on this technique is quite dangerous.​
-Force Cloak
Perhaps her most powerful Force ability, Vhyvy is able to conceal herself from normal vision. However, this is, again, not a thing that can be sustained for long. Her longest recorded use of Force Cloak lasted just five minutes.​
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True Name: Trakk Dendir

Cover Name: Cais Rirmik

Call Sign: Broadaxe

Species: Weequay

Age: 54

Height: 2.1m

Weight: 95kg

Additional Appearance Details: Cais Rirmik is a tall and well muscled example of the Weequay species, his body fairly bursting with the vitality and exuberance that made him a legend despite his advancing age. His thick leathery skin is tan, tracing the lines of his skull and his strong cheekbones above a scarf of blue Ottegan silk. Generally he wears this with an ensemble of reinforced bantha-leather armour and wasteland garb in browns and creams. To those in the know he has clearly been long years away from Sriluur; his twelve long braids of black hair reach down well past his waist.

Years as Shadow: 16

Jedi History: Trakk Dendir attained the rank of Knight in his 22nd year, serving as a Jedi Sentinel for six years until he found his path as an Investigator. Going undercover as a smuggler and sometime pirate, the Weequay found he had a gift for this kind of off-the-cuff improvisation and was able to assist in apprehending dangerous criminals for the better part of a decade without being exposed or breaking cover. In 38 BBY while operating to break up the Nine Skulls Pirates and their slavery ring, he discovered the leaders of the band had been secretly dealing in dark side artefacts and traced them back to their source. Securing the whole cache for safe disposition by the Order, he followed his new calling and joined the Jedi Shadows the same year under codename Broadaxe.

Shadow Operation History (Should include what they were doing when they got the call to Ryloth): Within a year Broadaxe was operating against the Bando Gora. Cais Rirmik became a legend among the pirate bands who alternatively worked with or fled from the death cultists in the Outer Rim. He seemed to have a knack for profiting handsomely from their raids but was never caught up in either their recruiting drives or the inevitable Jedi raids that countered the incursions. "Lucky Cais" was widely suspected to have ties to a patron with agents inside the Republic hierachy, likely one of the Hutts. Following the cult's dissolution in 32 BBY Cais shifted to the Galactic South East where he operated primarily out of Socorro as a smuggler with a ship and small crew. During this period he claimed his patron sent him on missions to acquire certain rare artefacts, and on many occasions illegal slaves as well. Lucky Cais' good fortune lasted well past the point that many young Weequay got themselves killed with their hubris, and he never failed to escape the heavy hammer of the law that struck a number of his business partners in their volatile market. It even extended to some of the slaves he dealt in; more than one would inexplicably show up at liberty with their families in years to come.

After his role in the Kardane Crisis of 28 BBY Cais vanished for just over a year and many of his colleagues suspected the older Weequay had at last met his fate. His enemies were to be disappointed and his many friends delighted when he reappeared with his young daughter in tow. This was his Padawan in truth, who had received a year's more conventional training before she followed her Master into the shadows. The last five years have continued in much the same vein, with Cais and his daughter working mostly for themselves and partly for the old Weequay's anonymous patron. When the Battle of Geonosis erupted the crew was working around the edges of the Sepan Civil War, attempting to locate the dark side artefacts which were believed to be spurring both sides to ever greater violence. They were recalled before any final conclusions could be reached and were involved in the shadow conflict against the Separatist agents attempting to reassemble the Dark Reaper.

They were unable to prevent its reconstruction, although they took a heavy toll on their opponents during a number of brief skirmishes on Outer Rim worlds. Their next mission against the Separatists came with the Republic's invasion of Jabiim, where Broadaxe infiltrated and destroyed an arms shipment to the local forces. With the campaign going poorly he then successfully raided a convoy set to deliver battledroid reinforcements to the Separatist forces there, but despite the delays and damage inflicted on the Separatist force the invasion army was driven into retreat. Lucky Cais' business opportunities next took him to Trandosha, where in the course of an extended three-day negotiation with a new business partner he and his crew happened to intercept a number of separatist partisans attempting to rally the locals to support the Separatist defense of Akoshissss. This left the floor clear for the Republic spokesperson to convince the Trandoshans to remain neutral for the time being and the Republic secured victory. Lucky Cais was just dropping off his cargo at Rodia when the urgent mission order came, and with an unusually cursory negotiation with his receivers Broadaxe set off for Ryloth.

Specialization (Saber Dueling, sabotage, etc.): Infiltration

Weapons: EE-3 Blaster Carbine with targeting scope, DL-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol with hair trigger, chieftain's gaderffii with concealed compartment (contains concealed krayt-bone lightsaber with yellow blade).

Lightsaber Form: Trakk prefers a Djem So Form and trains only in strictest privacy or on rare occasions when he is in seclusion with another Jedi.

Primary Force Abilities:

-Detoxify Poison
-Force Healing
-Droid Disable
-Force Persuasion
-Force Stun
True Name: Sanuc Laccantil

Call Sign: Chors

Species: Nautolan

Age: 36

Height: 5'7''

Weight: 188 lbs.

Additional Appearance Details: The first thing one might notice about Chors is the way he holds himself. Chest out, head up, feet square. It's as if he's royalty. His skin is a milky blue that's dusted with pale stripes, and his eyes stand out like twin black holes. While not undercover, thin silver bands are wrapped near the base of each of his head-tails.

Years as Shadow: 7

Jedi History: Chors wasn't the best student when he was young. He often procrastinated and took any sort of talent he had for granted. His master, Master Ri'fta, was hard on him but failed to connect to his Padawan in a way that would give Chors any respect for him. It was when he and Ri'fta were sent to Glee Anselm to bring supplies and investigate the sudden chemical virus that had broken out among Chors's people that gave him the dose of reality that he needed. Seeing his own kind suffering and dying from a disease that rotted their skin seemed to open Chors's eyes to the cruelty and unfairness in the world. He realized that he was lucky to have the occupation he did, and as he and Ri'fta searched for the source, which happened to be crafted by Separatist sympathizers, he began to take his studies more seriously.

Chors's newly cultivated skills were soon noticed, and he passed the trials successfully, becoming a Jedi Knight within the next two years. Chors then decided to take on his own Padawan, but they were killed in an unexpected attack during a peace mission to Kashyyyk. While heartbroken during this turn of events, Chors was able to safely evacuate all leaders in the location and infiltrate the Separatist base, which had been hidden underwater.

Shadow Operation History: Chors was recruited as a Jedi Shadow after the Council learned of the particularly savage methods he had employed while taking out the small Separatist base on Kashyyyk. He went through rigorous mental and spiritual investigations, but his balance remained solidly on the light side of the Force. Many of his assignments have had him dealing with particularly dangerous individuals and either bringing them in or taking them out. Before he got the call to Ryloth, Chors was in deep cover and hot on the trail of a pirate that had been terrorizing Kolanda Station in the Yminis sector.

Specialization: Chors specializes in close-quarters combat, especially without a weapon.

Weapons: Chors never goes anywhere without his standard, dual-phased lightsaber with underwater capabilities. He also has a Ryyk blade given to him during his time on Kashyyyk.

Primary Force Abilities:
-Force speed
-Battle precognition
-Force barrier
-Force stun
-Battle meditation

HK Fifty HK Fifty
True Name: Tlon'osash'iagors (Core Name: Nosashi - "Call me Sasha")

Call Sign: Eclipse

Species: Chiss

Age: 35

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 140

Additional Appearance Details: Her dark blue skin and blood-red eyes immediately stand out. Once a person gets past the obvious traits, her poise and polish stand out. Unlike most Jedi, Sasha frequently uses makeup and fine clothing to present a distinguished or beautiful or familiar appearance, depending on her assignment.

Years as Shadow: 10

Jedi History: Sasha's career as a Jedi Shadow is virtually unknown to anyone, including both the public and the general Jedi Order. Born on a distant colony world, a passing Jedi noticed a child with Force Sensitivity and took her with him. For her part, Sasha was only too pleased to escape poverty and a future with no prospects, and she took to Jedi lessons with her considerable energy.

A talented Padawan, Sasha's people skills grew only more obvious as she finished her training and became a Jedi Knight. There was some thought to grooming her for the few military interfacing positions even before the Clone Wars. When she ended up partnering with another Jedi Shadow for an assignment, however, he saw potential in her natural aptitudes of linguistics, roleplaying and persuasion. Within a year, she'd completed additional Jedi Shadow training and was put to work...at which point she essentially vanished from the public eye and any mention in general Jedi correspondence.

Shadow Operation History: Where many Jedi Shadows emphasize stealth or direct infiltration, Sasha has been a dedicated social engineer for a decade. Typical operations include researching a place, an organization or a target before adopting either a disguise or a new identity and placing herself in proximity to where she needs to be. Sasha's Force abilities are particularly good at indirect manipulation, nudging targets or those around targets into compromising themselves. Like any Jedi Shadow, she's been primarily tasked with hunting down dark side artifacts as well as Sith remnants but she's chiefly done so without leaving anyone aware there was ever a Jedi involved.

Her latest mission, just before the call to Ryloth, was a perfect example of that. In a month's time, Sasha had positioned herself as a junior executive in the Core World corporation of Metabeli Industries, gaining access to its upper tier executives including their Chief Economist who'd been using a gem imbued with the dark side to twist those around him to his will. For her part, Sasha nudged one of his underlings into securing the jewel while another was falsely led to believe the Economist had set him up to be arrested for his own crimes, leading him to blow the whistle on Metabeli Industries illegal activities. Sasha was prepared to spend the next two days testifying to the Republic courts to clean house while taking possession of the jewel when the call came. She left immediately, making her best time to reach Ryloth.

Specialization: Social Engineering and Infiltration

Weapons: The traditional double-bladed lightsaber, tinted the traditional yellow.

Primary Force Abilities:
Force Persuasion: Especially good at 'nudging' people to make choices they might otherwise have made.
Force Empathy: Discern motivations, feelings and secrets in others.
Flashburn: Erase memory, usually an hour or a day at a time but potentially selective memories with time and intense concentration.
Morichro: Induce comas and suspend biological functions from hours to years, in herself or others.
Force Speed: Emphasis on agility and dexterity over raw running speed.​

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