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Fandom Stranded On Ryloth OOC

Trying to figure out which battles Alashar may have had a part in up to this point is brutal. The Battle of Ryloth doesn't have the handy-dandy Year/Month/Day Great ReSynchronization dating system that , say , the Second Battle of Jabiim has going for it (anything made after ROTS came out seems to have this issue) , which means I've got 'mere months into the Clone Wars' as my only date beyond the year of 22 BBY (why couldn't the Battle of Yavin-centric dating system have the month and day thing too? It'd take most of the bloody guesswork away from getting fine-point dating measurements on all these events). I figure that could mean 3-4 at most , which gives her.. Geonosis (obligatory for everyone , really) and 2-4 others. That's all cool , but the trick is figuring out which ones actually happen before Ryloth happens that she could actually have done anything at all meaningful with her specific skill set.

I mean.. this may be me overthinking it , but I think having at least some of the battles she's been in (and what she may have done there) would add some realism and depth to her and her overall connection and role in the Galaxy-spanning firestorm that is the Clone Wars. Not to mention that with so much detailrd information , it'd feel rather odd of me not to try to use as much of that information as possible - Force knows there wasn't nearly as much information to go around during the Jedi Civil War or Cold War eras. (Besides , I might as well keep up the tradition of writing overly long backstory sections in my CS')
Operation Katabatic (during the Battle of Atraken) is bloody perfect for her , but I'm not sure if that would've happened before Ryloth. If it did , I could very easily cut down my work by saying it was the only think she was involved in after geonosis... or one of only 2 instead of 3-4 plus Geonosis.

What are your thoughts on that Proletariat Proletariat ?
You can make that part of her past, but more importantly you need to find out what she was doing just before her orders from the council to head to Ryloth to meet Shadow Leader. HK Fifty HK Fifty
You can make that part of her past, but more importantly you need to find out what she was doing just before her orders from the council to head to Ryloth to meet Shadow Leader. HK Fifty HK Fifty
I would figure it'd probably actually be that. It is one of those things that has the GRS dating system , with the Year/Month/Day system , and the holonet news report for it (the operation itself is what she would've been in , not the full thing - Atraken was one of the longest campaigns of the early war) was dated at 14:4:14 , where Geonosis is dated at 13:5:21. Ryloth is probably , at most , right after Atraken (else it'd be less 'mere months' and more 'a little over a year' after Geonosis). Which means she probably came fresh of that , with not only a victory but a new sense of how evil the CIS is , given that they initiated a chemical weapons attack that killed most of the civilian population of Atraken. THAT means I have space to fill in in between there.
So.... Was doing some research and was wondering if it would alright of my character had a Lignan ore crystal in their lightsaber...

My reasoning is this, since Lignan Ore is strong in the Dark Side and Sentinels and Shadows are known to use the Force power Force Immunity to help protect against the Dark Side powers and energies, by constantly having that crystal with them they would have the reason to have Mastery over that Force Power.

So.... Was doing some research and was wondering if it would alright of my character had a Lignan ore crystal in their lightsaber...

My reasoning is this, since Lignan Ore is strong in the Dark Side and Sentinels and Shadows are known to use the Force power Force Immunity to help protect against the Dark Side powers and energies, by constantly having that crystal with them they would have the reason to have Mastery over that Force Power.

Depends on what your Shadow's backstory is and why he would have a Lignan Or saber. I also am still unsure about it beyond that.
Okay , I've got my shortlist of all the battles Alashar's been involved in up to this point. Note that this doesn't list exactly what she did there - it's generally asssumed that she tends to either go out on her own to hit the harder targets , or leads very small groups of clones in small strike forces (mostly First Kamino on).

First Battle of Geonosis , which is obligatory for everyone really. It served as her jarring introduction to the war's realities , just as it did for many others.

After this she was shipped off for both First and Second Excarga - since First Excarga was a defeat , she was rather determined to be there for the return battle that ultimately freed the population.

The First Battle of Kamino was her third major battle , and her introduction to the adeptness of the clone army via the Alpha-Class ARC Troopers. Following this she would be much more willing to work with clones in her various strike missions.

The Battle of Muunilinst was her first encounter with any of the CIS leadership , and their adept Jedi Hunters. It's also where she got that scar on her face , from an IG Lancer she fought against (and unlike Kenobi , she didn't have the luxury of having a speeder or a lance of her own).

After this she participated in the brief and bloody Battle of Esseles , aiding the resistance movements in their fight rather admirably. This might be one of the only battles she was actually the 'hero' of , though with the amount of blood there I don't think she'd consider herself one.

And now we get to the last few months of the Battle of Atraken , and her major role in Operation Katabatic. This was easily the longest Battle she was in - as opposed to three weeks she was heavily involved in this campaign for nearly five months , leading several strike forces from the very beginning of the decisive operation. Here she saw one of the first uses of chemical weapons in the war from the CIS , strengthening her belief that the Confederacy were just as evil as the Sith of ages past ever were. She was immediately shipped off for the Ryloth mission just as Katabatic came to a victorious , though very somber and destructive , end.

All this says that she's been involved in some of the bloodiest and most dangerous battles of the war , and though she tends to come out victorious it's made her quite the hardened warrior. One thing she has never done , however , is go into hiding or go undercover , so that shall prove a challenge for her.
Depends on what your Shadow's backstory is and why he would have a Lignan Or saber. I also am still unsure about it beyond that.

That's fair. I was doing some checking on Shadows, Sentinels and their associated Force powers when I came across that ore. It seemed liked an interesting idea and wanted to share and get opinions.

If I come up with a reasonable backstory I'll run it by you and we'll go from there, but if you're not sure about it in general no big deal. :)
That's fair. I was doing some checking on Shadows, Sentinels and their associated Force powers when I came across that ore. It seemed liked an interesting idea and wanted to share and get opinions.

If I come up with a reasonable backstory I'll run it by you and we'll go from there, but if you're not sure about it in general no big deal. :)

So i thought about it and here is what I've come up with. Note that this is all based on my reasoning and not canon. In order for a warrior of any sort to maximize their potential with a weapon, they must know the weapon by heart. Anyone can swing a sword, the difference between fat guy with katana and a samurai is that the samurai can feel the exact weight of the sword in his hands by sheer muscle memory, the samurai knows exactly how long the blade is and how it feels in relation the the proportion of his own body structure, etc. He is totally at harmony with the weapon and his own center of gravity when using it.

A light-saber is the same way except the weight is in the handle. However, the light-saber actually relies even more on harmony than does a physical weapon. This is because of the force crystal inside the weapon that is custom made for each user. In many instances the crystal "chooses" the user, or the user feels a calling from the crystal. The material it is composed of has a lot to do with this I feel. Sure, any proficient saber wielder can use any saber, but the force energy of the true wielder resonates and harmonizes with the energy of the crystal in a specific way that maximized the potential of the wielder and the weapon.

To me, using force immunity is like insulating the wielder from the force connection to the weapon. This is obviously done to resist the effects of the dark side crystal, however, if I understand everything correctly (unlikely), the force energy of the wielder is not harmonized with the force energy of the crystal or material or whatever, in fact they would conflict. To reference the katana and the samurai, I see this as a master samurai wielding a katana, but for some reason he must insulate himself from the weapon, therefore he wears oven mitts. Sure, that samurai could still kill me with that katana in seconds, but he is limiting his own potential and the potential of the weapon by insulating himself from true contact with it. Does this make sense?

Obviously the example is more extreme than the effects would be on the Jedi wielding a dark side saber and shielding himself from its effects, but the point is that the wielder's effectiveness with the weapon is limited due to his lack of harmony with it.

I would like opinions on this hypothesis.
So i thought about it and here is what I've come up with. Note that this is all based on my reasoning and not canon. In order for a warrior of any sort to maximize their potential with a weapon, they must know the weapon by heart. Anyone can swing a sword, the difference between fat guy with katana and a samurai is that the samurai can feel the exact weight of the sword in his hands by sheer muscle memory, the samurai knows exactly how long the blade is and how it feels in relation the the proportion of his own body structure, etc. He is totally at harmony with the weapon and his own center of gravity when using it.

A light-saber is the same way except the weight is in the handle. However, the light-saber actually relies even more on harmony than does a physical weapon. This is because of the force crystal inside the weapon that is custom made for each user. In many instances the crystal "chooses" the user, or the user feels a calling from the crystal. The material it is composed of has a lot to do with this I feel. Sure, any proficient saber wielder can use any saber, but the force energy of the true wielder resonates and harmonizes with the energy of the crystal in a specific way that maximized the potential of the wielder and the weapon.

To me, using force immunity is like insulating the wielder from the force connection to the weapon. This is obviously done to resist the effects of the dark side crystal, however, if I understand everything correctly (unlikely), the force energy of the wielder is not harmonized with the force energy of the crystal or material or whatever, in fact they would conflict. To reference the katana and the samurai, I see this as a master samurai wielding a katana, but for some reason he must insulate himself from the weapon, therefore he wears oven mitts. Sure, that samurai could still kill me with that katana in seconds, but he is limiting his own potential and the potential of the weapon by insulating himself from true contact with it. Does this make sense?

Obviously the example is more extreme than the effects would be on the Jedi wielding a dark side saber and shielding himself from its effects, but the point is that the wielder's effectiveness with the weapon is limited due to his lack of harmony with it.

I would like opinions on this hypothesis.
The way I see it is that any Jedi (or light-Side force user in general) using a Dark Side crystal while sheilding themselves from the effect - and therefore the blade itself - would render their strikes lacking much finesse. So , to use the Lignan Ore Crystal , this person's strikes would be very lethal and powerful , but ultimately very imprecise. In fact , I'd go as far to say that they'd miss most small targets by several centimeters. It'd be nigh-impossible to perform , say , the precise overhead strike needed to destroy a C-B3 Cortosis Droid , or delicately slice off a control panel's cover , and yet still leave the inner workings intact. It'd have the end result of severely hampering the wielder's dexterity. This would ultimately mean that such a combination would serve a Jedi Guardian much better than a Shadow , seeing as Shadows are all about precision and finesse.
Proletariat Proletariat
The example makes sense, in a very logical and in-depth fashion.

I can see your point and understand it. And as someone who uses weapons on a very regular basis knowing how it feels and how I feel with it makes me a better warrior and a better shot.

I get your point and think it is very valid given the level of import of the lightsaber crystals and their connection to the user.
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Proletariat Proletariat
The example makes sense, in a very logical and in-depth fashion.

I can see your point and understand it. And as someone who uses weapons on a very regular basis knowing how it feels and how I feel with it makes me a better warrior and a better shot.

I get your point and think it is very valid given the level of import of the lightsaber crystals and their connection to the user.

That being said, I'm not saying you can't, I just want you to understand how I will view your character in combat if you chose to do that.

Given the description and valid points, I do not get the impression from my Shadow that he would want to not have that connection. But thank you for giving it thought.
folclor folclor HK Fifty HK Fifty Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna Here is the link to the CS thread, I also included it in the first post so you don't have to scroll down in you're in OOC. https://www.rpnation.com/threads/stranded-on-ryloth-cs-thread.351826/
So.. a few questions.

Was that battle history of hers okay? And would all that go in 'Shadow History' or 'Jedi History'? I think all of those was her in her Shadow role , but she wasn't at all 'undercover' or anything in any of them (except , perhaps , Esseles).

How should I term her specialization? She typically gets sent along on strike missions , engaging the enemy directly with very aggressive combat skills. Usually she's very , very unsubtle , more like an ARC Trooper than a stealth commando.

And.. erm.. can she still be a Shadow from her initially receiving her Knighthood , or should I change that to where she was a sentinel for roughly 6-8 years before being made a Shadow (so , since she received her Knighthood at roughly 20 , that would mean she was 26 or 28 when she was made a Shadow. For reference , she's recently turned 33).

Last one , I swear : what kind of Code Names are we thinking here? Realistic actual names , or something more akin to callsigns?
So.. a few questions.

Was that battle history of hers okay? And would all that go in 'Shadow History' or 'Jedi History'? I think all of those was her in her Shadow role , but she wasn't at all 'undercover' or anything in any of them (except , perhaps , Esseles).

How should I term her specialization? She typically gets sent along on strike missions , engaging the enemy directly with very aggressive combat skills. Usually she's very , very unsubtle , more like an ARC Trooper than a stealth commando.

And.. erm.. can she still be a Shadow from her initially receiving her Knighthood , or should I change that to where she was a sentinel for roughly 6-8 years before being made a Shadow (so , since she received her Knighthood at roughly 20 , that would mean she was 26 or 28 when she was made a Shadow. For reference , she's recently turned 33).

Last one , I swear : what kind of Code Names are we thinking here? Realistic actual names , or something more akin to callsigns?

Alright let's break this down.

Battle history looks good. Anything where she actively worked with other Jedi or clones in an essentially general capacity would go under Jedi History. Anything off the books that only she and maybe a few other Jedi + the Council knew about would be Shadow History.

Specialization sounds like Saber Combat (not dueling). She should be a shadow from 26 or 28.

Code name is a call sign.
Alright let's break this down.

Battle history looks good. Anything where she actively worked with other Jedi or clones in an essentially general capacity would go under Jedi History. Anything off the books that only she and maybe a few other Jedi + the Council knew about would be Shadow History.

Specialization sounds like Saber Combat (not dueling). She should be a shadow from 26 or 28.

Code name is a call sign.
Thank you! I should have everything ready to go soon , then. I just need to see whether I can find a picture of her in more.. realistic/era appropriate Robes (though I'm prepared to just use that same picture and state that isn't what she truly wears , same as I've done before).
If her most recent thing before the mission wasn't a Shadow mission (it was Katabatic , where she led clone troopers and everything) where should I actually put it?

(Also , should I use her code name on the Additional appearance details? I'm already figuring to use her real name for Jedi History and her code-name for Shadow History , I just want to know which I should use for the Additional Appearance Details).
If her most recent thing before the mission wasn't a Shadow mission (it was Katabatic , where she led clone troopers and everything) where should I actually put it?

(Also , should I use her code name on the Additional appearance details? I'm already figuring to use her real name for Jedi History and her code-name for Shadow History , I just want to know which I should use for the Additional Appearance Details).

You would put Katabatic in Jedi History and exactly what she was doing when she got the call from the council.

Use her real name in Additional Appearance Details
You would put Katabatic in Jedi History and exactly what she was doing when she got the call from the council.

Use her real name in Additional Appearance Details
Ah , thank you for answering that. I'll make sure to do that.


If I put Force Pull/Push in her primary powers can that mean she does Wave/Throw (upgraded versions of the former) well too without having to put both of those , so I can still be able to put in a fifth power after those? (No , not her Force Sight. That's in-built and used completely unconsciously anyway).
Ah , thank you for answering that. I'll make sure to do that.


If I put Force Pull/Push in her primary powers can that mean she does Wave/Throw (upgraded versions of the former) well too without having to put both of those , so I can still be able to put in a fifth power after those? (No , not her Force Sight. That's in-built and used completely unconsciously anyway).
Yes she can have he upgraded version as well in one slot

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